Reuters: "US Oil Reserves Sent Overseas (ChiComs!*) As Gasoline Prices Stay High"

WH Press Secretary Dodges questions of oil from the US Strategic Reserve being sent overseas - perhaps to China -
Also on questions of the POTUS lying that he knew Nothing of his son Hunter's dealings -

* " (ChiComs!) " did not appear in the Reuters article - It was inserted later in the blog when the OP responded to a request from a commenter to provide evidence of SPR oil having been sent to China & it was discovered that such shipments Had Been Reported.

tip hat
To Fargo for promptng the clarification.
- Mick

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Comments (61)

As long as President Disaster is running things, you can expect more anti-American chicanery from this blithering fool.

Embedded image from another site
I wouldn't clap too much. An economist on TV this morning said the soft lessening in gas pricing is a direct result of the economy softening.
I'm ok with that. handshake
Ten Percent For The Big Guy!mumbling
Yes, during the Trump administration gas was so low and he said we have oil reserves that will last longer than most countries.
Probably MSM sensationalism...

My bet is that this is pretty much an everyday contract deal, where product is traded into an area of supply deficit. Said amount of product (oil) to be returned to the USA, along with interest.

Someone needed some oil and has borrowed it from the USA and will pay an interest premium for doing so.

Everyday business... so what's the big deal?

Not from the Strategic Oilreserve!scold
Yes... if the release was strategic. I know stupid decisions are sometimes made, but do you think this particular loan of some reserve oil was made for a proper and legitimate strategy reason... I do. There's no evidence that any of this oil went to the Chinese Communists.

If you connect the dots... and keep up to date with world events, you can figure out exactly where this oil went... and why.

Depleting the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve by 40? to a level Not Seen since '84 - Thirty-Eight Years Ago!! - and sending said oil overseas (and Reportedly to the ChiComs) is NOT EVEN CLOSE to bein' an "everyday contract deal".
Not sure of my figures, but I read somewhere that a cap of between $30 and $60 per barrel, is going to be put in Russian oil. dunno confused

If that's true gas will become affordable again.cheering
Give me the evidence that this oil has gone to Chinese Communists please...
I've read your link, which pretty well says what the reserve was structured for...

"The skyrocketing prices and disruptions from sanctions are exactly the situation the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was designed to combat, according to the Energy Department. The reserves were created after Arab-Israeli War caused an oil crisis in the 1970s".

Now you have a Russia - Ukraine war... exactly why the reserves were created. Connect the dots you dolt :(

I have,now you do too please!comfort
you're reaching!
Some here may be flirting with Jail Time.

Just Sayin'.

The president is going to do everything in his power?? Yeah to run the USA into the mountain side uh oh
And just how is Biden going to cap Russian oil ? nerd nerd this I want to see .
Time to cool off...laugh
Care to join me in the shower?

very happy
Ha ha...laugh

Good sense of
As per ...
Did I mention Any Names? ... MMmmm??

As has Trump, more so in fact. but the truth is never your strong point is it?

From what I understand oil prices would be $15 a barrel more had the Biden administration not sold off oil internationally.
Biting the hand that feeds you is never a good ideadoh
Got any Evidence to Support that?

Like what I provided 'gazer when he questioned whether Beijing Joe was selling Oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve to ChiCom Interests with which his Scandal-Plagued Son has had dealings?

Or are we Delineating Alternate History by reading Blu-Anon® Brand Owl Entrails?


Makes total sense to sell china cheap oil , they have been threatening war since Biden took over . Come's from the guide book of how to lose a war .
Good God!!! You think a US President sells barrels of oil and pockets the payment? Now I know you are as fake as your videos.

When you start to talk sensibly we can have a discussion.
I think this will interest you Mic

Oil emergency reserves released by IEA member countries

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing another assertion of yours!
apparently the purpose of a Strategic Oilreserve totally escapes you!
I'll interpret that piece of nonsense to mean, "Nope - I got Nothin' but Owl Guts."

Stabilizing World Petroleum Prices does serve Some Strategic Purpose.

Which begs the question(s) -
How much of the Stabilizing is Required due to the Russo-Ukraine War?
Or to the US under Ol' Joe's Administration Intentionally Abandoning its position as a Major Energy Exporter to become an Energy Importer?
And Blaming the Need to tap petroleum reserves on the War?

I'm talking BIDEN here... Have you any I mean any idea what punch that man has????


rolling on the floor laughing
rolling on the floor laughing
Biden drove up oil by 55% before Putin invaded . The steps he took to do that still exist , while not one drop of Russian remains unsold . Fear of recession have driven prices down of late . So its easy to say no stabilizing is needed for the Russian invasion , whats needed is a change of policy in the White house where the problem started .
In May 2022, the public debt of the United States was around 30.49 trillion U.S. dollars, around 2.3 trillion more than a year earlier, when it was around 28.12 trillion U.S. dollars. The U.S. public debt has become one of the most prominent political issues in the States in recent years, with debate over how to handle it causing political turmoil between Democrats and Republicans.
Interesting & Thoughtful Input, Y'all ... cheers

I'm not Ignoring y'all -
Just lettin' y'all discuss among y'all's Selves ... popcorn...drinking

Very easy to over simplify something then ridicule the oversimplification isn't it Riz . Where did you pick up the skill ? china perhaps
Ginger Cancer Daughter was a State Champ in Forensics & Debate and she practiced on me

The level of the art of "argument" 'round here is Crazy Low -
Like one-legged man in an àss kickin' contest Crazy Low.
rolling on the floor laughing blah blah

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Perla, North of the Straits of, Florida, USA

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created Jul 2022
Last Viewed: 9 hrs ago
Last Commented: Jul 2022
Last Edited: Jul 2022
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