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Sincerity vs hypocrisy

first of all, I never called my colleagues enemies(they are my brothers and sisters) . That's how lies and gossips are created (typical of Russian trolling). secondly, I clearly asked you not to participate in my blogs or forums. I'll ignore it. I repeat this again.
View Blog    2 Likes    Last Liked: Feb 16

RE: Has anyone seen Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with President Vladimir Putin?

I hope you v got the right idea. I am sure that with your intelligence, you realized this a long time ago. terribly familiar repeating of historical events.
The methods of SS and KGB(NKVD) had/ has not so much difference .

“...Poland forced Hitler... “ FORCED!!!

“...Hitler had nothing left to do..”NOTHING LEFT!!!

Do you recognize this logic? He is a disgusting bastard. I even dont want to pronounce his name
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RE: Has anyone seen Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with President Vladimir Putin?

What a great reaction from your side..I was always respecting you...ok..all people make mistakes
P.S. NKVD was the name of KGB in Hitler's times. KGB was Putin's school of life and lie
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RE: What do you think about biden’s boss saying illegal immigrants can vote in U.S. elections?

Do you fact check and reproduce false information anyway, or do you just disseminate anything anyone plucks out of their arse without checking?
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RE: You're missing a great game...

Not sure why anyone would be pissed off because Taylor Swift was at the gam cheering on her boyfriend & team Leave the woman alone
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Some people are thinking Biden is Brain dead.

I thought the FBI knew what documents Trump had and that Trump maybe offered it to them but they decided to return dramatically armed with guns to get things that way. Was it nighttime too when Trumps place was ransacked including Trump's wife?
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What do you think about biden’s boss saying illegal immigrants can vote in U.S. elections?

Why jac, Are you saying this is an AI veedayowe gift wave
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RE: Some people are thinking Biden is Brain dead.

Read the report...

He admitted to making copies of his notes of presidential briefings when he was vice president ..and telling his ghostwriter...that no one knew he was doing that...

He did not have executive privilege to do this...he was NOT president...

As far as Hur, being in the Trump administration, perhaps he did not want to put the country through another spending of tax payer’s dollars..or perhaps, he is a humane person...who does not want to put a man with dementia..through being charged with a crime...

BTW...Trump had executive privilege...but, he should not walk away free...He did not cooperate..He should be charged with obstruction...
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Why should the EU sanction Tucker Carlson?

I guess you haven’t spoken about this with Guy Verhofstadt.

See this Newsweek article please:
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RE: Has anyone seen Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with President Vladimir Putin?

Score... you've earned 5 rubles!

You sound like a Putin fan. You should definitely go visit him, stay awhile. Maybe he'll let you go to the front and fight for his glory..

Plain and simple, Tucker Carlson will be representing Donald Trump with a Putin endorsement, not an interview. Imagine getting legitimacy from this clown! Looking forward to seeing what questions Putin has picked for him..

I mean, I lie, if I’m cornered or something, I lie. I really try not to. I try not to lie on TV. I don’t like lying. I certainly do it, you know, out of weakness or whatever.. -Tucker Carlson[/quote]

Tucker Carlson isn't a credible source for the correct time of day, much less anything considered factual information.grin
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RE: "Nigeria: Muslims murder 24 Christians, force the closure of 10 churches, 500 Christians flee"

Our sanctuary fools will find out when you let in an army of young men from countries where violence is the norm, they will turn the developed ones into replicas of what they left. It is all they know. Our DC idiots think limiting KNOWN migrants to 5000 per DAY is closing the border. Guess they can't times 5k by 7 days. Or 30. Or 365. And what about the illegals who sneak in? And the millions or so already that have filled those idiot cities. There are countries where everyone hates someone else. And believes their right to kill, steal, or chase them out.
What a slap in the face to those who spent years to become citizens. And the working poor living paycheck to paycheck and living in their cars.very mad
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RE: Disinformation and Misinformation deters Trust on an Industrial scale

It's the funny song by Dire Straits "Industrial Disease" from the excellent
Love Over Gold album of 1982.

