RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

So your solution is to end Isreal as a country? To displace millions of Jewish nation that have lived there even before WWII? Well nice fair far left solution Dude........but there is a such a thing as a UN Mandate for the creation of Isreal. There is a number of Islamic countries that have signed peace treatise with Isreal. Only ones that have not...Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran. And Iran is about to find out the reality time is here.

So? Guess the UN is sending Isreal mixed signals. Like a attractive girl will do sometimes.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Personally, I like the feeling of living without nuclear terrorism for the next 10-15 years after Iran facilites have been smoked. The world get a little breathing space to terrotism and it likely will be convnetional terrorism....not mass casualities. And yes...that is exacly what a President does......he is role is to protect his country and people.

So, I feel you are target Opal with the coming Iran strikes. But do suspect it will surprise you some.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Know how many stealth aircraft have been lost in combat operations....0

How many combat operation flown by stealth aircraft.......1000s

1 B-2 has been lost in a accident.

You can stack Russian, Chinese and North Korea weapons on top of each other in Iran. And the military out come here is the same. Smoking Iranian nuclear reactors and nuclear facilities below.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Dude.......GWB was and is President of the US till Jan. 20th of 2009.

When Europe makes it policies to what could have happened in a election. When the far left says it was a stolen election without proof.
When your friends do this after the world worse terrorist attack on man just lose confidence in your friends. You are ready to tell the world take a flying leap.....we don't need you.

The world extend America after 9/11 a glove without a hand in it. All talk and no substance. No one said.....hey we have the intel on bin Laden.....we'll bring him in for you. No one said.....hey want some financial benefits after losing your financial centers.....No one said.....we have a 100,000 men to your service in the GWOT.

Iran got into the picture....they have 500 AlQeada and Taliban. Europe cannot even get them to extridite them. What a joke Dude, pardon my French here. America will just solve the Iran nuclear issues by herself.
We played with you guys for 7 years seeking help on this. We know where you stand on this.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Why are you so concerned with the Russians? Gee the far left knows
it is all a war know a movie made in Hollywood like Red October.

I tired be bluffed by the Russians, Opal. They bluffed on several things the last years, we let them take the pot. Time for them to play some straight cards. Time for them to antie up if they really have such a defense pact with a terrorist supporting country. If they do, then simple, we add Russia to the list of terrorist supporting countries......and go from there.

Sanction them. Deny them financials. Break our contracts with them on aerospace agreements. If we find Russian weapons in Iraq, we begin the various operation to deny thier entry. We break relationship with them. In other words we turn our backs to them. It wol dbe nice to do that collectively.....meaning Dem and Rep....but most of the time now.....that just mean Rep....with the Dem sitting the fence or worse.
Europeans will do what they always do.

Here is a short list of weapon Russian weapon systems in Iran:

A high speed rocket powered torpedo
A stealth tactical missile
A advanced air defense system
Some fighter jets
Some aged battle tanks
Some patrol boats

Don't worry about any of them Opal....presently none of them have the range to reach the are safe.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Here are the facts of Post 9/11 Opal.

Europe within a week of 9/11 began to devalue the the US Dollar. They have consistently devalued it since that date.

No Eurpean country came to into Afghanistan until 2004.....3 years after we were there.

OPEC after 9/11 began a serise of shortages to drive up the price of crude and fuel.

The UN could not decide what do to. It offer 0 help to the United States in any significant manner post 9/11.

Lastly, Opal......many of the Dem following 9/11 wanted to see it as some kind of conspriracy of the Fed. Gov't do to thier association with the far left.

Al Gore was not President.

Boy with friends like this, who needs enemies?

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

I just stay loyal to my gov't and constitution, Opal. Flip floppers and Obama.....are having difficultes doing this. They confuse position of minority party with the right to speak for the American people. They did not have that right for the last 4 years.

They vote for gets ugly and hard wars as can get...and bail out.
'Let us talk with enemy'.......does not matter they break nearly 40 years of American policy not to talk with terrorists. So they took both position of appeasement and a position of undermining the elected gov't of the US.

