Some people just like being mad

I have always been a little sensitive and I freely admit that. A lot of times I have to stop myself from reacting and think what did that person really mean. I guess what my mom use to tell me about counting to 10 had some credence to it.

I sometimes take the abstract personally, as dumb as that sounds.

I think someone is talking about me when they aren't even thinking of me. Im getting better though thanks to blog land.. I mean if blog land doesn't thicken your skin nothing will. lol

I have noticed though that some folks seem to enjoy being mad and indignant. Im not talking about anyone here, it's actually someone I know from the real world. However I am sure some folks here are probably that way too, I haven't been here long enough to know everyone yet.

My point is being mad all the time and puffing your chest out at the smallest little thing has to be exhausting. Thinking that anyone who teases you or kids you about something is a slight all the time, has to just suck the joy out of living.

Its hard not to take yourself too seriously, I know because I am guilty of it myself from time to time.

They have sensitivity training maybe what this world needs is desensitivity training.

I wish I had listened more to the wisdom of my parents when I was little, things they tried to teach me like..

"Anytime you point a finger you have three pointing back at yourself.

Don't cry over spilled milk

Walk a mile in their shoes."

All those little saying that I thought as a child were so stupid, I now realize were wise beyond words...

Do you have things you wish you had learned better as a child?
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Comments (10)

Hello Check, very good pointsthumbs up
sum things....yes, maybe sum math and grammarlaugh kiddind, i dont know, i think the desire to be better, to learn some new stuff and upgrade ur skills, that is what real life is about, not just that we've learnt from our parentsdunno
Perhaps your mom's advice about counting to 10 gives you a chance to assess another's INTENT. It's always about whether a person INTENDED to hurt you...or did it on purpose. Since we cannot determine intent on the internet, it's best just to let things slide.

In real life, it's easier because we know our loved-ones wouldn't ever hurt us intentionally. So, we rely on our trust in that fact and give the benefit of the doubt.

I think many people are sensitive Checker, so you're not alone in feeling that way. This is where "consider the source" really comes in. Literally....dunno dunno dunno dunno
It is often not easy within families and beloved-ones. There is murder, divorce, fighting, too. This may be a reason why a stranger can be a friend even if u don't know the person.
OMG...I would hope families don't murder each other! dunno dunno
Maybe if you are in the Mason family.sad
I meant Manson
@ checkers and LW!

You are so right about being slapped around by your family when your young! I had 11 siblings and all are gone except for 5 of us. Now we get along but what a waste of life when we all could have gotten along!
Redex, your mention of being hyper-sensitive to tension brings up an interesting point. When you visit someone's home, you can sense the atmosphere of the home, whether it's a peaceful home or a war-like atmosphere. Call it a "ghost", a sense, an atmosphere, or whatever you want to call it, but it's there in every home. An example would be, one of the first things I do when I enter someone's home is look at any photographs displayed in the living room, if any. The photographs tell the story of the family. It's also telling if there are no photographs. Some homes have little knick knacks around the home. Some homes have none, and look austere. Some look lived in, while others look like no one lives there at all. Some have photographs of wild adventures, like sky diving, and others might just be of people, animals, or whatever. Every home is different, and every home's atmosphere is different.
Well, one thing I wish I had learned better is not slouching in chairs when I was a kid. My mother was always telling me not to slouch in the chairs, but as soon as she left the room I'd be slouching again. Now, in my older years I'm paying the price with a bad back. Most days, I do pretty good. But, for example, walking takes the life out of me, while bicycling is so much less painful for me. When I walk, the lower and middle of my back hurts. Same when I sit against a chair or a car seat.
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terre haute, Florida, USA

Well, Im really tall for a short guy 4'0" Im kinda old now but I was really young when I was born. Im American Indian and Irish. I live in the Hoosier State but reside in the state of confusion Im kinda smart so I don't believe that I really flunked [read more]

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created Oct 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 21
Last Commented: Oct 2012
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