Obama or Romney? That is the Question! (836)

Jul 18, 2012 5:47 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
AlbertaghostAlbertaghostCultural Wasteland, Alberta Canada76 Threads 5 Polls 5,914 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: And is THAT the best the mighty GOP got trying to send to the White House ?

All that's needed to do a far better job.

Jul 18, 2012 5:56 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
In the last 6 months, how many times has President Obama met with his Job council? zero

How many time has he met with major campaign staffers? Over 100.

With that little bit of information. Please tell us that President Obama
is really working to drop the countries unemployment?

Tell us he not just trying to save his job and has forgotten the country issues and problems?

Obama unfavorable has grown by 6% in the last two weeks.

A Fox poll has it Obama 45% and Romney 41%
Jul 18, 2012 6:21 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: When at a recent REP rally, a Romney supporter.....yelled out that Obama was a "Monster"......Candidate Romney said to the croud..."That is not a term I would use."

Just like when McCain corrected his supporter in 2008. Romney chooses a higher road in the rhetoric of his campaign base the wants to paint the President at every turn.

Just watch the response that comes from the gesture from the opposite side of the countries politics. Mitt Romney has collected a number of spiteful terms and adjectives from the Obama supporters.
Will the President that wanted the rhetoric toned down after the Gabby Gifford shooting this time with a base that is less than motivated.....encourage restraint on their part?

Well we only have Dudes....posts to give a hint to that....but as their CS representative, clearly the attack mentality is rampant in the liberal DEMs of the day. Romney has not given them much to attack. So far it is Bain, Bain Bain.....Romney's employment from over decade ago. That has caused them to froth.Not having many success stories has to hurt Obama. His 2008 message of hope and change...brought the illusion that his presidency was a turning point in the ill of Washington. Only we find it to be more of the same in Washington....as scandle has rocked the Obama administration time and again.

As the minority party, the job of the REP was to expose and investigate those scandles. With the number and variety areas, the
REP were almost over whelmed by the task. This minority role is not defined in the Constitution. But over the years has developed to be one of the unwritten roles of the minority party.

This is one of the checks and balances within our government. It keeps a President or political party from using excessive pressure and immoral means to accomplish the role of governace. That this President extend executive priviledge over the fast and furious, show exactly why the minority party is needs to do this role.

Romney has talked little of Fast and Furious. Little on the ACA Supreme Court Ruling. Little on the SEAL Team 6 shoot down. Little on the security leaks of the Obama administration. So he has plenty of ammo for a negative campaign.But has stayed to the question of the economy and employment. The real issue of millions of Americans.

While President Obama and his DEM minions.....focus on Bain, Bain, Bain. This focus is simply because the administration understands the working of the vast economy like the United States so little, shown by the economic failures of the last three years......that they only have
Bain, Bain, Bain to complain )) about.

I am telling you man... your Guy Mitt Romney is going to get BAINED OUT of this coming election with grace and if the dang looser knew what kinds of truth will get on the surface... he would never even Dare to become candidate... did I not tell you that not only Romney will loose, but he will also Loose a lot of money because of this very election. Wait and SEE devil
Jul 18, 2012 7:51 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
AlbertaghostAlbertaghostCultural Wasteland, Alberta Canada76 Threads 5 Polls 5,914 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: I am telling you man... your Guy Mitt Romney is going to get BAINED OUT of this coming election with grace and if the dang looser knew what kinds of truth will get on the surface... he would never even Dare to become candidate... did I not tell you that not only Romney will loose, but he will also Loose a lot of money because of this very election. Wait and SEE

Nah, he's out done Obama in contributions so he won't have a problem. As for Bain, like I told you when you check the facts using unbiased sources he's clean.
Jul 19, 2012 7:28 AM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: I am telling you man... your Guy Mitt Romney is going to get BAINED out. Wait and SEE

Even with BAIN swift boat attacks. The polls remain tight.

