RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!


I also saw OReilly interview with Barak.

Barak said that Iran has 'no relationship' with AlQeada.

He is twisting the world situation, so that he can talk with President A. if elected.

Here are a few Iranian & AlQeada relationships that we know of:

1) Iran has admitted to keeping bin Laden eldest son, a ranking member in AlQeada, in 'house arrest' near Bath

2) All long with some 500 Taliban and AlQeada that fled there
after the US and Norther Alliance Military operations in Afghanistan

3) Iran was and has supplying AlQeada of Iraq with some very deadly weapons in Iraq...including.....loob bomb, ieds, arms, mines, motars,

4) As the situation in Iraq changed to the better of the US/ Iraq, many AlQeada in Iraq fled to Iran.

Iran has given them safe haven and rearmed them. It was enough fighters to support later a military operation in Herat, Afghanistan along the Iran/Afghan border. These foreign fighers were trying to get back into Afghanistan.

5) Iran has been arming Taliban & AlQeada in Pakistan

These are just a few of the connections of Iran to AlQeada.

That Barak is spinning that there is no relation, is purely for politcal purposes. If he wins the election, to 'talk' to Iran, he will need first
to clean up the US requests for extradition of binLaden's son and many of the AlQeada that fled that had roles in 9/11. Iran will not talk to him until this has been resolved.

He is going to led them go free without any punishment for thier crimes to Americans of 9/11, the African embassy bombings, the Kovar Towers Attack.

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!


I also saw OReilly interview with Barak.

Barak said that Iran has 'no relationship' with AlQeada.

He is twisting the world situation, so that he can talk with President A. if elected.

Here are a few Iranian & AlQeada relationships that we know of:

1) Iran has admitted to keeping bin Laden eldest son, a ranking member in AlQeada, in 'house arrest' near Bath

2) All long with some 500 Taliban and AlQeada that fled there
after the US and Norther Alliance Military operations in Afghanistan

3) Iran was and has supplying AlQeada of Iraq with some very deadly weapons in Iraq...including.....loob bomb, ieds, arms, mines, motars,

4) As the situation in Iraq changed to the better of the US/ Iraq, many AlQeada in Iraq fled to Iran.

Iran has given them safe haven and rearmed them. It was enough fighters to support later a military operation in Herat, Afghanistan along the Iran/Afghan border. These foreign fighers were trying to get back into Afghanistan.

5) Iran has been arming Taliban & AlQeada in Pakistan

These are just a few of the connections of Iran to AlQeada.

That Barak is spinning that there is no relation, is purely for politcal purposes. If he wins the election, to 'talk' to Iran, he will need first
to clean up the US requests for extradition of binLaden's son and many of the AlQeada that fled that had roles in 9/11. Iran will not talk to him until this has been resolved.

He is going to led them go free without any punishment for thier crimes to Americans of 9/11, the African embassy bombings, the Kovar Towers Attack.

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

They just arrest two anti war protesters at the RNC. I wonder if one is
Bill Ayers?confused

RE: Because of Sarah Palin's speech, did you change your vote?

From what I hear that the Clinton's National Security advisors have been smuggling them out of the Library of Congress, rolled up in thier

RE: Because of Sarah Palin's speech, did you change your vote?

Come on Ship...a little hasty in such opinion. Yes? Hear the lady out.

Right now there is so much net and media opinion out is hard to hear her message.

Not that it will get less in the next 60 days. But she just took the micrphone.

Hey remember that famous painting of Rockwell....."The Townhall"...where a guy gets up to speaks at the city townhall....and every one else is listen and watching him? That is where we are right now.....listening and watching. Sure forming our opinions and even expressing them. But don't lock them into concrete.

RE: Because of Sarah Palin's speech, did you change your vote?

rolling on the floor laughing I had not noticed that.....but it is there. Imagine Palin doing a Lily
Tomlin routine in front of the Senate. Maybe doing the Dolly Partin,
Lily Tomlin, and Jane Fonda......Sectretaries..... movie routines on them. Now that would light the old boys up when she pulls out some whips and chains...blows the smoke off her 6 gun.......and chases them out the place.

The times they are a changin........

RE: Because of Sarah Palin's speech, did you change your vote?

