RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

We have been here and kicked shins in past on it. But some new thinking for you to ponder.

Try this, After 9/11 Washington lumped 'all' terrorism in to one pile.
Meaning it did not matter which group was doing it and who was supporitng it. It was terrorism and we were going to take it all on.
Did Sadam sponsor terrorism in Palestine? He was paying $35K to every family of that sent a son into Isreal with a vest on. isreal is our alley in the middle east. That is sponsoring terrorism, would you not agee?

Try this, Sadam was terrorising his own people. State sponsored terrorism is still terrorism, yes? Think that Kurds and Shia were not
afraid of Sadam, the bathe party, his secret police? What those chemical attacks in the north were just Sadam way of saying hello to the Kurds? How were they ever to get a fair gov't of democracy unless Sadam was removed. The only way to remove him, is with military force.

Try this, Sadam was keeping the Iraqi people improverished. His
consturtion of some 20 palaces meant that the oil wealth of the
country was not going to them. Sadam and his favorites kept the
wealth and enforced this with their military. Proverty is a form of oppression and make terrorism easier to conduct.

Try this, you are right. There is little evidence other than what I mentioned in a earlier posts to the connection between Sadam and
AlQeada. But how hard to do think that connection is to make?
Robbie, you know as well as I do. When two enemies have the same
enemy (e.g. the USA) they will find a way to connect and plan joint
operations together.

Measure this by potential threat level some. Sadam is the funder with billions and Alqeada is the deliverier, with cells here and in 40 countries
and some 70,000 that have gone thru the Afghan training camps. That is a grave threat. Maybe not on your side of the pond. But here.....yes.

Maybe these are old arguements to you. All discounted on your side of the pond. But they seemed pretty real here at the time. Specially since we were looking a deep hole in the middle of NYC the size of 10 square blocks.

Were there some hawks that had written on Iraq prior to 9/11 in DoD?
Yes. This kind of thing is what they get paid to do, it is thier job to do. They write contigency plans for China, for Russia, for the next invasion from Mars. Joke there Robbie...we still have them.:-)

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

By Novemeber 4th we can be on Obama Thread XVXIIIIII (Roman Numerals There )

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

For one that did earlier try to make it facts and solid debate earlier....only to find it was going to GWB and the last 8 years of his administration....not today's issues and the Preisdential campaign of
2008.....why give much more than a one liner to to the past?

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Sadam police used the same tech, Robbie. Old torture habits are hard to break, I guess.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Wish a little truth about Washington DC? Well this kind of behavior goes back so far in DC was there before put the dome on the Capitol. Along time ago.

Every country in the world has this kind of behavior. No saying that it is morally right.....even here......just saying it is pretty common.

Why don't you let the investigation into this play out. They will make it all public info. If she has a little black book....the names will be there for your smear. Of course if there are dem names in it....the smear will be in 3 point phont print. But we understand how the game is played with the left.

All these blog you show us on this are public bloggers. They really know zip. Police investigators hold this stuff in pretty close to the vest.
Get thier reports...then we can talk. And you can smear smear smear.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Can I be the ring side Docter...and check facial cuts and if they are cheating with the vasoline to cover them?

Indy you got to warn them about thuming the eye in the clutches
and of course my favorite....biting the ear.

Everyone looks good for another three or four threads here.....ring the bell.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Feeling like the refree here. Break, step a nuetral corner Get the gloves striking below the belt....OK boxing

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Sorry to hear of Teddy Kennedy medical situation, Opal.
I know he is a favorite of yours.

I had some brief contact with him when I first got into gov't
consulting in the late 80s. You ought to have seen him then.
He would have 30 reporters hanging on every word as he
moved in Senate office building.

I hope he recovers fully from this.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

You guys need to start saying nice things about Hillary. Growing chance the only way to unify the party is have her as the VP.

Her number in popular vote....with large numbers of them saying they would vote to scare the bejeppers out of Obama staff.

LOL......but maybe she does not want the VP with him? Still I would go easy on Hillary......she is tipping away another tonight......
41 in KY.....57% Hillary and 40% Obama.

