RE: G-7 Meetings this weekend

But what about the consumption of India and China. With the population that both have. And low to modest per capitive GNPs.
How do they keep consumers happy? Both have over a 1b people.
With large numbers below the proverty lines. China's product, milk, hijacked not a good track record.
India's problem is just the numbers of people in the cities that it has.
Indian cities are the most dense in the world.

Russia. Its main energy consumer is Europe. What happens as Europe flips to alternative energy, electric cars, windmills etc. Less demand for oil. So they have a consumer with decreasing demand. It means Russia needs to develop China as a oil market. I am pretty sure they don't have pipeline to China. The transRussia ends in Mongul and Vadavostock on the Pacific. That is maybe yes and maybe no that Russia can develop this market. China is doing oil deals around the globe right now. Has seen how Russia plays the oil card. My bet is hesitant to become reliant on Russian oil.

Brazil. Has done the best job of them all. There it seems to me to be an coming environmental crisis as more and more rain forest goes.
Big growing population yes. And no external threats in South America.
But at times they will make some fraudulent products. We have gotten watered OJ from them in the past here in the US.

The BRIC has the potential to become what people say. But still has some major obstacles to doing so. Look what happen in the Russia market of recent. If Russia was would not have taken the nose dive that has this last 6-7 months. It was taken that dive prior to the US financial crisis even. Which cannot help it.

RE: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin/Who ever

SATURDAY nite. Have a good one!

RE: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin/Who ever

LOL rolling on the floor laughing if we can can only associate Obama to ________.

1) Tony RESKO
2) Bill Ayers
3) Father Phleger
4) Dude
5) A infected hair on an elephant's butt

RE: Fraud Fears In US Election

Obama first book did not come out till 2004. The house was purchased in 2005.

It is mis information like yours that is causing the problems here.

RE: Fraud Fears In US Election

Seems like they have been visiting NFL training camps, prisons, hospital natal care units, and Mexican cities south of the border
as well.

RE: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin/Who ever

In my opinion. Wrong plan but right idea.

Buying out the bad loans, means the Gov't then owes it. That you don't want.

Creating a pool sources of funds at the grass root mainstreet level
that defaulting homeowner can borrow from solves it. Give him time to refinance or to sell without losing his equity. It is like a safety net.
Idea is at least 15 years old.....from the last time the Fannie/Freddie failed.

Keeps the homeowner the default, Keeps the lender from foreclosure/eviction, keeps the bad paper from going higher up
in the banking chain. Helps to keep equity value in the homes up and to keep growth in the house value.

Why they have not done it? Who knows?

RE: Fraud Fears In US Election

I just complete my letter of resignation as Florida election clerk.
The DEM party is sending 8000 attorney to poll watch and the
REP party is sending several 100.

They cannot even pass laws to control the activities of organization
like ACORN in voter fraud and bank scamming. Yet would send a host
of attorneys to watch the FLorida electroral process.

I have training session this Sat....intend to circulate the resignation and reason among my fellow workers in this county. Asking them to
resign as well.

This is going to both Canidates and thier parties. To media. If media begin to run with it, I hope poll workers around the country may
begin to resign over the ACORN issue. Because it is massive voter fraud that the political parties or government have not been able to stop.

Yet they want poll workers and princit clerks to have a registration process that keep illegals from voting. Will send attroenys to monitor the process, which can mean criminal felony charges to a poll workers that allow illegal person to vote.

So for the first Presidential election in 24 years, I will only vote. And not participate in this as a official.

RE: Fraud Fears In US Election

Ship, with multiple social security and voter registeration you can get multiple fake photo ID easy enough. Show the photo ID, with bad vote. Election Offices cannot stop them from getting on the registers.

The voting system is broke Ship. It going to be a bad election with 1000s voting multiple times.

RE: VOTE FOR CHANGE in '08!!!!!!!!

