Is technology creating opportunity or taking it aw

When I was young I use to play outside everyday after school, right up until dinner time. Nowadays, kids are inside playing on their xbox, watching tv or on the computer. Have they lost the ability to communicate one on one? Now for us, we talk about what
and who we want to meet, but are we just playing inside like the kids or do we need to get out there and see what's really going on?
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Comments (18)

that should read "or taking it away"
just take best of both of it
Different generation, different peer pressure, different environment, different influences, cant put the genie, back in the bottle,,,,, wishful thinking apart,,,its the way it is, perhaps, not as it should be.
Sands, i just wanna tumb up for your thoughts on this.
I have thought much about the same.
My rule is: anything natural is healty and what we need more of.
None of us were born with a screen in your hand, but all of us were born with a fellow human being next to us.

Hi Morgen, well the reason I started thinking about this was the other night we were out to dinner and there was this couple sitting next to us with there child of about 4 yrs old. The parents were having a nice uninterrupted dinner....why? because the child was playing with an IPAD.
* Meaning children/young people who use computers from an early age
that's funny Jana, because as I wrote my last piece i had not read your comment as of yet.
Sands, when my daughter was little she just couldn't stay at one place more than 2 min. So we couldn't even sit to drink a coffee. But parents have to do some sacrifice! Being a parent is not a caprice but responsibility. Some people have kids just to have kids and don't realize that it means also to change their life for the good of the children.
It's kind of ironic, on one hand it opens up communication to the world and on the other you miss that slap on the back.
Jana, I guess we and all the parents of the world are at a crossroad. I guess my eyes are wider opened since being here in Latvia. Every kid is on their cell phone, and when not they're griping it in their hand so tight there knucles are white. So, technology is totally a world changer.
Sands I am glad that my children were raised with books. We intentionally delayed buying a pc as more as possible. We bought a pc when my daughter was 14 and my son 12. If she didn't need it for her home-works at high school we d delay it even more. Of course my children don't read the way we used to read, like crazy, for hours. They are a different generation, more dynamic and impatient. But I am glad we gave them some basis: love for reading and for books.
Yes, I have definitely noticed the impatience in the younger kids. Do you think they get from being raised on a dial up line versus broadband?rolling on the floor laughing
Sands our world is like that. With the improvement of transport and then of the high technologies everything is close and fast! So they aren't patient enough to read a 500-page book, even a 300-page one the way we did it... They want everything summarized and compressed... I don't like all the aspects of this... The depth lacks very often, and the senses are fed-up...
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
so you don't miss nothing, when you need to go......

yay yay yay
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
so you don't miss nothing, when you need to go......
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yay yay yay
cytrynka - Your home looks just like mine! yay rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Hey Sands - People need to connect with people. When we were kids... the only way to play with other kids was to physically get together... that's not necessary anymore.

Kids also seek entertainment... lots more ways to fill your time without leaving home these days.

So --- it's just the new shortest route to the things kids want.

I wonder if our grandparents wondered about us... growing up with conveniences that kept us from having to haul water and chop wood. confused A bunch of lazy kids... sitting around, nothing better to do than read. laugh

Some perspective shift in here too I think. cheers
My kid comes home from school, and is on the computer until she goes to bed. Families don't eat dinner together anymore. Hardly anybody mentions family devotions anymore. Teens and others are always seen texting on the phone instead of talking to people. Sigh.

"In my day," life was so much more relaxed. TV's came along in about 1954 (black and white, of course). Computers came much later. We didn't have the distractions we have today.
Thats right hugger. Lets see how CA-razy it becomes. lol
Hope there will still be reason to bring kids to the world in 30y time.
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