Obama should have picked up several points with the attacks. Like Bush did with Kerry's swift boat attacks in 2004. NADA. He did not. Bain is old news. Yawning here. Negative campaign is not as strong as it was.

--To Syria.

With Syria falling in full fledged civil war, President Obama went to
President Putin to get Russian thoughts.....on what to do. Further showing that he lacks leadership in the issue. McCain has already said what needs to occur here. But the administration is still seeking 'space from Putin'.

McCain called for arming the SFA rebells a long time ago. All they have done so far is provide humanitarirn aid. Trying to see if the Russia, Iran, Alawite coalition is strong enough to maintain control.

With the recent bombing deep inside the Assad regime....that took down several of his high ranking military and a brother in law. It means that the SFA has penetrated deep inside the regime.

The Assad regime is crumbling from the inside out. Yet the President cannot help to send it into the dust bins of history?

So he comes out with a strong pro democracy statement for Syria. Provides the weapons the SFA needs.

Now Israel gets involved in this as well. As you know Israel just had a suciede attack in Bulgaria on youth bus that killed 6 and badly injured 35. Netanyhu says it is the work of Iran. The Bulgarians are saying that the bomber carried a fake US Driver license. So say it a Iranian attack....they are trying to point the finger at the US as doing it.

This was a strong bomb. Destroyed the entire bus. Yet this drivers license survived the detonation at the point of explosion? The document was protected likely to keep it from being vaporized.
That is how much planning went into the attack. Planning if the Israeli are right....was done in Iran. But it comes back to Syria.

As you know they have been trying to tie the US to the "alQeada Terrorist" in Syria. It is clearly a bogus claim. As I have said in the past alQeada is a proxie of Iran. But with Iran trying to link the Bulgarian bus bomber to the US. Because I just bet this Bulgarian bomber with have alQeada ties. So eventually this all get muddied up and the general public has no idea to the truth.

But Obama is not making the case that Iran and alQeada are hand in hand. And he needs to....time to put the clamp down on Iran. he is showing poor leadership on both Iran and Syria. Letting Putin advise him on Syria is like letting saber tooth tiger smell blood, thinking you not going to get bit.

Bringing me to this.

A pipeline just opened to by-pass the Strait of Hormuz. One of the reason Iran went to Syria was to place Quds Force near the southern Turkish pipelines. If Iran loses it threat to close the Straits, it needs be able to close other pipelines to restrict the crude flow.

Iran is losing the battle of oil infrasctruture right now. With the US shale oil field and the ......well....should be Keystone pipeline....
we can begin to finish it off. So why not sign off on the Keystone and finish putting a nail in the Iranian coffin on oil sanctions? The US can pick up all the Iranian crude markets around the globe, if he does.

They wanted to play with the world's remaining super power. Well be the world's remaining super power and use your economic abilities to get the direction in foriegn countries that you want.

Leading me to this.

The world better get ready for some high food prices. The US is in the middle of a very sever drought. 2/3 of the country have been effected. It is the worse drought since 1956. As you know our export of food lead the world and they help to keep foreign food prices down. But with the drought....food prices are expected to raise dramatically here soon.
Jul 19, 2012 12:19 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
When she withdrew from the 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton was 25m in debt. Today she has whittled that down to $100,000 debt. Amazing what kinds of business deals as the Sect of State and making less than $125m per year you can get....to make that kind of repayment on debt.

But for Hillary back in 2008....facing a $25m debt.....that one Barack Obama promised to assume.....but somehow did not. The debt was a massive amount. Even Bill's $10K per diner rate would not cover it. So what was she to do?

The answer came when President Obama called to ask her to be the Sect of State in his administration. Hillary has used the position to make close to $24m in the last 3 years.

But she was faced with either being place into indebted servitude by her political opponent or finding another way to pay back the $25m.
She choose the indebted servitude offered by the Obama administration
that was holding the offer to assume the debt as a carrot to her.

