RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Seconded, here!

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Ship, I made the statement earlier that most of the 14.5m retired, inactive, Reserve, National Guard, and Active duty Military all had more on thier individual resume's to be Commander in Chief, than Barak Obama does on his.

It is a honest statement, Ship. They is only one way to understand what 'military' is about. That one has to be there in some manner. Seeing a Rambo movie or other flic on it does not cut it.

Obama has many impressions of what our military is about. He intelligent and well read. But this is different between placing a
uniform on and wearing a business suit to work every day of your
life. From one you get one perspective from the other a totally different one.

I am not saying that the civilian cannot understand this. Saying that
the civilian has a much harder time 'leading and commanding' military
when he has not been one of them. Let me give an example:

Maybe you played sports one time. OK? You're a football player.....and a new coach is employed. First day of fall practice the team meets, he introduces himself to you. He covers his background with you. He was a All American soccer player in college and has never put the pads on. Think you have a good season going? Yes, exactly. With out having been in the trenchs, been a running back, been a linebacker, been a quarterback, been a wide reciever, been a deep secondary does he know what is going on out there? He has no experience to share with you.

And yes C. Powell would make a excellent Commander in Chief or VP in my opinion as well.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Opal needs to listen to Col Day says about McCain. Day spent to two years in the same cell with McCain. When they brought McCain to the cell, Day was already there.

He was so beat up, Day thought he was going to die. That they brought him there to die. That of course would bring more beatings
on Day. If your roomie died. So Day helped McCain back to health. Shared his food and water rations. That kind of thing.

Get it from from someone that was there, Opal then you get a real accurate story. These Huffington and Kos bloggers you get your stuff
from, most were not even around then. Most are in thier 20s and think Vet Nam was just a piece of American history told to them by the B. Ayers of the colleges.

Day is the most decorated American service man living today. I would believe him a 100 times before I would believe any source, Opal or Dude can find on this. He was there. Thier sources were not.

Into calling another American hero a liar, Opal?

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

I am surprised Barak did not take a $20 out of both Hillary and John's pockets as he said it.

Good joke!

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

So you want to let them win? That is what neutrality does. Gives them a win.

The reality was...prior to 9/11 we were largelyneutral. 9/11 changed that. Now we are the 500 pound White Back gorilla on the world block with enough anger to make 300 pound tigers run.

We are not going to give them a win, Dude. In Iraq, in Afghanistan or any other place we can get to them. Get use to the idea. Let is sink in.
Deep. You don't win things like this by being neutral.

They just reorganized our Special make it more flexible, so it can go anywhere. To make it independant of other military operations and commands. Going to give vast command and control on mission decisions to the local Special Force commander to call his own shots on missions. They will not even need approval from the Pentagon or White House. He just signs the order....mission prepped and executed.

Prior the Pentagon was micromanaging it. Now it is open season.
And yes, our Special Forces is commanded by a Navy Seal.......about as hard as they get. He sees intel on a terror threat......he signs a order......and a mission occurs. Is that simply now.

Well guess your neutrality idea got a big shot of reality.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

After we get done with the political polka, we have the music qued for
tap dancin Washington DC Style (soft shoe), Rock and Rollin Republicans (easy rock not heavy metal), and Tennesse Two Steppin (for the elderly Al Gore types). Maybe even toss in some
Western Line Dancin (for the redneckies) for the red white and blue.:-)

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Some if they are wearing a suicide vest, you don't want near you.

RE: Proposals

We have not mentioned where her dad's shot gun fits into the proposal making. That Double O Buck, tends to speak might loudly
at times. It does get a fellow's attention at times, specially if he
is looking down the working end of the gun.

It has been able to get fastest form of committment from a man,
that is known today. Also if the proposal is not done respectfully,
well that to can be a trigger puller and a deal ender.

Shucks ladies don't propose to dad a 12 guage pump for Christmas. Give them both the gifts at the sametime. Together.
Guarranteed he will get the message.

RE: Proposals

LOL......Marriage proposals....I once knew a some good jokes about them......then I got married.


Personally, I think prior to either doing the need to come so close in life, in values, in believes.....that the proposal is kind of a technicality. You both know the answer before the question is popped. It really does not matter who is popping the question....the known answer returned is going to be "affirmative", "si", "yes", "you betcha", "when and where?", "for sure", "Oh my yes", and my favorite, "why did it take you so long to ask?".