No disagreement there. McCain is wealthy. Obama is wealthy. Biden is wealthy. Palins are modestly wealthy.

Everyone that wants to sit in the hot seat of a executive office has a an agenda.

To get to do thier agenda....they need support at the polls.....only occassionally do we find the unique ones......that look beyond that
agenda to find the course right for thier country and people.

By the way...not saying that GWB or ANY of the present tickets have that stuff yet. Historians have not written the stories here yet.

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

One of the commentators last night said the Sarah Plan had more
military "Command in Chief" time than Obama and Biden combined.

Well he is right.

But not in a manner in which you might think.

Yes, she was the executive officer of the Alaskan National Guard.

As such this makes an executive officer of a very unique group of
Service units and personal. Let me explain.

The US Army has a elite Army division called the 10th Mountain Division.
Just like it name the 10th is trained to operate in high vertical terrian and remote area combat situations. It has been deployed to Afghanistan, Kashistan, and norther Iraq.

Guess where many of its troops come from? Alaska

You can requests your unit of service. Alaskans because of their home state environment....often select the 10th Mountain to serve in.
And when they out .....and return to Alaska...their National Guard Units
are often in support of the 10th Mountian units deployments.

For two years, Sarah Palin was the executive officer of those national guard units.

This both in Alaska and in remote mountainous areas this is dangerous work. The 10th has a very strong unit identity and a very long military history that goes back to WWII. If Sarah Palin can keep the former members of the 10th, happy and well trained for Alaska......she knows a thing or two about the military.

Today, military deployment are often like police and nation building in mission. Sarah background as mayor and governor help her there as well. Crossing Alaska is the tran Canada/Alaskan highway and railways. If they close in the winter time...with the snows....Alaskans get very hungery....much all thier food is shipped by these routes.

These are nut and bolts thing to running Alaska. I fully realise that the legislative experience of Biden and Obama has worth. But if your nation building in two countries, one in a high vertical environment of
mountians.....understanding the freeze line effects on road surfaces.. understanding high altitude sickness...understanding deployment of air assets...understand the need of functioning infrastructure.... is more important than writing a bill of legislation.

Attempting to be fair here. Biden has spent 36 years in Senate. Much on the Armed Service committee. But here is the problem there. Often
that work is in investigating and questioning the military. Not working with the military on it problems and issues. Senate and congressional hearing of the military are like a weekly thing in Washington. Biden sat across the table and questioned these men and he wants to be part of their Commander in Chief team?

But yourself in a staff officer's place. You like to work for a guy that has grilled you in open hearings? Or work for someone that has lead military units at the State level, and understand the problems of military command?

And yes.....the commentator was right.....Sarah Palin has more executive command experience than Biden and Obama combined.
And if you compare their expereince to McCain's 22 years in uniform.....there no comparison.

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

One of the most intersting comments I heard comparing the the news coverage of the two conventions came from a FOXX commentator.

He had gotten time to listen to all the major coverage of both the Biden and Obama speaches at the convention. And in listening to
them came aware that none of the major, CNN, NBC or CBS commentators were saying one specific word.

That word is LIBERAL. According the FOXX commentator, it was not used once in hteir discriptions.

Here you have the number 1 ranked liberal Senator teamed in Presidential ticket with the number 3 ranked liberal Senator.......and the major new shows are being so politically correct (PC)........
they will not use the word liberal?confused

What gives?

It is a word association thing with Americans, I suggest. That when that word 'liberal' is used, it is right next to the term far left in thier minds. These are intelligent news commentators....they would not have those jobs unless they were articulate and know the association of words to their viewers and listeners. They know to be hit and painted with the term 'liberal' in our moderate right wing country, teeth start to gash.

That they are not using a word that so well discribes the two canidates of the Democratic party. One just has to wonder why?
Till hearing this, I had not put alot of stock in the idea that the media was 'in the tank' for Obama. My thought of good reporting is you report what you know, what you see, and what you can document. But no where in that thought comes the idea, that I cannot use a specific word. Because now we are into Freedom of Speech in a big way.

It is unimagineable that the major medias, would not have colluded...look the word up if you are not have any of them using the word Liberal in the discriptions of Biden and Obama.