GWB did not mention a single Dem name in his address.....Obama takes it personally.....elitist do that....Says the comments were directed at him and are unfair. Kerry jumbs in. Hillary has some words on it. Polisi comes in. Reid comes in. The only that has stayed smart and silent here.....Murtha. The old Marine sees their position clear enough to stay silent. The rest are convicting themselves by attacking Bush on his comments.

Newt Grinrich had a great quote for Obama to use here. He said Obama should have said. "Mr. President, you are absolutely correct.
Appeasement of dictators has historically never been successful."
End of story. LOL....But instead, they attack the messager. To late, Opal, media has it now.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Bin Laden desire is to return Islam to a caliph sytle government of the 1500-1700s. 9/11 fits into this by creating a global jahid across all of Islam against the west. It was a kick off attack to accomplish this.

But it has gone astray. He thought that massive numbers would join
in the jahid. But that has not happened. Hence just about everyone of his videos is a recruiting video for more to join. He needs numbers to accomplish this. These numbers have not materialized.

Noticed how often he talks of this pan Islam movement? How often he talks of the Suadi royal family's corruption? How often he talks of Islamic unity? All flowered into the Koranic verses?

9/11 was not about American policies. To a lesser degree the US deployed forces in the Middle east do have a bearing....only that his desire is to remove them to have this pan Islam occur.

Pretty delusional stuff. Caliph governments were the most fundamental Islamic known to man. They fought against the
Christian Crusaders in the middle ages. But with the advent of nation states in middle was history. Should be left there, but
bin Laden see a means thru jahid to bring it back.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

I think you got a pretty good odds to that.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Polisi went to the middle east...and the Isreali nearly broke relationship with us over her handling of it and her comments...."We can peace in the Middle East" after misrepresenting the Isreali positions.

J. Carter goes to the middle east and say "We can have peace in the
middle east if everyone retruns to pre 1967 borders." Postions he knows that Isreal has rejected many times. Hamas was firing rockets into Isreal before he landed.

Real positive movements on the peace front. Other than appeasing both ASsyad and the Hamas leader what was accomplished? Really
all they did was to messed up was C. Rice's peace talks and confused the issues.

But to be fair, I will give you chance......list 3 positive things that came from each of thier visits in the middle east.









RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Sorry Dude not this stuff. Islamic terrorism goes well before the last 40 year Dude. Try the 1860s and beyond.

Many try to say that its history is since the 1960s, modern times.......but sorry no dice there........we have examples of it back for a 140 years......ready your Kipling sometime.

People are trying to make modern terrorism a 'government causal relationship' between the act of terrorism and the some modern political objective of the terrorist group that did it. This info kicks that theory in the butt.

The start of terrorism back in the 1860s doesnot support that.
Is totally something else.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Then I got the answer....then...the 3100 Americans were killed on 9/11 for Isreal greedy behavior. And because a Presdient after the incident said ''You are either for us or against us".

Is that what you are trying to say Opal?

That left has always said it becuase of American policies. Hamas and
Hezbollah say the same thing. AlQeada says this to. I Just want to know if it was a specific policy or number of them.

So the answer I have so that Isreal is greedy. That does not sound like a American policy to me.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

American Political Spectrum

Far Left ^ Far Right
Middle ^
Rev. Wright is Carl Rove
so far left, he is
not even on -->
the chart Carl
<---- Rove

Dude getting these to far extremes to work on a derailment of Barak
Obama is like saying the Colorado River will run into the Rockie Mts.
next year. That 7AM EST tomorrow the moon will raise instead of the sun.

Anything is possible. But probable? I would not like to take you to Vegas and let you bet keyno, the ponies, football, blackjack, or any high stakes games there.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

So now it is Carl Rove teaming up with Rev. Wright to sabotage Barak Obama campaign. LOL this is bring tears to my eyes, it so far out in left field. You really outdid it on this one.

Ever hear of Roswell, NM, Dude? That is where the space ship crashed
and all the little men died except for one. That one they kept his name is Karl Rove. He has the this ability to make humans do strange things. Such as the black pastor of a radical left wing church scuttling the campaign of black left wing canidate.

Stay on planet earth with the rest of us, please Dude.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Can the term 'super senstive' be used to discribe the Dems reaction to
GWB comments in the Isreali Knessit?


RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

confused I wonder in Barak plans to campaign in them in the fall.

Spend some of his advertising dollars in them.....have rallies in them...

