RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Where is the terrorism, Opal? Here? No major attack here since 9/11. And many many failed and compromised attacks have been tried. That is defending your country and mine, yes? Think or have evidence that those attacks would not develop if Iraq did not occur? Yes, absolutely none are saying that.

Obama saw exactly the same intelligence on Iraq that all the rest did.
Yet has this inate ability to mind read Sadam.... and comes to the conclusion Sadam does not have WMDs and will not support terrorism with funds? He just did not want to pull the trigger on a brutal dictator and oppressor, Opal. He was afraid of the consquences and afraid of the world opinion.

He would still have those kurd and shia tasting chemical weapon from Chemical Ally and facing helo gunships Opal. That is exactly what his no vote said. It cannot say anything else.

Your Senator Obama......wants to have peace...he will pay any price for it. Sacrifice your countries honor and it is he can win an election and have the world see him as a peace maker. Like all elitist, he seeking approval. Frist of the American voter. Then from the world. So the Dudes of this world can go around and say......I got Obama elected and the world is a better place. But the Presidency is not that kind of job. Noone likes you when you are there. You need a thick skin and a good sense for motives of world leaders. He has neither.

The world is better place for millions of Iraqs because Sadam is buried 6 feet deep. The world will be a better place when politcal novices like Obama....learn their trade prior to getting into the big time.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

I am listening to McCain energy solutions for 2008 and beyond enough to know solid ideas where I hear them. Still listening for a single solution from Obama.......Mr. NO

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Hey Dude.....wish to know something on polls and black politicians?

They did a study on black politicians and thier actually vote and compared them to their polls. Black politician always scored between 6 and 8 % less that than what thier polls say.

Here is the reason why. Often white voters if they are cavassed on the poll by a black poll taker.......asking the question will you vote
for xyz canidate.....will simply say yes. To avoid a confrontation with the poll taker.

Those polls number that you are getting for Obama.....are vastly escued because this. Subtract the 6-8% and add it to McCain....and what do you get?

We have had black politicians here......have significant leads in the pre voting polling.....and lose by landslides. Berry is an example.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary must have a totally different kind of TV. That get signals from some alien space ship that is doing a disinformation plan on Planet Earth, prior to the invasion of Alien creatures from a distant world.

I am so sorry.....Sadam had as much connection to the Ottoman Empire as the cow out in the pasture here has to Big Brown, the race horse. He took power in Iraq by a coup, killed off the opposing parties, established a single party dictatorship in the country. Where is a drop of that connected to the Ottoman Empire, to these long ago claims of
Kuwaiti lands, to invading Kuwait out anything but greed and desire to kill some Kuwait that had offended him. there were 100s of Kuwait running around waving Iraqi Flags and in the street to great Sadam Army? I tell you that Alain space knows it stuff...if that is what you are seeing on TV. Because I remember 1000s of Kuwaitis with American Flags doing exactly that after the Iraqi were forced out.

All these middle eastern countries are develop a gov't style that is a mix of democracy and Islamic. They have to. What is a balance for one, is not necessarily a balance for another. Just like you have different shade of socialism in Europe. Suadia nd Kuwait today are not full democracies.....that does not mean tomorrow they both will not take more steps in that direction.

Both have Dude, and you know that.....but are just not posting the regional elections that they have Suadi. Or that women rights have grwon in both. That girl's education levels have not risen in both.

But with your alien interfernece coming thru on your TV set....I can understand why. Get a cable guy to come up and get you a new hook up. The one you got now, is linking to a funny channel control by some
creatures from the Mars or Venus.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

It was a couple of threads is the site....

Article Title: Case Closed
Nov. 3rd 2002 Issue
by Stephen F. Hayes

It should have a search engine...used the article title and it should come up

A good article well researched and solid in detail. jmo

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

read Tommy Franks boodk Opal. The other side get a vote. Meaning
that your enemy has a say in what occurs. You might have a gain (progress) one day. Only to see it lost in a different area the next.

Conflict and war is a very fluid thing. Consantly changing and adapting.

