RE: John McCain first, Country second... American Presidency a journey of personal discovery

I am sure Cindy McCain likes hearing that. And your sources for such knowledge?

RE: John McCain first, Country second... American Presidency a journey of personal discovery

I will toss another iron into the thread fire here. See if it gets some thought......

McCain just asked for a 9/11 commission to investigate the economy.
To figure out its problems and give recommendations for yes....that
magic word of the election, change.

Obama replied we don't need no commission on the eocnomy. That
McCain was passing the buck and that everyone knows who fault
it is. That is GWB's tax breaks to the rich that is causing the problems.

LOL.........I see a little hypocracy here on the part of Obama. He is the
one that wants to fund research and development (investigate) in the field of energy. Yet when it comes to a complex issue like the eocnomy,
he has the simple answer.....GWB did it.

If that is the case......why is it these large companies like Leahmn Brother...that the rich own.....are failing? With tax breaks to rich, these companies have access to capitol from the rich to sustain themselves.
And don't tell me that the rich like to see thier companies fail.

Right now you have the auto industry, the banking industry, the mortage industry, the airline industry.....all asking for gov't bailouts,
hand outs, and bankruptcy protection......and according to Obama...
it is all GWB fault. I don't buy that.

It is a lot more complicated....with foreign competition...with comsumer
decisions...with aging technologies......with the cost of energy that
effect them all. Please don't tell me that GWB brought all these complications into defeat the American economy.

Obama is looking at the this very simplistic. McCain is coming in and saying....investigate it....find the sources problems.....and address those. Obama is simply saying change GWB from the White House and it all gets better.

Think about this...prior to the great depression of 1932....they had a warning the year earlier. And they tried some make shift changes that only made it worse. Is Obama apporach here to place ban aids for bigger problems? A fair question, yes? And if McCain Economic Commission does go and find the deeper issues, are the Americans ready to take the dose of cure to solve the problems? Another fair

RE: N.O.W. Endorses Obama

So? Why not the flag pin on the suit?

Obama is an American, he was taught like us all at a young age on how to respect the flag. I have found fake pics of him in disrespect of the flag here at CS.....and I said so in the blog that they were.

That all said......why early in his campaign....would he not wear the flag pin. Every member of Congress wears them daily when in session.

It was for a couple of reasons, I think. First he did not want to be
associated with the GWB administration and was a sutile way to step away. Second was a step that the far left here in the country and elsewhere liked.

Look at the heat the far left gave him...when the move to the middle and to the right was done....and the flag pins were worn.

By the way....on the OReilly interview.....guess what? He did not wear it and OReilly did not mention it. Pretty hard to take on McCain and Palin with just a flag pin for patriotism. He could do that with Hillary, but not with them.

To me, he has played a political game with this small display of patriotism. And showed at best, to be inconcsistantly in doing so. Fine if he wants to play a game with the smallest of these patriotic acts.....will he not play a game with the much larger ones as well?

RE: The top 100 things about the great country of Denmark:

You and your fellows deeply beleive in :

"Trees poluting more than Cars!"

And you and all others supprters of the Bushney,s beleive that:

"Gloabl warming is a Lie and human activities have nothing to do with the current state of mother natur at all, and New Orleans just paid the price because there are too many Gays over there!"

Stay firmly in the same place as you always have stand in Indy....Cut trees down from your back yard.... those will certaily poloute you if you dont

Ever stop to think that it has been the DEM lead (please note Sky not controlled) Congress that does fund and approve alternative energy for the past several years?

We have all the designs for wind turbines and the blades. The real issue is where to you place them? Here it comes to being a environmental issue.....that the best locals are pristine nature areas......that the DEM have been protecting from development.
Don't think that the rims of the Grand Canyon would not be a great location for windmill farms? Exactly, but also it is a pristine area that the DEM want to protect.

So caught between the environmnetalist that cannot build them on certain areas...and lack of funding and rights approvals from the DEMs...windmills for grid electrical power has not done well. Also if you look at the cost per KW compared to solar.....Solar is cheaper to produces grid energy via solar than wind.

We have large areas in the SW US.....remote areas......that there is little environmental impact for solar fields. Bill Clinton proposed a
$6b solar field out side of Las Vegas.....they did some of it. But in that is better than wind.

Really alternative energy is best a state and local decision than a Federal one. Local people know their environment better than the they know better which alternative energy types works best in it. That also works better with our power grid system.

The DEMs helped make energy shortage in the US. When they failed at the Congressional level to take action and funding on offshore oil, on alternative energy, on car effiecency. They sat the economy began to plank and did nothing to help it with laws on energy to keep if from happening.

