RE: just me being righteous I suppose

They say the RICH can't comprehend the life of the working class/poor.

RE: Today I walked ontop of water

I saw a program on that yesterday.

If there are patterns on the ice it means the ice is thin and will brake easily.

I like the fisherman's tale of his wife. laugh

RE: I got some tail tonight...

Not that it matters.

Chat: "My partner.'

Jim: "Your wife"


RE: You create the photo caption - colorful birds

I'm having a bad hair day. dunno

RE: Simple Innovative Idea - Curtains of Sand

"By the way, what is your address ?"

So you are also a peeping tom? scold

RE: Today NASA landed a rover on the surface of Mars


I have my own theory.

RE: Nothing else just that.

Nice song.

That is life.

Most wonder away from their childhood mountains, some return, some don't, but the memories are always there. wave

RE: Gorilla Glue mishaps are good for business...

A good lesson learn.

The charities are getting good funding during this pandemic.

I hope most of the money is not being use for salaries.

RE: New word

I've experienced both (new words).

RE: 5

You can go and help Chad with his renovations.

RE: The bait...

I don't use baits.

Being honest as to who I am scare off people.

It is better that they know I will not tolerate their bs. banana

RE: Blur...

This blog reads like you are disappointed.

Babies do grow up, hopefully to be beautiful adults.

Renovations are like a new start, a change, or just an improvement.

Cheer up....i'll see if Jim can put a smile on your face. banana

RE: ACV Vinegar

I have been drinking ACV for years.

I like it as it helps with indigestion, lower blood sugar, help to keep BP normal.

People also say it help fight Corona virus.

It sure has good health benefits. banana

RE: Simple Innovative Idea - Curtains of Sand

It can be an ant farm.

I like it, but I think it will only be use as a décor for interior.

RE: The Wind From The East.

I never heard of Pink Floyd.

Nice video.

RE: Flowers or chocolate was the question...

"Both was not an option ?"

thumbs up

RE: Happy V... Day

I used my face muscles with your post. laugh

I bought my own chocolate and did everything myself. rolling on the floor laughing

Maybe next year I'll catch something in my net. banana

RE: Using the wrong Gorilla... the saga has ended.

I saw this on youtube.

I hope they give an update on her condition. I want to know the extent of the damage to her scalp, blood vessels, circulation, etc.

The importance of reading labels. smh.

RE: Heavy blanket...

Using blanket in Florida? scold scold scold

Lucky you have someone to get under that blanket with you. It is hot under there without any friction.

RE: "Happy Valentine's Day to All The People in C.S"

Same to you OP.

I have no date, so I bought my own chocolate. banana

RE: OmGaan Met Diversiteit

Fly, it look like CHANGE is in the horizon.

Tonight I looked at one of my favorite sitcom show. It had the usual scene, a man stole a phone from the Caucasian woman and demanded $300.00 for it's return. They showed the woman, but the thief was not known only his demand was over the phone. The husband met the thief in a bad neighbourhood to buy the phone (the usual Young black man did not show up).

It was a middle age Caucasian man that stole the phone and wanted $300.00 for its return.

We all know that prejudice is taught, lets see how this new narrative will help with this societal problem.

RE: Meeting up with K again after a while!

Here are some pointers.
Sit next to her.
Make sure your hands touch every now and then.
compliment her on little things (her frock).
If she does not move or resist, ask her if you can give her a kiss (on the cheek).

If she say YES, there is your GREEN light.

Move in for the TOUCH-DOWN. laugh

RE: OmGaan Met Diversiteit

That's the way our world is. Prejudice is learn. Unfortunately, most believe that the lighter skin is superior. It's all hog wash. Get to know people then make up your mind if you like them or not.

Beautiful people come in all sizes, shapes, skin colours, and cultures.

RE: Greenland - a review!

I'll stream it. let's see if I will like it.

RE: Big Game Time ! The Superbowl

Kansas all the way (3/7)

They better flip that.

RE: What has changed?

Nothing has change Luke.

I'm still trying to find a man for that dance.

I'm still trying to win the Power ball.

Send me some fairy dust my friend. banana

RE: Power Ball!

Luke, I'm trying to win that game also.

When I win, I'll be able to BUY my dreams. No more wishing upon a star.

RE: Dating challenges

I'm a one woman, one man kind of gal.

You see, I sterilize my man (free from germs) and then he is all mine.

I don't like to share. scold scold

RE: Hanky-Panky...

laugh laugh you're blog made me laugh

Translation from one country to another can give words different meanings.

Did you know mannerisms (especially females) also give different meanings in different countries?

RE: For Pete's Sake...

What about "for Christ sakes?"

This is a list of blog comments created by LaFonda.

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