What you guys take a quote of context of GWB.....then run around looking for quotes that disprove it. With 6 billion poeple iin the world, you will find one that has said something that contridicts every every said.

I sit here show you a constant pattern of NOs positions from Obama....on very criticial issues and problems......and you avoid it like the plaque. But with all those NO on his reusme'...Obama would have trouble beat GWB in the election. GWB is more open to change than
Obama is. GWB at least make executive level support Isreal with a weapon package....or send more troop in the surge to Iraq.....or to send a Navy flottila to New Orleans after the Hurricane.

Obama is showing us that he cannot make such executive level decisions.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

I gave you a site with 50 Sadam Iraq ties to AlQeada Opal, I will dig it up again.

But just a for good old memory sake.....

The first commander of AlQeada of Iraq.....was treated in Sadam's Iraq after being wounded in Afghanistan.

Sadam was funding $35K to Palestine terrorist families that killed themselves.

A AlQeada group had a training base in Northern Iraq.

Sadam funded the Mushadeen of Iran (kissing cousins to the Mushadeen of Afganhistan and Pakistan) from which the Taliban comes from.

And making a enw terror link when you are a both common enemy of the US, is likely only a phone call away from being done.

Get into the real world.....if you don't think that Sa
dam and AlQeada could have hooked are a different planet.

Remember this is not just about AlQeada, but is about terrorism. AlQeada is a small, but growing part of that. Expand it to incluse....acts against Isreal, taking hostage two Austrian vacationers in N. Africa, al Sudya killing Christian villagers in the Phillipines,
Dan Pearl being taken captive in Pakistan, and Sadam.....using his Army for both internal terrorism and to national terrorism in invading

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Pretty objective anaylsis, What you wish 4. Take something out of a case around it....develop a political position on it because it is a emotional issue with the American people. Only problem is you are coming the table with anything positive that solves
the problem or issue. Just stirring the pot.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Get in the debate Opal...give us YOUR opinion....not some rehashed youtube stuff that you feel is is apporaite. I made direct attack on him.
One that is both factual and critical. Cannot you give some real words and defend him?

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Think about it. When has he said ever said YES to anything? He is running one of the most negative campaigns in modern history and keeping it under the wraps of liberalism.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

What fricken shame Opal if after 9/11 we tried to buy our way out this with large Global Poverty Acts, with requests for extriditions that were never going to be acted on. What a fricken shame if Sadam's billions made their way into AlQeada hands.....

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

I think that I finally have Barak Obama figured out. See if this fits.

Barak Obama is your basic corporate NO guy. You know that guy that
when a great idea comes to the group, is the first guy to say....NO,
we cannot do that. Even if the idea makes millions or comes the janitor, there is one guy in your group that is always the first to say, NO.

That is Barak Obama......Mr. NO. Think I am wrong?

Let us start with his NO vote on the Iraq war. You cannot remove Sadam without cause and reason, he says. It is immoral to. Even though Sadam's billions are a clear threat to the security of the United States of America in the hands of AlQeada. The position of President's role reads.....'to defend the country from ALL threats foreign and domestic'. There is a sense of being preemptive there. Obama's NO vote here is like saying, you cannot defend the US with the invasion of Iraq. Not that many countries have done exactly that. But a corporate NO man, would take exactly that position.

Let us move to his energy positions. NO on offshore drilling. NO on
developing advanced fuel cell technology with large gov't grants.
NO on drilling in Anwar. NO on a gas tax cut for the American summer
driver. NO on nuclear power plants. NO on new coal applications. A lot of NOs there. Sound like that corporate NO man in your group? The guy that is rejecting the idea before ever really understanding its issues and the merits?

Let us move to his National Health Care program. There are a few NOs
there as well. NO to having your own decision for medical treatment, physician, health care facilities. NO to your own personal decisions to what quality care is for you and your family. Because with a National Health Care system, that is all decided for you.

How about McCain's invitation to meet and debate in Iraq? Or meet with OReilly? Anyplace, anytime, and anywhere shifted to well maybe one debate sometime in the future. And OReilly is growing cobwebs waiting for an appearance. Just a way of avoidance and saying NO.