Lyrics goes like this:

Now, warning lights are flashing down at quality control
Somebody threw a spanner, they threw him in the hole
There's rumors in the loading bay and anger in the town
Somebody blew the whistle, and the walls came down
There's a meetin' in the boardroom, they're tryin' to trace the smell
There's a leakin' in the washroom, there's a sneak-in personnel
Somewhere in the corridors someone was heard to sneeze
Goodness me, could this be industrial disease?

Caretaker was crucified for sleeping at his post
Refusing to be pacified, it's him they blame the most
Watchdog got rabies, the foreman got the fleas
Everyone concerned about industrial disease
There's panic on the switchboard, tongues in knots
Some come out in sympathy, some come out in spots
Some blame the management, some the employees
Everybody knows it's the industrial disease

Yeah, now the work force is disgusted, downs tools, walks
Innocence is injured, experience just talks
Everyone seeks damages, everyone agrees that
These are classic symptoms of a monetary squeeze
On ITV and BBC they talk about the curse
Philosophy is useless, theology is worse
History boils over, there's an economics freeze
Sociologists invent words that mean "industrial disease"

Doctor Parkinson declared, "I'm not surprised to see you here
You've got smokers cough from smoking, brewer's droop from drinking beer
I don't know how you came to get the Bette Davis knees
But worst of all young man, you've got industrial disease"
He wrote me a prescription, he said, "You are depressed
But I'm glad you came to see me to get this off your chest
Come back and see me later, next patient, please
Send in another victim of industrial disease"
Ah! Splendid

Now, I go down to Speaker's Corner, I'm thunderstruck
They got free speech tourists, police in trucks
Two men say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong
There's a protest singer, he's singing a protest song
He says, "They wanna have a war, keep their factories
They wanna have a war to keep us on our knees
They wanna have a war to stop us buying Japanese
They wanna have a war to stop industrial disease
They're pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind
They wanna sap your energy, incarcerate your mind
Give ya "Rule Britannia", gassy beer, page three
Two weeks in España and Sunday striptease"
Meanwhile, the first Jesus says "I'll cure it soon
Abolish Monday mornings and Friday afternoons"
The other one's out on hunger strike, he's dying by degrees
How come Jesus gets industrial disease?

View Blog    2 Likes    Last Liked: Feb 8

Has anyone seen Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with President Vladimir Putin?


"The interview will be posted Thursday, according to Justin Wells, head of programming at Carlson’s streaming network. It’s not known what was said in the interview.

Putin has heavily limited his contact with international media since he launched the war in Ukraine in February 2022. Russian authorities have cracked down on media, forcing some independent Russian outlets to close, blocking others and ordering a number of foreign reporters to leave the country. Two journalists working for U.S. news organizations — The Wall Street Journal’s Evan Gershkovich and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Alsu Kurmasheva — are in jail on charges they reject."

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Citizen Trump Has Lost His Appeal

So you have no idea about the US constitution which sets out the fundemental structure of the democratic republic and is basically a 'How To' book for the country. It's the longest surviving written charter of government in the world.

I have a lot of issue with US politics, judiciary and ethics, but the more I hear about the consitution, the more I understand how it has endured and how it was meant to be used to create a better environment for it's citizens.

It still has so much potential, which is awe inspiring.

It still has relevance some 237 years after it was written despite how much society has changed.

I've spent a lot of time listening to people whether Republican, Democrat, or other. I've listened to men and women, young and old, educated and not.

I've listened to a lot of lawyers.

I've listened to mainstream media and the more obscure.

I've read, I've cross referenced and I've fact checked. I've worked out who I can take at face value, who is more emotional, or theatrical and who is downright deceptive, or untrustworthy.

I've made notes and I've spent time bringing everything together in my posts because it's a learning experience.

