RE: The Illusion Of Free Will

Over the last few weeks, I started noticing for the first time in my life, and through discussions with friends, that certain things that were masked as rational and well-elaborated ideas were just part of long-standing obsessions that have governed my mind. I never chose them, and even though they were triggered by certain chapters of my life, I never sat down to choose (that stupidity of choice) what the response would be. There was just a machinery inside that responded, and it is the same way for everybody.

WEll, and now as an ultimate choice you want to get executed with a few bottles of Irish whiskey, then I am afraid you will have to pay for those. Choices cost.

RE: The Illusion Of Free Will

bark, bark, bark!!!
Substantial thinking..

RE: The Illusion Of Free Will

I agree with you...faulty perceptions and thinking..It is like we have to spend the second part of our life trying to debunk the rubbish we have accumulated in the first part. But why did we accumulate so much that was clearly so wrong in the first place? Because of society, environment, biology?.. I am not sure.
I just have to say that many of us do not want to give up to the point to say that we´ll let our mind go and do us whatever it wants without a fight... but I also know that some people have spent too long in trying to fight an elusive opponent... When we realise that, then we know that the illusion of free will and all those false legends of freedom (made to control people) just suck totally.

RE: The Illusion Of Free Will

The Liberation Front of Human Minds has decided your execution. How come you can say all this? we live in the realm of freedom, have you ever noticed that?frustrated

Teenage dream takes too long

Only a passing dream, and you are old when you wake up....
sad flower

RE: Why nice men are difficult to find?

There is a simple answer: such men are seemingly not equipped with the masculine things women are attracted to (in the hormonal level for mating etc.) I do not mean such men are queers or stuff like that but their masculinity expresses in their capacity to take care of a home and chidren properly, to look after their relationship and all sort of things that mean attachment. Women cannot see or smell such thing (paradoxically) when the mating comes first. Evolutionary biology plays many tricks on poor humans.

I have known some guys of that rare kind but when we were in a public place only the guys with the other kind of attraction got the attention from women. The "nice" guys just waited for a miracle then.

RE: A huge question - love experts ))

Sometimes women feel "obliged" to post nice comments about other people in FB (compliments) just like when they write "pretty" to another girl who displays a picture expecting such comments. This phonyness is very common.
I do not think a nice comment or fb flirting can tell us that she likes those guys ...what kind of comments?
If you are right then she is inmature, or if she is innocent then you are quite insecure.
Hope you can fix something by talking to her in a straight manner.

RE: Taliban Systematicly Use Torture and Children as Tools of War

I can guess you can get in trouble by such an equalization of a Peruvian individual with Shining Path. Don´t risk your stay in what has become the substance of your life: CS.

Cheers mate and start practicing your apologies.

RE: Taliban Systematicly Use Torture and Children as Tools of War

Maybe after a few reencarnations you may be able to READ something decent and shape your own ideas about any subject, instead of using your methods to "prove" things. Until it happens we will have enough with your own quotes, pages, authors and all that repetition of official mantras presented here as a result of your subtle intelligence... laugh wave wink

RE: Taliban Systematicly Use Torture and Children as Tools of War

Discussion boards? I see how important you think you are. Well, there you go.
I just mentioned a few topics to freely review (about that subject). As I said, I do not have your biased methods to choose isolated quotes and sources, and certainly I know it is so hard for you to take many different sources of information and try to get to your own conclussions; let alone reading a whole serious treatise laugh (something that could be part of a more serious form of "research" a word you have been misusing here constantly....)
Anyway, your superiority consists in repeating official truths that suit your little mind and your insane fanatical drive to appear here and everywhere as intelligent and well-learned. I wonder how many reasonable women are pleased with such a miserable show here.

RE: Taliban Systematicly Use Torture and Children as Tools of War

Unfortunately I do not have your methods to "prove" and "back-up" your own biased version of facts. Go to your local library tomorrow and grab a couple of volumes. I reccomend to go to the last siege of Kandahar or the way the tribes supporting the Soviets were dealt off at the end of that civil war (children and women included). These two are good examples and will satisfy your curiosity. Have a good night, buddy.

RE: Taliban Systematicly Use Torture and Children as Tools of War

Trollism is the stuff you constantly use to "teach" others how knowledgeable you are and how ignorant and stupid they are (because they do not agree with you) May I say that, Sir?
The Soviet-Afghan war has been widely treated in many books, so I repeat: I am surprised that you, the Master of CS political analysis, does not know that. laugh

RE: Taliban Systematicly Use Torture and Children as Tools of War

Wow!! you are so satisifed by your black and white version of reality.
During Soviet-Afghan war, there were many examples of civilian carnage undertaken by the rebels as well. I am surprised that the most learned and unbeatable Political analysts from CS has forgotten certain little facts. grin

RE: US troops urinate on the dead bodies of taliban soldiers

Wow!! Still some people from the UNITED STATES pretending to live in the centre of the world?? Give me a break please... In order to respect each other, let´s drop the idea that the world has a centre.

