The Meaning of Life (according to JimNastics)

Philosophers have LONGGGGGGGGGGGG debated, what the meaning of our presence here on earth means. Why are we here and what is our purpose ? I'm going to finally solve these ongoing mysteries right here in this blog and right now for all those who embrace it. Now, you may disagree with this and are more than welcomed to do so. There is plenty of room for you to pontificate below.

It's time to face the facts. Life is a very temporary occurrence; about 70 to 120 years maximum, if you are very lucky. There is no afterlife. Admittedly, that may shock some of you. However, a hereafter is at best a nice fairy tale and at worst a giant hoax on most of society. This life is all you have. So, make the most of it. Focus on preserving your health as long as possible, because all the money in the world is less important than your health. You may not agree with that now, but unfortunately, there will come a day, when you fully recognize the truth in these words.

Thus, during this very transient existence, it would be fun to focus on the people and things that you love. If you do that, life will be a tremendous fun filled journey. Do whatever makes you happy, as long as you don't harm others. Don't waste time lamenting about the past or your eventual demise, because frankly you can't do anything about either. Now, don't get me wrong, you can learn from your mistakes and that can be a very good thing and you can delay your demise by preserving and improving your health. However, wasting time in mental misery because of past mistakes is a foolish waste of very precious limited time, our most unreplinishable resource. Instead, having learned your lessons, re-focus on what & who makes you truly happy and avoid those that/who make you unhappy.

The meaning of life is to simply fully experience and appreciate life and all it temporarily offers you. Also, appreciate the luck that you can do so. The fact that you are here at all is sheer blissful luck. You can thank your parents mostly for that. While there will always be those who are better off than you, there also will be many who are much worse off. Regardless, you are a totally unique individual with a mixture of both talents and flaws (just like everyone else grin). If you can, improve those flaws of yours. It can be done. However, most importantly, utilize and exploit your talents. They are gifts that can enhance your life and others. Where you can, help others.
It will not only leave a lasting positive impression on those that you directly help, but like ripples in a pond will likely indirectly positively affect many others. Indeed, when you help others, ask those you help to help someone else. If when you leave this life, that you have created a net positive effect on the planet, then you have fulfilled your purpose and will be remembered positively. Now go forth & enjoy ! peace

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Not too bad JimNastics, not too bad.
The meaning of life is to simply fully experience and appreciate life and all it temporarily offers you. Also, appreciate the luck that you can do so. The fact that you are here at all is sheer blissful luck. You can thank your parents mostly for that. While there will always be those who are better off than you, there also will be many who are much worse off. Regardless, you are a totally unique individual with a mixture of both talents and flaws (just like everyone else grin). If you can, improve those flaws of yours. It can be done. However, most importantly, utilize and exploit your talents. They are gifts that can enhance your life and others. Where you can, help others.
It will not only leave a lasting positive impression on those that you directly help, but like ripples in a pond will likely indirectly positively affect many others. Indeed, when you help others, ask those you help to help someone else. If when you leave this life, that you have created a net positive effect on the planet, then you have fulfilled your purpose and will be remembered positively. Now go forth & enjoy !"

Agree ..
I'm satisfied with my life and try to do good things for other..
I spent many years to understand meaning of life. Finally I understood, to find a meaning of life we should be imprisoned in a frame. Otherwise life has no meaning. If my frame is learning somthing, whatever i do for it is meaningful for me. If my frame is helping the others whatever I do for it is meaningful for me. If my fame is chatting with my friends whatever I do for it is meaningful for me.

If we don't have any frame, life becomes meaningless. Then we can experience lightness of life.

A man asked a Zen master: ’Since you have become enlightened what changes happen in your life?’
The master said: ’Before I became enlightened I used to chop wood and carry water from the well.’

And the man asked: ’Now that you have become enlightened what do you do? What changes have happened?’

He said: ’I chop wood and I carry water from the well.’
But the man was puzzled. ’Then,’ he said, ’what is the difference? It is the same thing.’

And the master laughed. He said, ’It is not the same thing. Before, I used to chop wood and think a thousand and one thoughts. Now I simply chop wood. It is so beautiful just to chop wood and do nothing. Before, I used to have a thousand and one desires while drawing water from the well. Now I simply draw water. And to tell you the truth, there is no one inside me who is drawing the water. And when I am chopping the wood it is wonderful, because there is nobody in me chopping the wood. I have disappeared! The wood is being chopped and the water is being carried, and it is tremendously beautiful.’

fetching wood, carrying water are not look very appealing. They are ordinary things. Everybody is doing them. So when we are fetching wood, we are condemning it – we like to be the president of some country. We don’t want to be a woodcutter. We go on condemning the present for some imaginary future. Carrying water from the well, we feel we are wasting our life. We are angry. We were not made for such ordinary things. We had come with a great destiny – to lead the whole world towards a paradise, some utopia. These are all ego-trips. ( This Zen story and meaning of it I found from Osho talks)
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by JimNastics
created Oct 2009
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Oct 2009
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