Comments (9)

The last businessman we had as president took us to chaos.

You know who he was. I wasn't around of course.
I think I would read these blogs more impartially if they didn't ALWAYS turn into a spew of hate against the other guys. WTF?

Sometimes I think the haters forget that half the voting population didn't turn out to vote at all, they didn't support EITHER candidate.

Concentrate on pointing to the good stuff achieved, and let people get impressed. Leave it to the other side to try to belittle it. The sheer fury and ranting is what is alienating those who might otherwise think okay, that's good.

JMO. Feel free to delete. Most of us in the Western world, though, are only interested in what is going on, not on a grudge match that you know what, guys? is over. Let it GO.
A stupid stupid mistake? Oh well, these things happen. You shoot your unarmed and terrified girlfriend who's hiding in the toilet. I think her life was worth more than that myself. He should have been put into a portaloo to face the firing squad.

But on a lighter note- whats better than winning a gold medal at the paralympics? ...walking.
Hmmm, Pat, I sort of avoided using his name to not hijack the blog.


I was making a POINT which had more to do with the way he handled victory in a race. scold

The real win is to seize the moment and go on and seize the whole day. Not spend the rest of your professional life jeering at the person you beat and complaining they hadn't played fair.
Yeah, he got lucky there, got away with it completely, phew, lucky break having no legs!

Anyone else would have been hanged, not just spend time in jail. Still in jail. Which is the safest place to be when you "got away with it".

Not responding again because this is ridiculous. roll eyes

Apologies to the OP. hijack and thanks to Pat for wrecking my utterly brilliant simile. sigh

tip hat
dont stress, its like doing graffitti on an abandoned newspaper.
Trump's economy booming but for who is it booming for?I doubt if it's for the benefit of the people .
Thank Obama...he saved your country from utter far as keeping companies from leaving USA...the Donald lied to was in the works long before he became POTUS...automation is changing the workforce not just companies leaving US...

Have you noticed how many right wing pundits and their internet wannabes have recently begun writing long ,
verbose, diatribes - trying to impress any unfortunate reader ?? Their comments ,too , seem to hold as much water as a paper bag full of holes.
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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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