Media plays a key role in our politics and country. It is the connection between the American citizen and his gov't and its public officials. It is the link that tells us about them and what they are doing. That some in the media have decided to be PC (politically correct) or have decided to give an inaccurate report of two canidate running for the Presidency, should be a concern all of us.

But if this is being PC (political correct) why not then not scratch the word 'conservative' from the discussion of the Republican canidates, as well? Because these same media are using the term 'conservative' in the discription of McCain and Palin. It has the same power on the other side to gash teeth.

So this is not being politically correct.......rather it is inaccurate and misleading reporting for some purpose. jmo

RE: Because of Sarah Palin's speech, did you change your vote?

I have to admit American politics is different that yours. In England they only get excited after they get into office and can say
HERE HERE in the House of Commons or Lords. About the most passionate thing said in public comes from the box in the Square.

Politicians are so afraid to saything there that will get them into the
tabloids and cause a scandle, that they play it safe. Sometimes, you don't play it safe.

But nice to hear the BBC is covering the conventions. Now if they would send a reporter that understood them.

RE: Because of Sarah Palin's speech, did you change your vote?

Even Joe Biden came out and said she did a good job on it.

If anyone would know good political speaches, after his length in the Senate, it would be Joe Biden.

Said that there were a 'few areas' she did not address. But hey was only a 30 minute speach. Give the lady some time and hear her out.

Cute digs on the Obama/Biden ticket you have to admit. And she did get into some major issues. Like neither Biden or Obama have served in the military. Like the difference between small town and big city, USA. Like what we, as Americans, are facing the next 4 years.

Can anyone imagine the economic impact of offshore drilling programs around our coast, like the Alaskan oil project and pipeline offers? She partially managed that as govenor of the State.

Her approval rating among Alaskans is 86%. Now if you have been to the state....the locals will tell you that they are indendant as it comes,
obstitant to a fault, honery as it gets. Some of these people live 6 month of winter weather with temps in negatives. 2 of those months it is lights sun....but that kind of reminds one of Washington, yes?

Sarah Palin put the lights on in Alaska, guys. She shook that gov't up.
Swept both Dem and Rep out into the light. Cut the budget, made pancakes in the morning for her kids, and drives herself to the office in sub zero winter weather.

I realize last night where I had seen her husband before. He had won a major snow mobile race up there and did a interview for sport show. These are not your day trips on a snow mobile.....but 400-500 mile races....more like the cross country dog sled races....that they have and is tough stuff.... she race as well but to be honest with you, I don't know if she does cross country.

Joe Biden going to do that in Washington? Joe Biden got that kind of stuff?

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

You know agman, if someone was hiding something in his medical disclosure......would it be the guy that releases 1000 page or the
guy that release 1 page?

McCain released 1000 pages, which for a man 72 year old man with a
22 year military record is understandable. Obama gives us 1 page.
Which guy is making a complete and full disclosure?

But since we are here on the issues of medical.

What do you think abou the idea of having all the canidates give us a
drug test? We ask our athletes to do it? Our educators do it? Our military does it? Employers have thir employee do it.

Obama is on OReilly tonight. To preemept McCain acceptance speach.....

Maybe we should have Bill walk out there with one of the new breath
drug anaylser kits and ask Obama on live TV to take a test for us with
the results to be shown at the end of the program. It only take about 10 minutes for them to come.

What do you think? I bet McCain and Palin would take a drug test anyplace, anytime, anyway....but that has already been played in this campaign.

Hey give me a some feed back, I only a few clicks from Bills email addy.

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

Wait till you hear Sarah speaking about women's issues, Fallingman.
Where in the Obama ticket do you have someone that can placed a
voice to them? It ain't there.

Either Obama or Biden said anything more than "national health care"
when it come to issues of compassion? That fills their entire vocabulary on compassion issue. Republicans have them on faith based intiative, have them on AIDs have Sarah speaking to the woman issues that face 1/2 of the countries population.

Maybe we can place Sarah's photo on a cornflake a wheatie box for for Olmypic her with a limp Dem under foot and storming the strayfoam columms of Obama's White House.
rolling on the floor laughing

RE: McCain Picks Sarah Palin.....