Go to the auto shows in them.....

Just maybe they are his backup plan to get the number of deligates

for the nomination. Pretty slick trick to play on Hillary. Since they are

invisible states.....she doesnot know where to campaign.....he gets to

make them any place he wants to. Maybe have the DNC tell her not to

campaign and run in one of them to make up for MI.laugh

If he gets elected, we better watch this guy pretty closely. He will have

added on a invisible land mass to California extending it to Hawii, be

seeking funds for a Federal Highway, so we can drive to

the Islands. Or maybe have us drill for oil in them. That would be a

problem solved for both our energy crisis and the environmentalist

alike. Of course the crude would be invisible and Micheal Moore would

still do a film on the environmental impact of the drilling and Al Gore will

come out for how the invisible land mass is part of the Global warming


You got to like Obama though....very creative problem solving


RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

A Southern Babtist Peacher took the American Flag and the Christian Flag out his church here in Central Florida last week. With the idea that
the church is a solely a place to worship God.

He began to get hate mail both at the Church and his home. He and his family have left town. Just before anyone goes there.....he is white and his congreation is mostly white.

I don't support the hate mail. But I don't see any cause not to have both flags displayed in a Church of worship. While the state says you cannot mixed Church and state....that is not the case for Church.

Members his congreatation met with him after doing this. Told him it was a bad idea. The Church Administration supported his decision to do so. Some in his Church still felt anger at the removal of the flags.

Barak needs to better understand American patriotism and love of flag and country. If a minister can be ran out of town over something like this. Barak's inablity to understand this is going to cost him votes, in

Barak opened his run for the Presidency last week. Making most of some comments about McCain and Bush. Now he is playing against the guys team. GBW use of the Bully pulpit in the his speech at the Knessit....and fired a opening round across his bow. GWB did not even mention his name, and Obama is crying unfair. Had it been me in GWB shoes, I would fired it long ago. Mentioned names to make hits. Like I said before GWB is a softie compared to some. He is a Christian Conservative that tried to lead the country with a 'conservative values and compassion for others'.

The far left and Dems would not let him do that. Failed to back him on needed legislation and on the Iraq war. So?

He has about 8 months of bully pulpit. Seems like he fired a nice first round shot.......with all the Dems that are seeking media time to complain. Every time they complain their own record on Iraq and on the economy will show up. They take thier eyes off McCain that is
jumbing issues on them. This first round shot cost Barak votes with Americans that love God, flag and country. And disliked what Dems did when they flipped. And have doing thier impersonations of Middle East diplomacy. When they appeased America's enemies and show a divided America to her enemies.

Here is to GWB.....may his next shot land better on target. He was just getting the range on this one. I will site for him on the next one. Just a little to the left, line to center mass and steady trigger pull.....hold your breath.....and squesse it off. Who says that they are bad shots in the White House? Maybe I get to work with Cheney next and teach him how to do Kentucky windage.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Obama took it as a political attack on him. He said:

It is sad that President Bush would use a speech to the Knesset on the 60th anniversary of Isreal's independence to launch a false political attack."

GWB did not mention anyone name in the address. He could have been referring to one Jimmy Carter, one Nancy Polisi, or others when he said:

"Some seem to believe that we we should negoitate with the terrorist and radcials, as if some ingenious arguements will pursuade them have been wrong all along."

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

From the men I have known in the service, most if they saw torture occurring would report it in a heart beat. Not only that if they felt a
cover up was occurring they would go outside the of chain of command to report it.

Personally, I can see where conditions and treatment of a prisoner can bring him to speak and give vital intell that are not torture but are
hard can be effective. But I would support McCain techniques here to get information of significant value that would save American lives. But like Sparkie, I am against torture. Well I put up with Dude....not sure if that qualifies.:-)

I read a book by a Specialist that was a linguitics specialist at GITMO for 2 years. Behind the Wire is the title, I think. He had a prisnor there
that was a rock. The other prisnors both feared and respected him because of his Islamic piety. They were taking his hard line course and not talking. To get those from his cell block to talk, all they did was move him from the group. Isolated him.

They could have tried it the other way. Torture or waterboarded the guy. Once those in his block saw him break....they would have. But there a more easier way to do it....just isolate the guy. He lost his leadership over the group. They opened up then to questioning.