It is kind of like a major corporation buy out. Think of Microsoft and Yahoo for a moment. Microsofts make a offer to buy Yahoo out. Yahoo plays hard to get and ups the price. Just to se how far Microsoft would go. Microsoft should have known the answer prior to asking the question. Same thing in marraige proposals.

Or like the golden rule for criminal court attroneys. Don't ask the question, unless you know the answer. Or else your client could be headed to the gas chamber.The same thing. If you don't know the answer, don't pop the question.

For ain't the question that gets you into trouble the answer that both have to live with afterwards.

RE: I Miss Him...

Just a guess at what is to come. The US has some major infrascruture problems......a aging bridge system on our highways, out dated FAA air control system in radars and comm system, mass transit system development and others. Big buck corrections in the 100s of billions each. Not to mention our military deployments.

My guess is that foreign aid from the US...depending on which canidadate gets elected in the fall......could get harder to acquire.
That foreign aid shipment of corn to Solomia, is also a major foreign
income sale some place in the world or ethonal here in the US. The later is income to the country. The former is a cost to the country.

With a devalued dollar, the pressure is going to be change foreign
aid donations (+ costs) to income yielding (+ income)is going to be great on the next Administration. Balance sheet kind of stuff.

They had riots in Solomia about food prices. And riots in Hatii over rice. But why should the US simply give food away, when its food exports are its singlest largest foriegn revenue maker? They are holding our BOP (balance of payments) together.

The American Administration and Congress are responsible first to the people of the US. Not to foreign parties or countries. Historically, foreign aid is seen as the excess production of a country over its own needs. We start subtracting those big infrascruture projects and Hillaries health care or McCain mil deployments or Obama social services programs from our total GNP. That foreign aid figure could get real small the next 4 years.

Do we want to continue foreign aid? Sure. No doubt about it. I know the Aussie give per capitive as American do. And others do as well. But with the recent Africans complaints about the UN food distribution programs and then demand the program be moved to Africa? But when Hatian only tills 50% of their land for rice of what they did 10 years ago? When Solomian's militia hijack food shipments? Why help?They have some problems that they have to solve, that all the foreign aid in the world will not. Foreign aid is reason that militant Islamic groups have local control of populaces.

Personally, I am for a foreign aid program that set targets markers on the country recieving the aid. If a country misses them, then you cut the aid and place it elsewhere. In other words, aid with strings. If they miss the target markers cut the aid, why keep sending it?

The world always seems to feel the US should give freely. The US is a capitolist society. Aid is a gift of the American people. It doesnot follow that a gift is given year in and year out. For a example. You get laid off and have hard economic times....maybe you don't give as much at Christmas...fully understandable. You may want to. But it is understandable that you don't.

RE: I Miss Him...

One his big problems was Gen. MacAuthor. He wanted to run for the
Presidency and need to do something 'big' in the Korean war to run.
Big as in atomic device big. Truman having already done it once to end to WWII, really did not want to take the chance to begin WWIII.

Vetoed the idea. So now you have a disgruntled General that has the desire to President with a large number of supporters in the country and in DoD. Many felt he was getting treated unfairly. Then Truman
fired him. And well the provbial stuff hitting the fan occurred.

MacAuthor returns home disgraced. Rep used it to paint Truman for
firing a war hero from WWII. MacAuthor kind of took the high road.....did not make alot speaches till it all had died down.

MacAuthor was a conservative Republican. Eisenhower got the Rep nomination by being a moderate Rep. Truman lost to Ike.......

RE: I Miss Him...

confused They did not seem to mind him when the wall fall. Seemed
pretty happy right then, in fact.

RE: Is Syria the next Iran??

Ship how do US a reactor in Syria? They don't. The
reactor was build by the Syrians. The Syrians made the call here.

Same thing with Iran. We go into Iraq in 2002. Even before that they have been negotiating with Russia for nuclear reactors and processing
systems. This last week a Iranian Cleric says.....Iran needs to be a military super power in weapon technology. Because the Americans threaten us.

When ever I hear Syria or Iranian...say we are doing this because of
American policies......I want to know what specific American policies? Which ones......placing troops in Kuwait, Sudia and other Persia Gulf countries where we have negotiated contracts ? Or going into Iraq against Sadam, those policies? Where both Syria and Iran have had wars with in the past? They never say what specific policies, Ship. Next time they raise a policy issue......listen carefully it will be general and vague. Ever hear them say what specific policy in the past makes them mad, or threatens them, or? It has always been...just..."American

The Vet Nam just broke off American adoptions. Why? Because America Gov't complained there was corruption in the process. This is an example of a specific policy disagreement. Ever see that kind of specific policy issue coming from Iran and Syria? No, just a broad paint brush accusation....or just that the Americans threaten us. Is smoke on thier parts, Ship until they get specific to a policy.