No wonder Bill wanted her to run again in 2012. As we have learned in the book "The Amateur" Bill urged her to run again. By now Bill saw his wife was being held in this financial position by the President and his withdrawal of the loan assumption. If she ran again, she could make it a major issue.

No wonder Bill was calling the President a 'amateur'. Such a immature and petty thing to do when you are President of the United States with a trillion dollar budget under your control. Because by now it was known Barack had pulled back on the offer. Bill had to be insulted to the bone.

But Hillary soldiered on for Barack Obama. Being his spokesperson
on foreign issues that she had to personally disagree with. Take Afghanistan. The White House took Hillary right out of the Afghanistan chain of command. They used a special ambassadors (Tomsen and Holbrooke) that reported only to the White House. But Hillary was in the situation room during the bin Laden raid. She had a prominate seat in the sole photo that came that night from the room. You add it up.
)) But think photo opt for the 2012 as you do. Not good to have only men in the room when bin Laden is taken down. That might be considered

So now Romney is using a Clinton sound bit from 2008, were she says Barack Obama is lying about her and her campaign. That he waisting mission in negative ad campaign based on errored information. Hillary still soldier on for Barack Obama....saying Romney is waisting "his time". Funny back in 2008, Hillary took it pretty badly.

Or just maybe.....Barack Obama has decided with Hillary already saying she will not be his indenture Sect of State for another term....to help with the 25m in debt she owed.
Jul 19, 2012 9:14 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
"....as scandle has rocked the Obama administration time and again.

As the minority party, the job of the REP was to expose and investigate those scandles. With the number and variety areas, the
REP were almost over whelmed by the task." (credit ttom above)

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

can't breathe I'm laughing so hard
Jul 19, 2012 10:58 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
SparkyAgainSparkyAgainKabul, Afghanistan20 Posts
Hot_Single_Dude: I am telling you man... your Guy Mitt Romney is going to get BAINED OUT of this coming election with grace and if the dang looser knew what kinds of truth will get on the surface... he would never even Dare to become candidate... did I not tell you that not only Romney will loose, but he will also Loose a lot of money because of this very election. Wait and SEE

Even if he does lose, he can make up all that money by applying to President Obama to fund a wind mill project. Maybe he'll call in MittLyndra. Shortly after securing funding he can declare bankruptcy and/or outsource to another country - perhaps Denmark or another country favored by President Obama.
Jul 20, 2012 3:13 AM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
felixis99: "....as scandle has rocked the Obama administration time and again.

As the minority party, the job of the REP was to expose and investigate those scandles. With the number and variety areas, the
REP were almost over whelmed by the task." (credit ttom above)
can't breathe I'm laughing so hard

A certain amount of humor is always important in political discourse.....
Jul 20, 2012 7:55 AM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
What just did the American tax payer just buy for $20,578?

Drum Sticks.....yep Drum Stick.....4000 sets of Drum Sticks to be precise.


A one day GSA party that totally cost $250,000. The GSA...the agency supposedly to control and manage government spending has done it again.
$20,578 would be bad enough if was BBQ Drum Sticks that you eat. But this was drum sticks so the GSA participants could "do the beat" with the entertainment.

Clearly the Obama administration is a government out of control when it comes to spending. Congress is furious....both sides of the aisle.

Just checking on line commercial prices for bulk drum sticks.....
for 12 the price is around $20. Or $1.66 per drum stick set or about .88 cent per stick

In this case the GSA....paid $5.14 per set or about $2.57 per stick.

President Obama is the CEO of the Government of Waste......
Jul 20, 2012 8:09 AM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
GentlejimGentlejimunknown, Wisconsin USA7 Threads 96 Posts
You are out of touch with reality! Obama is a muslim socialist! His grand design is to break America economically and merge us into a one world government. He has the backing of one of the richest men on the planet, George Soros.
Jul 20, 2012 12:04 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
ttom500: Hey Dude, I just got a invite to pick up a "Free Ticket" at a Obama event at Rollin College. Yep.....they are simply giving away tickets.
to get people in the doors.