RE: Help needed Please!!

Hi Frik,

Nice to meet you. I hope my info helps. That is a answer in part or total to your question about Bus Administration degree porgrams
at least here in the US.

There are a group of Univeristies in the country that have the 'top ratings' for Business Administration degree programs here. Universities like:

Harvard, Yale, University of Michigan, Princeton, MIT, University of
Chicago, Colegate and a few others.

These I would call the elites of Business Administration in country.
Most run a online education program so you can take classes on line.
Most all will have degrees from Bachelor, to Masters, to Doctrates.

Under the elitest you have a very large and broad range of Univeristies and Colleges that have Business Aministration degree
programs. Some will only go to Bachelor level, others to Masters and then some will strong deplartment in a field of Business and offer the
Doctrate. Most of these offer online classes of some kind.

Examples are: Central Michigan University (my school) Michigan State,
Penn State, Wake Forest, Auburn, Southern Cal, Washington State.
Literally 100s in this group of schools.

Finally you have schools that are purely online. My example here
is Pheonix University. They have a Business Department and offer a
number of degree programs.

Of the ones you list in your post.

I would consider Boston over Colorado States and both over Pheonix.
Boston is right at the top edge of the mid range group mention...not an elite but very good. CSU likely above average. My school....honestly I would rate average.

The other foreign schools, you mention I don't know enough to give comment on.

Walk with a doctrate from a elite, you are looking at a starting figure of $100+K. Walk with a doctrate from a mid range...really depends on how well it school is known in the field of employment that you are in.
Each of these mid ranges school have different school in Business that
are known well and less known.

My to some employers of interest...ask them what schools they find work best for them. Many have close connections to academia. They are sponsoring researching and porgrams at the schools.

Lastly there is a directories of our 4 year colleges that most of our libraries carry in the reference section. It will break down degree programs by the school and gives a ranking to the school. Next time I am in the library, I will get a name for you for the directory. Post it here for you.

Hope it helps...good luck with it.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Nice adjectives Opal..."pig" ...."dirty tactics"..."parroted".........just the point I was making.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

One of the biggest spins of the Far Left is the number of Iraq war casualities. Many from the far left claim the number to 1,000,000
existing casualties.

Well OK. Show me 1,000,000 bodies. Or show my mass graves for
1,000,000. Show me some evidence to this.

Now surely if el-Jarezzera has pics of a mass grave(s) in Iraq, it would be hitting the evening news that night. Obvilously if AlQeada via its public information web site had such pics, they would be on the net. But none have appeared, to my knowledge. Anyone else know of any?

Something else, all the far lefters that are claiming this...understand satellite imagery. They all can goggle satellite imagery search of
Iraq for such mass graves. They all use it for house hunting here in the US. Surely they would be using it for some evidence of mass war crimes against the hated GWB Administration. That is how we found them in Kosovo...satellite imagery showed exactly where the Serbs were buring the bodies of the Kosovans that they had killed.

You would think that the far left would have satellite imagery of mass burial sites from all over Iraq with this kind of mass killing going on. Be releasing them day and and day out. It takes 200 mass burial sites of 5000 bodies each to make 1,000,000 killed....the far left's claim here. Don't tell me that they would not show on satellite imagery. They do and they are very easy to see and to recognize.

Are there mass graves in Iraq. Yes. They found and documented mass graves from Sadam regime there. Kurds in the north and Shia in the south. The military documented them and they were used as evidence to the brutuality of Sadam and his regime. That was all done 2002-3.
Show me new mass graves, far lefters. Find some real mass graves in Iraq, I will even confirm them for you if you do. I know exactly what to look for here.

So far me the evidence .....I even told you how to search for it...just use some commercial satellite imagery and search the country...that is all you have to do. That is how confident, I am that this number of Iraqi dead of 1,000,000 is a total fabrication of the far left. That those mass graves are not there to be found in Iraq. If Obama wants to be taken as a serious canidate for the Presidency, this is the far left he need to separate from. A far left that will lie to the American people and to the world.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Since most of the thread participants seem to have a interest in the American gov't and its nuclear weapons programs. The following story is one that you might be interest in..

