Madoff Gets 150 Years, Maximum Sentence

My comment is #5 btw.

Lost, Obscure, Unknown music from the dawn of Rock&Roll

The original "Little Darlin" by the Gladiolas This song was knocked off by The Diamonds which became a really big hit relegating The Gladiolas to scrap heap of R&R history.

This is the Diamonds version which everybody is familiar with, I think.

Personally I like the Gladiolas version better because it's a little off which appeals to me. The Diamonds version is more polished and it's also a great song.

RE: Another One Passes Away

The "Oxyclean" etc. guy? Damn, he looked the picture of health albeit it a few extra

Lost, Obscure, Unknown music from the dawn of Rock&Roll

Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs, "Stay"

Jive Five, "My True Story"

Thanks for you contributions conrad.

Lost, Obscure, Unknown music from the dawn of Rock&Roll

The Nutmegs, "Story Untold"

The Nutmegs, "Ship of Love"

Lost, Obscure, Unknown music from the dawn of Rock&Roll

Nolan Strong & The Diablos "The Wind" from 1954.

Lost, Obscure, Unknown music from the dawn of Rock&Roll

This thread died too young.

Little Walter: the best blues harp player who ever lived "My Babe"

RE: What happened before the big bang?

This discussion has been made before.

RE: I've finally found my love

what's his user name?

RE: I've finally found my love

You should print that one out and frame it! It's a classic.rolling on the floor laughing

have a look here.

RE: loans

Oh I think he could have leveraged that 800 bucks into a higher dividend. Warren Buffet he ain't!rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Do you think the 1969 moon landing was fake???

I guess it's true about teaching old dogs new tricks.dunno
Did he ever have trouble with accepting television? That was a hurdle many of the "Great Depression" generation had problems with.

RE: Do you think the 1969 moon landing was fake???

Maybe their tinfoil hats are interfering with their internet access.dunno

RE: Do you think the 1969 moon landing was fake???

I not only think it was real, I know it was real.

RE: If you had to choose 1 of these cars which 1 would u pick

As old as I am I have to go with the EVO.thumbs up

The EVO would make water on all the other cars on the list.rolling on the floor laughing

This is so hard to say

Farrah Fawcett just passed away. crying

My tears are very real.

S.C. Gov. Sanford takes a hike... on Appalachian Trail

Show me where I said the principal is to blame! What I said is don't try to wear the mantle of family values and morality and cheat on your wife. Keep talking because your keeping this thread on page 1 DUH thumbs up

S.C. Gov. Sanford takes a hike... on Appalachian Trail

Since we're going for definitions here's one for you.

–adjective 1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
2. (often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
5. favoring or permitting freedom of action, esp. with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
6. of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
7. free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
8. open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc.
9. characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts: a liberal donor.
10. given freely or abundantly; generous: a liberal donation.
11. not strict or rigorous; free; not literal: a liberal interpretation of a rule.
12. of, pertaining to, or based on the liberal arts.
13. of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman.

–noun 14. a person of liberal principles or views, esp. in politics or religion.
15. (often initial capital letter) a member of a liberal party in politics, esp. of the Liberal party in Great Britain.

It looks like Liberals have lots of values. We just don't go around bragging about it. Who's to judge? The American people are judging and Repubs are comming up short. BTW his name is Obama, stop this childish game of corrupting the spelling of his name it's making you look mean and rude.

S.C. Gov. Sanford takes a hike... on Appalachian Trail

The difference between Dems & Repubs is we don't assume a holier than thou attitude the way Repubs do. If you're going to take the high ground on morals you better have your skirts squeeky clean.

hyp·o·crite /'h?p?kr?t/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA
Use hypocrite in a Sentence
–noun 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

That's exactly what I thought it means but I don't see how YOU would know what I think, you must be a mind reader.

No hope for Iran

The regime in Iran has arrested 40 journalists so far but they haven't been charged yet.

It's a turn for the worse to arrest international journalists.
It just keeps getting worse maybe my thread title was right.dunno

S.C. Gov. Sanford takes a hike... on Appalachian Trail

Well, well, well. Now we know where this moral family values Republican Governor was. His staff lied, his wife lied, and he lied! He wasn't off "clearing his head", he wasn't hiking on the Appalachian Trail, he was in Argentina spending 5 days including Fathers Day with a married woman.

You Republicans sure have a lot of nerve to claim the mantle of family values! You never did define which family values you stand for. It's a lot like luck, there's 2 types,good luck and bad luck. I guess all these years we made the incorrect assumption you stood for the good kind.

Here's a little tune for you to enjoy.


RE: I met that guy, this is how it went

My dear, CS is not the real world. You should never take what you hear on CS as some kind of guide for life. Any man who would accept a marriage proposal on the first date would not be worth marrying. All you proved was this guy is somewhat normal. You think you started to love him? On the first date? And before the night was over you dumped him?

Ladies are you starting to see the mixed signals you send us guys?

RE: whats your favorite NHL team

Preparation H cheering

RE: Hi every one,I'm new to this site....

Hon, click the quote button on the post of the person you are responding to so that everybody will know exactly who it is. This avoids a lot of confusion.
OH and

RE: Obama chooses friend and fires Inspector General.

A Rat? They DO make rat traps. Kinda looks like a mouse trap on steroids.laugh

RE: Most reliable wine producing country?

Hungary makes some outstanding red wine if you can find it.
One way to tell if it's a good year for wines from a particular country or area is to look at the historical climate maps. Generally the best vintages are from drought years.

RE: The best poem in the world!

Great poem whoever wrote it!thumbs up

S.C. Gov. Sanford takes a hike... on Appalachian Trail

Governor Sanford of South Carolina has been missing for 4 days. Mark Sanford's staff said late Monday that the governor is hiking on the Appalachian Trail, ending four days during which staff and state officials said they had not heard from him.

Neither Sanford's office nor the State Law Enforcement Division, which provides security for governors, had been able to reach Sanford since he left the mansion Thursday in a black Suburban SUV assigned to his security detail, said state Sen. Jake Knotts , R-Lexington, and three others familiar with the situation, but who declined to be identified.

First lady Jenny Sanford said Monday her husband has been gone for several days over Father's Day weekend and she did not know where.

How is it possible that the Governor of a state who in a very real sense is like the CEO of a major corporation or even a president be missing and not even his wife knows where he is?confused

RE: Whats your favorite Invention

The Internal Combustion Engine. Life as we know it would not be possible without it.

No hope for Iran

You are right! People DO get emotional when their elections are tampered with and even when they are not justified. However, this election result could not have been decided by the vote count, but by the whim or wish of the "Supreme Leader". You ask for "analyses with cold mind" so I'll give you a cold mind analysis.
The election was decided 3 hours after the polls closed.
There were 11 million paper ballots to count.
Simple math: 11,000,000/180 (number of minutes in 3 hours) = 61,111. That is the number of paper ballots that had to be counted EVERY MINUTE! Or 1018 paper ballots counted EVERY SECOND. Nor could these ballots have been counted by machine because the ballots were folded in half. This doesn't even take into account collecting ballot boxes from all over the country and transporting then to where they are counted assuming they are controlled by some central authority.
Conclusion: The election was a sham! Only put on to appease the masses. The outcome was decided before the first voted was cast!
This is NOT democracy!thumbs down

This is a list of forum posts created by ooby_dooby.

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