RE: UNDERSTANDING WOMEN - a thread were i can express myself

For having the courage to post this, Alex my fellow, friendly Floridan. You get a copy of the "Men's Handbook and Rules to Women." Silver leaf edition. With all 1,000,001 notes and additions. A full set of the Men's Club by-laws with a certificate stating that you completed the course (Men Understaning Women Certification Course) with honors.

My hat is off to you.tip hat

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Some very good words coming from Hugo Chavez.

Several quotes from a recent new article here:

"The Guerrilla War is history." and "At this moment in
Latin America an armed guerilla movement is out of place."
He is asking the FARC of Coumbia to lay down their weapons
and to release all of their hostages.

This is totally unexpected by the experts in region.
Just a few months ago, Pres. C. was asking that the
FARCs be taken off the list of terrorist group.

Because I enjoy to read between the lines, some analysis
on my part.

One of two things happened here. The first and more likely.
That computer the Columbians got in the raid into Ecuador
was so damming to Chavez support of the FARCs, that
he realized it was time to change position here. The Columbians
had taken away his wiggle room, and had solid evidence
to his involvement with the FARCs.

My other thought is this. That the Columbian raid took out the
leadership group that Chavez had been doing business with.
That the new leadership group of the FARCs is not one he
likes. Hence wants to reduce thier strength and influence
at this time.

Either way, it shows it can be done...that we can get leaders
that are promoting violence in a foreign country to change thier
tune. Let us hope it happens. A little sunlight in South America.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Clark Kent (aka super) and Dude working side by side, now that is a
scarry thought. Louis Lane and Jimmy might get jealous as Dude keeps telling Clark all the newsest far left conspriracy theories.

Another one liner for the all time greatest hits, Indy.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Did you knew he secretly met with Chiness back then in order to get a clearency out of Vietnam war....even most americans thought a bout China....the Big Read threat ..... exactly the same as they did back in 2002 about Iraq or Iran or any country in the middle east ? China came under control some how because of those secret meetings.

Does it effect you at all TT, when hearing this from a man like Henry Kissinger? Is he a secret Communist antiamerican enemy of the state terrorist lover american basher or?

As said took the world 3 years to find Afghanistan on a map.
That is post 9/11 support for the US. Everyone around the world was saying that was really bad that happened in NYC. That is talk. Support is sending a military unit to the source of the probem. See the difference. Talk is cheap. Had the world really been with us post 9/11, they would have made thier forces avialable to us with out condition.

If you don't think that car bombs, IEDs, and suciede vest are not being made in Iran and Syria....then be delivered into AlQeada....then that is about as nieve as there is. In both countries this is a cottage industry at present. And niether gov't is saying no, indeed both are faciliating it. All I am saying is that there is little difference between land mines and these. And land mines are a weapon that have drawn so much public opinion on....much by the left....that Geneva Conventions banned them. If they are the work of mad men...surely then a ban would be easy to get. So why is the left so quiet on then? Why has not Senator Obama spoken out for a ban on them? Exactly, because they are they only effective weapons that the other side has.

Henry Kissinger.....I was trying to keep our conversations in the year 2000+.....we return to the golden age of Vet Nam? Like all Americans, I eventually learned of Kissinger talks with the Chinese. They were classic diplomancy with a 3rd party to resolve a conflict situation.

Many have tried to duplicate them. Including C. Rice of today. But Kissinger did not have the 'players' like C. Rice does today. He did not
have a J.Carter /N. Polosisi getting into the negotiations of this then.
C. Rice has them and many others that are meddling around in the foreign affairs of state.

Henry Kissinger opinions of Iran and Syrian talks are his to have. But I bet he would not advise head of talks with either until many preconditions were settled in back door talks. And I bet he does not take the position to neogitiate from a position of weakness with either.
Everyday Iraq get better, our position of strength grows in these negotiations with Iran and Syria. Sure someday they will come. But only once the wiggle room in taken away. Obama wanting them now or early in next years Administration, is too soon. Iran needs to come to the same position/understanding that North Korea did.

But to think that one can use this is the same model case as was with with Vet Nam and China then, today? Today you have a nuclear terrorism, you have AlQeada, you have a homeland America that was hit on 9/11. These are all different elements to todays geopolitical situation than then.

PS...wish to know why China spoke to him then? Russia was getting the majority of arms sales to Vet Nam....China was both jealous and concerned that Russian influence in the region was growing to great.
Hence the talks.... that is the take here.

