Paranormal Experiences


- said of phenomena, observations, occurrences, etc: beyond the normal scope of scientific explanation, and therefore not possible to explain in terms of current understanding of scientific laws.
- Chambers Dictionary

- very strange and not able to be explained by what scientists know about nature and the world
- Merriam Webster Dictionary

Have you ever had a "paranormal" experience as defined above?
Would you like to share it with us?

Please describe the details as vividly and accurately as you can.
Was it related to other events in your life? How?

Here is an example of such an experience as described by a CS member in one of my blogs:

He said that he was woken up out of a deep sleep at about 3:30 am with a deep concern for a former teacher with whom he had no contact for about three years prior to that.
The next morning, his best friend's mom called to say that the teacher had died.

The details of your experience may be different. Please share it with us. You do not need to attempt any explanation. Just describe the experience.
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Comments (23)


You are getting a gist of what I promised you. It is a little long but I will give the short version.

When I was diagnosed of cancer 1998, 3 Kaiser and independent specialists confirmed I only had 90 days to live. November 22 right after thanksgiving they wanted to cut me up so might change the period a little longer. I didn't because I didn't feel sick at all and since it is my last holiday, I strongly prolonged it to January 2, 1999. Miraculously I live but two years ago, it came back. Confirmed again, by three specialists. No hope, so advance and that's it. Well I wasn't that scared and or complaining anymore, because my original prayers to God, was answered, that is to have a longer life so that I can raised my young three children then as Sonny the youngest was 8 years old. So I did.

But the weird thing is that I was so in love with a fellow poet at PC and whom almost everyone then that were active in 2011 until today would have known. It was the most publicly noted love affair there was. Anyways, because I felt a love (soul mate) so deep and profound, I rushed our meeting at least before I would die. He knew everything as he shared all the Doctor's reports and findings.

Only him, by the way, didn't tell my kids anymore as I didn't want them to worry. On my final test which was June 12, 30 days after I spent my whole remarkable, beautiful and wonderful time with him, I called him to wake me up as I was taking a nap three hours before the test of which he agreed. I slept. I don't ever sleep at daytime. In my dream, THE MAN ROBED IN WHITE AND ORANGE WHOM WE ACCIDENTALLY MEET AT AN ABANDONED BRIDGE WHEN WE GOT LOST IN KURANDA, AUSTRALIA, showed in my dream. His robe was white and green with an Orange staff and a crown with white. He extended his hand over my hand on the CRISSY PARK IN SAN FRANCISCO, where I used to run every weekend. He said in a very angelic hollow but clear voice: "YOU ARE CURED". Disappeared among the clouds and when I raised my head, a white dove was there.

I called my love and told him the dream and wont have to wake me up anymore. He was so happy and said, he knew, I wouldn't die. We kept it to ourselves. Didn't tell no one. I went to the scan, and the following Tuesday will be the result and all the other doctors (my regular) and two specialist beside Dr. Schlaert, the last one, will all concur and study the result.

They were so appalled about the result as it came out so clean and like I have never been sick. 1500 pictures of my whole body and my whole cells where every strand was focused and examined.

JB there you got it, and for the world to know. I am still kicking alive and very healthy and very strong. Go to the gym three times at three hours a week and do 200 push up a day.

Thanks JB
I have several more JB, but I will just mail you sometime. I never had any inclinations with the Eastern studies and school of thought before until this last three years as I was discovering a different journey in my life. The books I have been reading are more of Taoism, Lao Tzu, Spiritual Awakenings and Many lives Many Masters, but Dr. Weiss, support what I believe at the moment. Death is just a part of our lives JB of which we have no control. Just as we are born without our consent and just as we don't know where the end of the universe is, or how the first particle ever came into existence. I believe.
44 i don't know a lot about the paranormal, watched shows, don't have anything to share, but would love to learn about it hug
Hi socrates. Quite a few years ago, when I was about 19, two friends and myself had a seance. Now this was and still is the only time I had one. Anyway, we all sat around a very small table, with 3 lit candles in a tea cup. We asked a few questions, and I started noticing that one of the lit candles, the flame was still as the other two were dancing. I don't know why I put my finger above the still lit candle, (maybe to see what would happen) and the flame started to rise. The tip of the flame was touching my fingertip, and I wasn't feeling any burning sensation. The flame rose about 30cm and turned blue. The youngest of my friends was getting scared and he ran out of the room. My other friend followed shortly after to make sure he was okay. I was totally fine with what happened and was not scared in the least. I could also feel the room temperature drop, and I knew for sure that someone was in the room with me. I sat down calmly and closed my eyes. I asked a question in my mind, is there anyone here, if there is, to give me a sign. Within seconds of thinking that, I could feel what felt like a warm hand brush my leg. Not long after that ha happened, we decided to stop.
I don't recommend doing seances to anyone, because it is something that could quite easily get out of control. But in saying that, I am glad I did it, because I knew then as I know now, that we are surrounded by the spirits. innocent
Hi Socrates

i am rational and my conclusions are based in logic. but i have an open mind, so I guess this falls under the "paranormal" category. not going to into details, but a few occurrences happened in the last 2 days that does not fit into logic. still dont know how to deal with it raises more questions than answers..