Anyways, I will be a pal. If you want to attend....I will pick you up a free ticket for you.....for his July 20th Grass roots event at the sport complex at Rollins. 2PM.....but if your plane get held up for say three days, like a recent United flight did.....they will extend the event for you.

You can dance with them and party with them and even do a grouphug with them . Just let me know.......

Gonna have to show an ID to get in? Probably will, that's been so in the past. Of course it's not required to vote, or will it be?
Jul 20, 2012 12:15 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_Dude: Welcome to this thread Willodraga

Bushney,s supporters do not care a bout these kinds of reasonings, and Ze Brain is blocked because of oil in their butts you see?

The people on here, that are actually looking at facts,are not all Bush supporters. I wish you would do that instead of the garbage sites you refer to here. There are official US government sites that contradict some of the, so called, information you post here.
Jul 20, 2012 12:17 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_Dude: Yeah Duck... you only beleive in "RIGHT" things

Of course I believe in the right things, not always the "right" things though. I just spend some time to weed out the facts from the garbage, you might try that.
Jul 20, 2012 12:26 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Ccincy: Do you really believe that our government is going to provide us with the right facts?

I also said I bet not that that many died.Some peopole need to learn how to read a post.

Yea, you got a point there, the bunch of idiots we have in government now can't be trusted at all. Politicians seem to be born liars, some are worse than others.
Jul 20, 2012 12:31 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_Dude: It is absolutely Fablous the dang gangster do not even are to show up in some states of his own country, and in Canada and Spain and some other countries

Sometimes, when I read your posts, it's easier for me to understand why you don't understand what's actually going on. You make numerous mistakes in your English, and I understand it's not your native language, but if you don't understand English you may be misreading some of the information available.
Jul 20, 2012 3:02 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
At late night showing of the new Batman film.....The Dark Knight Raise..in Aurora, CO. A suburb of Denver Co and very near the Columbine High Shooting, a gun man entered a packed theatre and killed 12 and wounded 50. Many of the 50 are in critical condition. Most were children and youths, including a 3 month old baby.

Both Presidential candidates have suspended their campaigns. President Obama was to address a rally at Rollins College, but has canceled.

A picture is emerging of the gunman that was caught outside the theatre by local law enforcement as he went to his car.

His name: Jame Holmes.

Age: 24
Occupation: PhD College student at University of Colorado
Past History: His sheet is clean ....no prior arrests
Weapons: AR-15, 12 Gauge Remington Shotgun, a 40 Cal glock and unknown hand guns in his car,body armor, smoke grenades and explosives

On being caught, he told the arresting officers that he was .."the Joker"....of the Batman characters.

He had wired his apartment with trip wires and explosive. The police estimate that if detonated it would taken down both Holmes apartment building and nearby building. But the Denver bomb squad was able to safely defuse the bombs.

Police think he acted alone.

So what do we have here?

There is some similarities to the Finland attack by Brevik. Youths were the target. The body armor. The lone gunman. The Explosives.
But so far there is no connection to the Knight Templar that Brevik was part of.

But also "the Joker"....was a old crime villian of the Batman comic book serise that came about the same time as the V for Vengence comic book serise was around. University of Colorado is one of the more radical school in the country. You need to remember the that it was the school of Dr. Ward Churchill.

We don't know if Holmes has a connection to the OWS, which is very strong at the University of Colorado. But in the future this will become known. Nor do we know if he was connected to Anyonmous anarchist group from Europe.

Already the government is saying that this was not connected to terrorism. I think that they hasty in making that assessment. The people inside the teathres were terrified. So I would call it a act of terrorism. It is just not connected to the government's common definition of terrorism.