It is a about a Italian/American that was made a secret agent during
WWII. His assignment was to be the security agent for Dr. Fermi. Dr. Fermi was the man that discovered nuclear fission and gave it to the
American gov't. Fermi also was a close personal friend of Einstien.

There is a story of how Fermi and Einstien both ask this agent to do thier Federal income taxes.......because he was a lawyer. Neither then could figure the tax codes out. Imagine that the world best two nuclear phyist of the day....and they cannot figure thier income taxes.
out! :-) They should try ours today!

The article has such others in it as....Kate Heburn, Truman,
Oppenheimer, General Groves, and others that were involved
with the Manhattan project.....the invention of the Atomic bomb.

It is a good read.

It will give some back ground on the depth American Gov't security can be for a Manhattan project. What lengths they were willing to take then to defend the country. How they even talk of murdering a British subject in it. That they later caught spying for the Russians.

Site is:

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

I have yet to hear who Barak would have in Cabinet or his VP. Maybe those endorsements will be pulled after they are announced. Endorsement are like water.....they change direction. And there was no word in my post of Rev. Wright. It was the far left in general I tagged in there as his down fall.

Why? Because that mod road and mid road American voter.....does not daily spend his/her time make connections to endorsement of Rep, Dem or Ind. He does not have time to. He get his info from a news show......that gives a 5 second blurt...of a Wright, a Ayers, a far left post like that on Kos recently. And he comes to the same conclusions that the voters in WV did. The far left has supplied the ammo on Obama, Opal.

Personally, I think that it sad that it happened.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Personally, if I was a FL Dem, which I am not, if after this coming DNC rules meeting on the 31st, if it is not resolved.....I would be taking it to court. It is just politics at this point. Both sides are trying to use the
FL Dem voter and the Fl Primary to thier advantage. So take it to court and have a litigated resolution. Just my opinion there.....and as Dude has don't advice from a political opponet.:-)

Sure the DNC messed this up at the beginning. Neither canidate had the foresight to say so and to get it changed then. So I hold the both candidates accountable on this. This is thier party and they speak volumes in it. This is thier Presidential campaign and thier organizations. If they have so little power, or do little respect from within thier own party, so little ability to compromise......not to be able to resolve this....what does that say?

Want either to sign the next set of Salt agreement with Russia? Or to
negotiate a resolution of the Tiawan/China issue? Or to muck around in the Middle East peace talks? I feel pretty strongly, you need to be able to do it at home, prior to being able to do it outside the country.

In 15 months of this issue on MI and FL, they have not reached a resolution.....tells me that if either is would be 4 years before any major international issue is resolved. These are much more complicated issues than what they have now. Now they have Democracy 101 high school civics class notes to go by. In the international world of those kinds of negotiations and write the advanced 500 college level course testbook on them as you negotiate.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

A local LA Dem that just won a seat in Congress, says that he has not met Nancy Polisi. Said he would not vote for her once in Congress.
Also the he had not met Obama.

And he won on the platform of being pro gun, pro life, pro business.

Do I feel distancing here?confused

RE: Liar, Liar your pants are on fire..............

thumbs up

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

Yes I would. But also consider Vet Nam. Top level troop level deployment in country was 550,000 if I remember correctly.
In a country that was what....maybe a 1/5 th the size of Irag?

We are still fighting this is as limited conflict. Maybe a better term.....very large pro longed brush fire war.

Ask yourself why?

We can sustain the deployment longer. Allow these vectors...Iran, militants, and AlQeada give them the time to come into the fight there.

The day a nuc is detonated in a western city. Is this day this goes from this limited deployment to a full scale moblization. My opinion here. Follow this as well. The United States population is 300m about 2 times what was in the 1960s, about 4 times what it was in the 1940s.

With the draft of the 1940s, they put a little over 4 m into the military.
Do the same draft today, change our economy to war time production (go from 4% gnp to 16-20% gnp in military spending) have 16 m under arms.

Even do a limited draft of the 1960s, and you can have 8 m under arms.

I was in during the cold war. I have seen the plans to reopen closed military training bases and to go to 40-50 division military for the Russian threat of that day. These likely have changed....maybe it would be a 5000 brigade Army for the kind of conflict of today. Really once the mobilization of a country begins in full, is like a factory. Men, training, equipment, facilities come together and military units are turned out and shipped out in large numbers.