I hear what you're saying about the unfair editing in Carpgate and whilst it's very not nice and may be symbolic to an extent, I think it's about time you stopped telling me that I'm stupid when you get all frustrated because you can't express yourself.
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Citizen Trump Has Lost His Appeal

Off topic, Una. scold laugh

I'm happy to discuss Biden's successes and failures if you create a blog about it, but this one is about the machinations of the US justice system with respect to Trump's indictments.

Trump is a character in the play, but I think of him as being in a supporting role. The real story is whether the US constitution, legislature and judiciary can survive a coup.

If it can, it rather elevates the model having been put to the test. If it can't, it possibly forebodes an existential crisis globally.
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Citizen Trump Has Lost His Appeal

The point I was making is that you've read something and either repeated it without question, or added more to it from your own imagination.

I tried to verify your figure and the nearest I got was an estimate of at least 3,500 legal actions in that time period, but that included his own legal actioning and litigation. It's common knowledge that he's never been shy when it comes to suing, or threatening people and one legal action might amount to no more than one threatening letter by one of his lawyers.

Trump ordering two, or three threatening letters a week for 35 years is doable; Trump being dragged into a new bogus court case two, or three times a week is not.

4,000 bogus court cases in 35 years would surely be newsworthy and sanctionable, just as Trump has been sanctioned for filing frivolous suits.

Finally, it pisses on your own argument that Trump's current legal woes are politically motivated if he has a 35 year prior history of being falsely sued two, or three times a week. These few current cases must be a holiday-like lull by comparison.
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RE: Citizen Trump Has Lost His Appeal

Trump is the only man in the history of the world who bankrupted a CASINO.rolling on the floor laughing
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RE: Citizen Trump Has Lost His Appeal

And yet HALF of Muricha voted for him. That's a lot yea.
They must be desperate to get rid of the azzes who been there from b4.

Watch this Jac and be reminded of what you are supporting.
A new absolutely not needed round of racism, and you are for it.
Get on the Trump train and do some good.
It's not too late. Remember I said that.

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RE: Citizen Trump Has Lost His Appeal

I'm so glad this man has had a lifetime of bogus suits against him before.
Teflon Don brush it off like a bad case if fleas. purple heart
I had broken down long ago but he is strong as an ox.

King Trump 2024.
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According to the demi-god Trump, bleach is safe to drink, it apparently kills COVID-19 germsconfused
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Trump Haters

Thanks to President Trump's appointees, the Court may be the salvation of others like David Green, but it can go only so far.  And there is nothing except a Republican Senate to prevent Biden from packing the Court with liberals.

Even the Court can't defend us against the corruption of the political elite.  They believe they have a right to practice graft and influence peddling, and to reap the benefits of drugs, fine liquor, call girls, and the rest.  Eliot Spitzer and "Client 9" aren't the only politicians caught up in prostitution — Hunter Biden may be worse.  As progressives see it, this behavior is just something to smirk about and look the other way.  They think it's provincial to think there's anything wrong with Hunter's behavior.  Will Hunter Biden's behavior change if his father becomes president?

The one thing progressives will not surrender is their sense of superiority to the American people, and their tactics are becoming more aggressive, shifting from disparagement to criminalization.  Should Biden take office, expect the censorship and persecution of conservatives to continue and increase.  The only way to stop them is to speak the truth and hope the public will vote them out of office.  

Jeffrey Folks is the author of many books and articles on American culture including Heartland of the Imagination (2011).
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Trump Haters

yes it's quite long but it helped me to understand why these people are so full of hate. Just imaging all above PLUS the brainwashing from msm. No wonder their brains are toast.laugh thumbs up cheers
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The key to ending Ukraine's conflict

You see how easy is to fall for fake news and scare mongering?!
There is no liberty of speech in the West unless you say what is expected.
I dare you to try that some day. But you won't. Calling names on a dating site forum is silly.
Someone said Russia is a threat to Sweden and Sweden wants to join NATO.
And at the same time Sweden is threatened from within but your eyes are closed.
How many NATO members have Russia attacked?
If there is a country where the CLEAN food and PROPER academical education still matters it is Russia.
Life isn't fair Tule. Life cost nothing, people put a price on it themselves by not caring how they live.
Scandinavian countries are the last fortress of LaLa land in Europe where people still believe if they enter a lion's den, the lion won't attack them cause they have good intentions.
Nobody should live like that, It isn't what mother nature tells you.
By trying to normalise unnatural ways, one gets slapped in the face time and time again.
Sooner or later one must learn.
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RE: Trump Haters

So you and Ozzie can talk about unrelated current issues in your own countries in response to Suzie's admonishment, but I can't respond with a Trump related issue...?