Want one more example? The way he handled the Rev. Wright issue.
"I cannot separate from my spiritual brother, the man that has led me to Christ." Even thought that spiritual hates America, the Constitution,
and like most whites as well. Only if you are a Priest Pfleger do you get on Rev. Wright approval list of whites, in my opinion. Barak could not do a straight forward severance with him. But could give a NO. Till all the glue from bottle of Guerilla Glue, could not keep them together.

The one thing about change that I do know. That corporate NO men are the single biggest reason change....positive and real change does NOT occur. They are the road block, the negative influence, the politician saying NO....simply because they fear succeeding. And they have made it, thier life work seeing that others fail to succeed. Most companies realizing who they are.....soon find a very far corner desk for them....or even fire them.

Barak is your corporate NO man, wrapped in the suit of a liberal. It is
a combination of inexpereince, a lack of technology knowledge, and a fear of success......that causes his NOs. Our best Presidents are men of vision, positive in action and thought, and unite the country.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

you guys don't know up from down.

:-) miss a word there

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Since you are pushing windmills... please note I am not saying taking your loayl horse, with your helmet and staff to charge them.....

but what it the difference between a kw of energy from a windmill
and kw of energy from a advanced fuel cell that McCain's $300m
grant has made?

Seems to be not a thing in the world Dude. Both are alternative energy
and renewable energy systems. And fuel cell technoilogy is lot more can be used to power cars and light buildings. Where
as with a windmill you have a major invasion of............get ready for this...........the environment. Those massive windmill kill birds, cause lose of habitat, and have other environmental issues associated.

And as for paying $300m for a advanced fuel cell technology. We have gov't lotteries that give away more money than that. And the only thing that the gov't gets is the purchases of the lottery thickets.....
here they are getting a advanced fuel cell/battrey system that can be used on everything from rockets, aircraft, vehicles, buildings, and power grids.

Obama is losing the battle of the energy to him, Dude. Four years of a
Obama Presidency will mean $4-6 gallon prices for gas, still bound to OPEC, and trying to get alternative fuel systems into the power grid.
McCain has answers, Obama should be stealing his.....not simply saying that is a 'political ploy'. Either that or giving his specific alternatives and not avoiding the debate.

But let us move on.....I have a great one to post in here. Obama wants his supporters to pick up Hillaries tab of $22m for her running
against him. Sounds like a real case of misaproparations to me. Sure it a nice thing to do. But Hillary is not connected to his campaign. His supporters gave to him, not to Hillary. If he brings her on the ticket that is one thing.

But just goes to show you can buy support and endorsement in the
Dem party. Hillary now will step up on the campaign trial with him...have her bills paid.....raise her hand with his. Maybe let him buy her in the VP role even. What a hired gun. What game the Dems play.
He even buys a former a President with the deal. Bill C. will campaign for him as well.

I think in 2012 I will run against him and make $22m. Not bad for 15 months of campaigning. Hillary bills for this politic foray is her to pay. Not the new money man of the Dem party.

Dem politics as ususual. It is all about about money and nothing about ethnics or real issues.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Time for a new poly sci book. Socialism and democracy. Are almost like and oil and water...they don't mix well. Consider countries that have tried. Italy? France? Dare I say Denmark? Go to the polls and vote...sure....for one of 15 different parties all with complicated agendas and confusing ideologies. Democracy is meant to be simple.
Social/Democracy complicates the heck out it. That was the trouble with Hillaries health yes....complicated as a rocket launch to get a wisdom tooth extracted.

Dude I have tried to tell you. But had 9/11 not you think that GWB would have invaded Iraq? Obviously your answer is yes. But the reality is less than that. I think he would have been happy with the air coverage over Iraq....and figuring out a covert way to remove Sadam. jmo

But the reality is .....9/11 did happen. Sadam had billions for terrorism.
End of story.

Who says the US is trying to destroy the UN? Is this because we are hesitant to fund Millennium? Dude we give more to the UN than any other country. Not sure you got a legit one there. Maybe world police.....because a few little thing happened on the way to play ground with characters like Kim, Chavez, Sadam, bin Laden, and a host of others?

