I love it Kat...You're on a roll today rolling on the floor laughing grin rolling on the floor laughing

RE: What romantic things do you like a partner to do for you?

Walking in the lighly falling snow and holding each other tight.

Going outside after a snow storm and having a snowball fight and then coming inside and having hot chocolate with marshmallows

smitten love smitten

I know it's silly tongue laugh

RE: What romantic things do you like a partner to do for you?

A card for no special reason...Just because

Having the first cup of coffee sitting in bed.

Dinner by candlelight

Walking hand in hand along the beach at sunrise or sunset

smitten love smitten

RE: Welcome to the CS PROM, and ur date for the night is..........

That may be a good idea Angel laugh

RE: What romantic things do you like a partner to do for you?

A hot bubble bath with candles around the tub. The bedroom lit only by candlelight for after getting out of said bubble bath.

smitten love smitten

RE: Welcome to the CS PROM, and ur date for the night is..........

I went to both my Jr and Sr Proms...What a disaster doh Maybe this one will make up for those. grin

RE: What romantic things do you like a partner to do for you?

Thank you Angel...Yes he is definitely everything I've wanted and wished for and more.

My answer is not only what Rob said, but also before going to bed every night saying Goodnight, I love you and hugs and kisses. (Even if they are only virtual ones at the moment. smitten love smitten

RE: got a phone call from my ex

I'm sorry to hear you're going through this hon, but maybe this will help. You didn't know about this aborted child until tonight. Try and look at this from other perspectives.

If she kept the baby, considering that she was cheating on you, here come the DNA tests. Say you turned out to be the Father, would it change anything? The only thing that would change is that you would be a Father and may or may not be able to see the child depending on how vindictive your ex is. You would HAVE TO deal with her on a regular basis. Would you really want to do that?

I hate to say this, but it's very possible that her saying this may have been a ploy in order to get you to come back to her. As sick as that sounds there have been women that have done such things. Also she had a stroke and most people that have some type of major life trauma will make an amends with those they've wronged.

You don't have to accept her apology, nor should she expect you to accept it. She felt she owed you at the very least that. Granted she did not exactly go about it the way it should have been, but from what you have said, I gather it was probably the best she could do.

Make sure you are in conscious contact with your Higher Power right now. If you turn it over to whomever your Higher Power is, that Higher Power will give you the strength to deal with this and get through this. In the meantime try to find your serenity and make peace with yourself.

hug comfort hug

RE: new want to meet someone

wave Hi DeeDee, welcome to CS and the forums. Have fun, enjoy yourself and good luck. There's a lot of great people here. handshake hug

RE: where were you 5 years ago monday?

I just received this and I had to share it...


Two thousand one, nine eleven
Three thousand plus arrive in heaven
As they pass through the gate,
Thousands more appear in wait .

A bearded man with stovepipe hat
Steps forward saying, "Lets sit, lets chat"

They settle down in seats of clouds
A man named Martin shouts out proud
"I have a dream!" and once he did
The Newcomer said, "Your dream still lives."

Groups of soldiers in blue and gray
Others in khaki, and green then say
"We're from Bull Run, Yorktown, the Maine"
The Newcomer said, "You died not in vain."

From a man on sticks one could hear
"The only thing we have to fear.
The Newcomer said, "We know the rest,
Trust us sir, we've passed that test."

"Courage doesn't hide in caves
You can't bury freedom, in a grave,"
The Newcomers had heard this voice before
A distinct Yankees twang from Hyannisport shores

A silence fell within the mist
Somehow the Newcomer knew that this
Meant time had come for her to say
What was in the hearts of the five thousand plus that day

"Back on Earth, we wrote reports,
Watched our children play in sports
Worked our gardens, sang our songs
Went to church and clipped coupons
We smiled, we laughed, we cried, we fought
Unlike you, great we're not ".