I think that we should change the rule of law on voting from.....

one person and one person and many votes

ACORN has so many additional names, deathes, football teams,
and other associate frauds going on........that we should begin to
reduce the number of Presidential Electroal Deligates awarded
to a State that ACORN doing voter registrations in it.

Ohio is 20 Deligates.......we should reduce to 15 Deligate....rough justice I think.....but what the heck.

They just raided the ACORN headquarter in Las Vegas according to FOXX.......ACORN in OH just admited to voter fraud.

They are sending 8000 DEM attroney to Florida to "watch the election"
and seem that the REP are doing the same. Most seem to be headed to south Florida. They are saying that DEMs attroney want to 'assit' the voter.

If they want to 'assist' in my precint....they are going to find themselves out the door.

RE: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin/Who ever

Maybe even HARvard........:-)

RE: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin/Who ever

YOu are just a little off there, Dude.

Right now till...Jan 20th of next year...they have the White House.
And that means GWB has the Bully Publit, the enter military under his command, and can go to Congress anytime he see a miscarriage of the electroral process....or a invalid canidate running for office.

The Unknown IL Politican and Tony Resko........

Actually Don, I think that there is a couple of reasons for it.

One, they are busy with 'gotcha type' questioning. Meaning that connecting dots and getting solid source is not thier function anymore.

Secondly, there is the issue......that if Obama wins this.....and they rocked the Obama boat getting there.....their media is sitting in the back of the press conference and will never have a guestioned answered.

Reading the RESKO indictment is journalism 101 on vetting Obama.
After they knew of the property purchases and the even having Obama say it was a 'mistake'. The question is then, how bad a mistake is it? You can begin to find that answer in the indictment.

Ras. On the wiki quotes in the OP. I have second source on them.
One said Resko's Chicago Property Management co....had 32
Chicago properties. In the RE Chicago market.....that can equal out
to pretty near the $43m loan. I have second source on Obama attending the party with RESKO and the Iraqi billionaire.

The rest....the terms of 'extortion', 'influence peddling', 'using a politician to get Levine term extension', '$1.5m donation to a IL politician'.....that all came from the gov't indictment. Which is also sworn testament in the court case. I wrote a what is called a 'snopsis' of the 65 page indictment to boil it down to post that would fit. Using the 'key words from the indictment' is how a legal snopsis is done.

It doesnot get much more solid that, Ras.

Obama can clear this up. All he has to do is show that missing income flow document on the house. If it checks clean.....I got nowhere to go with this line. But till he does, I am digging it.

But read the 65 pages of indictment and tell me if the snopsis is accurate/honest in your opinion.

The Unknown IL Politican and Tony Resko........

So much Wiki info, so little time.

I know Ras.......but we are just getting warmed up on this.
Give it a little time. Then put some holes in it.

The Unknown IL Politican and Tony Resko........

Not if I get into the Fannie Mea loans, Conrad.

The Fannie mea failure was the cause of our economic crisis.
It was their bad paper that did it. It does not take a lot of bad paper to get a confidence lose. Just a small percentage will do it. We have had to bail fannie and freddie out 6 times in the past. Each time the same frigin problem.....bad paper. Guys like Franks and Raines, know how much bad paper that the system will take to cause a confidence crisis.

We know that Obama's law firm help Resko get either a Fannie or
Freddie loan of $43m. Resko's group has gone bankrupt and is not paying the mortages. Obama's law firm help to put $43m of bad paper into the part of the reason that Fannie and Freddie failed.

If I dig the databases of fannie and freddie.......I think that I will find more.

We know that the DEM party porked ACORN to $762m. ACORN used the money to pressure the banks into making loans to low income and poor performing mortages that went to the freddies/fannies. We know Obama had three connections to attroney, trainer and fund raiser from the Wood Foundation. His role was a little more than 'a community organizer'. He likely trained the people that pressured the banks to make bad loans. As attroney he likely drafted or reviewed the draft of the ACORN pressure program of the banks.

There has been way to much hurt over the Fannie/Freddie failure.
A $700b dollar bailout that gets DEM porked to $832b. People have lost in the stock market, in mortages, and in credit because of it.