She has cut a clear path accross the country from one coast the other in state primary wins. Meaning that she can get support across the country.

They are going to force Obama to take her on the ticket. 120 of the remaining undeclared super deligate are former elected from B. Clinton administration. They owe the Clinton's big time....

Obama should see the political reality here....and just are onboard the Obama ticket, are my number one VP choice.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Looks like Hillary tips another one away at the basket. Can this girl make the come back late in the game? She play hard and working the
croud. Looks like the latte' drinker in Ky did not show up for Obama....just a moment here.....not many Latte' drinkers in KY.....I forgot Kentucky borbon drinker here.

Hillary 54% and Obama 43 % with 32 % in KY.

I learned something today on making ethanol. That these Kentucy borbon drinkers will like!

Apparently when you make ethanol from of the by products is sour in the the same thing that you use
to make Kentucky Borbon from. Before you go to this concluding thought that states that are turning to ethanol as a fuel and are also going to make a run for KY title as Borbon state of the country. This sour mass can also be used as a high protien animal feed.

In a sense it make alot of sense. You get a fuel and your get a animal feed for food production. A Twofer.....and the extra.....become Borbon! Three fer!

Learned also that FL is spending $50m a year in ethanol research.
That it is planning to make ethanol from the following. Sugar cane, corn, citrus peelings, and other items....

Still no word on our first borbon plant.:-)

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

That is going to be the same arguement if Obama gets into office, Dude. It was GWB fault that we are here. You are creating a lack of
responsiblity to Mandela for the kind of Gov't he was largely responsible to making. Apartheid is over what 12 yeara now?

When does the new thinking and the new change get it share of blame when it goes wrong? It is exactly what the far left will do for
for Obama.

It was a Democratic President that had a small plaque on his desk in the oval office..."The Buck Stops Here". He took responsiblities for what was going on.

If Barak becomes the president......he better find the same small plaque........he going to be held responsible from Jan. 21st on. He has several month to get ready for the office after Nov. 4th. President are to come in running and being the go to guy after the oath is taken.

If Obama takes this attitude that things that happen 10 years ago are the cause of his problems in office. He is doing a disservice to the country.

By the way....GWB did not take the out when he first came into office that......Bill Clinton was here for the last 8 years, what could I do about this?

5% Kentucky in........Hillary 52% & Obama 44%

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

First Kentucky results are coming in......>1% in Hillary....86%
Obama ..14%

Ugly, Ugly, Ugly

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Large jewish population in S. FL dude...they supported Hillary nearly 100% in the primary here. Just telling you what the word on the American street is. Not sure your Jewish friends there get a chance to vote.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Wish some present crime stats on SA? This little bit of Earth that Mandela has helped to make......has 50 rapes a day in it. One of the highest murder rate in world, and it has major brain drain going on from the educated that wish to get out of it.

I don't hold Mandela accountable to this. Criminal acts are commited by the individual. But I do hold him accountable to setting up a government that does seem less than totally commited to taking these problems on.

RE: How many of you played hookey when you were in High School?

:-).....nothing like a little rule breaking to make life more interesting!!cheers

RE: How many of you played hookey when you were in High School?

LOL...never played hookie, but got caught our Senior Class Hookie Day
weekend in Canada with beer at one of thier National Parks.

Ok here is the story for all those that like details.

They decided to give the Senior class of my new high school....a Senior Day Hookie Day.....made it into a longweekend of Fri/Sat/Sun. We lived right on the Canadian border. Legal age was 21 in our state and 18
in Canada. So a small group of us (6) planned a three day camping trip to a Canada National Park on Lake Huron. Beaches and that sort of thing. Enroute we stopped and picked up some Canadian finest beers (Molsn Golden)at one of their Liquore Store Outlets.

So we get the the enterance.....'No alcohic beverages' is posted.....but this is not going to stop some 18 years Americans headed to a good time on the beach that night. Just puts into play operation 'Hide 'em When You Got 'em'.

I have to admit...was my idea to bury the threes case of beer on the beach where later we were to party. Little devil that I am. We have set up camp near some others.....they saw what we going to do reported us to the Park Rangers. We go and bury the beer, come back to camp and there are two rangers ready to have this discussion with us on park rules.