Perhaps the 'hate' is yours.

It's not a word I use very often and for good reason.
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RE: Trump Haters

I agree with you he's unusually unrestrained.
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RE: Trump Haters

Perhaps for balance you could also find an article explaining why people are fanatical in their support, because that completely escapes me? I mean by all means believe someone is better than someone else, that's fine. But what the hell happened to logic and common sense and listening to another point of view, thinking about it, then rebutting?

This article is, sorry Luke, hate-monging.

Simply put they hate Trump because he represents ordinary Americans. So - most of the media, most of the celebs, most of the academics, of the USA, hate ordinary Americans? That is - no, seriously. Is that logical?

Even less logical is the Folks decision that it is the elite rich and privileged who hate him. Come on. The rich think he's the best thing slnce sliced bread. Officially they may have to pretend they don't, when he says something that would make the little people in their lives pop their eyeballs, but he's all about the money and so are they. Let's make more money, let's build, let's grow, of course the rich and privileged traditionally have always hated that. roll eyes

Calling lefties the elite. The vocal visible ones, okay. Have we suddenly forgotten most lefties want the state to provide more help, more benefits, more medical care, and free handouts? Isn't that the problem with lefties? Logic, people. Logic.

I don't always see eye to eye with Jac but I completely understand her quoting Fox news because it is, for Trump supporters, the only network they will trust. Not suddenly a fountain of truth, Conrad. Just a source that Trump fans feel will sometimes tell The Truth but oh dear sometimes may have to be ignored, too.

I will be super-impressed, Luke, if you can find an article that does address the balance. Just for the sake of debate. Doesn't even need to be a fanatical opposite, just one that sticks to actual facts and leaves the reader to draw their own conclusions. There must be ONE out there. It won't have been written by Folks.
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RE: The key to ending Ukraine's conflict

The EU is a mafia - little more than a conduit for the corrupt affairs of the central bankers and the politicians and corporations and wars that they facilitate. All the while the regular person becomes less well off, and threatened with anti-freedom measures

The 'new world order' - which is little more than a coalition of regional mafias - is coming to a swift and certain end. Whether people like it or not, things are trending towards to a multipolar order, which hopefully will result in regional leaders actually focusing on the well-being of their citizens as their primary goal, with respect for the sovereignty of their neighbours, while finding common ground on issues of mutual benefit.
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RE: The At Whatever Blog: let's start with 'is masculinity in crisis'

The video title '...Brian humbled her' was telling.

This is about a gender power game, one that you clearly want to win, gal.

In the first instance, there are two bigger, older-looking, prepared men in the control seat of that discussion. Some of those girls/young women looked like they were barely adult (assuming they weren't minors) and at that age a year, or more is a big age, experience and authority gap.

I heard the point that the second young woman was making - it's not her responsibility to make sure random young men are going to college, etc. It's not her responsibility to tend to the needs of men and any idea that it is stems from our long history of patriarchal oppression. At her age, her responsiblity is getting hersef through college, etc. as she quite rightly pointed out.

When the third young woman said she loved men, but didn't need men, I heard what she was saying - she's okay not having an intimate relationship with men, which is nothing like acknowledging that men are relevant in society because they build things.

What this Brian fella is trying to compare is 'a shelter built by a man and rented to a woman' and 'the emotional needs of man being nutured by women because it's our gender role to provide that service for free'.

If you, or any other man is feeling sexually irrelevant, it's not our job to remedy that by availing ourselves to you for the purposes of a relationship.