The tall man in the stovepipe hat
Stood and said, "Don't talk like that!
Look at your country, look and see
You died for freedom, just like me"

Then, before them all appeared a scene
Of rubbled streets and twisted beams
Death, destruction, smoke and dust
And people working just 'cause they must

Hauling ash, lifting stones,
Knee deep in hell, but not alone
"Look! Blackman, Whiteman, Brownman, Yellowman
Side by side helping their fellow man!"

So said Martin, as he watched the scene
"Even from nightmares, can be born a dream."

Down below three firemen raised
The colors high into ashen haze
The soldiers above had seen it before
On Iwo Jima back in '45

The man on sticks studied everything closely
Then shared his perceptions on what he saw mostly
"I see pain, I see tears,
I see sorrow -- but I don't see fear."

"You left behind husbands and wives
Daughters and sons and so many lives
Are suffering now because of this wrong
But look very closely. You're not really gone.

All of those people, even those who've never met you
All of their lives, they'll never forget you
Don't you see what has happened?
Don't you see what you've done?
You've brought them together, together as one.

With that the man in the stovepipe hat said
"Take my hand," and from there he led
Three thousand plus heroes, Newcomers to heaven
On this day, two thousand one, nine eleven

Author UNKNOWN (What a shame!)

angel angel angel

RE: any pretty boys

Oh goo...I was worried there for a bit laugh hug

RE: Newbee

wave Hi Milehigh, welcome to CS and the forums. There a lot of great people here, so have fun and enjoy yourself handshake

What is The Art of Deception?

I have no idea how many married people are on these sites looking for men or women, I don't even want to know. doh As for habitual players...Well I think it goes without saying that they're out there online and offline.sigh

RE: You might be a blueneck if...

professor Actually a "Polecat" is also used as a reference to a guy that's a player or a guy that chases women just for fun. You were almost right on the "Moon pies" you forgot that they're also covered in chocolate YUMMY grin conversing

RE: colors

Blue is calming, youth, spirituality, truth, sensitive, intuitive, and peace. Also the 5th Chakra

Green is life, growth, health, nature, creative, communicative, sensitive, and renewal. Also the 4th Chakra

Red is passion, action, confidence, courage, vitality, grounded, realistic, strong will-power, survival-oriented, Powerful, energetic, and competitive. Also the 1st Chakra

Purple is balance, magic, royalty, imagination, visionary, daydreamer, idealistic, and artistic. Also the 7th Chakra

conversing grin conversing

RE: What has been your experience so far?

My experience has been great. I've made a lot of fabulous friends, and I've also met the man I want to and am going to spend the rest of my life with. So I may be a little biased, but as long as you keep an open mind and be honest with yourself and others...Anything can happen. hug conversing hug

What is The Art of Deception?

A close friend of mine was recently at the receiving end of this type of deception.

She's a very open, caring and loving person, some have even said naive, but it didn't give this guy the right to do what he did. He gave her his phone number and told her to call him. Little did she know that his girlfriend would answer the phone. Needless to say, she is hurt by his deception.

I won't go into names because he knows who he is, but why do people do this kind of thing?

conversing very mad conversing

RE: I just jioned the site last night.

wave Hi MaxLady, welcome to CS and the forums. Have fun and enjoy yourself, there's a lot of great people here handshake hug

RE: any pretty boys

Yeah he is...He's one of the good guys. grin

Oooops he's probably gonna kick my butt now tongue laugh

RE: any pretty boys

Good Morning Brats!!!!!!!

Good Morning Michael!!!!!!

hug kiss hug

RE: If you recieve a flower/mail

I always reply to flowers and emails, even if it's just with a thank you.

RE: So, who are you anyway?

Hi Michelle, I'm Cris

RE: Can you apply these words to yourself?

Thank you for posting this Angel. I find it kind of ironic that you tend to post things that seem to apply at the right moment. I have goosebumps now hug angel hug

RE: Well, it's official!

I'm so happy for you Lori. You must take lots and lots of pictures. Have a wonderful time and most of all have fun visiting with everyone. Give everyone hugs and smooches for me.

RE: How Much Is Gasoline In Your Area???