Energy is not in the the baliwek of the President. All he does is to adminsters the DoE. Energy is a free entreprise industry in the US. That falls under the Congress to legislate, fund and enpower. The Adminstration take those legislated acts.....via the DoE and the DoC.....awards the windmill builders, solar engery firms, offshore drillers with the rights, and the funds to construct and develope.

RE: The top 100 things about the great country of Denmark:

Some of them tried to in the spring time southern migration. We intercepted them at the Canadian border over Lake Erie, with F-16s and F-22s.

It was a tough fight......but we won......kept the country safe from
Denmark socialism for another year.laugh

RE: Are the Dems so scared of Palin that...

Yep...the oil card is one of Russia biggest. They have used it in the Ukraine, the Baltics, Poland......but if Europe like the US can slip from imported oil from them.....then it become moot card to play.

Hey EU those windmills...make those hybrid cars....put up those nuclear plants. Do it for the exact same reason we want to be energy free of OPEC. You want to do it to be energy free of Russia.

Why be holden to Russia or OPEC? It is crazy to let them have that much influence over you. Leaders in Europe knew the right thing to
do on the Russian/Georgia issue was sanctions but were not in any position to do it.

The sooner both get there.....the better off this old world will be.

RE: Are the Dems so scared of Palin that...

I would miss Florida. Make us part of Venesula and with el Preidente for life Chavez at the helm......they would be flying Shokios out of Homestead instead of F-22s. The F-22 is a much better bird.

But the giggle aside. Chavez has several of his top people....get caught in some illegal drug activities......all of a sudden the US Ambassadors to Venesula, to Boliva, to Nicargua are sent home for
early vacations. What does that say?

Tells me that these countries are supporting Chavez.....and maybe they also are involved in illegal drug trafficing with them. Chavez says to them...hey some of my people got caught....I need to poke the eye of the gringos some...join me or your drug operations might get flipped.

It was only 3 tons of illegal drugs that the Venezulan officals got busted on. Not sure if in Venezula that is under the weight for in the considered a tad above the limit.

That laptop computer that the Colombians got from the FARCs leader in the cross border Bolivan raid is paying off. That is how they made the link to the Venesulan leaders.LOL.....I remember earlier saying....
Chavez was dirty like Noreiga of early prediction of things to come.

Now he does have problems with a potential US invasion. We don't like narco terrorist leaders running countries. Nor should you.

RE: Are the Dems so scared of Palin that...

Seems to me that those that are talking 'cold war' seem to be in Moscow and the Kremlin at this time. Why? Because 10 defensive
interceptor missiles are being placed into eastern Europe. Countries that Russia had taken off their targetting list.

Now with this formiable US military presence, they get the honor of being put back on the target list of the Russians. What punk.

And Georgia gets the pleasure of a Russian invasion. Why? Well because two Georigan provinces where the ethnic ratio was 75% Russian (Ossetian) and 25% Georgian.....the Georgian were doing ethnic cleansing and had attacked some Russian peace keepers.

The Russian peacekeepers should not have been inside Georgia proper in the first place. They reason the ethnic portions are like that was in the 1999 was the Ossetians did the ethnic cleansing....they were both about 50/50 then.

Still waiting the names of the Russian peacekeeper killed at the check we can confirm them. Still reading Russian disinformation (White's passort) on Americans being as advisors to the Georgian military. Still seeing Russians inside Georgia proper. Again more punk.

So if one takes the idea that saber rattling is part of the cold war.....seems to me like it is Russia with the scaber and blade.
Seems to me that cold war Russia had a history of such events.
Hungary is an example.

But if they want the cold gets a lot colder in Russia......when that trans Siberian pipeline gets played with......the Georgians are only a couple of 100s miles from it. Oh......yes that does effect the Russian export of crude to Europe as it might get a little frosty there as well.

RE: Republicans trick people into voting for them

I am sure glad it did not cost the people of Alaska the $100 million that the feasiblity studies here in C. Florida on the light rail did. Sky they said at the end of that $100 million study, design, ...they had employed 100 for 3 years...had a room 40 foot by 40 foot wall to wall in papers....but not a train running or a track laid. So if Palin came in finished it off, the people are still ahead.

As for earmarks......well......had she not applied for them.....I suspect the Dem and her constituents would be saying she was foolish not to.
Sky, Dems are playing dammed if you do and dammed if you don't politics anymore. Likely will be that way till the election.

Still have not come close to figuring out Palins millions....equate to Obama's billions at this point. Must be the Democrat's new math at work. A REP uses the system to get a $1m and it equates to a DEM getting a $1 billion. In my old math, a billion was 1000 times a million.