Unfortunerally one of my buddies had gotten overzealous. He opened a case and slipped some out. He and a couple others had been left behind to finish the campsite. The rangers had him Molesn Golden in hand. So the concept of pausible denieability was off the table at this point. The only question was, what were we facing in fines and creating a international incident on our Senior Skip day.

Being the negotiator that I am, I took the lead negotiated it down to forfieture of the three cases of beer. Debate among the 6 was to break into the Park Ranger office that night and reclaim our beverages. But cooler heads prevailed.....and we made it home safely
from the wilds of Canada.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Just reread what you wrote and you will get it Dude.

I try to give credit to where honor and intregrity meet. Miss that mark......

From some of the things I hear of Mandella's SA and....he could use some advise from GWB.

I bet when Rove speaks on TV about major campaign issues and voter blocks, Obama is taking notes on a legal pad.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Been fun ...nite all

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

I am going to start a rating system for far left post like this
1 to 10 with 10 being the worst. Let us call it the AVERAGE FAR LEFT-BILE SCORE (AFL-BS)

This one gets


Average Far Left- Bile Score (AFL-BS)....................................24

Note bad Dude......put a little more ranting and more least 2 more points. But you got to work on crudenss.....full three point there alone.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

I thought you would like that.:-) 500 Islamic terrorist asking McCain and Obama questions. One might stand up and ask McCain..."how long am I going to be here? McCain's answer "Till _ _ _ _ freeses over"

Another might get up and ask Obama, "What did you think of Hamas supporting your Presidency? At which point Obama excuses himself.


RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

You need to understand the mental abilties of the far left.
They know when you are 'bitter and angry'....they have this ability
from 'the Barak'. Who after visiting a small PA town for a couple of
hours, could say "I know these people are bitter. They are not
supporting me."professor

Note 'the Barak' is in Johny Carson's 'the Great Karmac'rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

We realize that we are the best entertainiment and (cheapest) at CS.
I am not here to change anyone mind to tell in my own prespective and reflection on things....

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

What is in pic? "It is words that matter".....a near quote from a guy that will not debate Hillary and would debate anyplace, anytime, anyways with McCain......except to the Green zone or a mil base or a navy base or a air force base or Afghanistan or GITMO or.............

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

But if he get in after promising change Dude...that is what his supporters will expect....sure maybe not on that fast of pace.
But when the first one does not like the speed of his change...or the direction of the how fast Kos and Huffington post
begin to attack him.

Ever see a wound shark in the water with other sharks. Ain't a pretty sight. As soon as he take mid road position....and he will have to...
because Congress will still be mid road. The sharks will gather.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Dude read this slowly and carefully, then you will understand.

We found documents in Afghanistan at AlQeada camps....that said 70,000 to 90,000 had been through them. There were not 70,000 to 90,000 AlQeada remaining in Afghanistan then. So where were they? We also knew that as Afghanistan fell, they would not come back to it. Only 5000 had fought with bin Laden against the Russians in the 80s. Now we have some 50,000 to 60,000 of them in some 40 different countries. Capish?

We could not invade 40 different countries. As good as we are....that is a military impossiblity. So Iraq......and give yourself time to let those 50,000 to 60,000 come to you.

That is what happened. This last AlQeada of Iraq stronghold had over 1000 in it. It is form of military entrapment....called vectoring. You wait till the opposition force comes to you. Capish?

I have posted earlier....14 of the 15 Iraqi oil contract go to the far east and to Europe...only one small one comes to the US. Iraq is about compromising AlQeada and about removing a dictator. Europe has never seen it that way. Else you have helped with both. Instead, Europe gets angry because all your contracts with Sadam are ending.
And take it out on the Dollar. Don't id me that Europe did not h ave big contracts with Sadam.

I know one German construction firm that specializes in under ground bunker complexes.......yes they have been building them since WWII....
Sadam contract them to a underground bunker complex for the Gov't center in Baghdad. Likely a billion dollar contract. When our people got into the complex, they said it was so large it had two lane roads in it and you could drive 18 wheel reefers through it.

