the power of words

I always thought of many things and when I thought I'd post something here think about words
that really does not only happen to me as I wonder how many people
It's true when they say the word miracles or is able to destroy more than a stone. A misplaced word makes a terrible mess and often reverse their damage is impossible.
and this has happened to me several times I will not deny
No matter how strong or weak we are emotionally affected by what we always hear from others, even if it's for good or for evil influences with the word more or less intensity.
How many times do change our actions after reading or listening to someone something that really touched us enough to transform us?
How often are hurt by angry words directed at us that we both shook our whole mood changed?
How many times can enhance a mood of anyone through mere words?
How often we regret to say what we think because of the bad impression that we cause or because it was said in moments of nervous and insane rage?
Words have real power, or not, because in fact this ability to touch us and transform us is only possible if we're receptive to them, ie, the effect they cause us is also connected to our state of mind, we are well well if we do not receive or worsens or improves the state lies.
While we know the harmful and beneficial effects that words have on ourselves and others, still did not fail to be influenced by them. For the person we are today is a reflection of what we live, we can not be unscathed this.
The power of venting is to relieve tension, because if it turns out all that is choking the boring is we can not choose the best way to say what needs to be said, because we are so involved in so many feelings that we were kind of blind and dizzy, without discerning what is good or not say.
moreover, to say nothing is worth the omission is another dangerous option in certain situations, because the truth when discovered may be beneficial for some.
at this point it is necessary to distinguish the omission of the lie, because for me things are very different, because it does not omit to speak the truth and lies to distort truth.We all want to use words more consistently as possible, however, is not always possible in many instances life requires that we postures unconventional and unexpected.we need to have a double warning: speaking and listening. The talking because we can influence people in a positive or negative and to hear why we can not believe everything you read and hear, we must take care not to be so vulnerable and impressionable and at the same time be receptive to the words that can be good.the word has the power transformer and influencing behavior, use it to balance when you are dealing with serious issues and lightly and smiles when someone you are captivated by them. blushing
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Comments (6)

It's 100% truth. Words we say means a lot.& when we say them in proper way to anyone than it creates peace & love which is required by everyone.if we meet with the situation where we get annoyed than at that time we must use the balanced words or the second option is to sit quite but any option in between always raise problems or demolitiö one is to aware to escape oneself by getting in these types of situations otherwise they have to suffer a loss of few people for which they care.well i am lucky that my friends forgave me and offered me peace & nice tea in between.ha...ha...i know they are too reading this .i love them all. kiss yay
The Pen, . . Mightier, than the sword? . ..confused

Words can be used to, . . “Cut Deeply“, . . like a knife
or, . .
Words can be used to, . . “Heal”, . . a Deeply, Broken heart, . .

It all depends, . . on One's intentions, . professor
what thee heck a hottie like u would be doing on a single's site???

this is unbelievable!

I dont think it is happen because the words. We are energies, also(atomic particles) or different scientific name(i am not sure about the name). Action and reaction That's spread faster then electricity.

Each action there is a reaction. We are Unique, but we interconnected with everything

Tha's why love is important, i mean, love all without any condition.

Is not easy, perhaps, only the way to live in healty.

I did not get it, yet
sister, honey, your thinking is very deep and i would like to read all of them. but may i give you a little suggestion? when you wrtite your deep words, please just leave some lines or space between two paragraphs, so that i can read them easily... my mother language is Congolese, so it is a bit difficult for me to read... sorry...bouquet
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by Unknown
created Feb 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 18
Last Commented: Feb 2011

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