Snuggs09Snuggs09 Forum Posts (2,615)

bee sting.......need suggestion please

Oh, great. I have toothpaste in my desk.

Thank you all for the suggestions.

So, I'll down the Advil and scrub my hand with toothpaste rolling on the floor laughing

What a life......doh laugh

bee sting.......need suggestion please

Dru, A-1 is at home....I'm at work

Sommer, I'll just have to toughen it out huh. At least I'm not allergic. If that was the case, the paramedics would be here by now.....would have been here 10 minutes ago.

I'm going to take the Advil now.

bee sting.......need suggestion please

Advil (ibuprofen) I have. Can't get to any horses for their pee.

bee sting.......need suggestion please

Problem is, I'm at work and neither of the products suggested are in the office kitchen.

I've heard that Adolph's tenderizer will get the stinger out....if any of it is still in there. Have to do that when I get home which will be 4 hours from now.

bee sting.......need suggestion please

I got stung in my hand by a bee. I thought the wind was blowing my hair and I attempted to pat my hair down but instead swated the bee. He got even and stung the palm of my hand......the fat part by the pointer finger.

I pulled the stinger out immediately but it still hurts like hell even after I put ice on it.

Any other suggestions to make it stop hurting.doh

Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience…I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh never mind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you imagine. Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4 pm on some idle Tuesday. Do one thing everyday that scares you ..Sing. Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours. Floss. Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself. Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how. Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements. Stretch. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t. Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone. Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s. Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own.. Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room. Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them. Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly. Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future. Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young. Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel. Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders. Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out. Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85. Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth. But trust me on the sunscreen…

Lyrics by Baz Luhrmann

RE: wisdom and knowledge which should come first

I say wisdom first. If you are wise, you will seek out knowledge.

RE: Saying "I love you"....

Nah, you didn't offend me, I was just annoyed which is no big deal.

That's very true that I do show that I care about people. You know from personal experience.

I believe that "we are what we do....not what we say". If people lived up to what they say, it might make a better world.

Sorry if I hijacked your thread. Don't ya hate it when people do that rolling on the floor laughing hug

RE: Saying "I love you"....

Dru, when you said "read it again", I was annoyed. If I understood it the first time what you meant, I wouldn't have asked .... what do you mean. If someone asked me ... what do you mean...I would explain it further, not tell them to read it again.

You said it wasn't referring to me but that's what it sounded like the way you wrote your response. The majority of posters say that I love you isn't said enough. I think that might be true when there is someone you do really do love. But let me ask those posters, would you die for the people you love?

Love is a committment. I would die for my daughter because children are in a category of unconditional love. Her husband is the greatest man I've ever known and if it meant saving the both of them, I would do it in a heartbeat.

No hard feelings,

RE: Saying "I love you"....

This is getting blown out of proportion like so many other threads when you have an opinion that someone else doesn't like.

I'm not going to defend myself any longer. I am true to who I am and with that I will always be true to anyone I say I love you to.

RE: Saying "I love you"....

May I ask....are those friends in real life? If so, I can understand how you want to tell them that you love them.

People say here all the time that they are friends to each other and in my opinion, they are acquaintenances. I put more value to a friend than someone I write to in a public forum.

I'm not hiding any emotion. I am very open with my feelings good or bad. There are people on here that I like very much but I don't love them no matter how much they support me. They are just good people and I appreciate them.

I tell my daughter and my son-in-law that I love them and yet I don't do it everytime I speak to them. It is just known that I love them. If my daughter and I have a spat, like mothers and daughters do, I might end the conversation with "I love you" and she will say it back.

RE: Saying "I love you"....

What is rare Dru?

I would like to comment further but I don't want to hijack your thread.

RE: Saying "I love you"....

wave Hi Dru. Just last night I watched a movie where two men were friends. One of the men was talking about a problem and his male friend said that he could talk to him about anything. The problemed guy didn't say anything. The guy who said he loved him said "I love you, don't you understand that". It was a true friendship....not a Brokeback Mountain love.

I personally am not fond of women saying they love me other than my daughter. If a man sent me an email and writes "luv" I take that with fondness. If he writes "love" it bothers me.

IMO the word "love" is over used.

RE: Happy Birthday, Ambrose!