Nice to know everythign is going to be free. Can I look to Denmark to pay it fair share to making my American things free? Kind of like wealth sharing via the UN Millennium proejct yes? America give to the poor countries of the world and everything is free to them. If you beleive that....I have a nice bridge to show you.

nite all have good ones

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Kim, Taylor and Sadam.....the US has had a role in all three, yes? Inn either removing them, or controlling them. So that leave Saudi. Do I like the Saudi Royal family and gov't? No.

But until that 25% of foriegn import of crude is reduced....much of which comes from Saudi....there is not anything that we can really do with the Saudi, as far as reform or pressure. Become energy you are in a position to exerts some pressure on them.

But when Obama will not drill and feels the $4.00 per gallon prices is OK, it just rose to fast to get there. You are not putting any pressure on them that way. You are not going to change the Suadi Gov't or Royal family when you are keeping high oil imports and paying $4 per gallon at the pump.

Even if we become energy independant today. The Saudi are going to be tough to change. Why? That massive world oil market will still buy from them. They can simply turn their backs to the US and sell elsewhere.

But hey we nearly are 3 out of 4, yes? Taylor, Sadam, and working on Kim. Uncle Sam has taken some bad guys down, Opal. I notice your list does not have Milosovic and his crew, or Kim senior on it. Or the former Soviet Union. Or Noriega. Not to mention a few Iraqi Clerics. And a number of AlQeada types.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

By the way, you think that those 6000 ligthening strikes were a lot?

Annual average for every acre in this....2000 strikes
per year. Florida is the second most struck place on Earth. Sahara Desert is number 1.

Sorry to disappoint you Dude. I may live on planet earth. But my alligiance is first to my country. This socialist 'let us have a little bit of your world for all of mankind and for the environment'...only goes so far. They play this 'very cool game' as Lincoln would say...of making guilt.

The modern socialist does not pound on your door.....and say, I want to remove democracy and your rights. He comes to your door saying,
look disaster in India, Pakistan, war in Iraq and troubles in Africa.
CO emission causing us to breath bad air. Hurting the environment. Killing snails and crickets. (Say it ain't so Jimmy Cricket is asking).

Just end your prosperity. Become like us with a National Health Care program. You will be happy. Leave the gas guzzler at home and ride bikes. You will be happy. Give to the Global Povery Act....07 of 1%,....
your conscience will be better for giving. Pull out of Iraq, the terrorist will not follow you. You will be safe. That is modern wealth sharing socialism Dude. And you guys assume a lot about makes a person happy in life. And really assume a lot when it comes to what makes him
safe in life. Assumptions that few Americans after 9/11 wish to take.
Assumptions that can cost this country its democracy.

But you see...that is not really a socialists concern is it? Democracy is just something that is in the way of socialism?

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

1961? GWB was about 11 year old. Not sure he could have made a
trade of his baseball cards that would have effected the world and middle east peace at the time. But fill me in. How does Kuwait in
1961 have relevance to the issues of today's 2008 Middle East?

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Actually Europe has generally a much more solid economy then America you know?And a lot of that advantage is because we invest a lot more in environmental industry! Dont you want your country making money out of this huge need as well TT?

American way of life is important for americans I know that........Several cars.....cheep Gaz.......all that but still why can it be possible to change that and helping the environment when the flow of money will be huge as well? I know when american economy becomes better, the reuslts will be felt in Euorpe as well and it will bring more peace and stability on entier world as a result.......Why americans must be held behind in this huge adventur TT? Americans made the first modern wind molls any way! I know egyptians discovered wind energy more than 3000 years ago but still Ameirca made the first modern wind molls and then the industry went to Europeans who developed and mass produced it.....Wht shall you guys Buying these wind molls from Europe at all TT? You can make bette ones I am certain! American tools......Peace of true art![/quote

Actually, Europe has a different kind of economy. Here is why. Capitol invest post WWII, allowed much of Europe to modernize its industries
and change to service oriented businesses. Hey when you have bombed out factories that is what you do, yes?

