We all wear many masks..........

in life to survive for whatever reason, i believe we all put on many masks, different masks to deal with and cope with watever life has put us through and also, currently putting us through...we may do it, cuz of fear, rejection, low self-esteem, unresolved issues 2 ugly to look at or just because we havent quite figured out who we are yet, nor sometimes do we want to know..reasons could be endless, who knowz.....i feel, only my thoughts, as we remove these masks slowly, that have been created by us and sometimes those around us, we slowly finally get to breath, become who we really are and live life, loving ourselves and truly being who we are meant to be......and for once being real 2 ourselves and others around us......painfull process, cuz sometimes a personality check on our selfs..hurtz alot.....

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Comments (16)

yes i wear a mask. cuz of fear of rejection and low self esteem. i guess u read it in me
we all get there in the end. sometimes it's a long road. good luck!!!sad flower
So well said, Smitten! It is a very scary process to "turn around" and look at ourselves. We know that once we shine a light on those aspects of ourselves the ones we have been taught are unacceptable, we will have to do something to change; change the aspects or change the lack of acceptance toward them. Change is not easy and is often very uncomfortable.

There is a big world out there and the playpen feels so safe. It is what we know and if we climb out we may get hurt.
I wear body armor. Thats to prevent mistreatment whether it be verbal/emotional attacks & even rejection. But who I am underneath, I have identified with. Other people may leave masks on too long, to the point that when they take it off to reveal themselves to the other person, its like meeting their twin, now questions & flags gotta go up.... she may be a bipolar disaster.
thanks babs......


"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts"
Mr SanFran BABEBABEBABEBABEeee, you are really starting to stun me now! That is one of my favorite quotes!! Thank you for posting (and for the reminder)!applause applause applause applause
You welcome.........Im ok at law, human rights, quotes and mind reading !!
uhmmmmmm...very well put..very...yes, totally insightful...thank-you...

A mask can not be loved. thumbs up
Smitten...Mask can hide our true faces...I think that's good.laugh
jan....from wat i know about you..ur true face is beautiful...as u are inside and out...masks are a camouflage of our make up that is fake and phoney and a proctector for that time..it hurtzz when we wipe it away or take it off.....but again, i believe, timing is everything...and those who are ready..at their time..will reveal their trueselves...and....smile..cuz they beautiful no matter wat.............


Wouldn't it be great to be totally ourselves, unfortunately there is also the fact that if you are too smiley or accommodating for example people take advantage (or think they can) so we learn certain behaviours also to protect ourselves abit like the body armour Thad describes.
Smitten, actually I wanted to tell you I like how you're like from the inside. I can tell from one of my blogs you commented on that you have a good heart, as well as for animals. But I was gone for awhile so I couldn't reply to your comments for that. We same used to adopt strays and take care of them. Animals are pure and innocent unlike complicated doubtful humans, and they have no mask to put on anyways. Keep on showing your good heart always, and I'm sure one day people will realize how horrific it will be to see "the decline of humanity" hug
teddybear teddybear teddybear

thanks everyone for ur commentzzz....take care and alwayz be good...ok..good/bad........bouquet

smitten alwayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
oh ya
big "L" dude
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