Also bad use of a term, Dude. Kissinger did not go to get 'clearance' from
China for to end the Vet Nam war. US is a soveriegn country. We don't seek clearances from other countries. He went ask thier aid to bring about the peace talks.
Safe travels Dude......

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Sure we have a veto vote in the Security Council. But this not Security Council, this is General Assembly stuff. There the US is just one vote.
And most often we have found ourselves on the losing ends of those votes....that is why those sanctions on Isreal were passed.

This is a real prolbem.... everyone here in office and in the military...take there thier oath to 'up hold' and 'defend' the Constitution of the United State. That 'up hold' means that no other document is held higher. EG. Obama cannot take the Oath in January and then place the UN Convant or its charter above the US Constitution. Giving the UN $875b annually sounds like he is really near to doing that.

It is a impeachable offense. He would be breaching his oath of office.

But this propper coordination of the UN...note the spelling....if the day comes that the UN Charter or Convant is held higher than our is what happens.

It means that a UN President can order and force US troops into military operations. It means that the US citizen loses his say to the
officials leading them. It means that we have a world wide socialist gov't founded and evolved from the UN. One where democracy across the world is darkened and shadowed.

Just like I gave McCain the idea to invite Obama to Iraq. I am going to give him this scernario of Obama subgation of the US to the UN. It also goes to the White House and GWB. Just like appeasement of an enemy during war time.....lost of our national soverniegty is a serious issue. The laws on it are clear. We will make this an issue for Senator Obama to answer soon. Because your answer here fell short.

Lastly on Opal.....Barak's campaign did get back to me on you Opal.
They sent me boilerplate. Just like Dude's answer here on the issue of Obama's subgating the US to UN authority. When I don't get answers to direct questions....I create waves. Enjoy it in the fall. Because this is serious votes for McCain in the fall.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Dude.....think about the common demoniators of

Land Mines.......IEDs.......Car Bombs.......Suciede Vests

OK.................see any common demoniators there?

I do.

All are hidden explosive devices that are area focused weapons.
Meaning that they all kill with in a given area indiscriminately.
Land mine are banned by most countries by the Geneva Conventions.
Only a few have not signed the land mine being the US....and I think that Russia is another.

Princess Diane prior to her death was leading a world wide campaign to ge land mines banned. They were that deadly on civilian populations either in a war zone or after a war had ended.
The far left was even supporting this campaign on land mines.

The far left has gotten awefully quiet on land mine's kissing cousins....on IEDS, Car Bombs, and Suciede Vests.

Why don't you (the far left) pick up where Diane left off? Get a Geneva Convention ban of IEDs, Car Bombs, and Suciede Vests?

You are so concerned about our 4300 casualties. Most are caused by these.

The civilian casualties caused by IEDs, car bombs, and suceide vests is in the 1000s. And even the use of land mines goes on by AlQeada there and Afghanistan. We don't plant them...but they do.

You want to save lives? Save civilian lives? There is sure fire way to do it. Get the bloody things banned. But we all know that AlQeada would
honor that for about 30 seconds. But for President A. and is a different story. They get caught suppling them.....thier sanctions can be increase big time.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Also this Dude, the far left has our media so messed up that June 6th, only a few days ago, the anniversary of D-Day......only two channels mention 10,000 Americans dieing that day....Fox and Military Channel. The rest know that if they put a number like that out there.....that 4300 in 5 years time in Iraq.....begins to sound awfully small.

And I am still waiting a reply to my theory that Obama in going to place the US under UN flag. Because this stuff on Iraq casualities is all dodge and avoidance to that.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

It is a new movie....actually the second or third Get Smart movie that they have of the preview scene has him getting tossed out of a car over the River Thames.....right off the bridge to the water a James Bond ejection seat gone bad.....ejecting him to side instead of straight up. Nothing like American engineering...:-)

That is why I was going to let Indy have lead role as Get Smart

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

It is a new movie....actually the second or third Get Smart movie that they have of the preview scene has him getting tossed out of a car over the River Thames.....right off the bridge to the water a James Bond ejection seat gone bad.....ejecting him to side instead of straight up. Nothing like American engineering...:-)

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Are we going as the 'I Spy' duo? A 'Get Smart' comedy team? or a Mission Impossible?

I saw some of the previews of the new 'Get Smart' movie.....looked funny.....You get to be Smart.....I will be the fustrated scientist that give you your gadgets. Ever use a shoe phone before? I hear they are better than cells.

