
There is no question that our world is in a sad state right now, we are not progressing, we are falling behind. Nations are getting more divisive and hateful towards each other, politicians are nothing but a corrupt clown show, countless people suffer, the gravest injustice's happen everyday, and its all getting worst and worst. Our species need something big to happen in order to create change.

I think what would do it would be contact with an alien species.

Why you ask? Because right now, we think we are the king fish in the pond. We are broken up in countries that only deal with each other. To contact an alien, we would be shocked into realizing that we are not the king fish in the pond and we would be shocked into realizing just how small and insignificant we really are. It would be no more just dealing with countries on a planet, it would be planet's dealing with other planet's that are a lot more advanced than we are.

We would eventually stop looking at each other as either American, Iranian, German, and we would look at each other just as human. It would force us to bond together as a planet in a way we never have before.
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Comments (9)

Hello Track, wave You ve brought up some good points to ponder. Making contacts with Aliens, would make us all say first, and foremost ,We re all inhabitants of planet earth. (and no buts, ands, or maybes about it.)Definitely no arguing about that,yay .
It would sure change the face, and process, and progress of todays world, I could handle that.
You have a good one, Thanks Track,cheers
Hiya Track, wave

I don't think blaming society is the right way. Everyone has to take responsibility within their families, communities etc. to bring up children with social values and respect each other.

That simply doesn't work, I met a lot of dysfunctional people in the last number of years and growing up in a dysfunctional family was the reason for most.

I think starting with yourself and your family is the basis for a change. conversing
You are completely right. It is within us all that the change happens and family and environment are all big factors in how you develop.

Unfortunately, its just not happening right now in our society :(

People seem to be getting angrier and more negative overall and that affects everything. A good kick in our complacency would do humanity some good and if nothing else, make us look at ourselves for what we really are.
Its not the fault of society that things are the way they are, its the fault of a corrupt economically driven system that leaves few with everything and everyone else with nothing.
If there were any other race but human...I would be first in line to apply!!
As long as men rule..there will be death and destruction..when women rule...we will be working in hand bag factories...what would you prefer.
Hi Track,

It mostly seems that the evil is stronger than the good. But, in the end the good always triumphs over the evil.

Every single person can do a great step towards the good things happening, it can start with just sharing some kind words with ones neighbor. conversing hug
I don't think the Aliens are so far away....most People only can not see outside the wavelengths,that they are told to be able to see....one section with an own Box.

Well Track, my dear friend. I ripped off ur "Alien Entity" idea, and put it out for comments. Check it out ?
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Eastern, Newfoundland, Canada

Musical, attentive, loyal, listener, thoughtful, pretty goofy, animal lover, 420 friendly, straight up. Love a good joke and a good laugh, don't take myself too seriously. [read more]

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created Mar 2016
Last Viewed: Apr 24
Last Commented: Mar 2016
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