Offshore oil has so been over done of recent.tongue

RE: McCains VP choice has 17 y/o pregnant unwedded daughter... So What!

shot I appreciated that you shared a very personal moment with your wife and self. The point I made was that right now, the Palin family is having one of the same kinds of moments. Only in the very public and open manner.

To me that is honesty. Just as your brought that moment to CS.
My post was about the honety and forthrightness of the Palins.
I would not include 'all' of my country in having the same values.
And indeed find myself often falling short of them.

Buy you a beer if I ever get to your estalishment. cheers

RE: McCains VP choice has 17 y/o pregnant unwedded daughter... So What!

Vonny...maybe this is where the ditto comes in.

In four months assuming Bristol wanted to have the child. This was going to be public, yes? So if that decision had been made....just make the public announcement....and let her mother have her career shot at the White House.

When you get it down to the coming of future events....and the career of Sarah Palin.......this really shows good judgement by the McCain camp. It was done with maturity and with some the Palin's did asked for privacy on it.

That we (myself included) have decide to blog and post on it......and others far more.....maybe is a invasion of that privacy. Sarah Palin was already a public figure. They likely blog and post about her in Alaska all the time.

So do it with maturity and respect for the parties. State your opinions but with descretion. Most here have in my opinion.

RE: McCains VP choice has 17 y/o pregnant unwedded daughter... So What!

I wish was the case, fallingman. I really do.

But as soon as her mother made the short list and vetting began.......this was going to come out. McCain could have are not qualified for the position. And how 'fair' would that be?
And hey B.Clinton made the jump from Governor to President.

She is a qualified canidate.

You don't scratch the career of a very talented person, because they have a family issue. You work with it. Adapt your programs and positions if you want them.

And it sure sends a message between the vetting differences in policies of Dem and Rep when Hillary was not vetted.

I would suggest that the Dem to a degree brought them on themselves when they did not vet Hillary. Hillary's women supporters had to see that as a insult. Now McCain has a chance to show the difference in the party practices? In a tight race?

You would make the exact same decision that he did, Fallingman, I bet.
I would. Bring her on the ticket.

RE: McCains VP choice has 17 y/o pregnant unwedded daughter... So What!

jbibiza, then you are then hiding the situation.

I am just using that as example of how and why many wealthy get into this situation to cover the situation. All will react differently to it. And none in my opinion should be judged for the decisions and the outcomes.

I am only pointing out that the Palins took a very high road and honest position to this, again in my opinion. And I am not making them saints. Fair enough?

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

nah...I got things to get about $3.3 bllion in sanctions against Russia done.

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

The list of med that Biden and Obama will be taking after the RNC and the November election.....will likely put most horses into the ground.
They are gonig to need them.

But havnig said it is always food to say again.........

The net effect of bloggers on a campaign has never really measured by poly sci. You say all these blogger support me and my canidate.
What if the general voting populace thing that you are full of BS and just playing a game in politics? Means that you blogging has just gone down the drain.....they will vote totally opposite of your position.

How creditable do you think that you are, Dude?


How creditable do you think that the bloggers at Kos and Huffington are?


It all adds up to Obama and Biden are being supported by a group of people that lack crediablity. And that transfers to the canidates themselves.

So spin on. Please.

RE: McCains VP choice has 17 y/o pregnant unwedded daughter... So What!

And if your daughter says to you...I don't want this to be made known or public. It is our family secret, OK Mom?

jbibiza, there is a lot angles that come into play here. We don't know the position or the confidnetially our family members will ask of us.

jbibiza, you got to know that parent/child relationship is the one that most loving parents would die for. That is a promise that they will keep to the grave if they make it.

All Bristol or any mothers daughter would have to do is ask for theat privacy and most parents would be saying yes.

By the way, personally. I think that if asked for. It should be given.

RE: McCains VP choice has 17 y/o pregnant unwedded daughter... So What!

I am sorry jbibiza. I don't buy it. Wealthy people that have family situations hide them all the time. For what ever reason. You might not, and surely the Palins did not. But please don't tell me that is does not occur. Because I know of personal cases where it has been done by executives, college professors, and othes.

By the way Sarah Palin did not say that she did not love her daughter.