We will learn much more about Mr. Holmes in the future. And yes, Colorado has the death penalty.......
Jul 21, 2012 7:49 AM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
Very good news Dude.....the judge ruled the man stripping for TSA in a protest is innocent. That means that AG Holder does not have to figure out if it is a Federal crime........
Jul 21, 2012 12:28 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
ttom500ttom500St. Cloud, Florida USA30 Threads 5 Polls 10,523 Posts
I just learned my niece living in Aurora, CO was being visited by a second niece (2 of 3)....almost attended the theatre of the Holmes shooting last night with some friends. The friends invited them to attend the theatre. My nieces decided not to go at the last moment.....and the others then decided not to go.

So they missed the entire thing.

That my nieces....they got great instincts.grin cheering cheering
Jul 21, 2012 1:18 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: When she withdrew from the 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton was 25m in debt. Today she has whittled that down to $100,000 debt. Amazing what kinds of business deals as the Sect of State and making less than $125m per year you can get....to make that kind of repayment on debt.

But for Hillary back in 2008....facing a $25m debt.....that one Barack Obama promised to assume.....but somehow did not. The debt was a massive amount. Even Bill's $10K per diner rate would not cover it. So what was she to do?

The answer came when President Obama called to ask her to be the Sect of State in his administration. Hillary has used the position to make close to $24m in the last 3 years.

But she was faced with either being place into indebted servitude by her political opponent or finding another way to pay back the $25m.
She choose the indebted servitude offered by the Obama administration
that was holding the offer to assume the debt as a carrot to her.

No wonder Bill wanted her to run again in 2012. As we have learned in the book "The Amateur" Bill urged her to run again. By now Bill saw his wife was being held in this financial position by the President and his withdrawal of the loan assumption. If she ran again, she could make it a major issue.

No wonder Bill was calling the President a 'amateur'. Such a immature and petty thing to do when you are President of the United States with a trillion dollar budget under your control. Because by now it was known Barack had pulled back on the offer. Bill had to be insulted to the bone.

But Hillary soldiered on for Barack Obama. Being his spokesperson
on foreign issues that she had to personally disagree with. Take Afghanistan. The White House took Hillary right out of the Afghanistan chain of command. They used a special ambassadors (Tomsen and Holbrooke) that reported only to the White House. But Hillary was in the situation room during the bin Laden raid. She had a prominate seat in the sole photo that came that night from the room. You add it up.
)) But think photo opt for the 2012 as you do. Not good to have only men in the room when bin Laden is taken down. That might be considered

So now Romney is using a Clinton sound bit from 2008, were she says Barack Obama is lying about her and her campaign. That he waisting mission in negative ad campaign based on errored information. Hillary still soldier on for Barack Obama....saying Romney is waisting "his time". Funny back in 2008, Hillary took it pretty badly.

Or just maybe.....Barack Obama has decided with Hillary already saying she will not be his indenture Sect of State for another term....to help with the 25m in debt she owed.

Really TT no stroy is going to help ur guys, or making any americans with the smallest amount of functioning brains EVER beleive that mentionong money and stuff and connecting money matters to Dems , will make Romney looking cool or none bribed or no tax cheater Leech Stoopido as the entire flee of the vip GOPtooney any where in America!

Romney and the rest of vip GOPtooney are all cheaters and thieves and liers and crooks and a huge majority of America,s 99 procent know this fact more than well...

Now... go on.... mention millions her , millions there... try ur best and mix some few "facts" with a lot lies and hope some majorities of americans beleiving ur guys lies... me here am absolutely confident mister TT... Your guys are Freaking BAINED OUT and not a thing will help them other than year 2000 bribed kind of GOP judges from FL or else where and be sure man... WE have already taken cared of that possible scenario. Why not just accepting your defeat and move All to AZ ASAP instead of this keep harming America? dunno
Jul 21, 2012 1:26 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
SparkyAgain: Even if he does lose, he can make up all that money by applying to President Obama to fund a wind mill project. Maybe he'll call in MittLyndra. Shortly after securing funding he can declare bankruptcy and/or outsource to another country - perhaps Denmark or another country favored by President Obama.