Ship, think about it yourself. What specific policies do you hate? No need to answer me. But once you find that specifc one or several.....then you can address the issue(s), yes? Petition against them, write congressmen, try to have them changed. Samething with the Iranians and Syrians......once they get can go the negotiation table and begin talk it out. That is why they stay vague......they stay vague so there canbe no negotiation resolution......jmo

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

Part 3

I don't know Condi Rice. Robbie. I have had past coorespondance with
C. Powell. That I will not discuss here.

So the Irish are the world librators, Robbie? Fight for justice and freedom? Come on now. Last time they left Ireland was the potatoe famine and WWI. I getting to understand why the Brits did not like you for such a long time.

Since you seem to be so high in Justice for criminal acts. How about some for the AlQeada type is Iraq that run torture houses for Iraqi?
Got any Irish justice for them?

Maybe Mr. Tennet had some bad oysters for lunch that day. But sharp pick up Robbie....I caught it to. But how do you tell? Bad Oysters ? Bad material? You got to be some kind of Irish seer to know.

I have been around death Robbie. It is part of life. Get right with the Lord.......he will help out your anger problem.

First miltiary strike.......well would you consider 9/11 a military strike?
A military target was hit...the Pentagon. But as a recent Presidential candidate said.....cutting the throats of stewardess is not very honourable....or military. But that is what they did, Robbie. Cut the throats of the stews so they could get entry to the cockpits.

We are finished. Have a good life.

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

Part 2.

Robbie, I going to go main points with you and not waste much more time.

Ireland contribution to WWII was 70,000 men that came across to fight with the British.

The US fielded armies in both the Pacific theatre and European theatre that numbers into the millions. The US revamped it entire industry for war time production. And the entire country went on rationing of most major commodies during the war.

Fill me in on Ireland contribution to the WWII war effort?

Post WWII The United States was in Germany thru out the cold war.

During this time, Ireland was sending guys to Libya for terrorst training in the IRA.

Tell me how the Kurds in Northern Iraq died from Chemical Ally?
Chemical artillery shells and chemical bombs. You have seen the,elderly, women, babies.......Think that Chemical Ally got out there and rubbbed thier faces in it? Did it by hand?

BinLaden family is big and powerful. Also most of them has disavowed
binLaden prior to 9/11. The planes out of the US post 9/11 was for their safety........

Think that the Russian were not going to come further into Europe Robbie? They may have never made to good old Ireland. I do agree.
But continental Europe was well with in their range.

Well yes many peole did die in WWII. Many more would have if the US had done what Ireland did. All we really had to was fight Japan, Robbie post Pearl Harbor....we did not need to help in Europe at all.
But we agree to make Europe the main theatre of operations, Robbie.
To give it the resources and manpower first over the Pacific theatre.

I don't read White House press. Robbie.

Stalin could have kept going. But I suspect Patin and a few others would have stopped him before Ireland was threatened.

I am going to do your next one, Robbie. But after that we are finished.
I will not post with you. Not worth the effort.

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

There is a ton of politics to this. Dem on one side and Rep on the other. I don't know all the aspects of it. Could the Rep use the report to discredit him? Yes, I guess. Maybe the report was was first in the diplomatic circles here......nuclear materials is a language all its own. Yes, I guess so. Was it handled right? No. Did C. Powell get the info on it? I don't know. He should have he was Sect of State then.

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

Different intel and different situation. Does GWB have an agenda?
What President does not? But maybe some of the guys on the other side have an agenda as well.

What this intel says and reactions to it say:

First, the Isreali strike was a righeous strike.
Secondly, North Korea is not living up to its side of the 6 party agreements.
Third, Syria is not giving the IEAI full cooperation.
Fourth, WMDs are still an issue in the middle east.
Fifth The IAEI is like Hanz Bliz WMD inspection group.
They come from the same office in the UN.....weapon inspections.
One does chemical and biologics and the other nuclear.
They are picking sides with such a response to this intel on a secret Syrian reactor. That can kill thier credibility down the road with nuclear inspections of Iran.

Only no. 4 really fits into a GWB's agenda. The rest are not good for the world and the good guys in general.