If we go on a Mission Impossible assignment....Tom Cruise might get angry with us. You have seen him on Oprah's counch.....not sure I
want that on my conscience

And if we do a I Spy....Bill Cosby might get upset with us. Or worse
Rev. have us brought up in one of his sermons......would
defitinetly be the hgihlight of my career.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Ah....any connection to the DC Madam case? Or am I giving Dude a opening for some wiggle room?

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Dude you are clueless. GWB has so many get of jail cards on the Iraq War, a first year law student could defend him and win.

Here they are:

1. The war was voted in by Congress. Our Constitutional war power act gave him the power to conduct the military operation there. It is only this far left socialist view of your that is saying...'immoral war'

2. The previous Gulf war was never ended. It was only a ceasefire that was extended. Meaning either side could at their choice of time and place continue it. Remember Sadam shooting at our overflights?
Exactly, the first Gulf war never was officially over with a peace agreement.

3. The Iraqi Gov't and the Iraqi CPA both asked us there. There are documents signed and executed for our presence in Iraq.

4. Executive Privelidge. This is little understood. But basically it means that GWB and his staff cannot be made to testify themselves. So any prosecutor is going to have a hard time getting any evidence......and Scott McCellan...the poster child of the far left today......would be chewed up in court with hard testifying on rumor and 3 party hersay.

There are likely a dozen more....that a second year law student would find. And what skilled pro with 20 years of government law would find.....would end with about 5 legal boxes of briefs to get the charges kicked.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Thank you Goose.

Here is the thing. Some grants to the say a gift to the United Nations Children Foundation (UNCF).....become earmarked for that department. Other such a grant from a gov't like this would be......would like go into the UN General Fund.

Once there it can be used for any purpose of the General body. Including setting up a new world gov't body.

This is almost getting to easy. Again thank you, Goose.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

After Hillary's attempt to reunite the Dem party with her suspension speech yesterday. Her webside has been bombarded by her supporters that are saying they are voting McCain.

That she made the case (convinced) to them, that Obama is to inexpereinced for the job. Funny how that 3 pm phone call commercial paid by Hillary and the Dem, might place a McCain a Republican into the Oval Office.

That single 30 second commercial spoke volumes to her suppporters.
I have trying to tell you this Dude. American voters will pick up on a
critical statement made by a 3rd party and make it a understanding of the situation. That is why the 'hate speech' on GWB and McCain is so destructive to Obama. They see it as persons that support him so completely and so fanatically, that it reflects into and on him.

Ain't American politics a funny thing! You can say something about one person....and it comes back in support for a totally different person. You can make an attack on one person, and it reflects back on the man you support.

That is American politics! You got to love it.:-)

No comments on my "new world order theory" of the UN and Obama funding it with the annual $875b grant that he is proposing?

If you that have been following this thread. Don't get confused with
a far left spin on a American group called the CFR(The Council for the Foreign Relations). This is a American group of Business and parties that support international relationships between countries and peoples. The far left claims this to be the 'new world order'.
But it is a smoke screen for the real thing.

How could a 'new world order' evolve from a American group? It cannot. But it can emerge or evolve from the United Nations....specially if the UN is getting $875b annually funding from the US. Specially if you have a President in power that is not a strong Constitutionist. Specially if you have a President in power that feels Congress declared wars are immoral and wrong (wrong war, wrong time).
Specially if you have a President in power that is back internationally by people like George Soros with his billions and websites, George Galloway (known for his position to miminize the American Gov't and its
institutions), and Hamas/Hezbollah known for their positions on Isreal.

The later might be a tough one to pick up on. Over the years, the UN has passed a number of sanctioning resolutions against parties supporting Isreal. They are all pro Islamic in tone. Over the years the US has breached them and pays fines to the UN for doing so. Because we really do wish to give full support to Isreal with our present and past Administation.

Only now Obama is President. He places US soverniegty under the UN banner, places the US Constitution second to the UN Charter, and funds the UN for this new world gov't. $875b is about 4300 times what
the US pays to the UN now. And will 'fully support Isreal' to the length of the UN resolutions on Isreal.

He went to AIPAC, told the Jewish people he would fully support them with 'no compromise' and with 'all military options' on the table. At the same time he would give UN enough funds to set up a new world gov't. A new world gov't that far left socialists like Dude have visioned for many years. A new world gov't that would enforce those sanctions on Isreal. What a double cross is coming for the Nation of Isreal.