I know Romney is Exactly the kind of crook who will try to do exactly what you are talking a bout , but I asure you Romney will not be able to get back on the top of business after this election is over in November... Wait and see devil
Jul 21, 2012 1:43 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: What just did the American tax payer just buy for $20,578?

Drum Sticks.....yep Drum Stick.....4000 sets of Drum Sticks to be precise.


A one day GSA party that totally cost $250,000. The GSA...the agency supposedly to control and manage government spending has done it again.
$20,578 would be bad enough if was BBQ Drum Sticks that you eat. But this was drum sticks so the GSA participants could "do the beat" with the entertainment.

Clearly the Obama administration is a government out of control when it comes to spending. Congress is furious....both sides of the aisle.

Just checking on line commercial prices for bulk drum sticks.....
for 12 the price is around $20. Or $1.66 per drum stick set or about .88 cent per stick

In this case the GSA....paid $5.14 per set or about $2.57 per stick.

President Obama is the CEO of the Government of Waste......

Who cares what Beck means TT? He is a mental patient you see? ADHD Remember? dunno
Jul 21, 2012 1:50 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
duckrew: I don't know about your country, like you don't know what's going on here, but what the banks can, and cannot, do is regulated by the government. So, as banks foreclose on properties, they are following government regulations. Government regulation of education just screws things up. The private schools here not only produce better educated students they do it a lower cost per student. You just keep showing that you don't know what you're talking about.

Actually I know a lot more than you ever beleive I know mister Duck ... your points of views are just biased of the right winger ideology and by that you love to claim stuff you can not back by facts any way. tongue

Teh government can not do any thing when a person have no money to pay the property, and in America specially this matter have bene way more harsh than it have ever been any where in Europe. Obama administration have treid to help agaisnt this situation and have had some success of course, but still a lo homes ar elost because people took bigge rloans than they could afford and the whole thing happend because of Geroge W Bush and his lousy losers on charge back then.
Jul 21, 2012 1:52 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
duckrew: The people on here, that are actually looking at facts,are not all Bush supporters. I wish you would do that instead of the garbage sites you refer to here. There are official US government sites that contradict some of the, so called, information you post here.

So you post some none garbedge sites , will you?
Jul 21, 2012 1:54 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
duckrew: Of course I believe in the right things, not always the "right" things though. I just spend some time to weed out the facts from the garbage, you might try that.

Yeah Duck... you and the rest of the armed and dangerous pupils of the kindergarden, always beleive in RIGHT things only laugh
Jul 21, 2012 1:55 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
duckrew: Sometimes, when I read your posts, it's easier for me to understand why you don't understand what's actually going on. You make numerous mistakes in your English, and I understand it's not your native language, but if you don't understand English you may be misreading some of the information available.
And Ditto Duck... your english actually sucks cheers
Jul 21, 2012 2:05 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
ttom500: I just learned my niece living in Aurora, CO was being visited by a second niece (2 of 3)....almost attended the theatre of the Holmes shooting last night with some friends. The friends invited them to attend the theatre. My nieces decided not to go at the last moment.....and the others then decided not to go.

So they missed the entire thing.

That my nieces....they got great instincts.

I am very happy to hear this TT... cheers handshake thumbs up
Jul 21, 2012 2:34 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
This is the real GOP:

Let the less fortuned pay more so the rich can party more and sending more money to Cayman islands and Swiss and elese where... Romney way scold
Jul 21, 2012 2:37 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
For Duck:

Embedded image from another site

Really difficult to understand still? Am I "misunderstanding" some thing?
Jul 21, 2012 2:39 PM CST Obama or Romney? That is the Question!
Hot_Single_DudeHot_Single_DudeKobenhavn, Capital Region Denmark68 Threads 73 Polls 11,289 Posts
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