LOL......if Obama can go to Iraq and get us that $10b a month being spent there.....and then not spend $10b in his Afghanistan build up is going to be something to see.

By the way....the DoD is still waiting for those supply shortage reports that Obama was talking about 14 months ago. That missing 50 CAL and HUMVEES....those guys in Afghanistan.....need something to shoot with and ride around in........I guess he has been a little buzy........all that world travelin and national politicin that he has been doing. Still as a prospective Commander in would think that such follow up with DoD would be nice.

RE: Republicans trick people into voting for them

Sky if this was about getting to know Sarah Palin....why are such issues as lipstick on a pig, her daughter's pregnancy, her down snydrome baby.....more the media discussion and Dem discussion than what and who Sarah Palin is? I realise it is not you, personally on these kinds of issues, Sky.

It is Letterman, Chevy Chase, the Dem party women, and the far left.

If Wasilla was building facilities....then you have a cause for the increase in funds....seems like they building facilities. Good for local economies and jobs when you do those things, yes? Or should the
6000 of Wasilla live on Sarah Palin's ability to bring down a moose?:-)

Yike now that is elected official hires a consultant to find funds in Washington for them. Man......this has so much corruption to it. To think that Sarah Palin would make the decision to hire someone to find funds for her. Must be some thing going on here.

And would be interesting to see if the first Dude of Alaska....plays the spousal privildge card on the emails. By law, you cannot be forced to testify or supply evidence against a mate.With her executive privildige and his spousal privildge...I don't think that they will get em. But you can ask,....and make a policitical issue of it.

The guy fired.....Sky....the way I got the story had threaten her father over a marraige breakup with her sister. Why should Palin keep a jerk that has threaten thier father with violence on the payrole? Is that not enough cause for dismisal? Is in my book.

RE: Are the Dems so scared of Palin that...

With Biden's comments of how Hillary was beter qaulified to be a VP than he was........I would have liked to been on the phone line when he talked with Obama latter in the day. Call might have gone like this.

Barak says......Joe, Joe, Joe, I saw the media on your Hillary comments.
Talk of bringing back her back into the picture. Man for 18 months, I have been campainging aginst her.....and my VP choices brings her into the media again.

Joe says........Yeah, I know. It was a mistake. It just that when I got in front of the croud there. They all had Hillary for VP signs. Some of her soccer moms were setting up a tar and feather pit in the back. I had to do something, Barak.

Barak says......I know Joe. Those soccer moms they can be tough. But you just got to talk to them about the issues. Don't mention Hillary to them. We have Sarah Palin seeking their support for the McCain ticket.
And Hillary is still on their minds. Nothing but bad here, Joe. Trust me, I know bad.

Joe says.......Yeah, I know. Look at the good side of it Barak. When I left the soccer mom's were changing thier signs.

Barak says.....That is great. To Obama/Biden right?

Joe says......Well not exactly. They were using lipstick and making Soccer Mom's Wear Lipstick Also...with pit bull in the background.

RE: Republicans trick people into voting for them

I think that was more directed at Dude mis use of a great song.....than at Obama's faith, Sky.

But let us say....the city of Wasilla...was growing? or adding new facilities? or new industry? She increased taxes....but did the tax base inrease as well? If it did....then her tax increase is covered.

Let me ask you this. On the Bridge to nowwhere......I know of a City in Florida and the State of Florida...that spent $100 million in doing a
feasibilty study for light rail. $100m tax payer dollars on a project that was later killed. Had the bridge to now where had support in Alaska and in the community that it ran to,,,,,think that they could not have done an independant feasiblity study....that cost the State of Alaska a lot of money? Sure they could have. Someone in the State has to kill it....or it becomes a study that just sucks dollars away from your budgets. Palin killed it....taxpayers of Alaska are happy....they get to spend their oil revenues on other things of need.

The first Dude of Alaska is happy. He does not have to make a bridge (iron worker). Sarah Palin is happy, she saved the state of Alaska a lot of money she could use for other things........

The only ones not happy are the Dems....why?.....because they see a potential fiscial responsible ticket coming into the White House.....and with their big tax and big spend ideas...that is a real conflict.

RE: Charlie Gibson interviews of Obama and Palin~

She is going well. Some solid doubles for the first time in the majors.
Charlie got her on the Bush Policy question.....but shucks....according to Rove...that has changed 4 times since it was first coined after 9/11.

Personally the trick for her to stay within herself right now. Not to get overextended...get to saying foolish things. She is not coming into
Washington as insider.....a power player......rather as a Mrs. Smith goes to Washington and cleans house. So hitting doubles is fine right now.

