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The TERRIFIC acceptance speeches of Kamala Harris & Joe Biden (in that order) tonight

Skip ahead to the time of 26:35 if you want to skip to the actual speeches. :bang...
36270Nov 2020Nov 2020May 18

He is, what he is, officially the worst president in US history.

From The Miami Herald; President Trump is a horrible person with a horrible record by...
40431Oct 2020Oct 2020May 18

Breaking News - Eli Lilly's Covid-19 treatment gets emergency Approval

Today from the New York Times; The F.D.A. gave emergency approval to Eli Lilly’s antibody treatment.[/co...
27740Nov 2020Nov 2020May 18

Two & 1/2 Men Favorite Characters

The television situation comedy 'Two & 1/2 Men' is entering it's 9th season. It's been one of the funniest shows to air in many years. There will b...
1,468230Sep 2011Sep 2011May 18

Fill in the blank

"the greatest thing you can ever learn, is just to..............."...
1,222170Jan 2012Jan 2012May 18

Dr. Fauci urges pharmaceutical companies to help milions of people with development of one pill

Today in The New Yorker; Satire from The Borowitz Report Fauci Begs Pharma Companies to Speed Development of Anti-Narcissis...
33321Apr 2020Apr 2020May 18

Hot off the press; No one (who can't read) could have seen the pandemic coming

Yesterday in The New Yorker; Satire from The Borowitz Report Study: No One Could Have Seen Pandemic Coming Except People Ca...
36460Apr 2020Apr 2020May 18

It might be time to invoke the 25th Amendment

Clearly, Trump is incapable of fulfilling the duties of the office. Today from The New York Times; Trump,...
28520Nov 2020Nov 2020May 18

OK Christian Women. That's some bible you got there. :)

What is a woman's role according to the Bible? Women did tasks as important as those of men...
73680May 2021May 2021May 18

"I think it's best to let him play through"

Or add your own caption for the following photo (not mine) ;
800210Apr 2021Apr 2021May 18

Breaking Covid News

Moments ago from The New York Times; BREAKING NEWS Most of the recently dead were in...
770341Oct 2021Oct 2021May 18

"...the single worst development in Donald Trump's life.."

Some people just don't realize the extreme significance of the recent court findings. Every single one of Trump's team that has been charged so far h...
697162Sep 2018Sep 2018May 18

I laughed at this so hard I actually cried. lol

Boban posted this in the forums and I HAD to share it with you blog enthusiasts. It's a riot ! Enjoy Translator needed; h...
1,692150Sep 2011Oct 2011May 18

From Snopes

Someone on here, who often misleads people is doing it again with an incomplete statement from Snopes. That person CONVENIENTLY leaves out the major...
30810Sep 2020Sep 2020May 18

Trump invaded by newest caravan

From The New Yorker; Satire from The Borowitz Report Trump Unable to Stop Caravan of Democratic Women Invading Washington By An...
62350Nov 2018Nov 2018May 18

Tonight, I got beaver.

However, it's not what you may be thinking. The truth is, I saw a couple of young beavers swimming in a park in Somerset thi...
1,079210Dec 2011Dec 2011May 18

On Monday I got some. ;)

Yep, you read that right. And it was GOOD ! It had been a long time since I had any. Too long ! So long, that I almost fo...
2,003100Jun 2014Jun 2014May 18

Senators from BOTH sides of the aisle blast Trump for his "insane" cut to humanitarian & foreign aid

From Reuters; Senators blast 'insane' Trump plan for aid cuts, seek Venezuela plan Reuters•April 30, 2019 By Patricia Z...
473120Apr 2019Apr 2019May 18

Trump's Former campaign manager likely going to jail for a long time

From Newsweek; Former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort to Be Jailed for ‘Stupidest’ Case of Witness Tampering: Ex-DOJ Official Newsweek...
1,19000Jun 2018May 18

Trump's 4 year saga of 'The Wall' the epitome of ineptness, lies, and corruption

43761Oct 2020Oct 2020May 18

Trump loses again - Court rules that Manhattan Prosecutor CAN obtain Trump's tax returns

