RE: Climate Change?

Up until recently many denied that it even existed, tho the weather lately seems to have thinned out their ranks. It's just like the debt, that other gift from crawling-up-the-colon old people that nobody paid attention to until they had to.

RE: Climate Change?

Yes it exists
Yes we do play a part in it
No it can't be reversed, but it can be adapted to

RE: Are You

Quite a few women in my life have referred to me as the "Intelligent Caveman", and in one instance that really did put a smile on my face "Brilliant Neanderthal".

RE: Forgiveness

Forgiveness should be a consistent principle and not an emotional fancy. Forgiveness should reflect justice and fear. Fear is a good thing. What is and isn't acceptable does not change from day to day because of your emotions, and if consequences shift from day to day then you're subjecting the person suffering said consequence to terror.

Terror is the state where there are no boundaries and a person may or may not be punished(or forgiven)regardless of what that person actually does.

Fear is the state of having fixed consequences to your actions - you don't jump off a building for the fear of breaking your legs - where if you do the wrong thing you will be punished and if you do the right thing then you won't.

RE: Forgiveness

I once knew a Buddhist girl who was struggling with her exams, do you know what her Buddhist teachers said to her? They said that the reason that she was struggling is because she was evil in her past life.

There's a very dark and nasty side to karma in addition to the cherrypicked goody goody side that's become fashionable in the West. The implications of karma should bother anybody who is truly spiritual.

RE: How Do You Prefer Your Toilet Paper Dispensed?

Over. And when I see it the wrong way in other people's bathrooms, I change it.

Also from a box during those lonely nights at home. Which is the only reason why a man would ever buy tissues. That's why they come in Man-Size.

RE: What is the deal with all of the fake profiles/people

You can always remind yourself that if something looks too good to be true then it probably is. Or Skype? I literally never hear from scammers so maybe other people have a better idea.

RE: What is the best natural aphrodisiac you have tried ..

Careful Reb, you're implying that women grow up to accept the mundane realities of their so-called maturity. You must know that, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, a woman is always in her prime. 60 is the new 16 in a world of egotistical lunacy.

RE: The Evangelical Republicans

Not quite, I'd much prefer to see our cultural cousins doing it because at least you won't commit any crime whilst you're here. You won't add insult to injury.

RE: The Evangelical Republicans

Give it a go, we truly adore health tourists here in the UK. If you want to know more about health tourism then ask the third world and its wife.

RE: The Evangelical Republicans

The sheer total cost of American healthcare is what strikes me, it's not like the Beveridge system of universal healthcare(the NHS)that we have here in the UK(which I would defend to the death)with its limited bureaucracy, high-efficiency and surety that the public kitty is actually being spent on the patients themselves.

Obama's plans strike me as corporate robbery; mass funding for great swathes of private sector bureaucracy which has the effect of disguising unemployment through makework.

RE: Initial Contact...Meeting

Two weeks of back and forth is ages. She's local and it's a date for a drink, not a wedding.

RE: Interesting statistic about threads

Well there isn't a crowd at the beginning of the thread, but there is a crowd at the end. And we all know that men use arguments to win the crowd. And women use the crowd to win arguments. This will be one factor behind the statistic. Let's also not forget that women do love to win arguments; they just don't like the process(barring mannish exceptions to the contrary)of having arguments to achieve the satisfying win.

But is it a surprise that men are the givers and creators here? Man is the gender with all the best humour, all the best art, all the greatest philosophy, all the finest inventions, all the brightest minds and almost every single notable creation on the face of civilised earth is the product of a man. The woman is just there to have the final word over the labours of men - and is that not just life itself?

RE: Ireland is the biggest beef exporter in Europe

Kill bankers, not yourselves.

RE: Barack Obama speech

They are, but dictators from the establishment never really believe their own words. Which is what today's Fascists are: pro-establishment and pro-globalist. Yesteryears Fascists were anti-establishment and they were definitely anti-globalist, which granted to them a certain authenticity and integrity that Mr Obama will never have.

RE: Barack Obama speech

It's a credit to just how autistic we've become when we believe that Obama is a man speaking from the heart.

RE: do certain songs u love bring the hair up on the back of your neck?

This song is about something that wrecked the lives of my parents and most of my family.

I hope that Satan is enjoying himself torturing Thatcher right now.

RE: do certain songs u love bring the hair up on the back of your neck?


RE: Life

I'm such a pessimist, there's still that slight chance of genetically engineering a race of supermen, erasing 1963-2008 from the western history books, and compulsory euphanasia for ageing hippies.

Do these 3 and the future is very bright indeed.

RE: Life

Does it? Many of my generation work in call centres and will never have any children(which we have our Parents to thank for the undoing of the world). These are the end times, everything's decaying, the future is bleak and my only plan for is to buy a new sofa. Has there ever been a better time to buy a new sofa? I'd say not.


No, some say they do, but no.

Once attraction has been established then you can speak freelyish, but up until then it's about teasing, parrying, back-handed compliments and offering jokish remarks(i.e. flirting). Think of how a politician conducts himself and that's how you should behave on a date... but don't actually talk about politics, obv.

RE: why is war part of life? through-out the ages

Violence is the most fundamental way of settling a dispute. If you can't talk about it or trade for it then you will fight over it. Politics and trade are war by another name. Politics, trade and war are all forms of competition.

I'd also say that there's a psychological need for violence. Violence is aggression projected outwards as opposed to the pacifistic self-annihilating form of aggression that is aimed inwards. An example of the latter is in the overpopulation debate, many Liberal White/Western people(who don't have enough children as it is)suggest having less children so that Pakistani's can have seven. This is self-loathing. The rightminded non-pacifist kills someone elses children before they'd kill their own.

RE: Amanda Knox interview.

It's why the Ities are giving her such a hard time... I don't think women from the anglosphere(particularly American women)realise how bad their reputation is in the eyes of the rest of the world. Amanda Knox certainly fits the stereotype, anyway.

And yes only Meredith knew for certain. I wouldn't place too much faith in the lie detector test(Ted Bundy passed his), but I can see why the result would be interesting.

RE: Best Invention is

The printing press.

RE: Best Invention is

The nail.

RE: What's the difference between a player and a little innocent flirtation?


RE: whos your favorite person on here......and why....????

Kaybee and 2intrigued - good women.

And my all time favie was Cloud because he was hilarious.

RE: Should women remove the veil for ID

And there are many pensioners who have tossed it off in the public sector their whole life and are now bleeding the country dry with excessive pension payments.

Things are changing, when I was little pensioners were that heroic generation that fought the war and rebuilt afterwards.. as time goes on pensioners are becoming the baby-boomers who are the polar opposite of the preceding generations. They are the worst generation in British history. The baby-boomers are responsible for the outsourcing & globalism, they were responsible for the Union greed, it was them that ran up all the debts and there is NO WAY the young are going allow them to carry stealing and freeloading all the way to the grave. We can't afford it and they don't deserve it. We'll have them living in sheds and dying at 71.

RE: Best Invention is

Toilet paper.

RE: Mistakes Men And Women Make

Mental inflexibility from men. Men focus, women Sample. A topic of conversation comes up, and the man wants analyse it fully, drilling down to the tiniest, dreariest detail and debating the pros and cons, while the girl wants to use the topic as a springboard to explore related topics. Biologically this makes perfect sense, men to a large part raise their status by solving problems, and women judge a man's strength of character by gauging his responses to a variety of scenarios. She does this to expose any insecurites he may have through the chaotic give and take of conversation.

Men: save your aspie bullishness and concern for the truth and facts to online forums and with women you're not trying to bang.

This is a list of forum posts created by Obstinance_Works.

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