In little less than 10 month GWB is going to be gone. These 2008 situations and developements will still be here. Yes? Don't keep fading back to 2002 on us. We need you here and now in 2008 and 2009.
No matter what your politics are. Syrian Nucs were not a good thing.
Nor are Iranian.

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us


First off sorry to cause all the typos.

Most everything you discuss there is 2002 and prior. I will get back and address it.

A lot has changed since 2002.

You have seen our Intell pics on the facility of the Isreali airstrike, yes?

Then two simple questions. Is it a nuclear reactor?

If it is, why did the Syrians not declared it to the IEAI?

And yes the Russia & Brazil announced a to build a next generation
stealth aircraft. They announced it yesterday. The $ figure is even more than our present F-22 Freedom Fighter Program.

The rest posted....on the Iranian nuclear facilities, the Iranian FJair-7
it all new stuff since 2002. Rob.

This is very adapting and fluid and numerous situations that one has with National Security issues and threats.

What I am asking here. Is peek out and see the world today some in 2008? It is not the same place as in 2002.

I have seen many pics of nuclear reactors, Robbie. Those intel photos are of a rusted out nuclear reactor core. The satellite imagery shows it from above located in Syria. In my opinion. But I will let you form your own. What more to you want? Like I said with the giger counter joke.....because I have the feeling somehow this is going to come back to Iraqi WMDs of 2002. But wrong country and wrong year.

Source on the Russian/Brazilian fighter:

RE: rationing rice in America

They cannot do it in Haiti. Thier irrigations system (dams and canals)for flooding the fields are in disrepair. Only 50% of the acreage they had 20 years ago is being riced. The cost of thier nitrates is to high for small grower to afford......

It is not good. They will need a foreign import of rice for a long time,
in my opinion. Minimum 10 years.

RE: rationing rice in America

Shipoker55, I see an isolatist in you of George Washington and his comments on leaving office?

RE: Should we continue with the olympic games in China?

I have a question for all that have supported the disruption of the Olympic torch.

30 day after the game end in China. The Special Olympics games will begint here. Already the Special Olympic torch is being carried.

As you know the Speical Olympics is for disabled and mentally handicapped youths. This is no small event. Special Olympics teams from every country in the world will be there.

So here is my question. Would you support disruption of the thier torch as well? By 30 days, nothing will likely change on the Tibet issue.
It still needs media attention. Seems that this again would be something to achieve that.

Of course taking a torch from a teenage Special Olympian does
does seem a little harsh. They might have down syndrome, or being missing a leg or arm, in a wheel chair, or have some other major problem. But hey it is the Olympic Spirit and that is what the protest is all about, yes? Still in China, yes? Still going to get massive media, yes? So achieves all your objectives again, yes?

So you guys going to go and beat up on these kids...steal thier torch......these that have so much love and innocent in them.....that it puts you and me to shame?

Steal their dreams of Olympic glory and thier moment in the sun?

I just wanted to know where (if any) the boundaries were. And just something for you all that participated in this sad display on the first Olympic torch run to consider and think about.

What about it Uli.....going to organize this against the Special Olympic kids?

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

But this is not to the best interests of some people, no?

Maybe the best interest of the American people is staying alive in a world with coming Iranian nuclear program and possible nuclear weapons?

And it not just that threat. Russia and Brazil announced a joint effort to build a high tech stealth aircraft. America threats are not just Islamic
terrorist or Islamic countries. Our commitment to NATO, SEATO, South Korea, and yes Iraq and Afghanistan require major military spending.

But here is where the world is really off base. You associate that our economy cannot support such spending. Wish to know what our DoD budget percentage to our GNP is? Get ready for a shocker...........4%

We are supporting two wars and global war on terrorism on 4% of our GNP. And doing upgrades to our military systems. Yet Europe devalues the dollar. And tags along with Chavez and Aheranjada on thier request in 2006 to do so.

If we were prefabricated tell me what the pic of that Isreali airstruck Syrian facility was? Not a secret nuclear reactor that
Syria had not disclosed to the IEAI? Yet when the US goes public with the info on it. Syria acts like a innocent victim and IEAI condem the US for not releasing the info to it. That is exactly what it was......maybe prefabricated in North Korea....but still would have made nuclear materials for nuclear devices.

Honestly......if European's had a giger counter with clicks going off like a DJ back spinning a record.....and the material came from Iran or would be safe as sand. You simply don't believe us on this stuff.that wmds were there...that Sadam had relations with AlQeada...that Iran has them today......that Iran can build a device ...even though we have thier North Korean blue prints for it.

