What do you say .. . How do you reach out???

I don't think there is anything worse than a parent having to bid farewell to a child. What does one say? How do you reach out? What can one possibly do to console?

My friend has faced a trauma recently when her daughter contracted a virus. It attacked her nervous system, casusing first a lameness in her legs, which spread and within two weeks resulted in total paralysis. Doctors held no hope for repairing any damaged caused, but continued to try to stop the spread of the virus.

To no avail.

At the tender age of 26, her young life came to an end.crying

I am going to see my friend today, and I have no idea how to convey what I am feeling.
I have lost many family members and close friends, and it is always a challenge to find the right words. But today it just seems soo much worse.

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Comments (13)

CM...wave You are right, it is always a challenge to find the right words & extreme grief shuts off the audible senses, to a degree, in the bereaved party. What I find works better is to: buy either a box of chocolates or a bunch of flowers, give the bereaved a nice long sisterly, sysmpathetic hug & say a few kind words that come into mind at that time. My condolences to your friend....hug hug
It's very hard. I cannot find the courage to go to funerals.

When mother passed away I was in total shock. I couldn't stand to be there thinking about the woman that brought me into this world. Mom was a very kind person always doing something for others. But at 99 years of age when she passed on no one that she knew other than us kids was at her funeral. All her friends had passed before her. It was cold and snow falling. It was miserable.

I will pray for you to find the words. Just have courage.
You will do the right thing.

Thanks, not even sure that I could get any words outcrying
But the hug will surely be there.

I guess I am feeling it badly because my daughter and Anthea were quite close in age and I always saw a parallel in their lives. When my daughter got home from work, after I heard the news, all I could do was hug her tightly
Hi Ed

You were blessed to have your mom with you for so many years.
And I am sure that you still miss her. Your memories of her keeps her alive in your heartpurple heart

Thanks for the prayers, they will be apreciated and greatly needed, especially by her familyhug bouquet
Thanks Guadal

I will have to trust in god to give me the words, because I have nonbouquet
Coffeereunion teddybear teddybear

you will convey,you will survive, you are a great and a strong woman... I do not know how, just I know you will... comfort
Sorry to hear that, I have NO words and expressions to soothe you, because pain must be felt, pain is like a white fire, cleans...
Sorry one more time Jteddybear

You Go to My Head...
coffeeminx...I am out of words here, all of a sudden this turn of events, I hope that you find the apt words to console the bereaved family.
theres not much you can do really.laugh with her wen she laughs , cry with her wen she crys.and just let her talk.
Hi Coffeminx.....I am so sorry to hear about your friend and her loss of her daughter. It is a hard thing to know what to say or do in these situations. I feel for you because it can be quite emotional for all involved! sad flower I think the best thing is to encourage her to talk about her daughter and about her loss.

Sometimes the lack of talking about these things is the very thing that hinders grieving. So don't be afraid to allow her to talk about how she feels. If she isn't ready to talk, then at least she knows you are there to listen at anytime! May the Lord bring comfort and healing to her family and to you! hug
Your mere presence enough conveys
more than any words could ever say.
sad flower
I read this blog this morning and couldn't think how to answer it. Reading the other comments, well I agree with what the others say. Just be there for your friend. Your friend will appreciate just having your company even if no words are spoken. Words are often useless in situations like this but a warm hug and just the company of an understanding friend can speak louder and offer more comfort than words can.hug comfort
Coffeeminx, just hold her, and cry with her, sometimes words are not necessary, to be there for her is enough, you are indeed a good friend, to care so deeply, for her hurt.comfort
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