A few Christmas toasts to all of my friends.......

Even though these aren't MY words, they are my sentiments.....

I wish you a Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year A pocket full of money And a cellar full of beer!

May you live as long as you Wish, and have all you Wish as long as you live. This is my Christmas Wish for you.

A Christmas wish- May you never forget what is worth remembering
or remember what is best forgotten.

Here's to the day of good will, cold weather, and warm hearts!

wine cheers teddybear
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Comments (23)

wine santa waving have a good one Lgs thumbs up wave bouquet
Parti..... hug are my presents on the way then??? dunno
waf... teddybear You too!!
lgs....you have brought me to tears, i have to open xmas pres early all are hanky cheifs, to dry my eye's god bless, must go out side not good for grow man crying on internet, back soon once pulled myself together and wiped snotty nose
V... hug laugh laugh Merry, Merry christmas happy
yes you too! ......and dont get stuck in the snow teddybear teddybear
Awwwww Theik..... comfort I didn't mean to make you cry..... Here.....use mine..... hug

Embedded image from another site
V...It's actually snowing like CRAZY right now!! I left and went to the store early, before it got bad, so I am IN FOR THE WEEKEND!!!! cheering
oh , well , keep warm and keep blogging till the power goes out kiss kiss teddybear
The Sleigh Got Wood Worm!! So your getting them By Cyber Mail!!thumbs up..
gift gift gift.<< Enough???
kiss hug..
christmas happy
V...Exactly my plan thumbs up
Parti.... ummmmm, no..... just a few more! Feeling a might greedy tonight giggle
Lgs...Merry Christmasdancingsanta christmas happy santa waving wine
Merry Christmas Raven wine
Have yourself a blessed Christmas Lgs!teddybear
Theik..... Point me in their direction.... boxing boxing boxing giggle
serendipity.. teddybear Merry Christmas handshake
Merry Christmas Lgs my friend! Stay warm and enjoy the snow, but keep it up there would you! hug cheers

My sweet sweet friend! And I wish you a blessed forever! I prefer that to a one day thing!
Thank you for the Christmas wishes Lg. Merry Christmas to you also. bouquet hug
Gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.

Author Unknown,
But sounds good to me.
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