It was 2.85 the other day for regular 3.17 for premium

RE: if you could go out with 1 person,from here who would it be

confused Gee I wonder who that could be wink

There's only one for me Starts with an R, ends in a B with an O inbetween grin smitten

RE: The U.N.. friend, foe or joke?

As I said in another thread...Most people here in the US know that the UN is a joke. How many people have actually gone into the UN and listened to the BS that flies around in the sessions they hold.

My ex-stepfather used to work security for the UN and while he worked there I was able to see and hear some of those sessions that were held. Now granted that was in the mid to late 80's but still. What goes on is more comic relief than anything else.

You have all these representatives from all over the world and they are supposed to be there to accomplish peace talks, trade, etc etc. The only thing I ever saw and heard was at best a fighting pep rally. One country saying I want this that and the other thing and another country turns around and says well we have that but you aren't getting it from us.

It's like a school yard with all the bullies telling the kids that always get picked on "nani nani boo boo, I have it and you can't" The UN is a very sad joke unfortunately.

RE: any pretty boys

Sure...Coming right up grin hug laugh

RE: where were you 5 years ago monday?

I grew up on Staten Island and saw the towers nearly every day. My Mom and I both worked in the towers, Tower 1 to be precise.

September 11, 2001 - My Dad's 53rd birthday. I was still bartending at the time and I was living in New Orleans. I had closed the bar around 5am and I took one of my friends home. By the time I got home it was a little after 6am, I showered, put my pj's on and went to bed. The friend I dropped off that morning called me just after the first tower had been hit. I answered the phone and he said "Cris you need to get up NOW" I protested and said "I just went to sleep" He said "Cris a plane just hit the Twin Towers" I said "Yeah, ok. You're drunk you need to go sleep it off" he said "Cris I'm serious get up and turn on the TV right now, I wouldn't be calling you if it wasn't true" I sighed with aggravation and got up and went into the living room to turn on the TV. It was on CNN because I had watched CNN before I had gone to work the previous night. I stood there in shock as I had just turned it on seconds before the 2nd tower was hit and I watched the plane hit the second tower. I got off the phone with my friend saying "Thank but I have to go I have to call my family, I'll talk to you later" and hung up without waiting for his reply.

My knees had buckled and there I sat on the edge of the sofa in shock and in tears. I called my cousin John because I knew he was supposed to be in Manhattan that day doing a job for one of the colleges...I got no answer only his voicemail. I then called my other cousin Bill at his job who works in Manhattan and it was busy. I called his apartment and that was busy too. I called my Aunt's house and that line was busy. I called John at his office and that phone was busy also. I called my Mom and after 4 tries I finally got through, I was getting a recording that said "All circuits are busy please try your call again later" I talked to my Mom for I don't know how long. We were both scared to death, we both knew too many people.

Around noon my cousin Bill finally called me. He was on the train going home when the plane hit the second tower and had seen it hit from the train. I asked him about his brother John and our Uncles, but he didn't know anything yet. He told me that as soon as he knew anything he would call me back. I knew many people that died that day and lost 11 close friends and 1 distant relative.

You Will Be Missed
As a young girl I used to look at the World Trade Center in awe
As I went to Manhattan on the SI Ferry that was all that I saw
I would see those towers every day standing tall and proud
Now there's nothing left except a big black cloud
The towers that held so much meaning to many
Are now gone and will be missed plenty

To the NYPD, FDNY, and EMS people that risked their lives everyday
You did your jobs without a second thought of the price you'd pay
For the ones still missing we will find you soon
We are working by the light of the sun and the moon
For those who are losing hope of finding our loved ones and friends
We have to keep our faith and prayers until this all ends

This senseless attack that took too many innocent lives
We must and will unite as one, rebuild and survive
The tears we shed now are full of worry and grief
Soon we will be able to give a sigh of relief
Keep your prayers your hope and your love
We will soon have them answered from heaven above.


RE: any pretty boys

Good Morning Brats!!!!!!!

Coffee is on grin hug kiss

This is a list of forum posts created by Serenity1971.

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