Your Beliefs Don't Make You A Better Person....

The other day, one of my friends posted the following on their wall: "Your beliefs don't make you a better person - your behavior does."

For me, that made a lot of sense. It isn't what we believe that defines us, it's how we behave. I understand why the anti-religious become so incensed at some of the religious. There have been so many things done in the name of God that are so wrong and un-Godly that one wonders how people can possibly justify it to themselves, nevermind anyone else.

But, being human, we can and do justify anything and everything we do, no matter how wrong it may be to others, as long as it satisfies our own wants.

Personally, it doesn't matter to me whether someone believes in God or not. It does matter to me when someone espouses their beliefs but their behaviour is contradictory. It does matter to me when beliefs are used to restrict any freedom. It does matter to me when beliefs are used to justify war, greed, hate and separatism.

I've known people that are overtly religious that use God as an excuse and a crutch. Their lives aren't all they want them to be, because God wants it that way. It's God's will. Nothing is their fault or their responsibility - that's what God wants.

I do take issue with that. If God gave us free will, then God doesn't make us do anything - we make the choice to say and do what we do. It's not God's will - it's our own. We are responsible for how we feel, what we do and what we say. We are responsible for what we think. We aren't responsible for what others feel, think, say or do - only for ourselves. But don't you enjoy being around people that are happy, up-lifting and motivating? Don't you enjoy spending time with those that find the positives in you and don't you find that if you're around positive people, that it's easy to see the positives in others and in life?

Personally, if someone is de-motivating, negative and insulting, I don't care what they believe - they aren't fit to be in my life. I'm only here once, and if I can help make this world a better place by giving whatever I can to others and helping others to feel good about themselves and to be the best they can be, and by being the best I can be, then I will have lived.

As humans, we have the capacity to lift each other up and encourage each other to be the absolute best we can be. We can choose to see the strengths we each have, to encourage those strengths, and to overcome our weaknesses. We also have the ability to rip each other to shreds, to stomp on anything positive, and destroy each other, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

And it doesn't necessarily take a belief in anything to do that. For me, what people believe is simply an opinion. It's neither right nor wrong, it just is. What they believe is right for them. Just like what I believe, is right for me - as long as no one else is being harmed. Spirituality is not a competition. No one likes to have beliefs shoved down their throats, regardless of what those beliefs are.

It becomes 'wrong' when they attempt to force their beliefs on the rest of society. It becomes wrong when people hold themselves as 'better' than others because of their beliefs, but behave in a manner completely diametrically opposed to what love, kindness and compassion is. It becomes wrong when some people are excluded, and that exclusion is justified in the name of their beliefs.

Those that believe in religion find what they need in it and it works for them. I respect their commitment to it. Another common meme is 'Religion is for those who are afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who've already been there.' This implies that religious people are not spiritual, which is completely untrue. As with any belief system, there are those that can quote beliefs, but don't actually practice them, and those that let their behaviour be their spiritual indicator.

Bottom line? Talk is cheap - behaviour tells all.
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Comments (62)

Itchy - guess you won't need to eat your hat. laugh
Phew and thanks for that string, wasn't in the mood for eating hats tonight giggle
Imp, for a minute there I was worried uh oh

But what else to expect from a STRING but leave me hanging laugh lol
Haha Itchy - at least he didn't tie you up in knots. wink
laugh laugh Imp, but will you give over with string/thread jokes otherwise we could be here all night... but one thing I'll say about him, he's one man you can rely on to leave you tangle free grin

Sorry Mr String, but I couldn't resist hug
Ms ladyimp your raising of your daughter was admirable, but that's just one piece. What's the ex spouse teaching her? Never mind your mom she's not with it... she's to strict etc etc. What are the schools teaching her? It's OK if your a third gender etc etc.

I just read a statement from the Polish Prime Minister where he states...Poland cannot succeed without the success of the family. Religion is so important in reaffirmation, because we're mere humans, when we fall off our wagon it's important to have the guidance and support from God.
To me it does, but with a combination of common sense, tolerance and knowing what is right and wrong.

To me, belief is the core of who we are but imposition of that belief is wrong.

Education and learning does the major part of becoming a good person. Improving ourselves and not too self absorbed with ego and pride make us good people.

Without a doubt, lindsy. Great comment. Thank you! thumbs up
You are welcome Lady. I will get back with you later. I am going to attend a very important mission so I will be off for a while.

Great blog by the way.wave
Thanks, lindsy! Good luck on your mission. thumbs up
Thanks Lady, it was a very challenging one and it is still unresolved. I mean conclusion is far from being done. Still working on it and just taking a short break.wave
Good for you, lindsy. Is this a mission with your church? Actions speak so loudly, and good for you for putting feet to your beliefs. thumbs up
Lady no. lol thanks for thinking it that way. I have done all those years ago. I mean involved with a very big diocese and 30 percent of my time was spent for that purpose. Church activities I mean.

This one is a very personal one and I just might blog about it soon. It is a very personal one which I seldom post. I mean blog about but I just might and see if I can get some insight.hug
I hope whatever mission you're on, that it's resolved favourably for you. Is that your new blog, decisions?
I dug this up on Page 69. I do live off of exit 69 and born in Gods eye in 1969 Welcome to my mind
I didn't take a book for me to learn took people showing me who they were through both word and action...when they match up that's called integrity and its very rare I might add....wave
To start from a position of God being more important than people is not particularly helpful in trying to get them to behave better towards one another. Shouldn't we be teaching that we have a duty to each other rather than to God?
Im sorry M4cheers Belleville right over the Mountain 35mile Amish in Belleville now you no more.
Mr. Harbal yes kindness. Agree very much. We as one yes. Dont get me started on church!
once one stops believing one will start knowing, who they are
mischief - yes, on here, there are some that are simply lip-service Christians as their behaviour is far from anything taught in the bible. It's one of those, if you don't believe as I do, then you're an enemy. But zealots are in every country, not just the Middle East. #45 followers are the worst zealots, imo. Not only are they fanatical in their belief of the liar, they take it personally when other's voice an opinion and attack personally because of it. It only shows their own zealotry, willful ignorance, and yes, lack of integrity.
marlin dap - I'm not sure I quite agree with that statement, as I do know some Christians that apply what's in the bible to themselves - much like any of the self-help books these days. The lip-service Christians are the one's that like to point fingers and judgments without ever looking to themselves. That's where I would agree with you, as they're too busy 'believing' to actually look inside themselves to see that's where they need to focus. You know, that plank in the eye thing? wink
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Agassiz, British Columbia, Canada

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created Jun 2018
Last Viewed: May 5
Last Commented: Jan 2019
Last Liked: Jun 2018
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