life is about finding "answers", so i am sure some kind of logic will come out. paranormal or not, i look forward for tomorrow. well, maybe if fits into "the more i know.. the less i know..."..

interesting subject

In my 20 years of age I've had close male friend that with who I felt spiritually very connected and wasn't aware how much and deep that connection had been until one day he went traveling by bus to next neibourhood countrie in Europe,to do cloth shopping for himself.I lived at the time with my parents and in the middle of the night I waken up all sweet (in winter time),I was between sleep and awaken when I sow bus accident miles away from me,strong wind that blow up bus out of the rood turning bus into sea and my friend was in that bus badly hurt and many other people where some dies too.After that vision I couldn't sleep any more felling shaken of strong vivied experience that was real to me like you see things happening in front of you,altrough it happened miles away from where I was at the time. I've listen radio news and not long after (maybe in about 1 hour) I've had hear on radio that bus accident happened as I discovered at the same time and minutes as I experienced it. I could never explain this paranormal experience how did it happened to me but I guess some people at times find each other on the same level of spiritual energy vibrations in unexplained connections... confusedThere was also time when I could see ora of collars around someone that tells me about person mood even if that person fakes happiness but it doesn't happen when I want or ever planed anything to happen;it just happens ... teddybear handshake
Interesting blog!thumbs up

@Enigma. This kind of connection happens to people who have a strong connection with eachother, eg. a loved one.
But you cannot control this. It just happens!

As for seeing auras around people, and being able to see their energy field, it is an ability that some people have, while others might be able to feel it instead of seeing it.
wave angel
Good point Socrates thumbs up
Interesting topic...I had a dream of a patient who was being electrified...lack of a better word...but the vision was disturbing...checked on this individual...obviously out of worry...and the patient was unresponsive...respiration rate increased and using what is considered other respiratory muscles...the person later died...there was no warning signs at all other than my dream...funny how things happen and what makes us act on our saying that...there were more butterflies I saw that day than I could ever remember...
JB I am at the moment, experiencing an unusual vibrations as I am typing this. Yes, and I have a lot of documents on all those facts. AS to the GURU, yes it is amazing that all of these, just formed in my head considering my background and once stern belief on the INFALLIBILITY of my religion.

It is not easy going away from what I was trained to believe but after using all the information available, I do believe like the clouds when they decide to fray and move (of course we know how scientifically it happens) my mind fell into a deeper awareness of what a mysterious yet very captivating and engaging receptacles we have when we are ready.

It makes it all sense, the reading of Lau Tzu and the origin of mysticism as we have previously discussed. It only happens when the time warrants your readiness, you can't seek nor find. It comes to you like a butterfly that just land on a beautiful flower.

You just have to be ready. After all our connection to our past and for the future is all intertwined with the now. Enlightenment is one glorious personal discovery JB.

In our previous relationship, I wasn't quite ready and I know that now. By the way, when we personally met this GURU. My then, fiance, and me, were subdued with great spirit, we didn't even realized we spent three hours there and time flew.

Even more so was the location and the manner in which we met. We got lost, JB, we were walking in the jungle. Normally I always proceed back to where we were when I get lost. That time we just kept on walking..and I wish my fiance would explain to you more than I can. He does read this, though, I am sure. He was responsible in opening me up on this spiritualism JB and I am so grateful.
JB slight error on your date. March 2012 my cancer resurfaced.

May 17 flew to meet my fiance in Australia, 30 days before my last scan.

June 12, scan, and four days later, result was given..

Today all my overall test which is done once a year now, instead of every three quarters and progressed to six months, now every year..

But in addition JB. Spirit is all of us. We might not always be aware but yes, it is. Powerful and strong, but just because some if not most don't feel doesn't diminish the fact that those who are aware, are valid and beyond any explanation..

Thanks again JB
Hi butterflies

Thanks for your comment.

The "paranormal" deals with a wide range of activities, virtually anything that science and logical thinking cannot explain.
My personal view is that a lot of it has been blown out of proportion by both the visual and print media, especially the film-making industry as sensationalism for financial profit.
I question the truthfulness of a lot of what they present.

To learn more, you can do a google search on paranormal topics:
paranormal activity, paranormal research, etc.

With regard to telepathy where people receive some sign or message mysteriously, which is verified later, such as what I mentioned in the body of this blog, search:
"paranormal telepathy".
Hi Doc

Thanks for your comment.
I read a book in the 1960's, "On the Edge of the Etheric" by Arthur Findlay which dealt with séances. I was fascinated by the account. I am happy to hear first hand from you re a séance you participated in.

I am sure you have piqued the curiosity of most of us who are not easily susceptible to superstition, including myself, and who would like to get more details of the experience.

