I thought I was over this!

It made me catch my breath and gave me that feeling in the pit of my stomach. I thought I was over this! 'Oh come on!' I thought, 'you really need to get past this!'
I was washing clothes and bedding this morning and as it came to folding the socks, I thought it was time to swap for the summer socks now. I got out the bag and as I was taking them out and putting them in the drawer, I noticed there were several that she had folded in that carefree elvish way she had and it reminded me of her laughing about how many socks I had. And I thought about her laugh tinkling around the room, and her pretty smiling face and ….. I won't say I'm a mess again, not quite in tears, but it was a blow to the solar plexus!
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Comments (8)

yeah, no one like mom....cool wine
That's true, but in this case it was my last girlfriend whom I thought was permanent. Stupid of me!
The only thing I've found to be even semi-permanent is melted cheese on a grill pan laugh
Hey zmountainman, thanks for that, it brightened my day, even made my dog laugh. Between you and Jac the Gripper I should be smiling all day now!
crying Sad story, but hey when one door closes another opens. heart beating teddybear peace
Can you call her to ask her to come home? rose
Keepers, er yes, I did try last Christmas. I saw seasonal greetings as a way to be talking to her, but no, she'd forgotten me before she even closed the car door that day. Not like we'd ever had an argument or anything, just a lesson for me, payback for the people I've hurt. Karma.
Milady, thank you, I am going to have to brave the sock drawer again but at least I'm ready for it this time! And I've had a good day and a lot of the fun was from you guys. Thank you.
It was advancement for me, her leaving and the brief time she spent with me. Not just emotionally but to reinforce that I'm on the path, and there is a plan. Also, you can't write about something convincingly if you haven't felt the burn on your skin and it is important to me to keep my books real. Thanks to one and all.
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by CestMero
created May 2018
Last Viewed: May 3
Last Commented: May 2018
CestMero has 11 other Blogs

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