It is doable if ever needed. But it is not needed today. Or unless you get into a fight with China or Russia.

I don't support this by the way. For as long as this is a limited conflict, the world is a much better place. And even much better if there was no conflict at all. But if this was really a Christian Crusade against Middle Eastern countries, as bin Laden is saying.....that is what you would have....The United States could field, a Army of 4-8m, in those countries. That is a deployed Army of both long term occupational size and of over powering strength with our military technologies of today.

You also would have great war protests here in the US. Americans leaving the country is masses, and a world in real turmoil. Just trying to point out there is a real hole in bin Laden's Christian Crusade arguement. The US has not moblized for it. And not very likely to moblize for it.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

WWII Eurpean Theatre Deployment was around 2 million Americans into the theatre. 150,000 into Iraq, I would call a limited force deployment.

RE: Obama for Presidnet!.....Heptachromic

From the 9/11 Commission:

2-3 were advance men. They came to reconn the mission. The other 16-17 were in Afghanistan in AlQeada training camps. They were from Suadi, but in Afghanistan going thru AlQeada's training program.

The 2-3 advanced men traveled the US and Europe gaining a better understanding of our airport security methods. Getting funding for the mission.

The orginal idea came from Shiek Mohammed Khalid. For a time he was the 'manager' of it. He is removed from this role. We know this from his post arrest statements.

At some point the advance men report back to bin Laden that it is a viable mission. bin Laden sends some ranking AlQeada to meet with the Iranian Secret Service. This was to get Iranian OK to pass the 16-17 from Afghanistan thru Iran and get them into the US without getting their passports stamped or needing visa. Both of which would have caught the eye of custom agents.

All but one used false names and passports......good quality ones. Some get flying lessons. One nearly was compromised by a FBI agent in Pheonix. They add a 20th to the group. He was later cut from the group after he said to a instructor, all he want to learn was how to fly the plane.....not to take it off or land it. The school reported him. They saw him as somone that was going to compromise the mission.....he left the country prior to 9/11. They later arrested him.

This took 18 months to put togther. The men that did it were expat Saudi that were living outside of Suadi when it was first conceived. That is the answer to rmartin question.

Why so hard to understand?

After getting to Afghanistan and picking up intell from bin Laden training camps near Khandar the number going thru was 70K.

After 9/11, a 1 percent shift of the 1 billion Muslims in the world to militancy and to terrorism was 1 million.

Why is this hard to understand?

During the Afghan/Russian war bin Laden had less than 5000 foreign fighters come to Afghan. We were not going to find this 70,000 or others in Afghanistan.

Most of the 70,000 were already disbursed back to some 40 home countries, when Afghanistan fell. Who the others from the 1,000,000 were, we had no idea. But we knew from the Muslim street post 9/11, they were in this.

Again so hard to understand?

So how do you fight this?

You need a means to compromise them. Find out who they are. Preferably outside of your country before they conduct operations
in it. Hence Iraq. A side benefit, a Sadam is removed from power.

You may not like Iraq. You would like the US even less if terror operations here were a common event. You may not like Abu Grail. I don't like Abu Grail either. Abu Grail was a dishonor to our military, but was not ordered by GWB. Those that did it are now in Leavenworth, a military prison.

With a limited deployed force, Opal ...we have been able to compromise much of this 70,000 and the projected 1m in Iraq. Arrested alone is 35,000 of them from 18 different countries. 5 times that have been killed. This all has occurred in Iraq. Without Iraq, that 70,000 and that 1m would be free to conduct operations here, in Europe, and elsewhere. They would be free to disrupt Islamic countries in the region. Who do you think is slipping across those Iraqi borders, to join the fight in Iraq? Or fighting presently in Lebanon? Islamic boy scouts? No Opal, the 70K and the 1 m are slipping into Iraq or have joined

If you have a better 'plan', please send it to either Obama or to the White House. Obama can use it if and when he becomes President.
The White House and Joint Chiefs would like to read how better to take on terrorism post 9/11. If you don't have a better 'plan', and wish to prove your thoughts that these arrested and killed in Iraq have been wronged.....maybe become a Iraqi attroney. Take it thru the legal process there. The country is looking for some good people to help it out.

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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