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu
Happy birthday to you

I miss you. moping

Come back, come back, wherever you are detective

dancing dog daisy happy birthday

RE: michael jackson historical icon

Who gives a crap what they do with his casket. He was a brillant entertainer. He was also a p*dophile and that erases any good he did in the music indursty ...... IMO

And for those who say he wasn't found guilty of child molestation. Then why did he pay $14 million in a settlement?

If you are innocent, you don't pay to shut things up!!!

RE: Tip for the day..

According to this link, tomorrow will be a good day to spend money

RE: Do you like big woman?

I also think you look great Thumper because I like men that aren't model thin. It's good to be healthy but a six pack doesn't turn me on. On another note Thumper, you and Keifer Sutherland could be brothers based on your facial features.....which are very handsome thumbs up

RE: LEGS; An important message for all ladies.

How "fat" mumbling

I can't show you cause I don't have a camera but if you want fat legs, trust me, mine are like short, fat tree stumps. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Your favorite piece of art and why

Mona Lisa

Not sure why.

RE: What's keeping you single?

It's interesting RD how you said "You are free from the deluded torment of the majority". That's how I I don't torture myself any longer that I'm supposed to look for someone. You're supposed to have a boyfriend, you're supposed to do this, you're supposed to do that. I set my own criteria for my life because I know what I need in my life at this time which is a good job and a great car. I enjoy the people on CS most of the time and those that I don't enjoy, I don't respond to them.

RE: What's keeping you single?

I don't need a man....period. I don't need a man to complete me. When it comes time for car repairs, I'll get a mechanic. When I need a wall knocked down in the house, I'll get a contractor. When I need conversation, I go in the threads.

At my age, hooking up with a man is only going to bring stress into my life. I am finally starting to recover from my last relationship which did me in financially and emotionally 5 years ago. If you go to a doctor and he takes cuts off the wrong leg, would you go to that doctor again? Are you thinking every other guy is paying for what the last guy did to me? They aren't "paying" because I know better then to take my attitude out on a nice man. I just leave them alone. I have absolutely no faith at all in a relationship for me again. And it's not the end of the world. I'm fine with it. bouquet

RE: What's keeping you single?

wave Hi RD. I'll stick my neck out and opine that I think it depends on the age. Afgan, Iran, Iraq, India women who are young, IMO, are beautiful. They have the most beautiful eyes. I think women from the UK are pretty and usually cute, such as Princess Diana. She wasn't beautiful but she was pretty and cute when she laughed.

RE: What's keeping you single?

Things that are keeping me single is I don't need the drama that goes with dating.

I'm too opiniated, too independent and don't have patience for the B.S. that goes with dating.

I have no problem being single or being alone.


Thank you pretty lady. I consider you a special friend.[/quot

Happy Birthday Wix and many more to come.


I saw a movie called "Abraham" and that is exactly what happened in the movie. God plays a lot of games where he tempts people to see if they really are his friend. Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son and God stepped in at the last second. All it proved is that Abraham didn't love his son as much as he loved God. Or, maybe Abraham was afraid of God....

RE: WTF...???

Ann, I think instead of questioning why he doesn't want to meet you, you should ask yourself, why you want to meet him when he keeps putting you off.

What attracts you to him?


Awwwww, you're so sweet Ken. It is hard to even walk but I still hold a full time job and do all the errands. I keep telling myself that there are people in worse conditions than I am. But I also have a pity party every once in awhile. Just me and Ben and Jerry
rolling on the floor laughing


Thank you for the suggestion Ken. I never thought I would be dealing with arthritis at my age. I thought that was for people 80 and 90 years old. And I have to be honest, being in pain all the time effects my personality to a great degree which makes me look like a negative person. moping


This thread is making me wonder if I really am truthful in my profile.

Whatever is written there is true, but I did leave something out and that is that I have arthritis which limits me in some ways.

I take medication but the meds don't take away all the pain. So by my leaving this item out of my profile I might be being deceitful to any man that might be interested in me.

If I don't mention that I deal with pain he will think that I have an active life which I don't. Part of that is because I'm a homebody and don't need to be running around like I did when I was 40 years old.

So what do you think. Should I mention in my profile that I have arthritis in many of my joints?

RE: If you had to choose 1 of these cars which 1 would u pick

I just bought a Ford Fushion AWD Sport and I love ityay heart wings

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