How do you like my anaylsis, Dude? Because it right on target from what I can see.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

That is one your all time best one liners, Indy. Put it in the classic hits CD of all times!laugh

Gee and I thought we were there to keep the Kovoso Muslims from being erased from the face of the Earth. Guess, I got it wrong....rats

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

As long as this Bush based war against the United Nations goes on, nothing can get done propperly by the organisation. It is totaly selfish and stupied idea when some people "think" America is a planet by it self ! No .........america is just one country amoung many countires all situated on one planet called planet earth!

LOL.....the Great UN/GWB Conspriracy Theory...I love it. Dude can I have reprint rights to some of these posts? I can package them together into a small booklet and sell it.

But wish to know how easy it is for GWB to give the UN a bad day?
Has he ever veto a UN budget in the 8 years in the White House?
No. He has signed them all. The US is the single largest contributor to the UN. He vetos a budget....they are packing bags and leaving NYC for
for a convention center someplace.

This is why you don't like GWB is it not, Dude? That he takes power from the UN? Dude, are you a 'world order' guy? "Approriate decisions from a central gov't authority for all of mankind." Nation states interest are secondary to the interest of the world order?

Dude follow this. It is not GWB that takes power from the UN. It is the office of the Presidency that does. It does not matter 'who' is in office, the very position of office of Presidency of the world remaining super power take power from the UN. Also any President can move faster on a a disaster than the UN can.

But going back to what I picked up on the world order thing. Where is democracy in that? Where is the voice of the person in the 'new world order'? It is not there. The new world order is the biggest silencer of Democracy going. A gov't would appoint a small group to the UN (the Central Gov't Power)...they in turn would be part of the World Gov't. The person has no say in that. Is totally socialism. Rule by a few.

And Barak wants to give....$ the UN, to your new world order? I am getting it, Dude why the foreign far left is so supportive of Barak. You guys feel he is going to subgate the US to the UN authority.
You said as much in the post.....the US is only one nation among them all. So you see Barak funding your new world order? WoW! Subgating the US to the UN. Again Wow!

Conrad has it right. You don't want individual rights or individual voices in gov't. You are a socialist. And this is your big play (Obama canidancy) to subgate the US to UN control and to the new world order. Also explains why Obama is not a Constituion man. The Constitution stands in the way of this subgation of the US to any foreign gov't or organization. Why Rev. Wright attacks it and he is quiet on it.

I knew clicking here and posting here would pay off. I never thought it would pay off like this. Thanks Dude.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Every chance for a politic dig Opal? :-) There was not one word in my post on GWB or Iraq.....100% about the UN. The letters on on your keyboard that spell Iraq and Bush are beginning to wear, I think.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

One of the five that they have in the military court at GITMO for the 9/11 had ties to the first World Trade bombing. That is about the only one directly in the country I can think of. But you had....the African Embassy attacks...embassies are considered terra firma of the country.
And you have the Saudi Khobar Towers attack. I think there were prior to 9/11, but not 100% sure.

We realize that Robbie...that we are not under attack every minute
of the day and that it is a small percentage of Muslims that part of AlQeada or other groups. But also this. Our NSA wire taps have picked up 1000s of plots and threats. Sure most of them are smoke and without fire. But they have to assume that each one is a real possiblity and needs some kind of investigation is done to be safe. Manpower, time, effort, cost.....all just to blow away the smoke to see if real fire is there.

We have tried to blend in our concept 'diligence' to a threat into this.
We now have civilian watch programs, that report to the local police on suspect terrorist activities. They in turn report straight to the National Intelligence Center. The Security threat code colors were all part of that. But honestly no one take them serious anymore. They might as well blend them together to get magenta, rose, heather and other color of the rainbow.

Civilian will take a gov't program like this....after a prolonged exposure to it.....begin to yawn or ignore it. It likely is going to done away with soon.

I have my own theory on why the US has not been hit again since 9/11. Be honest with is not because we have done great Homeland Security work to defeat it. We have not.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

I hate to say it but the UN is like a cheap suit. You buy a cheap suit and get it tailored.....then the first drying cleaning comes along. Find the pants have shrunk and the sleeves are short. You take it back to the put it on for him.....and he says....yep it has shrunk.
That will be $150 in alteration charges to open the waste band and lengthen the sleeves.

The UN is the same way. They think that you can take a complicated geopolitical problem and place a easy and quick fix (fit) on it. They wait till the blood is flowing and a price is being paid in civilians deaths.....then rush in peace keepers(alterations). Then turn around to the due paying countries and ask for funds (charges) to rebuild the country and pay the peace keepers.