If you would like support with becoming more sexually relevant from a demographic better suited to the single life, you might start with behaving less like an arse towards us.

And before you start whining like a big girl's blouse that I'm not being nice to you for telling you straight (no subtle hints given, nor mind reading expected here), refer back to the subject matter of the video you chose to repost.
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RE: Is Immigration to Ireland OUT OF CONTROL. Ireland is Full.

Ethnic Group Year
2006 2011 2016 2022
Number % Number % Number % Number %
White: Total 3,956,609 94.84% 4,264,465 94.24% 4,331,940 92.37% 4,444,145 87.4%
White Irish 3,645,199 87.37% 3,821,995 84.46% 3,854,226 82.2% 3,893,056 76.5%
Irish Traveller 22,369 0.54% 29,495 0.65% 30,987 0.7% 32,949 0.65%
White Roma - - - - - - 16,059 0.31%
Other White 289,041 6.93% 412,975 9.13% 446,727 9.5% 502,081 9.87%

Asian: Total 52,345 1.25% 84,690 1.87% 98,720 2.10% 186,321 3.7%
Chinese 16,533 0.40% 17,832 0.39% 19,447 0.4% 26,828 0.5%
Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi - - - - - - 94,434 1.86%
Arab - - - - - - 20,115 0.4%
Other Asian 35,812 0.86% 66,858 1.48% 79,273 1.7% 44,944 0.88%

Black: Total 44,318 1.06% 65,078 1.44% 64,639 1.38% 76,245 1.5%
Black Irish and Black African 40,525 0.97% 58,697 1.30% 57,850 1.24% 67,547 1.32%
Other Black 3,793 0.09% 6,381 0.14% 6,789 0.14% 8,699 0.17%
Other including Mixed - - - - - - 64,992 1.28%
Not Stated 118,741 2.85% 111,048 2.45% 194,622 3.98% 313,176 6.16%

Total: 4,172,013 100% 4,525,281 100% 4,689,921 100% 5,084,879 100%

The article posted by the OP gives a slewed account, biased against ME and Indian immigrants, The largest group of Immigrants to Ireland are from Europe, second highest is from the UK.

Amazing how missing a few details can make a wholly fictional story.
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RE: Only the Irish can save Ireland

Absolutely racists and two faced people are soon cast out of SA. You would definitely not be welcome as a citizen here.
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Trump Haters

Shhhhh it's OK now just breathe...comfort
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Is Immigration to Ireland OUT OF CONTROL. Ireland is Full.

I am second generation in this country and decedent of three Italian and one Sicilian immigrants. I have both USA and Italian citizenship. My birth certificate is on file in Giulianova Italy. I still vote in most elections in Italy. My grandparents were from Amalfi, Giulianova and Napoli Italy. My paternal grandmother is from Isnello, Sicily. Separately, all of my grandparents left through the port of Naples and arrived at the port of Philadelphia. My surname is on many road signs in Italy. laugh
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RE: Trump Haters

How many of Trump's companies have

Caring for and representing ordinary Americans includes 6 bankruptcies
The six bankruptcies were the result of over-leveraged hotel and casino businesses in Atlantic City and New York: Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009).
In the course of those bankruptcies how many ordinary Americans - Tradesmen Contractors Decorators did he leave with negligible cents in the dollar. Late payment and unilateral discounting is his business model as you can see. That is care for and concern for the ordinary Joe Blow, right? These bankruptcies cost his workers contractors and investors hundreds of millions.
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RE: Trump Haters

Just what did Trump do for the ordinary American?

Do you mean, enacting tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the wealthy over the average worker?

or perhaps, taking billions out of workers’ pockets by weakening or abandoning regulations that protect their pay?

Then he blocked workers from access to the courts by allowing mandatory arbitration clauses in employment contracts.

Education was decimated under Trump's administration.

The list goes on and on, all Trump did was help the rich and feck all for the common man.
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RE: Only the Irish can save Ireland

This can't be legal.
Has Ireland being sacrificed for some reason?!
I have the feeling they need your land without you in it. uh oh
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