blogs have been a little down lately on a happier note VIVA LA VIDA CS
banana banana banana banana banana banana
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Comments (27)

very nice ! i remember a time when i used to rule the world...or so i thought laugh
hey you doing what i'm doing playing when you surpose to be workingrolling on the floor laughing we head banger dont we lost in mn
i have sat. and sun. nites off..for good behavior laugh just cooking lots of food right now to send back with my daughter,when she leaves to go back to college today.blues guess i will just have to keep on rockin ! cool
blushing blushing
wasnt sure if i should close my eyes and just listen to you playing the piano, or if it was ok to keep looking at your legs fingers....sigh doh

LOLbanana banana banana
Very nice music and legs,lollwave
You're Amazing, and then some, Leah. teddybear peace
banana banana I am with you Simmo1, let we close our eyes to focus on her music only grin
Am curious.....

So now gonna look...innocent
Are those your legs.
no blogs are down, its pisces. The resource drainer and destroyer of life. Destroys business, destroyes talent, bankrupts the system, mowes down the wrong people for corruption, when it is them, etc etc.

says in astrology, its the most greediest sign, the most possesive sign, and the most jealous.

so, it keeps all the interesting and productive people in hiding and at bay.

cause, it can make alot of trouble for one.

but, Im safe online, and its sunday, so all the pisces workers in this town, who are the only ones with a job, including the truck drivers that park here as a half way stop.

well, hi hi, they not around today.

so, they cant break my windows, my waterpipes, or whatever other weak spots I have.
although they do come snooping up at night, investigating.

but, Im putting up blinds today, and eggshells, since they denied me to build a high wall around my place for privacy.
I enjoyed listening. Thanks for sharing! thumbs up

God bless!teddybear
Keep playing girl , you are good and inspirational miss Leah katrine
Shes got legs and she knows how to use them!laugh ZZtop fan.
Nice playing once again Leah!handshake
Hi Leah
You make it hard to concentrate on the music. Perhaps you should set the camera at a different angle. But it fixed my blood pressure for a few days.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
wine hug
You are aware that you look like a young ( Mariah Carey) right !teddybear ps bravo
great on!!
So talented!!!!


See me dancing???

thank you

that hairs amazing nice pic you

havent seen you here welcome to the blogs
simply wow
thanks nice feet

yoda once told me power lives in the legsbanana
marriah carey and then i woke up LOL!rolling on the floor laughing

bald and beautiful
i'll dance with youelephant
Leah....You are a talented young lady! I like your music and style!yay banana applause
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