The concept of the UN is a noble one. But the politics of the UN stinks and fall short of noblity. They have to find a way to be preemptive. Take Zimboway for example. A blind man can see trouble is coming there. US and UK embassy staff are being stopped and of the canidates parties cannot have rallies.....a revote has been declared.....this is Africa.....they begin with machetes and then turn to AK-47s pretty quickly. But where is the UN in all this? Sitting on the sidelines...asking it self how bad does it have to get before we act?

How about a UN Security Commssion being organized to monitor the situation with force deploying authority? How about a UN election monitoring group with the ability to take things to the security council? Stuff like this can make the UN preemptive.......but the politics of the organization keeps it from happening.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Time for my Lilluptian and Gluiver theory of diplomancy on this post.

Rmember the story of Gluiver and Lilliputians? You know the gaint that washes ashore on thier coast.....and they are 1/100 th his size.
But he is unconsious when he washes ashore. So they have time to
snare him with a mesh of ropes spiked into the ground.

Had he awoken prior to them getting them all in done....he could have easily wiggled out of them. A few threads were not going to stop him
But as they got it all done.....he could not wiggle free. He was caught and had to listen and accept their terms. There was not much negotiation here. The Lilliputians were dictating the terms.

When you deal with a North Korea, a Iran, a Lybia...or even a terrorist cannot give them wiggle room. You better have them tied up...forced to listen to your terms, forced to negoitate to your terms,
and then execute the agreement in toal good faith......else you have not achieved the geo political goals set forth for you to achieve.

Look how many times, Sadam wiggled under the UN sanctions? How many times Kim has tried to? Pres. A., Pres. C., Pres. S, and those muslim clerics that lead militia are going wiggle on each and every chance they get.

Obama thinks that he can get these guys into meanful agreements with a handshake, a smile and a high five from Chicago is about as novice and unexperienced approach to foreign diplomancy that our country has ever pursued.

Lastly this. I know that the Dem felt we should have done bilatrol talks with the North Koreans. Follow this a little. Those 6 parties of Japan, S. Korea, Tiawan, China, Russia and the US in the what cut North Korea wiggle room. North Korean knew that the sanctions would be imposed by her major trade partners of Russia and China. Kim also knew that if the US and S.Korean got tired of talking and wanted mil operations against the North. It was only going to take was two phone to get China and Russia to sign off on them and not to interfere with them. The US was in the group of 6....why give North Korea status of independant talks?

There was a real carrot and stick here that was placed on North Korea.
Todate that is the very best de nuclear program and accords achieved.
Personally, I think that is exactly how you got to go at Iran, to acheive the same results. A Persian Gulf coliation to de nuc Iran. I don't think that you will find bilatrol talks effective, unless you are already friends.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

yep he has the Men's team now to play against. And that men's team has two players......sure McCain.....and the other is GWB.

You guys linked them so closely....that they get to a tag team on Obama. Remember GWB Knessit comments on appeasement....and how Obama reacted.....that was the first pitch. High and inside.
Right at his weak points.....military and not supporting the war.

You are counting that the country hates GWB......the country has not been attacked by a major terrorist attack since 9/11. People like living.
It is a good thing. They don't like dieing. It is a bad thing. Easy
equation to make. Here is a Commander and Chief that has kept the country safefrom another event like 9/11.

What happens if they declassified the 100s of terrorist plots that GWB adminsitration has broken, disrupted, compromised, and other wise foiled since 9/11? and made them public? Interesting question and totally at GWB discretion. News media would be going nuts running and tracking stories of them......wonder if GBW will have such a low approval rating after that occurs.

Personally, I think that he should do it. Best way to silence criticsm is with some facts. After the media and American public reads of how many have been kept alive by his adminsitration work on counter
terrorism...they might think a while lot different about GWB and alot of other things as well.

It kick in the teeth the far left argue that the Iraq war made the US more dangerous. My bet is....that the rate of failed attack from 9/11 to the Iraq nearly the same since the Iraq war till now.

He should declassify them, make them public, and let you and Obama digest what he has been facing since 9/11. He asked the Canidates prior to beginning the primaries, not to make Iraq and terrorism issues.
But to stay united for both. Obama and Hillary were soon talking peace
and that we are more threatened today than before. He has the evidence to prove it. Enjoy the digest.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Nite all....have a good one!

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Americans cannot use sharp knives any more, the far left has already has legislation on them to be dulled...for safety.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Obama and McCain and Iran (Sowell hit the nail on the proverbial head)
By Thomas Sowell

Now that the two parties have finally selected their presidential candidates, it is time for a sober-- if not grim-- assessment of where we are.

