RE: Then That’s It.

Hi Cat, sorry it didn't work for you. I would not give her that expensive gift. If you wish you can exchange it for a sweater that last BF was great in bed. Seriously, I would downgrade the gift to something like you would give to Bea.

She obviously thought long and hard in the timing and chose prior to her Bdayt not to make it look like. She was in it for the gift So, respect her choice and either downgrade or forget about it..send her a nice email bday card.

RE: current politics

Remember Cheavy you didn't pay for brightness, only my opinion...

On another note,I spent much time in Chico Ca. when my friend was going to Chico State. Who would have guessed the number 2 party town in the country. Many great memories from Chico....

RE: Why do women like bad men?

Hey Map......I would say it's the womans need for the release of endorphins. What is endorphin: a chemical naturally, released in the brain to reduce pain......Like exercise and laughter the endorphin release is craved by the female. So, this release relieves the pain that the woman feels and the 'bad boy' image is instrumental in their endorphin release......this is just one mans theory in a world of unknowns.....

RE: current politics

Hi Johnny...good blog....keep em coming..

One think that I find concerning is the verbose nature of LJ's posts supporting a person whom she does not even know. Her insidious mechanisms for mature conversation is laughable at best. She expects people to bow to her master (Mr. Narc) himself and show loyalty and respect when she was incapable of extending the same courtesies and respect to Obama. LJ, you say you were a professor. I would expect a more intelligent argument from you coming from the world of academia. But, I am also aware that that profession is rife with the narcissistic personalities you so promote. 'My way or the highway'.......

Lou Lou, your an admirable blogger and I trust you can see when the fight is more than just a fight.......

RE: Too soon to talk about the future? Forget the fight, find peace and common ground?

Hi Biff, Molly, you mean the Swiss tunnel that was 2.2 billion over budget........???? Last time they let the people choose. If it was all gov't controlled it would have been 5.5b over budget.......definitely a new campaign to run on....

RE: OK so this may seem like a silly question,

thanks Cheavy.......Trump has brought my stock portfolio up over 150k since the would think I would love the guy.......but, I learned a long time ago, money is not where it's at........have to run.......

RE: OK so this may seem like a silly question,

Cheavy, You didn't pay for intelligence so all you received was my opinion......

RE: OK so this may seem like a silly question,

LJ, this should be your mantra......

Trump has and will continue to back off on everything he spoke of to get elected. Already, he's backed off of Obamacare, building a fence instead of a wall.......and this will continue. What he will do is hit the height of his grandiosities and build fabulous airports and beautiful bridges and handsome roadways......but it will all be done in a pretentious manner that will bring him the accolades he so much requires. He will have no concern for the debt involved in accomplishing the aforementioned goals......

RE: OK so this may seem like a silly question,

Hi Non, maybe this quote will aid your in your quest....."The calls from prominent Republicans were loud and clear: “Donald Trump should withdraw and Mike Pence should be our nominee effective immediately,” said John Thune, the GOP Senate’s third-highest-ranking leader, on Saturday. “Donald Trump should withdraw in favor of Governor Mike Pence,” tweeted Republican South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard. “I will be voting for Mike Pence for president,” said Ohio Republican Senator Rob Portman. New Hampshire’s Kelly Ayotte said the same."

Pence is well liked on both sides of the house........

We think alike, I've looked into this expecting someone will try to have Trump removed......

RE: The People Have Spoken: Trump is our President

LJ, I don't understand your upsetness with Biff, her numbers are spot on. HC won the populous vote by over 150k, just like Al Gore won the populous vote against Bush in 2000, by 540k votes.


Nam, when I read your blogs, I think Trojan Horse, as you manipulate your keyboard through the world of despite and repute. Your vindictive retribution is indicative of a mind that serves only the false bravado. You create more damage working from your Trojan Horse. Why don't you start acting like a real man and say what you mean and mean what you say without all the illusion of a poorly disguised veiled of secrecy.


Blue, how many of us can you house????...Is it 2 or 3 meals a day there???laugh<Best places to go and hide from nuclear war would be the Antarctic, Fiji and New Zealand.>


JC, journalism is far from dead in America. The problem lies with whose journalism can you believe. Here's an article about Hillary's movement of 1.8b to a Qatar bank. The article has many many sub links making one think that it's beyond a reasonable doubt, factual.

But, as you do some due diligence you find out it was possible written by a conspirator.......

With the advent of the Internet, what's real and what's fake is certainly a profound quandary. This applies to people as well......

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

Hi Lou, it took me a long time to choose which diaper (so many choices)dohif I didn't take my time to make sure I purchased a doable one I probably would have missed her.....thanks and good to see you

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

Hey RH, goo to hear. We would have starved to death if it was left up to my Dad. He literally didn't know how to turn the oven far as GMO being save I'm not sure look at what it's doing to your complexion. grin

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

did you hear someone say Scotty knock it off in the above video.....???rolling on the floor laughing

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

Seri...check this out cracked me up, just picked it off of twitter......I said trading can be intense

notice how the other traders just kept on trading.....

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

Seri, didn't you say that solutions are not permanent (prior)? And now<So the art to compromise is actually the only permanent solution> Sometimes I do question myself....WHY DID YOU DO THAT TRADE? WHAT WERE YOU THINKNG?? There's no compromising with Wall Street....their game, their rules, their ball......have to run.....c u laterwave

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

Seri, every moment of my day is trading is intense and extremely conflicting.......

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

Hi Angel, good to see you. thank you

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

Hi Seri, not sure I can comprehend the first not being permanent, seems contradictory and to some I thought the big bang happened already, should we prepare for another one? Have you been chatting with Putin?

As to the second paragraph seriously who would have guessed diapers would be the correct lure on the line??? Certainly not me in a million years. You've been reading to much in that reverse psychology stuff


(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

that's a good question Blue, I think it works on an individualized basis and depends on the beer intake.......grin

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

Non...thanks now absorbs 10 times more, so im good for a long while.
now, if you try this yourself remember it's diapers for toddlers not the usual adult ones.....laugh

(Diapers)....Quite the attracton!!!

Hi DC, I don't think loading your cart with diapers is a good thing....laugh

I agree Molly, but it just won't leave my head alone.....

Thanks Cal....

Too early in the morning Usha, I can't even see straight let alone upside down.....

RE: I wonder...not another woman

Hi Johnny, after reading this today anything is probable and possible. The more I read the less I understand.....

RE: 'impending and grave danger'

Shake...not to say your observations are incorrect about some of the nastiness thrown our way, because you are correct. But, there is so much media hype everywhere that it becomes a compelling opportunity for some to jump on that proverbial band wagon. There is a lot of bad stuff happening in America; as well as the rest of the world and many fingers pointing in many directions, but in the end we can only control our own thoughts and concerns and no one elses........

RE: 'impending and grave danger'

Shake, let me affirm that Z is fair, balanced and sensible individual. He calls the spade the spade whether it be England/America or anywhere else on this planet.....

Z, send my money via pay-pal...handshake

RE: Your First Kiss

A friend of my sisters, don't recall her name, she was 15 I was 14. She stuck her tongue in my mouth and I was totally bewildered why someone would do that......

RE: Your First Kiss

jim, her name is actually Linda Blacketer....laugh

RE: Your First Kiss

Jim, you promised you would never tell. You took total advantage of me that night.....snooty

This is a list of blog comments created by sands88.

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