You take C.Powell UN statements on wmds and say that is the way the world is.....that Iran or Syria will play by 2002 rules. There are no
rule here. This stuff is constant flux and change. When you see the bombed out intereior of a reactor in Syria.....why is it so hard to beleive that it really was a reactor? Oh the US is trying to decieve us.
They tried in the past.

Well maybe Bashan and Aheranjada are trying to decieve you? Ever think of that? Europe has lived for many year under the protective covering of US Nuclear weapons......during the cold war.....we never struck at any target inside Europe. Why wouildwe change this positive relationship of mutual making fabricated stories?

I know...just to get you into Iraq. Well you should have said even before C. Powell made his UN presentation......because of those 50 year protecting your countries againstRussian invasion.....anyplace the
US wants to take fine with us.

But don't believe us. Don't beleive photos on Syrian reactors, Don't beleive the blue prints on Iran nucs. Don't beleive the 26 nuclear facilities in Iran today. Don't believe the new Iranian mid range missile, the Fjair-7. Don't believe Iran has 500 Taliban and Alqeada inside it, including binLaden eldest son. Europe was lied to by the American one time, so don't believe.

The American people believe those things and more. So I suspect that
4% will continue to go DoD and the military.

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

I have real feeling that this country would support a isolation in the this global millenium or new world order that gets talked of. Most of our elderly (70+)are totally for it. Examples.

My dad, a WWII vet would not buy a foreign a car if it was a $1 sale.
I know of situation where some Japanese walked into a restraunt, and the WWII vet that had been a prisoner of them. Got up and walked out. These are not issues of economics. These are deep bitterness and scares carried for 50 years now.

Many in my generation, tried to make the bridge to the rest of the world work. Post Vet Nam. But the vast majority of American business is family owned small business, what your parents went thru is handed down to the son and daughters.

I counted it up. I was in the service beginning in 1980. Since that date, the US has a total of 6 years without some major military operation, conflict, wars, or such not going on......6 of 29 years were peace. 23 were with conflicts and wars. That is including the cold war as a conflict.

Of my church of 900........over 30 are in the service and over 20 are deployed.

What I am saying is this.When a society stays under a constant pressure of conflict a lot of strange phemonea is shown.....from school shooting, to riots, to structural problems. Eventually the society will withdrawl....shut down.....just a like a person will. It will also look to their most proven leaders for direction and purpose....our elderly. That happens, the US will become isolationist again as it was post WWI.

Our elderly are our patriarchs. They very well could lead us into this position of isolation again. Sure the gov't will be promoting both tourism and trade. But reality is this that these elderly men and women are very individualistic, very proud, very independant. They will look inward to the country and not out into the world. They do choose this course.......America will look inward and this global millineuem and new world order that many speak......will not have many red white blue flags in it.

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

Honestly, I think that it depends alot of where you are in the country.

Mom works a food pantry here once a month......they do about 130 families a week in food packages. She had not said anything about shortages here.

Also this. There is a India food store in MN, has started to have runs on rice. Normally they but 1 or 2 bag of 80-100 pound pers purchase.
About a 1 month worth. Now they are buying 5-10 per purchase and stocking. Store was not going to ration.

For our large agi operaitons, fuel is a critical issue. They run many diesel powered, high hp vehicles, often have transport to take the product to processing, have personal vehicles. It is a refinery issue.
The Gov't has a oil reserve of some 750m barrels. But our ability to refine it is limited. We have not build a refinery in 15 years.

We will make it. A country boy can survive.:-) We all might all be out fishing for catfish.......but we will survive.;-)

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

"The chairman of C3, a holding company based in LA, Mr Werner, has announced plans to pour millions of dollars of investors money into creating a theme park for the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

Mr Wernert told reporters "'The people of Iraq need this kind of positive influence. It’s going to have a huge psychological impact."

The Baghdad Zoo and Entertainment Experience will be located beside the green zone on the plot previously occupied by the Baghdad Zoo and will be designed by the company that developed Disneyland ."

I have no idea how reliable this is but there it is.[/quote

I did not read the report.....but that sounds right. Do we know how to reconstruct a country or do we know how to reconstruct a country!

Mainstreet.........its a small small world.......10000 leagues under the ocean.......tommorow land........fontierland..........majic mountian.......
and the tea cup ride. Toss in suciede bombs.....motar attacks.....snipers.........IEDs....... how much fun can you have at 3 days at a resort?