Not since 1972 have we been presented with two such painfully inadequate candidates. When election day came that year, I could not bring myself to vote for either George McGovern or Richard Nixon. I stayed home.

I am beginning to like Sowell more each time I read him.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Consider it a lose when today we have French peace keeping forces in Lebanon? Hezbollah can only launch a 3 day attack on the gov't before it felt it is time to get out of Beruit and only in isolated areas? Isreal move into Lebanon helped to bring all that about, Dude.

Hezbollah is weaker today than ever, has not launched a missile into Isreal for months. And is not getting the aid from Iran that it was earlier. Those are wins from Isreal's move into Lebanon.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Dude for his entire Presidency, GWB has supported a homeland for the Palestines. He has not block them for having one. Isreal did.....when ever they did attacks on Isreal....Isreal pulled away.

The man that might replace a former Army General and is about hard line right as there is.....if the Palestine don't take the deal that is being offered....there may not be a offer on the table next year.

Human minds make weapons Dude, they are extensions of mankind to defend themselves.

If he is for Isreal, Dude.....most Muslim in the middle east will consider that Barak is against them, yes? Same thing in Pakistan, yes? They are not going let him straddle this divided Dude.....they will pull him apart first. I am sorry man, but...... Barak or McCain...they will not see any difference here.

Obama just got a endorsement from George Galloway, a British MP that supports Hamas and is anti Isreal.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

The trip to Iraq just came up on Hannity and Holmes. Hannity said that Obama is scared to death to make it. That the troops might not be so receptive to him. Dud Also now the next Republican idea is to invite him to Isreal. Another country he has not gone to.

Getting the drift here? He made a trip to Guam earlier apparently...not exactly one of our hot spots with major military deployments. Well we there in WWII.......he is 58 years late.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

If there is not real peace and a fair peace between Israel and Palestine..terrorism will stay and it gets stronger and stronger....and god forbides what that can end in one day.

Now both sides of the conflict are atomised any know what that means? There is time of usage of Brain ant not weapons...Obama has that brain....count on this!

Dude we are three generations of anti missiles system beyond the original Patriot l, Patriot ll, THAAD, and now the Interceptor.
Patroit l was the one used in the first Gulf War that shooting at Sadam's SCUDs.

Interceptor knocked down a satellite in a decaying orbit last month.
They just two successful test on it last week. It has not missed in test shots yet. Each one has better targetting and hits than the previous.

The Palestines have a offer on the table now for a country. What more do they want? They want to trade a country for launching some rockets at Isreal? How crazy is that? You know what el-Zharki (AlQeada no 2) wants them to do? He suggests they begin to attack Egypt to break the wall that keeps them from Egypt and getting commerce.

How smart is that? Egyptian rushes in its Army with tanks and you have Palestine casualities all over the desert. These people in Gaza are being used by AlQeada, by Hamas, by Iran, by Syria...used for thier political purposes against the west and Isreal. All it adds up to Palestine blood being split.

Dude, as good you think that Obama is. If he intends to stand by his words at AIPC......that he will not compromise Isreal's security and will not take off the table any military response to defend it.......what change is that to where GWB and McCain are today?

Answer: do you say 'nothing' in Danish? Whatever that is the answer.

It is the key position that AlQeada, Syria, Iran, and Hamas are seeking changed here. And Barak is not going to give it to them. Sorry man, I wish ...I really do wish....that it was different. But as long as we have that position of support for Isreal....these guys are going to keep pulling triggers and making attacks on the US, Isreal and Europe.

For us it gets pretty simple. We have the single major terror supporting country in the world getting ready to have the nuc. We will not put boots in the country. We don't have them to put in the country. But before that first nuc is tested.....we will take away thier facilities to make them. We will not give them the chance to have something that will destroy a major city, Dude. 9/11 told us that they will nuc a major city. It is better this thing stays conventional than go atomic. As bad as that is, it is better than nuclear.

RE: Obama for president......Battle of Island Number Ten!

Dude if Obama is really doing a fist pump, it like a wide receiver in the endzone spiking the ball and doing the moon walk dance in the face of the defense back that just gave up the TD score. A sure flag on the play.

If that is not taunting, I don't know what is. He gets 10 yards on the extra point try. He gets to kick it from the 13 instead of the 3.laugh

RE: Smokin hot email I got - Jealous?

My mom now still living, stopped the aging process at 39. My brother and self both in our 50s, have agreed to be technically adopted to aid her in this magical age halting process.

So if my mom can do it......sure no problem.

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