RE: UK nuclear power plant gets go-ahead

I'm almost certain that they will double. We're a hell of a long way from renewables/future energies picking up the tab for fossil fuels, a lot longer than the ten years(which, knowing Britain, could easily become 15 years)they've allotted to build this plant. All the while we've got the Chinese and Indian middle class expanding at an alarming rate.

It will take a technological revolution kin to the industrial revolution to outpace global demand and once again provide cheap energy. And it's not even a guarantee that civilisation will hold together long enough for this to happen, we could quite easily fail, and mankind will be left jostling for place at the ever shrinking table.

RE: what do you think of this.........?

I'm ranting again. But I come from a very poor background and what I can absolutely positively assure you people is that my people are NOT more sensitive. The poor wouldn't survive in their conditions if they were sensitive like rich people from untroubled suburbia. And this is why it wasn't until I went to uni that I met overtly sensitive handwringing types from cushty, well-off backgrounds: True Liberals don't exist amongst the poor.

RE: what do you think of this.........?

Or the best example: why are children more sensitive than adults if it is a hard life which breeds sensitivity? No one could claim that a typical child's life is harder than the typical adults.

I mean I know why people in our culture would wish to equate sensitivity with strength - because we're a culture with an exaggerated sense of sensitivity, but a culture that is too vain to admit that it is weak. The rest of the world that has battled for its existence has no such exaggerated sense because if they did, they'd all commit suicide. The typical American couldn't last a week in the shoes of an Indonesian peasant precisely because the American is sensitive.

RE: what do you think of this.........?

The harder your life is the more sensitive you are? I couldn't disagree more. If you know pain then you are less likely to be shocked by pain in the world.

If you've never known pain then you're going to be pronouncedly more sensitive to pain and harm. The boxer can take a punch because of the punches he's taken before - he's less sensitive because of the pain of the past. The veteran soldier is braver because he's endured so many battles before - he's less sensitive because of past hardship.

No, if your life is soft then you will be softer. If your life is hard then you will be harder. Hardship does not breed sensitivity. Are people in the third world more sensitive than White people in our suburbs? No. Is the working man more sensitive than the middle class academic? No. Why? Because the working man and third-worlders have harder lives.

RE: what do you think of this.........?

I agree. And the reason is because those that suffer have depth and come to have a why in their lives, those that endure have a higher ideal than just happiness, and a man with a why can withstand any how.

RE: UK nuclear power plant gets go-ahead

I expect energy prices to double(at the least)by the time the plant is actually up and running. Still, it would have been much better if it was a British company behind it had we not destroyed our own nuclear industry by having to be different - i.e. gas-cooled reactors.

RE: Has anyone actually ordered wine internationally?

We can thank global warming.

Also, never confuse English wine for British wine, the latter is made from imported concentrate and it tastes like piss.

RE: motivational song

Monty Python ~ Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.

RE: Send an anonymous message to someone.

If you're going to watch tv in your dressing gown then you might want to put some pants on.

RE: Donating your organs

I'm all for it. My only condition is that all my organs go to the same person, so it's not so much a transplant as it is a hostile takeover.

RE: Talkative people??

Talkative. There's something unnerving about women that don't yack.

RE: The Abyss

It's a warning about intellect corrupting life. A warning about thinking too much, basically. He's talking about the nihilism, the doubt and the depravity of the clever, how lost they become in themselves.

RE: Share what you are listening to, part 3..

The Jam ~ The Eton Rifles

RE: Share what you are listening to, part 3..

Amon Duul II ~ Deutsch Nepal

RE: do any guys like plus size women anymore

Well done. You tell these spoilt mewling losers what for.

RE: Pick the Odd one out


RE: Pick the Odd one out

Amy Winehouse. She's the only one that looked like a neglected horse.

RE: Share what you are listening to, part 3..

All Saints ~ Never Ever

RE: Share what you are listening to, part 3..

Tomcraft ~ Loneliness

RE: Share what you are listening to, part 3..

Tok Tok vs. Soffy O ~ Missy Queen's Gonna Die

RE: Freedom

Today's reality is the unintended consequence of yesterday's ideals.

There's no conspiracy, it's just idiocy.

RE: Freedom

The free choice of the Wife to no-fault divorce the Husband and sponge off benefits - more nanny state.

The free choice of Sons & Daughters to shove elderley parents into nursing homes - more nanny state.

The free choice of students to study feminist studies or humanities where the only jobs from these are government makework - more nanny state.

The free choices that lead to there being 10 lawyers for every 1 engineer so jobs in the saturated law come from regulation and debt - more nanny state.

The free choice of snobs to push pens when they should have been down a mine - more nanny state.

So you see it is the childishness, decadence and hopelessness of the citizen that creates the paternalism of the state. If the individual can't function in accordance to reality, then the state has to function for them or the state has to force them to function - Welfarism and Fascism respectively.

RE: Freedom

Culture is upstream of politics!!! Chaos arises prior to the attempts to control chaos. We're NOT just a social condition of the powers that be - we create what is. Again, people who don't even consider themselves as Marxists are being Marxists; that's how confused our modern values are.

It's the typical citizens aversion to reality and/or incapacity to look after themselves that's leading to the nanny state. The immigration and flooding the country with orcs - this is creating the nanny state. The social atomisation and smashing of the traditional community and neighbourliness - this is creating the nanny state. Human beings create the government. We come first.

RE: Freedom

Remember, extreme Liberalism/Marxism promised freedom and a stateless society, but it delivered the absolute opposite - Just like our 60's style free society is delivering us into the state. The fact that even so-called right wingers today have Marxist assumptions on freedom assures me that we have already lost. Too much freedom is chaos and choas is the seed of tyranny.

RE: Freedom

In the West we've had unsurpassed liberty, more than anyone else in the world or the history of the world - men don't have to die in the wars, women are liberated from the shackles of children and at no point have we had such a panoply of choices in our lives; we're not even chained to economic reality. So why do people perceive such tyranny when it is completely absurd to suggest that we don't enjoy massive amounts of freedom that our ancestors did not? Because they never grew up.

"Kings will be tyrants by policy when subjects are rebels from principle"

Edmund Burke

It's precisely because we're a Hollywood, degenerate rebel without a cause culture that's "liberated" itself from reality that we're heading towards a nanny state. Every market we have is in chaos: the dating market, the economic market, the social market are all the same. The non-spoilt rest of the world sees us for what we are and feels nothing but contempt for our childish disorder and expectant ways.

RE: Do you look back on your high school years with warm memories?

Not as such, the bitterness of the envious is often closely guarded and wrapped in deceit. Hate is kept hidden by the truly hateful.

The real man may feel contempt at what surrounds him - the values, the structures, the attitudes and the failures - as judgement is the rightly instinct of the superioir, but he never hates an individual. The real man truly hates nobody.

RE: Do you look back on your high school years with warm memories?

I loved and hated it. The only place left in society that is honest and frank about human nature is the school playground. I adore the truth of youth.

The modern adult world is like a revenge of the nerds. Political correctness, equalism, non-judgementalism, pretty lies and the bubble-wrapped society... these are all the product of high school nerds carrying their self-loathing and resentment of the strong, the cool and the beautiful into the adult world.

RE: Interracial Dating

Always with tissues. Tissues for man mess. That's why they come in mansize.

RE: Interracial Dating

There's little I hate more than forgetting what I've just done and collapsing into a puddle of my own goo.

RE: Interracial Dating

Micropeen obviously

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