Only in America! Well OK only in Iraq......but direct from America.

Maybe we should consider medical facilities, water utilities, libraries, schools first?

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

I just heard a business report today that a major developer is researching doing a $500m theme park
..........................................ready for this........................Baghad, Iraq

Mickie better carry a M-16 and be dressed in body armor. Minnie will need to wear a Burka, and Goofie will come with a flight suit!

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

Only if Mike Milehouse (infamous MM Enterprises) begins with the French and Germans....wonder if we can contract him to to Iraq......
go after Al-Sadyr and his Madii Brigade. I here he might sit on the Blackwater Security board as well.

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

The US Agi Industry is political. If I told you the number of PACs (Political Action Committee) that come from the agi industries it would be in the several 1000s. Every kind of agi product has several PACs that represent it in Washington and State gov't.

Also our Dept of Agi....a Federal Government Cabinet level agency.....sit on top of major agi issues. Our Dept of Commerce sits on top of those agi export sales as a approval agency. If the gov't does not approve it, it does not make ship for export.

There is not a major agi operations that does not having solid banking and financial relationships in place. The only way you run a million dollar agi business, is with such banking relationships. The crop planted out there is also a investment by a local banker, he shares the risk of bringing a crop to market with the loans to grower.A crop fails, he takes a bath many times. Future markets and speculation markets have been in the industry for many years. They bring the money into the financial system for the banker to make the agi loans. They are the mechanism to make large dollar sales and bring the product into the chain of processing and logistics to bring it into stores for sale.

Connect your dots all you want. And become aware all you want. But first, understand what it that you think is so evil and bad. Then you have perspective to make intelligent changes. Mess this kind of free market that is working....and not replace with something better......a lot agi business will go under, a lot food will not move from the field, and alot of export does not get made.

Iraq is not causing a reduction of US Agi exports. Those export figures fit right over the Iraq war years. Overlay the years of Iraq and data years. Those increases are also with a major devalutions of the USD during the time. Had parity with the Euro been maintained during those 5 years.......those figures would be 15+% more. That is how good the US Agi industry has done during Iraq with devalaution

What will greatly effect those exports sales in US Agi in the future? Is high raising fuel prices that inflate the business operation cost here in the US. As the cost increase and devalue dollar sales occur, the American farmer between a rock and hard place. No matter what he does, works to solve a financial problem that is not in his control.

The American farmer is very unhappy with the devalued dollar. He has seen his sales to Europe decrease in value by 20% these 5 years, the sametime he has sent more to Europe. In other words.................... working/shipping more and getting less. You like that equation?
American farmer has done it for 5 years....and is tired of it.

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

Yea, I think I am going outside and turn off the irrigation systems on our citrus operations. Seems the world does not apprecaite the effort and costs of doing it.

RE: Why dont they put some money in Agriculture? They have the technology to feed every single one of us

This should give some numbers to your thread.

US Agri exports for the last 5 years
values in 1000 US Dollars


includes both food and equipment exports.

I think that we are doing our fair share to feed the world.

On Haiti rice. Last year the US shipped 400,000 ton of long cernel rice to Haiti. The same period, Haiti grew only 99,000 tons of a local short cernel rice. The US sent 4 times what they grew for themselves.

Guess what? We have fed much of the world since the end of
WWII. A lot US agi people are both angry and tired about how this has been appreciated around the world, with the devaluation of the $, with the the lack of the world's participation in the war on terrorism, with the opinions we often see online about such issues as rice in Haiti.

American agi people are some of the most Patriot, God loving and country loving people in the USA. They send their sons and daughters off to Iraq and Afghanistan. As Barak Obama found out in
PA this last week....there are a lot of them. Some rural areas of western PA voted 70/30 for Hillary after his bitterness comments. And they do vote, consistently.

The American agi industry is one the greatest in the world. But it also part our countries foreign policy. As we send food aid around the world.....we cannot feed the worlds 6 billion alone. Even though as you can see by the figures.....we consistently over the last 5 years have exported more.

Those 6 billion need to keep up thier own food productions levels. That is the real story of Haiti and the rice. They let thier own food production slip......that 99,000 tons is down from 200,000 ton of 20 year ago. It is the same in other parts of the world where there are food shortages. Often they let thier own food production it from war, from draught, from mismanagement. The US cannot be blamed for that. But many try to.

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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