Only here in the US we did not have bombed out factories. We had aging factories that were becoming ineffecient. Our business made the decisions to attempt upgrades and to keep the capitol investment to build new ones minimual. It has cost us big time.

Dude we have windmill farms. But in the eastern side of the US which gets hit with hurricanes, they are not feasible. Imagine a wind mill in a 100 mph wind? How many pieces do you want it in?

Environment? Well....environment is one thing. Prosperity is another.
The far left have the Dems and Obama in a catch 22 place right now.
He stand to lose a lot.....and I mean a lot...of voters....on the drilling issue. But the enviromentalist have him pinned to a wall. If he supports drilling.....they go bananas. Remember Hillary and the Huffington Post and Kosh attacks in the primaries? If Obama supports drilling they will make those attacks look like a kid's stuff.

It is a horrible issue for him...lose. lose. lose.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Do you think that the first Gulf War might have ended most of those relationships? with the Federal Gov't ? with the American companies?
Really we were only dismantling his Army and kicking it out of Kuwait.
I guess Sadam is the forgiving kind of guy.....saying hey Yankee Dogs.....kick my Army out Kuwait and now I want to some business with you?

Dude did you see a humorous take off movie on Top Gun? It was called "Hot Shots". you got me thinking and remembering this stuff now. It has fight scenes were a Sadam was taking on the imperialist yankee dogs.

But really, Sadam had little realtionship with the US after the first Gulf War. His business partners after the Gulf war were Russian and European.

We then to place 10 years of CAPs over his country with him launching a periodic SAM at us....was just a nice calling card...saying he wanted to restart business with us?

And agian to say that Uncle Sam has long arms of approvals into the business decision of European companies.....sorry does not fly. There sales to SAdam are monitored by thier own country gov't. Not the US.

I don't know Dude? You dig back into the 1980s....and forget the 1990s...then return to make GWB comments in the 2000s that both were his fault....we do need to get you a new history book.....with better indexs and pictures......maybe a new movie theatre season pass. Hot Shots is getting old. But funnier than a cote' when it first came out.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

1000 is better than least in my math books. We have hashed the Iraq connects to AlQeada so much, if we do it one more time the monorators will be closing the thread down.

But let me ask you this. Sadam was using many European companies to stay in power. Do you think that they just might be a little angry that thier meal ticket was out of power?

Dude, you got to was billions of EUs to European companies....with him gone....that monthly check was going to be in the mail a long long time. Europe had a vested interest to see that Sadam stayed in power.

Do you feel that might be a reason why Europe is luke warm to the US
and Iraq war?

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

To end something like Sadam, Opal it takes some tough stuff. Removing Sadam was not a boy scout mission.....and this post follow up conflict is not one either......but it is winding down.

I don't say that say one life is more valueable than another. But had Sadam had another 10 years there and then his sons inherit the gov't and many lives is that? We will never know, because they were removed from power.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

A real story of the Alaskan pipeline and the oil fields there. I was working (sales representative) in CA for a major (to be unnamed power tool comapny) when the Alaskan pipeline was done.

The Alaskan territory was part of the territory of the representative from Seattle, Washington. He would go to Alaska three times a year. And would write more business on those three trips than any of the other rep in the country. There were 76 reps. For 4 straight years he was number 1.....all because of the pipeline and drilling.

You want a fast economic recovery for the US? Start some major oil projects. There is a ripple effect thru the local, regional and national
economies that you cannot imagine.

It is not just that eventually you get the is also the economy gets the boost making the pipelines and fields to get it.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

confused Maybe to remove a very bad dictator, his family, his political party, and to save a lot of Iraqi lives in the process? He was killing 3,000 per it is less than a 1000 a month.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

laugh After 12 of these threads have we gotten to be that predictable?

Yikes! We need to add some flavor to it. I kind of like Dude's weather pheomenom theory. Kind of reminds me of a certain Pastor that once said God was punishing the United States for not giving him $4m
in donations. Or God was to kill him if he did not get it. One or the other.

What do you say, Dude? Is the Good Lord laying it on the US because
we are in Iraq? Is that how you precieve him? The weather situation?