What is the procedure in organising and conducting a séance?
In the book that I mentioned, those who have passed away were able to communicate with the living by speaking through a special person called a "medium". Apparently, such a person possessed some special quality that is required to be a "medium". Are you aware of any such séances?

I recognise your disclaimer:
"I don't recommend doing seances to anyone, because it is something that could quite easily get out of control."

Having already expressed your disclaimer, please respond only if you choose to do so.

Thank You.
Hi Bogart

Thanks for your comment.
Re your statement, "i am rational and my conclusions are based in logic.",
I assume you refer to Aristotelian Logic which is based on his three laws: The Law of Identity, The Law of Contradiction and The Law of the Excluded Middle. They are based on the idea of sharply defined opposites. However, such opposites only exist as concepts in the human mind, and not in Nature. The reality of Nature cannot be fully addressed by such logic.
This is why such logic encounters problems in dealing with the Natural world sometimes.

There is another type of logic, Paradoxical logic, which goes beyond opposites. It is encountered mainly in Chinese and Indian thinking. Here is a reference to it:
"In their search for unity behind manifoldness, the Brahman thinkers came to the conclusion that the perceived pair of opposites reflect the nature, not of things, but, of the perceiving mind. The perceiving thought must transcend itself if it is to attain true reality. Opposition is a category of man's mind, not in itself an element of reality."

Please tell us a bit about those "few occurrences happened in the last 2 days that does not fit into logic." Your statement has aroused my curiosity.
Hello LJ

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

To focus on the paranormal aspect, I have attempted to summarise it, highlighting the main points. I apologise if there are any errors. Please make any corrections.


1998 - Diagnosed with cancer.

1999 - Treated for it.

2012, March - Cancer resurfaced.

2012, June 12, prior to 1.00 pm - had dream with message that you were cured.
The message was from a GURU whom you had actually met within a month prior to having the dream.

2012, June 12, 2:00 pm - cancer diagnostic scan test performed.

2012, June 16 - results given as negative.

It is interesting that the message came from someone you called a GURU, especially since you were a practising Christian(Catholic) at the time.
This suggests that paranormal "forces" operate outside religion.

Thanks again for sharing your experience.

I have made the necessary correction.

Thanks for your information.
Hi enigma

Thanks for your comment

From what you have said, it seems that you had your "vision" at exactly the same time the tragic bus accident took place. You were able to "see" it taking place, although you were thousands of miles away. I think your suggestion that perhaps people who are on the same wavelength are able to connect through spiritual energy vibrations is a valid one.
It is like a radio or television receiver being tuned in to a particular radio or television station where one is able to receive the programme that is being broadcast at the time, which is transmitted through invisible electromagnetic waves across thousands of miles.
This is probably due to the close spiritual connection you had with your friend as Minerva has suggested.
Hi Minerva

Thanks for your valued input based on your personal experience with such matters as indicated in some of your blogs and comments.
Hi loulou

Thanks for your input, although I am somewhat puzzled by your use of the word "electrified". Apparently, you used the term for "lack of a better word" so it refers to some "special" action. Can you attempt to explain it some more, please?
You said your dream or vision was disturbing. Based on your report and that of others, it appears that such experiences are normally accompanied by very strong emotions or feelings that may seem unusual, thereby marking them as extraordinary and even mysterious.
Your statement that "there were more butterflies I saw that day than I could ever remember..." appears to suggest that there may be some connection between the appearance of the butterflies and the incident of the person dying.
I find this very interesting based on my personal experience. I had a pet dog who died. On one occasion when I was handling some of her toys that she used to play with, a butterfly appeared. It happened again when thoughts of her came to my mind.
I have heard it mentioned that the appearance of a butterfly or moth in unusual circumstances indicates a connection with someone(or something) who has died. I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience and would like to share it with us.
It was an unusual movement of this individual in my a seisure or a heart attack...the electrical conducton of the heart muscle misfiring?...never found out what had went on...but my dream of this made me worry and check on this person...butterflies are connected to people passing I think...symbolism of someone free?...
Hi Socrat
Thank you for the kind explanation that confirms Minerva and my own thoughts about it wave
Great Blog thumbs up

Thanks for your elaboration on your use of the word "electrified". After reading it, I think the word is very apt for the situation you described.
As you know, electrical activity through synapses occurs in the nervous system. Most likely, as you said, there was some misfiring in the activity. Electromagnetic waves are part of electrical activity. Perhaps, this is what you picked up in your dream. Also, because it was linked with an abnormal condition(misfiring), this may be responsible for the negative emotion you experienced, (i.e., worrying).

I am very happy to read your penultimate comment in which you stated:
"It only happens when the time warrants your readiness, you can't seek nor find. It comes to you like a butterfly that just land on a beautiful flower."

It reminds me of something I wrote in my personal reflections a few decades ago:

"Zen is a butterfly that alights on you of its own accord if you are still enough."

Zen is:

A special transmission outside the scriptures; No dependence upon words and letters; Direct pointing to the soul of man: Seeing into one’s own nature and attainment of Buddhahood”

-Bodhidharma, the First Patriarch of Zen
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