What I am also that had Bristol choosen a different choice here....I bet Sarah Palins would have been just as forthright as you would be.

RE: McCains VP choice has 17 y/o pregnant unwedded daughter... So What!

thumbs up Some people don't understand what vetting is and is not.
They make a moral judgement on any information and any one that seems out their definition of right and wrong.

Nice pick up jbibiza...I have been waiting for some one to say that.
Being a man, I did not think it was my place to say anything to her.

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

How about endorsements in more general sense of the word?

Obama endorsement by Hamas....that is a thrilling bit of excitement
to know one of your Presidential canidate is so well liked by a
terrorist group that they endorse him. Then the canidate says
to the traveling press and his staff.....don't wear might be
misconstrued by Americans (or by Hamas, or by Isreal, or other Middles Eastern groups).

Obama endorsement by Father Pfleger.....that is a real bit of kindness
in the making....the tears of Hillary endorsement as it is called...still resonates amoung her supporters today that are falling from the Obama to support McCain like leaves falling off a oak tree in autumn.

Obama endorsement by Rev. Wright.......that just makes your heart
go pittie pat, to hear his 20 year pastor say...he is just another politican. After Obama had protected him earlier....with his 'I will not sever with my long time friend and spiritual leader'.....these guys really do know a lot about loyality and what real character is about.

Obama support by Jesse if there is a loyal friend that makes the phrase "with friends like you, who needs enemies" come to life, I don't know one better.

GWB could have endorsed Obama, and the far left and left would have criticized it as a political plot and conspriracy by the REP to disrupt his campaign.

RE: McCains VP choice has 17 y/o pregnant unwedded daughter... So What!

I don't think that the media will let them, fireliter. You got to know the everytime Palin makes a meda presentation a question is going to come.

Go back to the Church Q&A...when McCain was asked about when life began...he said conception and got that response. He then knew knew how to to keep the Christian right and the Christian dems in support of him. Then when the media got it and people around the country blogged and messaged on it. He saw the different position on say Kos and Huffiington Post...realized it was not a dead issue. But a debateable one.

Palin is kind of on his short list as VPs. He does not want to do a Hillary on her and not vet her. So he sends a team to Alaska and do that. They come back with the info of her daughter pregnancy.

Time for a shrewd political decision. Palin and her family situation just took the bump from Obama, the DNC, and gave McCain's camp mommentum in this campaign. A real new dynamic to it.jmo

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

Welcome to the Amabo Club, Jersey Girl.....great night....glad to have you onboard the McCain ship

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

Thompson.....a talking about Plain....said that will
drain the swamp of Washington.....that Palin is likely the only
politican other than Teddy Roosevelt that can dress a moose.

LOL..........just little humor, Dude.

Thompson just told the story of the USS Forrstal...a aircraft carrier that
that he volunteer to transfer to a different carrier when it was sent home. Now talking about his captivity. They reset his arm with out
any pain killer. But left all the other wounds alone.

He had alight bulb burning 24 hours a day in his cell for 2 and 1/2 years. He refused go home when offer. They tortured him for 4 day
afterwards. They broke his ribs and his teeth at the gumline.

Such was John McCain time as a POW. You can discount it. You can find net stories that contridict it. You can wish it did not happen.
But you should not dishonor it.

RE: Obama for President..............fortes fortuna adiuvat!!!!!

W talked about why McCain is going ot be our next President.tongue

RE: McCain Picks Sarah Palin.....

Well....just run Indy. Leave me here all alone against,Sky


RE: McCain Picks Sarah Palin.....

I got it......:-)

The Dem are attacking the vetting process of Palin vetting............because...........................................



............................................................can I have a drum roll please

BecauseObama did NOT vet Hillary for the VP position of Democrat party.

The is deflection of the all the Dems that angry of Obama handling of the Hillary.........LOL.......bascially saying.....look we did not vet and you did not vet......we are all even in the game of vetting. Tit for Tat Vetting

Bad choice of words....but right on target.

Look......each nominated President canidate is totally free to select a
chimpfor his running mate. Might not help him.....or in some case he better worry that he might be embarressed by the chimp showing him up.

Dems.....really get a life, please

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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