Maybe we should just go with Sharon Stone's bad karma theory. Bad things happen to bad people. And she is a mensa?.......I out scored her by 20 points and refused to joint to the smartie club!tongue

But guess what? The White House said after the midwest flooding....that the Global Warming was a cause to the flooding. First time I have heard an admission by the White House to the Global Warming issue.

Personally, every day is a different weather situation. You'll never get identical day of weather. The entire atmosphere is a evolving environment under constant change effected by many forces.

What we should do is the Sharon Stone Global Warming theory. It goes like this. Bad weather days happen on bad hair days.

rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Possible GWB resignation speech..

Only a woman like you can think that that, What you wish 4.

And who said old timers, don't have a few good lines left in them!

RE: Possible GWB resignation speech..

I got a feeling GWB is just warming up, Conrad. If he has a few more
things go well in the Middle East and Iraq....... Roasted Dems with all the trimmings are going to be on every major restraunt menu in DC.

I think that is why they are playing hard ball on the oil drilling. They need to keep thier environment voting block solid. If they start to give way on drilling, then this block begins to crack. They really have little influence over what happens in the Middle East, unless they send J.
Carter back into the fray. But the last time, they did that....the appeasement comment came out....ouch...Dem were running for cover faster than you can say Dan Quail is running for President.

So for the Dems right now it economy and fuel prices. Drilling is a long term solution to fuel prices. If they don't 'say go ahead', they stand to
lose big time. If they say 'go ahead' they break a voting block. Ah to be Dem in the 2008 summer of DC, in the summer of my youth and my discontent. When I could not figure out which way was up and which way was down.

I am getting poetic......but God I love it....paraphrasing General Patton there.....not the Beattles, the Beach Boys or the Bee Gees, Stress.

RE: Possible GWB resignation speech..

My Mom and Granmother taught me never to roast a woman, Skybow.
Being of the old southern gentry, roasting is for BBQ ribs, sides of beef
and the occassional corn on the cob!

RE: Possible GWB resignation speech..

Skybow, is one of the more interesting hi jacking, I have seen. What Island did you say that was?

But back to the thread in the nick of time. Suspect, if I don't Conrad and HjFinAZ will be telling Stress about the good old days of 67, when you could get a pair of jeans for less than $5 and a gallon of gas for a quarter.

Maybe even tell him where the redneckers of the time, told people where to put the that flower that was in thier hair. A place where sunlight don't shine.

But why would GWB resign this close to a hand off? NAH......not the way he will go down. He has the west Texas attitude of guns a blazin
and western stick it out. Even though there is an Indian on the roof
and fire buring the door down. GWB is going to stick it out.

GWB has a few cards up his sleeve yet. He use the Bully Pulbit on Obama once earlier on the appeasement commment in Isreal. He is going to make use of it till November 4th I figure. Also figure a few
flipper flopping Senators are high on his target list.....they better hope
he doesn't shoot better than Cheney does. You might have Dem
feathers all over Washington after he gets done. Roasted Dem anyone?

RE: He's Given Up!!

Read my post of earlier, and you will understand why the US and UK are not. We simply don't want to be taken for colonists and invaders.
There might be oil in Zimbawea....if we go in.....everyone will say...
the US is there to search for oil.

Really if there was no oil in Iraq, Skimydoo........would what we have done in Iraq be anything different than what you are advocating for
us to do now in Zimbawea? Same kind of a situation.....a brutal dictator refusing to let go of power to democracy?

No matter how a country like the US or UK plays this, you will find fault to how it is played. Send in troop, it was for oil or other resources and invasion...sit back....and it is a human right issue where military force should have been used. It is no win situation that far left has placed
American Presidents into on this kind of stuff.

Hey you got the UN...and I am sure they will eventually do something
here. But then the Security Council, doesnot even want to enforce the
first election and declare Mugabe out of office and illegal. Russia, China and South Africa will just sit on it and will block any resolution of
UN troops or strongly worded resolution. And you have the General Assembly that will take years to agree and act.

Welcome to the days of having a degraded and lame duck President,
Skimypoo. Only 1/2 a year till the new is sat in 09.

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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