Predator films + a birthday

A while back, I watched a Kill Count for Predator 2, which made me want to watch all the movies again. However, no streaming service had them, so I went on Amazon to find them. I found a pretty cool 4-pack, so I bought that, with delivery expected a week later. Five days later, it still hadn't left the warehouse. "Hm, odd. Oh well, they'll arrive eventually", was my immediate thought.

Then, on the 6th, an email ticked in.. "Your order has been shipped. Estimated delivery day: 19th of February".. That made no sense, since packages from England usually arrive at my door about a week after being shipped. Here, I had to wait for thirteen days. Oh well, they would eventually arrive. Fast forward to the 11th, where a text came to my phone. The mail carrier had been trying to deliver my Predator films, but nobody was home, which made sense, since I put my mother's address on the package, and she was at work when they tried to deliver. I could pick it up the following day. Which I did, as early as possible. At 8.30 am, I was standing where the package was held. "Hello, please find my package for me". So they did. After that, I thought to myself, that I deserved some breakfast. I put the McDonald's in my sights, and set off. I spent the equivalent of $10.59 there, and the breakfast was stellar! A McToast bacon and two McMuffin - one with sausage and one with egg. After I took the first bite, I thought "Oh wait, I can't eat cheese. My stomach is not gonna like it.. Oh well, I have taken a bite. Might as well finish these things and deal with the consequences later".. I waited.. And waited.. For that telltale sign, that my stomach was punishing me for eating cheese. But nothing happened for the entire day. Maybe I was just lucky that day? I will not push my luck, though.

It just occurred to me, that I am very descriptive in my blogs.. Maybe I should tone that down in future blogs.. I'll deal with that later.

Yesterday, I didn't do anything special. I mainly watched the impeachment trial of Trump. It was actually quite fascinating, but I do thing that Michael van der Veen needs a class in anger management. That guy was seriously angry at times, almost to the point of shouting. He came across as a guy who likes to be the loudest person in the room, and the person whose opinion is the correct one, despite what evidence says. I also went shopping for some food and a birthday gift for my sister, whose 29th birthday was yesterday. She and her boyfriend were headed for a hotel stay, which is the reason there was no birthday celebration yesterday. That will happen on Monday, with some good, homemade food. And plenty of it, because when we eat, boy do we eat!

Today I haven't really done anything yet, but it's only 2 pm, so there is plenty of time to start some stuff. I need to wrap my sister's birthday present. I also need to look for two jobs, since that is required of me, in order to qualify for payment each month. I have to do that every week. Apply for two jobs. Sometimes it's tricky, because there are only so many jobs I am qualified for. Hopefully I will find something. Maybe I will start a career as a streamer, or maybe I will pick up writing. Time will tell!
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Vallensbæk, Zealand, Denmark

Well not the LITERAL end of the World.

So.. Who am I? Well, my name is Danny, and I live in Denmark. I am a down to earth, carefree guy, who loves the small things in life. I am a fan of well crafted stories, and old movies. The Godfather is the [read more]