There is enough fair balanced media here.....that if the 'pieces fit' to paraphrase a infamous line from OJ's murder trial of 13 years ago... they will tell the story.

Beginning to feel like Woodward and Burnstein here.:-)

The Unknown IL Politican and Tony Resko........

About this time...Barak and Michelle were buying a house.
Which we know was connected property to a Resko purchase.
That they got under valued by $300,000.

That $300,000 brought the price of the house down to
and even $1,500,000.

Which just happens to be the exact same amount that Resko is extorting for the unnamed politican from the investment firm.

Barak his disclosure statement for Presidency.....
needs to release his property transactions.

One missing document from that is......the Barak's income flow.....on where the funds for this $1,500,000 house was coming from. In other words, Barak is not telling us where he got the money for it.

The Unknown IL Politican and Tony Resko........

I just finshed reading the State of IL indictment on Tony Resko.
Interesting read.

13 indictments....all guility in the end.

Was Obama mentioned in the indictment? No. But several mentions of
a IL politician and donations to them are. Those I will cover in detail after you get an idea of the indictments.

In IL there is the Teacher's Retirement Service (TRS). TRS manages the IL teacher retirement fund of some $30b. They make investments into various developments/investment firms and such.

In the 2003, there was man by the name of Levine that was on the
TRS board of trustees, the group that controlled the process of application then the actual investments that the TRS would make.

Resko knows Levine. Resko has a development firm called Chicago
Properties Management. At this time, Obama is a sitting IL Senator and practicing attroney in Chicago.

Resko begins to use his influence with Levine in a couple of ways.
One is to seek TRS funds his development firm. But also to refer
investment firms to the TRS for fund placing. Only there is a problem.

Levine term on the board of trustees is coming to an end. Resko goes
to a unnamed politician in Springfield to get an extension of Levine's term. Which occurs.

Some 7 unnamed investments firm are listed in the indicitment. Resko would refer them to Levine who would place them on the board agenda for funding proposla presentations. Assuming either a donation to the unknown politican campaign was made and/or a kickback of the referal fee was made to Resko that would in turnspilt the fee with 50/50 Levine.

One firm was seeking a $220m investment from the TRS. To get the investment, a $1.5m donation was asked to be made to this politican. The firm's process of paperwork gets held up, until the donation is made. Contacting Resko to find out why. The firm is told to make the donation and everything would get straightened out. The firm said that is extortion and refused to pay. The other 6 investment firm seemed to pay, they got TRS investments.

There are several Chicago attorneys mentioned in the indictment as well. None seem to have direct contact to Obama. They were mostly involved with locating the investment firms that Resko would.

There is also a scam on the IL Public Service Retirement service, that did not occur. The TRS scam was uncovered prior to it materialising.

Eventually Resko business are beginning to fail. Resko is Syrian immigrant. So he knows people in the middle east. Including a
Iraqi billionaire. The same that Obama meets later at a house party
of Resko. It is this Iraqi large loan to Resko that comes in via wire, that ends the house of cards for Resko. Got the law enforcement agencies to begin to look at him hard.

Resko also work for 5 years for Muhammed Ali. Muhammed Ali is a supporter of Louis Ferracon. (Wiki source)

Obama's law firm helps Resko get a $43m loan from the Federal Government......for development acquistions.....most likely from either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. (This according to Wiki....searching string.....Resko Indictment)

To run for IL Senate, one needs a war chest of less than a $1m.
To run for US Senate, one needs a war chest of $10m to $20+ m

The media cannot go public with this info on the Resko indictments and just speculate to who the unknown IL politician is. If they do, without the names in the in IL indictment, they are open for lawsuit.

The IL indictment of Tony Resko is at:

Is also click thru on the Wiki search string. There is about 4 paragraphs on the Obama/Resko relationship at wiki.

RE: Former McCain worker, now highly against him. Heres why:

This one is pretty easy to figure out.

