1 Thessalonians 4:17

Then we which are alive remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Note 13 at 1 Th.4:17: The Christians who are alive on the earth will be caught up together (see note 14 at this v.) with the resurrected saints.

The English word "rapture" is not used in scripture. "It is from the word 'caught up' (Gk. HARPAZO) in the Latin translation we get our word 'rapture.' The word in the original means 'snatch,' or 'seize,' and denotes a sudden violent taking away. The word pictures being 'swept off' into the air as by a tornado. The result of this sweeping away, of course, is that we meet the Lord" (Liberty Bible.

1 Th. 4:17: The English word "together" was translated from the Greek word HAMA, which means "at the same time" (Strong). Therefore, Paul is describing the dead in Christ being raised first and then the living saints being changed and caught up at the same time to meet the Lord in the air.

1 Th. 4:17: This verse has been used to "prove" a difference between what many call the rapture of the Church (see note 13 at this v.) and the second coming of Christ. This verse says we will meet the Lord in the air, leading some to believe that this is not the second coming of Christ to the earth. They make a distinction between Christ coming into the atmosphere and actually setting foot on the earth at the second coming.

This interpretation would make this instance here just an appearing of Christ in the skies where the believers are taken up into heaven for another seven years while the events of the tribulation period are played out on earth.

However, this passage of scripture doesn't portray the Lord making a u-turn and heading back to heaven with the saints. It also doesn't show Him further descending to the earth; that is not relevant to what Paul is saying. This simply describes our meeting with the Lord. It takes place in the air. This doesn't describe what takes place or where we go after meeting the Lord in the air.

There is no disagreement that the Lord is coming back and all the saints will be caught up to meet the Lord. But there is no clear doctrine of "a rapture" in scripture where the believers will be caught up prior to the tribulation described in the book of Revelation. The doctrine of the rapture cannot be substantiated on this passage of scripture. It is just as logical to interpret this as the second coming of Christ as to believe it is depicting "the rapture"
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Comments (22)

@Sharnah..... Amen to your blog, my dear Christian friend!!

~DAN~wink wink
Hey Prince Dan thank you for your presenceapplause
@Sharnah...... If my name is prince then I must have a nickname for you, "Princess"!!

So sweet thank you Prince Dankiss
Could be tonight!!!

Great song and very true. We really need to be ready.
So true Ed we gotta be ready all the time.. wave
Umm, the music industry rapture ! Sung by Blondie, which in turned caught the attention of media, to let them know rap was not a trend and was here to staytip hat tip hat thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up
Well mr vega you seem to have been welcomed to my blog via a dear friend of mine lol ponty...well in that case welcomeapplause seems he can't speak for himself anymore else everyone will know that his intention is to knoW more about God...but even so with your new blog and comments on my blog..I ask God to have mercy on you for what you are doing to persecute the saints and Jesus Christ and what you will do in the future
Hi Sharnah,

Thank you for the blog! Being a Christian myself, I firmly believe this also about the rapture!yay

I am glad that you are not dissuaded from writing Christian blogs.thumbs up

God bless you sister!
I want to thank you for your blogs also. Makes it so much easier to know who the idiots are cheers
Glat you have become like ponty lol I'm glad you so interested in the word of God lol pls feel free to comment on all else will you be saved but to read and get to know God..applauseAnd know one thng that whatever you read you are responsible to answer for one day b4 when you say to the Lord but I have never heard about Jesus then all these words will come b4 you And play like a video amen angel
My dear brother Gentle I praise God for you....never loose the fire of God...and no I won't get despondent because our God is alive and he is my my strength is new ever morning HALLELUYAcheering
Ah I have heard and read about jeses, how else would I have educated myself enough to recognise it for the lie it is.

Look if you cant actually face life without believing that a fictional character is real then that unforunatly is your loss, but some people actually can think for themselves.
Do you think that "heaven" is, literally, a place somewhere in the sky (or clouds)? Our astronauts have been to "outer space". We have giant telescopes with which we can see planets and stars light-years away. Up to now, no one has reported any "heavenly sightings". Where is heaven situated, really?
OB is pushing False Doctrine!
Oh yeah? Didn't they all believe there was due to be some kind of rapture a couple of years ago?

You do know that if someone was to walk the earth and claim they were the son of God, they would be locked up for their own safety, right?

The lunatic asylums are full of people who claim to have spoken to God. laugh
but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven?

Well that is good news. So where does it say that in the Bible? Or is that your concept? hmmm
think so too string,keep an eye to the east,if your not looking for him hes not looking for you.
Doc I can just imagine you standing there with your brothers the pharisees persecuting Jesus...I will keep praying for you.
I'm not persecuting Jesus, God or any other biblical person. I think I see someone else is doing a good job of that themselves.
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