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School Of Life

They say we learn something new everyday.
There's so much we still don't know about....
We may think we lnow it all, but we don't.

We all have gone to school. Some have more education than others. We gather knowledge throughout our lives through different sources....books, school, library, etc. Even tho we've gone to school, there's still more to know. We weren't taught it all.

Throughout the world school is taught differently.....we all weren't given the same curriculum or textbooks. If we want to know more, there's various sources to help us. Some retain more info than others. Some, there are courses we weren't good at. Some, if it interests us, then we are good at it.

It helps to have a good teacher & be a good student, plus an open mind. If you have a closed mind, then you miss out. In this day & age, we have endless ways to learn,,,,,in & out of the classroom. Become curious & find out more about something that interests you.

There are so many "smarts", life, street, book, etc. Life is an open classroom. Its never too late to learn. Its nice to be educated in many ways & areas. Some need to learn that learning doesn't end in school. And don't brag that you're better than....with what you "have".

We all have our strengths & weaknesses. We all can learn from each other tegardless of our education, or lack of. There are no such thing as a stupid person, unless they have a closed mind. We were taught many things throughout life & we learn along the way.

We can assume many things when someone doesn't understand us. Do we need to look down on someone because they "don't get it". Or even "lack something". Does a person with a higher education mean they are smart? Does an uneducated person mean they are stupid? We are all smart....but in different ways.

I remember in school.....we weren't taught which country, continent, religion, economic status, level of education, etc....was better than the other. There's no such thing.....why?,,,,there's good & bad no matter where you go or live, how much you make, or how much you know.

I'm a lifelong student of life.
I'm curious by nature.
I have a thirst for knowledge.
I'm no better than you.
You're no better than me.
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Strings attached...

Should there be strings attached when it comes to relationships? Or certain expectations? I understand that some have their beliefs. I'm talking about...let's say unrealistic. Or makes you wonder.

This lady at work tells me things that that I should be doing. Some things I wouldn't do. She at times has made me question myself. Or even second guessing myself. But I don't listen to her. I know what's right for me.

She's told me & others things that maske us look at her in a different light...not always good. I look at her & I'm amazed that she's not single. She's married but doesn't act as tho she is. And she uses him.

She's a big flirt & accepts gifts from other men. She expects her husband to take her out & buy her expensive things. When he buys her stuff, she must be there. Its like what she has is not enough.

She told me one know you should always try to get something out of a guy when you sleep with him. You should get paid for your services. News flash I'm not selling my body.

If I want something nice I can buy it myself. If he chooses to buy me something nice, its his choice. I don't demand it or expect a payout. Sleeping with him is a perk of the relationship. I rather receive something because he wants to not because I told him to.

My point is.....if we have strings attached when it comes to certain things, does it make us puppets? If you don't do "this or that" I'll cut the strings to "certain perks"? Would you withhold affection (or....) to get something? Or what you want?
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Life & death....

Where I work I deal with a lot from the basics of daily living to the passing on of life. Its not always easy. I've seen a lot. I've shed many tears. It breaks my heart when I see some suffer to the end. I know we all will end up in the same place.

When I mean suffer....I mean so much pain that even the slighest gentle touch, is too much for them. No position is comfortable for them. They want to go....the pain is unbearable.

Then you have those whose soul dies & they give up. Then the ones who slowly die....physically & mentally/emotionally. I see how the body changes as the time is near. Some go quickly & some hang on. Waiting...for something or someone they want to see.

It amazes me & saddens me that some don't have many visiters...or evn at all. Sometimes the only people they see are the staff. Where are all their loved ones? When their time is near that's when they come. Why now? Why weren't they there when they can visit & be there. All they see is them dying.

There are loved ones there for them, everyday for hours. Some visit everyday for awhile. Some on a weekly basis, some on a monthly basis, some only on the holidays, some only around the xmas season. I'm so happy when I see family & friends there for them.

What makes me sad & makes me this lady. She's been there before I started working there....over 8yrs. She's never had anyone visit her in all the time she's been there....I've asked so that's how I know.

This is hard to see because she's dying. She's been diagnosed woth untreatble terminal cancer. She's got nobody by her be there when she needs it the most. That would be for me the worst feeling in the world to experience.

The other day I noticed her & almost cried. She sat alone at her table after dinner....for hours with a saddened blank stare. Warching loved ones going back & forth...wishing that someone would visit her & be there. She's all alone.
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Slumber party!

Its late at night here. I feel like having a virtual slumber party from around the world. Hey its the wknd. Come join if you wiah. The more the merrier. Don't be shy. No one will bite....hopefully giggle

But if its not time for bed where you are...that's ok. Join in anyway....its night time somewhere in the world. Who's up for it? Let's mingle! If you won't join least say hi. HI wave

We can play games....not spin the bottle laugh Any ideas! Don't forget the munchies. Let's get the party started! Let's start up the music. Perhaps some dancing. grin yay
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A special soul

Life can change so quickly -
in the blink of an eye, in the beat of a heart
- unexpectedly & forever.

This story is about Wilbur.
This story made me cry as I read it. Some parts gave me chills down my spine as I read certain parts. Those parts....the injuries....I didn't bother to tell....I'm surprised he even survived.