Just cut a hard copy of his pic. Send it to the McCain camp with a copy of the threat OP. If the McCain camp says he was one of theirs then you got confirmation.

BUT if the McCain camp comes back and says what I think that they will say.... you got a liberal leftie in republician disguise.

RE: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin/Who ever

Every time she has a good outing, like the VP debate......the people watching the hack job of the SNL, Lettermans, and Lenos....get just a
little more angry.

Palin is the home town girl and the girl that lives across the street.
So how do you attack and make fun of that?

I have to admit. Biden escaped without falling into any hole or stepping on any land mine in the debate. There were a lot of both
strung out in front of him.

I guess nearly 30 years in the Senate will teach you something.....even if you cannot get the clause of the constitution right on the what the role of the VP is, whom you have been looking
at for nearly 30 years.

Kind of reminds one of Obama's explanation of Rev. Wright. Maybe is some kind of disfunctional DEM gene. You forget the charateristics and role of anyone that leads an assembly. :-)

RE: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin/Who ever

FreeHappy...all the polls are 'unofficial' until Nov 4th. And the methodology of the one that being takens now is question.

I could site more than just the survery group. The pollster are doing a lot of polling....not just for the Presidency...but also all the Senate/ House and State elections as well.

So what I have seen is they cut down the sample sizes....they are doing nationwide polls of 2500-3000 and giving a = or- of 3-4%.
The present voter pool in the US is about wish to
tell me that a sample of 3000 gives you a accurate picture of 175m?
of which over a 100m will vote?

That is why I am not placing much stock in them.

On Michigan...I think that is was also money and resources. Personally, I would not have made it public, if I was McCain. I would have just reduced the commercials and the time spent. Palin said the same even.

So I don't think that it was just bad polls there. They were a factor, yes. But not the only reason.

RE: Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin/Who ever

jvaki.......consider the geo political implications of the 69,000 foreign
fighters that are now held in Iraqi jails and prisons. They come from
at least 18 different Moslem countries.

Now connect a few dots ......and ask yourself why....Hezbollah, Hamas
and Syria are in talks with Isreal. Now you have the answer.

Terrorism is bigger than what is happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is what has happened and is happening around Isreal, what happen in the South Philipine Islands when the abu Syu group takes a Christian village, what happens in N. Africa when a AlQeada group kidnaps two Austrian tourist. To focus this to Afghanistan, Pakistan and its NW terroritories....under estimates the size and scope of it.

Iraq was our place in the world to meet these guys with our military forces. GWB made a call.Some DEMs and left have said it was a immoral war. That Sadam had nothing to do with 9/11. Ever hear of state terrorism against ones own people? When Sadam was taking down Iraqi Kurdish villages with chemical weapons...kind of fits the discription of a state terrorist to me. Doing so, took the same moral level as bin Laden.

Dafur, Kosovo, Somalia, Iraq are all situations of State Terrorism.

Whether we like it or not.....9/11 made the US the policeman of the world. Few like to think that is the case. But what other choice did we have? Terrorism had a 50 year history in the middle east by then.
We had to get into the fight in a 'larger way' than just going after
bin Laden in Afghanistan.

If you read Bhutto book, she will tell you terrorism goes back some 1300 years in the Islamic world. That there has been a clash of cultures between the moderate Moslems and radical ones for that long. What the west and US are involved now in, is part of this clash of cultures.

Obama and the many DEMs like to say.....Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11....Sadam should have just been left there to enjoy the billions of his oil wealth.....and he would never hurt the US. He was killing his own to the number of 1000s per year without legal due process.....what is a single American life or 10000 American lives to a man who is doing that?

RE: So.... OJ Simpson Found Guilty?

He is facing life in prison or a very long sentence at this point.

The cell for a murder and the cell for a thief/con man are about the same, I suspect.

Is sad to see someone that was an American hero fall so low in life.....
that he both takes life and commits a serious crime to recover properties.

