
It's 4th of august Happy Friendship day to all.

Friends with Benefits does it count, is it for real?
confused doh
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Comments (23)

Some would say, to each his own
Happy Friend-ship day buddies
"Friends with Benefits does it count, is it for real?"

Works for some. Not really for me. Too possessive and emotional. blushing
Reminds of justin timberlake moviewine
For me, it can be done, and enjoyed with the right mind set and accomplice. You have to have the ability to maintain a separation between the physicality and emotional aspects of it, but as long as both parties are on the same page and can leave not dwelling on things, it can be a lot of fun. Just my experience.

Do it with someone you don't like to be sure of no attachment.laugh
@ Migsy, MIla and Justin...
I wonder if its for real?
@ Dedo, happy friendshug
@Maddog, smitten wine
someone you don't like, ummmh no thankslaugh rolling on the floor laughing
I had a friend with benefits,
Unemployment benefits. sigh
Justsayno to your unemployment benefitsdunno
I find that the biggest problem is people who think they can handle FWB... then realise that, the other person has decided to add on different FWB on a Monday night for example. grin That's when the pain starts for many.
I agree with You Maddog.
I have free loving relationships when younger, and your right.
It always ended in someone being Hurt cheers

I think its a Teenagers experiment, and something most grow away from.
I obviously don't speak for the male species, but I suspect that guys would find it easier to do than women....women create emotional attachments to stuff whereby we can rationalize it for what it is and then just move on. I suspect that guys wish all relationships were like this but then again, loving the woman as well is so much more awesome and satisfying.

It is really about establishing parameters and sticking to them, no matter what. That is not to say that a "friend with benefits" cannot evolve into something more meaningful.
Im glad to see my Campaign is having such an effect on people that they actually think my name Is JUSTSAYNO laugh rolling on the floor laughing

Remember every no is a yes in the other direction dunno are right of course. I don't think anyone wants to share a woman irrespective of whether it is a FWB or not. That is not a friend with benefits, but with risks, both physical and emotional
Hi Zena, happy friendship day to you too. And I'm not sure about this friends with benefits. Have tried it and it was okay, but nothing to build on, so I stopped. So no more friends with benefits for me, only a good old friend. hug teddybear hug
NO...I think life is complicated enought as it islaugh uh oh
Nope ,,
definitely not for me either
it would wreck my head ! way too confusing grin
Happy friendship day to you Zenatrim and indeed to all my friends hug teddybear
Hi Serenity...Hope you are well!wave wine
Hi Raven wave
thankyou , how's you ?
your weekend going well ? hug
Hi all kiss

The process of knowledge of this fact is the beginning of...wait


But it's very nice... head banger
scold Zenatrim:. . Happy Friends Day! . . I agrees with all the comments thats been said. Also It works for each is own.
FWB not a great idea. Either one is doomed for developing deeper feelings. I have seen pips did that and they ended up hating each other.. doh
the bads outweigh the benefits.
There is always someone in a relationship like "FWB" who really wants it to be more. Therefore, it doesn't "work" and probably should be avoided. People aren't made to be so close to one another and have no deeper caring. It doesn't work, not forever, anyhow.
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by Zenatrim
created Aug 2013
Last Viewed: May 1
Last Commented: Aug 2013
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