The best VPs are loyalist to their Presidents. They take the last bullet so to speak. And they give the first broadside. the VP debates...she needs to show that again.

Right now it is fund raisers....interveiws......talks with the media weekends shows for her....increases their donations for the campaign.....if she keeps hitting doubles.....and keeps the media focus on the McCain/Palin ticket....McCain knows how to bring her around the bases. Who knows...maybe we will see her steal a base of two.:-)

RE: Republicans trick people into voting for them

Maybe the reason he got softballs...was that he did not release any of the key documents to the Risyko transations/relationship. 1 page medical release. Hands off Michelle position. They made him teflon...hard to hit....the media does not have anything solid to use in questioning and vetting him.

Whe they get something of the $875b or the brother George issue....they are quiet on it.

Yet Palin gets clobbered on a less than $1b dollar bridge that is cancelled.....on being a mother with 5 kids.......being NRA and a
hockey mom....and attending a Assembly of God church and saying a prayer for the troop, including her son. Yeah the media is fair alright, Sky.

RE: Charlie Gibson interviews of Obama and Palin~

For expereinced interveiwers and reporters...tehy know it is in the question. That they can get 'a answer' by how the question is phrased.

Like I siad in the other thread......Obama gets softballs and hit homers.....thing that we need to remember that this is just batting
practice for the real thing. Who you pick to start a game?

The player in practice that is hitting the hard pitches or the one that is hitting the easy ones? Even if teh easy ones are homers?

Me? I pick the one hitting the hard stuff. More real game like.

RE: Republicans trick people into voting for them

We would feel bit of fairness in Media was occassionaly doing some smears of Obama's 143 days in the Senate. But hey....make it to the Senate and sit behing a small desk for 143 days in a soft cushie leather chair.....I can see where that is solid qualifications for the Presidency.

Sky how often has the Media....reported his UN Millenium funding bill for $875b per year? Or mentioned his brother George in a Kenya slum? The media has given him softballs. He smiles and hits homers.
A lot of hitters hit homers in batting practice.

He gets on OReilly....I saw a guy that got flustered and was hestitant.
OReilly only pushed him a little. Heck Putin and Medevdev will do more than push. What they will throw will be high hard fastballs at his head.

As I have tried to is all how the public record is intrepretted. Palin runs a geographically large rural state with a small can you compare that to Obama's urban Senate district or Biden's Senate dictrict with large populations? Apples and Oranges if you try to.

You need to go by the quality of the decisions that they are making.
Rate that for the 4....and now you got something.

RE: Republicans trick people into voting for them

After the primaries, we has 20 different states begin voter fraud investigations....some DEM and some REP. So is more common than
most election officials would like to admit.

It gets back to illegal ID ....bad drivers licenses and false ID being used.....and that some will register multiple times. They in turn sell absentee ballots to running officials or the campaigns.....they vote them and send them in.

Neither party has the moral high ground here. Both are down in the
gutter with it.

RE: Republicans trick people into voting for them

Attroney General of Alabama is trying to do voter fraud investigations in several AL counties that are Democrat. He has had a investigator arrested, investigations blocked, failure to forward registration signature card and application, etc.etc.etc.

This all began after the AL Presdiential primary.....where he says that there are about 6,000 fraudelent Dem registrations in each of the counties that voted. There were 5-6 counties he is investigating. Says that the fraudlent registrations are being sold to running official of both parties.

Google Alabama Voter should get it.

RE: Communist Party

You all have good nites.....calling it here.

RE: Communist Party

Anyone that is going after Communism with the Consitution is still putting the pieces togther. So be easy on him, JW.

RE: Communist Party

Kind of like Pat Paulisn of the US? The commedian that constantly ran for for President?

I kind of miss Pat.......he would have a great time with the two ticket.......McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden. To under cut them both
he would bring a black woman on his ticket as his VP selection.
One that is a US ARMY ranger, with a law degree from Princton.
That once debated Carl Segan on the origins of life and won.rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Communist Party

For the next 50 days or so ...we have enough of it going on for both countries......laugh

RE: Communist Party

Communist and conservatives.....kind of at the opposite of the political spectrum. Though stranger bedfellows have been made. But thier meetings have to be standing and hold a Communist Manfiesto and the other standing hold Hoyle Rules of Order. That has to be an interesting meeting, Barren

RE: Communist Party

Even in Russia, when Communism was at its highest. They still had homeless and unemployed. And the real problem....was if you got dissatified with the 'system'......then you stood to be sent to a reeducation camp in Siberia. Other wised called a gulag.

Where your expertise in chopping wood was used for the next 10 years or so.

