RE: afraid of getting with anyone because of little

First of all, don't get depressed by the supermodels that you see in magazines - these are not the bodies men really like(we actually prefer the curvier "beach body")and it would be foolish to compare yourself to and aim for such unrealistic expectations.

However, do not allow the glossy rake women to deter you from doing things that ARE under your control.. such as losing 10/20 lbs, getting a nice haircut and dressing well(you seem to have managed at least 2 of these 3 anyway).

RE: What condition will the earth be in when Jesus has His judgment day for all mankind?

Spinning away into outerspace sounds good to me, why not.. sooner or later the Liberals will decide that the earth is prejudiced for always spinning East and then doom us all through some ill-fated equalising experiment.

RE: The British want out of Europe.

Spain is not going to kick out the only people left with any money and neither is the rest of Southern Europe: which is where the vast majority of British expats are in Europe.

On the contrary, the logistical nightmare will come as Europe deterioirates and British expats can't abandon ship fast enough.

RE: American workers and Illegal immigrants

Unskilled and semi-skilled American workers are directly harmed by illegal immigration, yes. Immigrants need to be legal before they can harm skilled American workers, and ultimately, the American middle class(Liberalism dies when this happens).

Also, the entire economy suffers because the wages of illegal immigrants(and often legal, too)do not rise with productivity, which means that purchasing power is not rising in line with what there is to be purchased and the defecit between these two contributes to the debts in ways that might not be immediately obvious.

RE: What book are your reading at the moment?

The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom.

RE: Do you have a housekeeper?

No, I'm single.

RE: if your boyfriend slept with someone else would you break up with him???

Keep in mind that when a man cheats it's more likely to be a "screw up". He's not necessarily turned his back on his love for her, although she may consider the betrayal to be unforgivable.

It's not like when a woman cheats on a man as she's almost certainly attempting to "trade up" and no longer has any love for the man she cheated on.

Furthermore, a strong argument could be made in the moral calculus that trading up is more evil than screwing up.

And besides, people do what they want to do and not what they should do. There's a difference. Even(especially?)the Feminist-hard will make excuses for the cheating caddish thug if that's what she wants. The hmaster, which is fluffier and stronger in the female, can rationalise near anything if it enables that person to get their own way/remain in their comfort zone/ignore reality.


Bravo applause

And yes he should scream next, but I have a sneaky suspicion that this man is more of a mewling mutterer of the nervous words "what next" said in the same tone as "life's so unfair" and "why does this keep happening to me".


Seriously, this joke thread says more about what women actually want than anything else. A joke is a very serious thing as Churchill once wisely said. Women say they want men to be more understanding and talk about feelings more, but the reality is that you take the piss out of them for being soft and sensitive.

I notice the CS men are notable by their absence, the thread's a bit too close to the bone I expect, a bit too much like the unwitting mistakes they themselves have been making all these years.


Oops he's an ex already, why am I not in the slightest surprised.


Which isn't to say that he shouldn't try. I mean let's face it, if you're willing to belittle, disrespect and humiliate him in this way on here then the writing's on the wall for your relationship anyway.


My advice to him is to text something like..

'I'm afraid I've not been totally honest with you'.. and then not text again for 2 days.

This would get you thinking about him and prevent you from taking him for granted. And I'd bet that the next time you saw him after this would be the most eager that you've ever been to see him.

Although, him doing this now would be too incongruent and there's a good chance of him getting dumped because this clashes with his past sappy behaviour.

RE: Familiarity...or Absence?

Another, and perhaps more appropriate example(seen as CS is middle-aged)of this being truer for women is divorce statistics.

Women are far more likely than men to just get bored one day and throw in the towel for no apparent reason other than being weary of her husband's affection & attention.

RE: Familiarity...or Absence?

Truer for women.

Hot women will play hard to get, but this incidental. Men fancy her because she's hot and the battle to open her legs/heart is the thrill and builds upon an excitement that is already there.

Women, on the other hand, can swoon for a man who is objectively no different to the next man simply because the man in question is obstinant and leaves her wanting more.

Women love attention, but not any attention, and to leave her somewhat attention-starved primes both her tingle and her heart as she perceives this attention to be of higher value because there is less of it.

RE: Expectation and love

That's the difference between Love & Oneitis.

Love is loving everything about a person, including the things that you don't like, and subordinating your sense of expectation to your sense of commitment when things don't go your way.

Oneitis is the pedestal. Expecting/insisting that the other person is special when in fact they are not and you find yourself enthralled to illusionary perfections.. for worse or worser.

RE: Bob Dylan

I'm with David.