Think how much money Trump would save, if he merely obeyed the law, like most of us. But no, he "had to be a bigshot..." Today from R...
34230Oct 2020Oct 2020May 18

Breaking News ! Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Member says options misrepresented by KY AG

Just now from The New York Times; BREAKING NEWS After a member of the Breonna Taylor grand jury complained its proce...
24800Sep 2020May 18

Congrats to Atlanta and their fans

Tonight the Atlanta Braves won the 'World' Series, beating Houston 4 games to 2. It was only the second time that the Atlanta Braves won the champio...
41350Nov 2021Nov 2021May 18

Hope for treatment of people infected with coronavirus

In Wuhan doctors were desperate for a way to treat patients and thus tried a variety of drugs for effectiveness. One drug used to successfully treat...
1,157310Mar 2020Mar 2020May 18

To; naysayers and those who have to deal with them

I believe that most of us have all been in the position of being second guessed by people we know. If it is persistent, it can weaken your resolve an...
3,51720Oct 2008Apr 2011May 18

1 accusation versus many more and the worst US presidency ever

Yesterday in the Huffington Post; Trump Bragged On Tape Of Being Able To Do Exactly What Biden Is Accused Of But that’s not...
474140May 2020May 2020May 18


Today is chilly, overcast and essentially a bit dreary. However, yesterday, ah yesterday, was mostly sunny and the autumn foliage was near peak. In...
47880Nov 2021Nov 2021May 18

May 2021 be a MUCH better year than 2020

35660Jan 2021Jan 2021May 18

Amazing ! Human remains recently found inside Dinosaur.

A discovery like that, could spark a movement to change our whole concept of evolution. Indeed, some religious or other conspiracy theory subscribers...
69280May 2021May 2021May 18

If only he had listened and followed directions

From The New Yorker; Satire from The Borowitz Report America’s Teachers Urge Trump to Use Time at Home to Repeat First Gra...
41710May 2020Jan 2022May 18

6 Airlines ordered to provide planes to fly Americans & Afghan Allies fleeing Kabul

Today from The New York Times; BREAKING NEWS The U.S. ordered six airlines to provide...
23500Aug 2021May 18

Today driver slams into 2 Capitol police officers outside the Capitol building and is shot & killed

Today from the NY Times; By Emily Cochrane, Nicholas Fandos, Adam Goldman and Glenn Thrush April 2, 2021, 1:...
700160Apr 2021Apr 2021May 18

The Tail of 2 Species (yes, I know it's tale)

I went out taking nature photos at Colonial Park today. Before leaving I met 5 park rangers at their ranger station. Sometimes I go in there on my...
1,23630Jul 2013Jul 2013May 18

Talk about a hard headed woman !!! lol

1,695100Mar 2009Mar 2009May 18

The Perfect Moments

It's often been said, that "timing is everything". While I don't wholly agree, there is no doubt that timing can be truly critical. Together with ad...
88720Oct 2014Oct 2014May 18

The ridiculousness of the Republican cult - a Closer Look

1,506450Jan 2020Feb 2020May 18

In case you'd like to...sneak a Euge

Euge Groove is a saxophonist. He reminds me a little of the Brazilian saxophonist Gato Barbieri. You may know Gato, as he has played with Santana....
31050Feb 2020Feb 2020May 18

The meaning of life (according to Jimnastics)

Philosophers have LONGGGGGGGGGGGG debated, what the meaning of our presence here on earth means. Why are we here and what is our purpose ? Right befor...
1,054150Oct 2012Oct 2012May 18

Why Mueller failed to denounce the corrupt "so-called" president

From The New Yorker; Why the Mueller Investigation Failed Presi...
37600Jun 2020May 18

Wait a minute ! The name of the new baby from Prince Henry & Megan Markle is....Archie ?!?!?

That's not a joke. There may be former English kings, queens, princes & princesses rolling over in their graves right now. The...
731170May 2019Jun 2019May 18

This is a list of blogs created by JimNastics, ordered by Last Viewed. Click here for JimNastics's Full Blog

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