Communism and its big bro...socialism look like the answer to solve many problems. But they both take away freedom, limit development and are ineffiecent.....and at times very unfair.jmo

RE: Communist Party

jlw45...I must be losing my touch......I thought that was good for at least 4 rolling laughes. Good to hear you made it thru Ike. Collection drives will be starting here in Florida soon. Stuff headed your way soon. Take care out there. Ike ain't over with yet.

RE: Communist Party

Now there is a man that understands the American system.
He can quote the Constitution....on commumism...when there is not a word in the Constitution about it.....since commumism was not even around when they wrote the Constitution.

And as for proper authorities.....LOL.....well Edgar J. Hoover might take an offense to this thread and comments posted on it. But he been gone for quiet a while now. Then you have Senator that did the
Communist investigations in the 50s....he would take an interest, only he has been disgraced and out of office for nearly 50 years. Then there is David Duke...he might jumb on it....but he too is disgraced and not in power. Then more recently Rev. Wright might get offended.....for someone else hating America worse than he does. You better just keep is simple....send a email to Obama.....he is a sitting Senator and can help you out.

RE: Communist Party

That is kind of the problem. What if you have the desire to be a opra singer. Only the state sees you, as a truck driver. So? In communism who wins? The state does, you are driving long hauls across Siberia.
When you would rather being singing in Moscow.

Communism would take the most talented people and place them into
occupations that simply did not make sense. For what ever reason, once that committee came down and stamped your occupational form as truck driver.....that is what you did.

Free health care.....well perhaps. But the issue is still quality health care? Do you really believe Micheal Moore program that the Cuban
medical system is better than the US?? I am waiting for Micheal Moore to have a major surgery...and see where he bet is that some US medical specialist has a new patient.

RE: Communist Party

Reading the book "1434" here by Gavin Mensies

Capitolism has been around for a long time. They called it many things earlier. But that was the basic concept....payment for goods and services. Whether the payment was fair or not....was another matter.

Back then the Chinese had an interesting way to solve commercial disputes of two people. They made a pot of boiling oil....placed the two fingers of those in dispute into it....the one that screamed first or withdrew his finger first was the one that breached the agreement.

Waiting for Judge Judy to use the technique in her next People Court.

Europe back then had international banking, had letters of draft and credit, had gov't regulations of interest rates, pretty sophiscated stuff...considering the typewriter had not been invented yet.

If you have not read 1434, it is good read. Still have some holes that he needs to answer yet for me to buy the idea....that the Chinese discovered N. America, S. America, the North Pole, Australia. That is the book main theme. That and in 1434, a Chinese fleet of some 400 vessels from a larger fleet of over 2200 showed up in Venice, Italy to the start the Europe rennessaince period.

But is you want

He has an earlier work called is

RE: Communist Party

Kurschev...went he met Richard Nixon, I think. They were at a agriculture demonstration. And the testrone got flowing between them. Evenuatally Nikta turns to Nixon.....and says... I can take this country without fire a shot. Nixon was hot.

He almost left Kurschev at the agri demonstration. But aides got him under control and they exitted together but left in separate vehicles.

Boys will be boys.

Look at it like this...a few months latter...Kurschev is trying to cause the UN to fall by banging his shoe of the table. Nixon was lucky he did not remove his shoe at the ag show.

RE: Communist Party

The simgle major problem with communism doctrine is read in the post above. While the goal was a 'fair distribution'...the reality was that with any large and complex society that is impossible to acheive.

The number of times that communist Russia had 5 year plans to make this 'fair distribution' occur ......went into the 20s....before Russia broke. They never came close to achieving it. There was alway a group or individual in the Kremlin or elsewhere....that saw thier position more than the the common worker. Think that Stalin benefits from Russia were equal to the benefits given to a farm worker or soldier?

Eventually people inside the country realized this. That the common man while being told he was going to get a 'fair distribution' from the reality was getting far less than if he worked for himself. That some committee or individual was getting a larger share.

Consider life in Cuba. Think that F. Castro and his brother went without....while average Cuban.....just got the chance to have cell phones, AC, refrigerators this last month?

What is really amazing in this. Is China. That the Chinese people
have accommendated this for so long as well. The communist spirit
in a really an amazing thing. Sure some movement to capitolism has been done. But look what that communist spirit did with the recent Olympics? Those venues were awesome. But then you also have to wonder, do the Chinese Tibetians get a 'fair distribution' of
China wealth and manufacture?

I am sorry Communism folded or is in the process of folding its hand in the history of the world, because it cannot live up to its orginal promise of this 'fair distribution' of wealth. And those inside the US and Europe that are promoting wealth redistribution plans....need to take heed to the lesson here.jmo

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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