That later was so stupid by the way. All he had to do was to explain it to the local police.....they would ask for a court order to inspect the
sport items....gone to inspect them....found that they were Simpson's.
They would have seized them for a latter court ruling.

Only Simpson felt he knew the law on items from storage facility foreclosures better. Knew that the two mught also have a ligitmate claim to them. So?

He takes the law into his own hands.....

He should have contacted the Dream Team that got him off the Nicole
murder charges.....asked them for a advice.

RE: Biden/Palin debate will you watch it?

Those corrections on Palin.......Carl Rove had him lieing on 10 of them.

The first admendant was one.
The Iraq war vote
Two McCain votes
One Obama vote
The return to pre surge number
were a few

Anytime he got into trouble, he would pull a rabbit out the hat.

Will be interesting to see the fact check scores on this debate.

I know Sky and Dude.....I mentioned a name that brings great DEM
and Left passion to the thread. But in this stuff....Rove knows his stuff.

I have to admit.......the Come on Joe, dog gone it......had a nice homey touch to it.

RE: Biden/Palin debate will you watch it?

Sure why not.

A highlight of the campaigns is going to be this debate.

We have the old master politician (Jedi teacher to Young Barak Obama) that slipped off the to the darkside in debate with the young Princess Sarah.

Passing up a steak diner to see it.

RE: Do you think that there is Extraterrestrial life?

I am going for possibility at this point.

Here is why. It leaves me open for the possibility while not admitting to something that is not proven.

We find some water on Mars and a moon that seems to be water based. So there seems to the necessarily elements for life elsewhere.


Till we have that alien microism in a test tube....or that alien 500 pound creature staring us in the is hypothetic arguement.

I will look for the microrganism.....and will let you find the 500 alien creature.

RE: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

Exactly Oobie. Elected is the key word there. The majority party elects someone as the DEMs "put" Polosi in as the Speaker by this election.

Surely the DEMs had someone with more Commander in Chief and Executive officer expereince to consider than Polosi. Polosi came from the CA State Senate before (pretty sure). That is a fraction of what Palin has in expereince as Gov. of Alaska.

RE: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

I am with you, Indy.....that $700b is 1/2 of our this point they are clueless to where the money is going and to who is getting it and what for.

House members are still getting alot of negative opinion on it.

Newt Grinrich flipped on it. He now supports it.

The DEM house leadership is working the DEMs that voted against to change and support.

Get this...of the Barney's House Banking Committee DEMs....only a couple voted to support it in the first vote.....most rejected their own legislation that they wrote. Why they could not kill it in committee......
someone in the committee had to have a gun pointed at them.

RE: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

Dude, this has abolsutely nothing to do with Palin and her campaign with McCain for the Presidency.

Has to with how Nancy Polosi got to be speaker in the house. As Speaker she is number three in our Chain of Command for the military, behind....the President, Vice President....

if you read the point was that they DEMs have already given us a number 3 that is poorly qualified to be Commander in Chief.....yet they are making an issue of Palin only being a heart beat way.

RE: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

It is that last 1% that always get me Indy.

The Bailout passed in the Senate...has 65 vote still voting.....not sure the final outcome yet.

The House cannot change and add to it.....have to approve with this wording....

RE: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

Wiki..says the same, Oobie...done by party election first day of session.

Nice try.:-)

You got me digging.

After the election ran by the clerk of the house. The procedures come into play. The elected speaker begins to assign member to committee.
Hence the power of the speaker.


RE: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be president of the United States

Pretty sure is done vote of the majority party, Oobie. If not how can a procedure determine amoung all the DEMs that are in House?

The way, I learned it....many years ago soit might have changed.....was at the beginning of the session themajority (the DEMs) do a nomination of several and then a vote...nominating usually on longest sitting members of the house for the position.

There could be alot of DEMs that would qualify for speaker if was strickly done by procedural do you decide then?...seniority might come into play....but what happens when you two that have the same number of years?

They have to choose among themselves who has the position, yes?
Let me dig a little to find out....

My dad says the samething, of the majority party.

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