libromanlibroman Forum Posts (764)

RE: girly time away to party

I'm actually doing this exact same holiday next week. Was meant to go this week but a few things stopped us leaving. Really looking forward to travelling around the country. And gasp...going to Connacht. Brave I know rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Religion in the movies

There's a lot of stuff written about Superman and Jesus. Lots of religious iconography in the comics and movies about our saviour from the heavens etc.

Watch out for the amount of times he takes the shape of a cross with his arms out wide in the last movie.

RE: Religion in the movies

The Shining was pretty good though!

RE: Religion in the movies

There is so much out there, depends on what you like. My favourites would be:
The Three Colours Trilogy,
Pan's Labyrinth
4 Months, 3 Weeks and Two Days (harrowing but worth a watch)
Le Serpent starring Olga Kurylenko from the last Bond movie
A Very Long Engagement
Le Reine Margot
Cinema Paradiso (A beautiful film, brilliant!)

There are so many...Empire recently did a list of the top 100....lots of classics in there

RE: Religion in the movies

Anybody looking for effects free, great movies should check out world cinema. French, Italian etc movies. A lot of Irish people are missing out on a lot of great movies!

RE: Religion in the movies

rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Religion in the movies

Very true. Drink Coke. It is so, so wrong.Drink Coke They must stop it now!

Drink Coke

RE: Religion in the movies

sadly it every where it a big money makeing buisness from
film makeing to books maybe not a allways a good influnce
on the minds of children to the reality of life. so many things
now in the world try to influnce the minds of our children
so much more from when i grew up in the 70s.[/quote

Chronicles of Narnia was out for decades before the 70s!

There has been some version of this conversation for as long has there has been entertainment produced for the masses. I'm sure Ancient Romans grumbled about hidden messages at their games laugh And it will continue long after we're gone!

RE: Religion in the movies

I think sneaking any hidden message into a film is just wrong. Religious or otherwise

Unless that hidden message is eat well and exercise laugh

But ulterior motives a rarely a good thing.

RE: Religion in the movies

I'd say a few might have wanted to see Richard Gere get a few slaps rolling on the floor laughing But yes that is it exactly, somethings do not belong in certain movies. Especially something so personal as religion.

Spirituality I can deal with in a film, but not something that is there to promote a particular organised religion. I know that is slightly away from the original point.

RE: What age is acceptible....

I did not say that somebody over a particular age would not like festivals etc. I asked the OP if he was OK with dating somebody that may have different interests to himself. He may or may not like festivals and whatnot. She may or may not like them. But it is a valid point to ask.

RE: Religion in the movies

btw I am not saying anything against people that want to be religious, more about films with a religious subtext aimed at children and teens.

RE: Religion in the movies

And I think Alpha would just like the personal choice to watch something other than a coded religious film.

But they are actually everywhere from Twilight to The Chronicles of Narnia. Both those were written with overt religious messages. That is what irks me, trying to sneak in a message into films for younger people.

RE: wud u date a guy/girl wit tattoos or with more than you have

Too many possible jokes with the word mind is racing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: wud u date a guy/girl wit tattoos or with more than you have

It'd be a lot of Hail Mary's you'd have to say for all the impure thoughts you've had here rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Help

You can always do the old two finger taco to stave off the boredom rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

But seriously though, just try to gently wind down. Don't just jump from TV and laptop straight to bed. Give yourself 30 mins before settling into bed to let your head settle.

RE: wud u date a guy/girl wit tattoos or with more than you have

Haha seriously bad examples that I picked there laugh

But everybody has their own likes. I'm sure plenty of girls would prefer I was taller and had no glasses. But hey...their loss and same to anybody that isn't into your tattoos. It is not your problem, it is their issue.

RE: Help

Anything that stimulates your brain will make it more difficult to sleep. if you're playing a game here, your brain has to be thinking so it is not going to shut off as quickly as it would if you had a bath and a mug of warm milk.

Bananas help sleep too fyi Rita!

RE: Help

First off switch off the laptop as computers REALLY do not help sleep. Try to relax first and gently settle your brain down. Maybe have a bath or listen to gentle music etc.

But whatever you comp and no TV. They are the enemies of sleep. Trying to make yourself sleep will make you stay awake so just clear your brain like I said above and let sleep come naturally. Can only happen when you are relaxed.

RE: wud u date a guy/girl wit tattoos or with more than you have

Girl I just mentioned in my post had a pretty big tattoo on her lower back, didn't bother me in the slightest. Actually looked pretty cool, so don't worry. Some might not like them, but plenty will. No different to a girl having short hair or green eyes etc, everybody has their likes and dislikes.

RE: wud u date a guy/girl wit tattoos or with more than you have

Hottest girl I've ever codded into spending the night chez Libroman had a 3 tattoos and they looked pretty cool. I've none, nor will I ever have any, but hers just made me feel even happier with myself laugh

RE: Men

I was thinking more of this one

RE: What age is acceptible....

I'm 24 and wouldn't date anybody older than 28/29ish. Maybe it is different for a girl but I just could just see there being too many differences in your life stages.

She might be extremely mature, but she will probably still want to do what 24 year olds like to do ...clubs, festivals etc. Just have a think about what type of life you would have with her or if you want a long or a short term relationship. Would you be up for the type of things she will want to do? What if she decides she wants to got travelling in a year (saying that as it is on my mind for next year!)

For me, if it was short-term I would not care but anything longer will need a lot of thought.

RE: Men

I think both men and women get nasty emails here of one variety of another. It is not just a male thing; rude, ignorant and horrible people can have a disco stick in their trousers or 2 disco balls down their top laugh

RE: Has anyone here ended up with a friend with benefits?

I thought the Japanese had already invented such a thing?

RE: Has anyone here ended up with a friend with benefits?

Or if you had thicker fingers like a cucumber rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Has anyone here ended up with a friend with benefits?

Yeah I have a friend with benefits, she has a car and drives me around. That is a real benefit rolling on the floor laughing

RE: question thats really baffled mankind for centuries

Maybe because they are totally covered they don't need more fur???

I'd say long hair on girls is an evolutionary thing to attract men too

RE: question thats really baffled mankind for centuries

Coz your head is always on show so needs to be kept warmer!

RE: question thats baffled mankind for centuries

You gotta experience the bad to enjoy the good I suppose laugh As long as I make it back up alive rolling on the floor laughing

This is a list of forum posts created by libroman.

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