So Europe got mad after Sadam is headed out the door. No more money from Sadam.....Europe voted with it pocket book and would have kept a dictator in power.....just as Barak's no vote would have.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

The point was that noone could like do all those things in even 4 years time in office, Dude........noone could expect GWB to accomplish them all in his last four years......none one but the far left that is.:-)

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Honestly Dude..the question is not if they have truned away from GBW......this is a big mistake that the Dem have been preaching.
GBW polls already show that they have.....he has a very low approval rating.

Here is the question. Are they turning to Obama? or to McCain?
And once Hillary is bounced from the campaign.....will her supporters swing to Obama or McCain? Those are the questions of the 2008 Presidential race/campaign.

Actually, GBW had a up hill battle after 9/11. Gov't and military were fighting a shadow group of terrorist....had to find a way to make contact with them. They choose Iraq. Thinking that most of the world would also like to see a brutal dictator removed from power.

Did you ever stop and think about this. That Obama's 'no vote' to the war.......was just as if he was approving Sadam and his sons to remain in power indefinitely? Quiet a thought......not one to easily hide from.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

If Obama wins in November....I am going to want immediate change.
If things are completely different within a hours time after he take the office in January 20th.....I am going to be really unhappy. Here is what I expect:

1) Gas prices to below $1 a gallon
2) 150,000 American soldier coming home from Iraq
3) bin Laden facing the gallows
4) Ameican Dollar in parity with the Euro
5) health care plan were Americans can go to Canada and get it for free
6) Hamas and Hezbollah both ready to sign peace treatise with Isreal
7) Iran laying down its demands to end Isreal as a country and to
it nuclear programs
8) Afghanistan saying it will no longer produce illegal drugs
9) Chavez saying that the next time he comes to NYC to the UN he will bring the FARC leader with him to be arrested
10) Russia saying it reduce its nuclear weapons programs
11) China saying it no longer try to unite Tiawan to the mainland
12) North Korea saying it will be a democracy and approve unification with the south
13) Palestine accepting a homeland country
14) A complete severance from Rev. Wright
15) reprosecution of B. Ayers for the weathermen crimes

If Obama gets that done in his first hour on the job......if he gets the job....I will be a happy camper.

16) Dude gets to be a naturalised citizen.....:-)

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

How is going? You went up to Oregon to listen to a little politin....don't fool us. First a Hillary rallie....then Obama rallie.....

I just heard Obama is hitting senior citizen centers. A lot safer than military bases.......they don't throw things quiet as hard in them.
When they do ....they want it back. He gets a chance to shake thier hand then for the cameras.

RE: Obama for President......Octagram!

Just my 2 cents here. But i do like putting in the pennies and getting
a quarter back at times.

I think that that Americans are individuals. Each thinks and acts to his/her moral standards. Individualism has a long history in this country. It is where our concept of one vote and one person came from. Also our concept that all are free and equal.

We can have a Micheal Moore in our society. But when his work is it often is.....he loses crediblity. A decision of the individual to accept or decline his positions or statements.

It only when we come to people begin to play these stereo type games with Americans. You are Democratic...wear red.
You are a Republican.....wear blue. Globbly gook. Each is individual
is a American first, before painting on any color to a political plarty.
Our at least that is the way it should be......

OUr respect for freedom and freedom of individual speech, even lets guys like Rev. Wright and Louis Ferrecon do thier thing in the country. Heck if they lived in Russia......the Russians would be doing with them like they did with the Chess player and his group. Criticize the Russian gov't at your own risk is the message there. Here it is national pastime and that some have made living off (e.g. $2m 10000 square foot home with a $10m credit line for retirement).

So American are a group of individuals. When Dude come into the
blog does a paint them all like a Bushnie really shows how little he knows of Americans. Or how badly he wants them all to think positively to Obama and wear red in November.

You need a new pastime, Dude....or some new source material. Stereo typing is not a nice thing to do. Many here take offense at it. That is my 2 cents.....when do I get my quarter?

This is a list of forum posts created by ttom500.

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