RE: Taliban Systematicly Use Torture and Children as Tools of War

Children have participated in many Afghan previous wars, for example in fighting the Soviets. That is deep in their culture to fight invaders to the bitter end.

RE: Setting History Free

Thank you for the video. Hancock´s research like some other authors is intended to accumulate evidence, pose questions and try some hypotheses. It is, as it happens in other branches of knowledge, a legitimate attempt to burst the bubble of official science and its rigid, boring and scholastic methods that pretend to discard anything that is not born from the method designed by Galileo (this pretention of uniqueness and absoluteness as one of its features inherited from its predecessor: the Christian Church).
It would be long just to quote many breakthroughs in current science that have been incepted from the plain curiosity and audacious open-mindedness (which have also been battled fiercely by the corresponding elites of those times). Western science is -apart from honest scholars- a body of elitism, corruption and participation in mass control, and no wonder that anything uncomfortable for its status and dogmatic foundations should be written off. This pretention to write off any other possibility is even more ridiculous in the case of sciences as Archealogy, Anthropology or Economics in which most of its main methods are mere worthless myths with enormous mass manipulative value and minuscule practical value.

I have to say that, Hancock marks a very long distance from Däniken´s petty perspective just tyring to prove his supossitions. The only common thing they have is to present a unorthodox version of human history, something that annoys the arrogant pretentions of the official scholars.

RE: Worlds most charitable countries!

That is so right and one of the economic reasons. The fact that this money never stayed inside the money flow of the country has had devastating consequences for households and advantages for big companies...until the economy cracks irretrievably.

RE: Worlds most charitable countries!

Without trying to challenge you, it has to be said that this kind of charity mentioned contains a huge involvement with economic and financial issues. I think that has been studied by many serious scholars, so there is nothing about ordinary people being good or bad at all.
Furthermore, the fact that this "charity" is done in the context of economic disaster and increasing poverty (as it was during prosperity) illustrates clearly about its nature: Economic interests maintained it motion through donations.
The Soviet system at least could argue that their economic downfall was influenced by the anti-economic support they always kept mostly on their own people.

Veiling as a form of liberation for women

Leaving aside the complex meaning of veiling (well beyond the stupidity of Western media and prejudices toward the Muslim world), some Muslim women are able to add a very personal perspective of veiling which rises from their contact with the forms of woman-liberation coined in the West over the last fifty years.

This is an excerpt from this short note I want to share:

"Women are not going to achieve equality with the right to bear their breasts in public, as some people would like to have you believe. That would only make us party to our own objectification. True equality will be had only when women don't need to display themselves to get attention and won't need to defend their decision to keep their bodies to themselves."

Lately I have spent some of my free time studying the works of Lila Abu-Lughod, particularly her classic "Veiled Sentiments", so I can find these views of a Muslim woman raised in the West as very sensible and coherent.

RE: Muslim and Catholic love....

You reply like a child. Just answer the question or do not reply at all. Weltschmerz? if you do not like that subject and think you can waste the rest fo your earthly time arguing rubbish... just stay away from that thread please... or someone is paying you to make people believe that they will live eternally in their idiotic internet world?

The world without me

No complication, just toying with the idea...

RE: Muslim and Catholic love....

Do you seriously believe that someone is throwing money to brain wash or to stop free-thinking in a silly website?
You are a conspiration-theory maker...laugh wave

The world without me


The world without me

so you dislike the idea?cheers

The world without me

I see, once we have thought our existence carries a special significance in the universe, we start seeing disease, death and the alike in human life as tragedies, and not as simple happenings that do not have any weight in the course of the universe.
So coming down to the individual: is that thought of our vanishing useful to steer our life in a different direction? maybe just to live more like an animal, and away from his human pretentiousness..?

RE: fear of death

Nobody wants to die, however, extreme fear is just silly. It is good to face anything bad.

The world without me

How many times in our life have we really payed attention to this absolute certainty: one day, we won´t be in this world...
how many times, uhhh?

It is actually interesting to think that the world is still going without all those before us, people carrying so much self-importance, but also others carrying so much wisdom and humbleness. Well, in the end both extremes go down to the same point: nothing.
I just find this fascinating and I try (just try) to see this world, one day, without me.
I try to find in that idea the spur to think that my time here is limited.
What are your thoughts about this?

RE: Gaddafi's a dead duck!!!

I think gullibleness is a conditioned reaction to people´s necessity to prevail as the good ones in human life. You see, all people here horrorised by the official monster and able to kick his corpse if it gave them points of goodness. It is easy to pretend to be a good one... which is just a miserable show of human stupidity. Gadaffi is not worse than many things and leaders, and political systems considered good in this world, neither more savage nor brain-washing.

RE: why older women dont accept young guy?

How young are those you find inmature?moping

RE: DEBT Ceiling and the Government

Oh God! that is the deep nature of this kind of democracy... a bloody joke...

This is a list of forum posts created by Antjo39.

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