Bob Dylan is an ugly man both on the inside and the outside, and his occassional profundity never made up for his lack of talent.

RE: Should you back away from your married love even if he doesn't love his wife

You're a singularity amidst the swarm.

Don't let me be misunderstood. The small fraction of unique individuals are exempt from my blanket statements on mass behaviour.

RE: Should you back away from your married love even if he doesn't love his wife

'Do women prefer men who are attached?

“Everything was the same across all participants, except whether their ideal mate was already attached or not,” says Burkley.

The most striking result was in the responses of single women. Offered a single man, 59 per cent were interested in pursuing a relationship. But when he was attached, 90 per cent said they were up for the chase.

Men were keenest on pursuing new mates, but weren’t bothered whether their target was already attached or not.

Women, what saintly creatures they are. How ever do they reconcile this evil mate stealing instinct whilst being the gender that prides itself on its wellspring of compassion is a wonder of life... it's almost as though they're in the business of saying one thing and doing another, if one could imagine such a preposterous idea.

Also, very interesting how all the women blame the Husband and yet no concern is shown for the welfare of the Wife from either the other woman OP or the women posting... Girl power! Such solidarity and such loyalty is enough to bring a tear to the eye, and it would certainly be insane to suggest that women only use their collective gender identity when it's in their own immediate and selfish concerns.

RE: Lee Rigby killed by black Muslims, identifird by dental records.

The establishment is doing its best to downplay and excuse this incident. The majority of print space is allocated to condemning any reaction to the incident by non-Muslims and praising every reaction of the Muslim community...

Mass immigration and multi-culti and all the problems this brings(for those outside the White enclaves)are not things that the people of this country voted for, they were imposed upon us by an ideological elites' corruption of the state apparatus.

So why, logically, would this same elite stage an incident that could only harm their agendas of multiculturalism and immigration?

The typical Briton's attitude towards immigrants(particualrly in the private sector)is "there's too many of them" and "we're too soft in this country".. the establishment is attempting(and has failed)to convince the people that opening the doors to hordes of envious losers and hateful savages was a good thing, not a bad thing.

RE: Why so many Irish women?

Irish men are the most overweight adults in Europe.

RE: Does a creator God exist?

Immutable laws of reality exist that govern all of creation, this is what I consider to be God.

From what I see of humanity, I find that it is the Atheistic societies of Whites that are farthest removed from common sense and reality during this time. It is here in post-sanity secular societies where we're most likely to indulge in the psychological bubbles(both economic and moral)of the decadent fantasyland removed from reality and basic functionality.

So as much as posturing intellectuals scoff at religious peoples, it is actually the sheep, and not the clever sillies, that are most aware of the fact that they were born.

RE: Immigrants in the U.S. illegally

Wouldn't that mean that illegals just need to jump the border and breed?

According to the Pew Hispanic Center, 8%(roughly 350,000 babies!!)were born in the US last year by illegal immigrant parents making them twice as likley to have a kid compared to the average.. unless you're a Marxist scumbag, a member of the untermenschen or have recently sustained a massive head injury then the reason for this should be pretty obvious.

RE: Race

Dating a Black person is SWPL(Stuff White People Like)top candy. There's nothing more fashionable and status-rewarding to a White woman than a Black boyfriend.

But once you go Black you never go back?.. the divorce statistics tell a very different story.

RE: is there EVER a good enough reason for a man to hit a women????

Justice requires an acceptance of authority. And you're debating with someone who pathologically rejects authority from(I would say)an unresolved childhood trauma.

RE: How true to yourself are you, on the Forums? Which one are you?

1,3,4 and 5.

RE: hidden talent, or seemingly useless skill.

That's not quite the genius of 3 that I had in mind.

RE: hidden talent, or seemingly useless skill.

Well, I'm convinced that it's a sign of genius and not madness. Biased though I am.

RE: hidden talent, or seemingly useless skill.

A great sense of direction? But what of your multi-tasking? How do you marry the two?

Too much rudder would surely get in the way of that listless, disorganised, meandering style that we all know and love.

RE: hidden talent, or seemingly useless skill.

Yes, I think it is some kind of internal clock, and I was always worryingly good at maths.

I happen to find the number 3 very interesting. Not just the rule of 3 in the rhythm of language, but in everything. I prioritise in 3's, I think in 3's, I act in 3's. If I'm failing at something, I will attempt it 3 times before rest, rethink, redo and this always seems to meet with the most success.

RE: hidden talent, or seemingly useless skill.

I don't know.. maybe it's a little bit of Rain Man :/

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