I was running with a bunch of dogs. I was just another stray on the hunt for my next meal. I was chasing a bunch of free roaming pigs, when I was hit & run over by a car. Apparently the driver didn't care enough to help me & I was left on the side of the road to die.

Instead, I was dragged to a nearby house by a bunch of children. An effort that saved my life. An animal rescue agency was called to pick me up. My condition was terrifying to the children who tried to help.

The agency came & a childs father carried me to the vehicle. I was screaming in agonizing pain. I was almost taking my last breathes of life. My body went into shock. As I was rushed for emergency care, my guardian angel talked to me softly. Telling me everything will be fine, in an effort to soothe me & help me feel safe.

Sadly, the injuries I received weresevere & mostly to my head & neck region. The surface wounds to my head healed quite quickly, but I suffered brain trauma -- that was the most difficult part.

By all account I made miraculous progress in my recovery. The first part of my recovery was the most difficult for me & everyone involved. Those were dark days for me where it almost seemed I had lost my soul.

I've already started therapy, always involving food. I learned to walk again by being coerced with food. I started eating after my mouth was put back together. I am relearning lots of normal doggy things. When people look at me, I think they pity me as they see me struggling doing these normal things. I'm abit slow at progrssing information tho.

My life has changed forever. I am now a brain trama victim & survivor. I am special needs. But I am no loger a stray & I am loved today by many. I now have a name....Wilbur...a special soul.

To think I'm here today because of those children who dragged me to their home. And the rescue agency for emergency care & therapy. I don't know how & why I became a stray. I don't know what I did to deserve this. I don't know why I was abandoned & they didn't love me enough to find me a better home.

I'm slowly making progress with therapy & the care of strangers. But now they aren't strangers, they are family to me. They didn't give up on me. Now I can't see partially in one eye & I'm completely blind in the other eye. But I'm not blind to the love I'm feeling.

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Makes me wonder....

When was the last time you did something...
For the first time?
When was the first time you did something...
For the last time?
That got you out of your comfort zone?
How did it feel? Would you do it again?

As I think back of so many things said & done. I wonder if that first/last time made a difference in one way or another. Whether it made you want to do it again. Or never do so again. Sometimes we've got to step out of our comfort zone to learn about ourselves.

I admit that I haven't always gotten the courage to step out of my confort zone when it comes to certain things. But little by little I'm closer to doing so. What stops me? ME!! Not easy to admit tho. At times I've been afraid of the unknown. Of being hurt again.

But all it takes is someone to come into your life & open your eyes & show you.....its ok to let go of what's holding you back so you can move forward. Its ok to be vulnerable with your heart. Its ok to trust again. If you can't trust someone, or shed the onion layers of your heart of stone...its hard to love again.

Comfort zone.....its a wall you build around yourself. So you feel comfortable. How can you be comfortable if you're of afraid of being hurt? Of living in the past? Of being loved? Be vulnerable enough to trust that special someone when they come into your life.

Trust is the key to ones heart.
Without trust there's no love.
Only that special someone
Can unlock your heart with trust
So that you're unafraid to love.
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Can't sleep & crying.

Its after 3am & I still can't sleep. I woke up today feeling blah & crankyish. Its just one of those days where you just wanna cry for no reason. A good cry is good once in awhile. It cleanes out unexpressed vnted up emotions that build up. It gets to a point where you can't holdit in any longer.

Well I worked today. I tried not crying on the way to work....I take train & bus. Well I did cry. But as I got to work I had to suck it up & put a smile on my face. Wasn't easy at some points while at work. It was crazy busy. To make matters worse a couple of staff were rude & petty & one particular resident was being a total pain.

At one point I had 3 people talking to me...try answering 3 people at once lol. And one of them screaming at me for no reason. And another coworker accusing me of doing nothing....while yelling at me in the dining room in front of all the residents & staff...p.lus family members. And turns around & gets me into trouble, just for the fun of it.

Work day goes on....get yelled at again by a resident....according to her I can't do anything right & requesting 10 things at once. I only have 2 hands. And she wants it asap. Arrgghh.

And amonst it all the chaos at work...a resident is dying. I will definately miss her when she's passes on. I really like her & is a sweet lady. Even amongst her confused moments, she's pleasnt & her mind is sometimes elsewhere....she brings a smile to my face. She's on the pathways of life....comfort care. Its hard to see her this way.

Come break time all I could do was cry. On the way home I tried really hard not to cry on the bus. I did weel just a few small tears. Soon as I got home I had a good cry.

I got to vent with someone special. After I finished venting the other person went to bed. And I'm still up. But I did enjoy a glass of red wine & ate some chocolate. The best part was coming across things that put a smile on my face & also made me laugh. I felt better after that. But now I can't sleep.

The thing that's keeping me up is thinking too much. Lol. Especially about me day. I could use a hug & or a good laugh. But most of all....bore me so it makes me sleepy & I fall asleep. But no worries I have a 4 day wknd, so I can sleep in tomorrow lol.

PS....have a good wknd everyone! hug
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A Silverlining...

Everytime you've gotten hurt
Its supposed to make you stronger
At the time you don't understand
Everything happens for a reason
Sometimes it can knock us down

Stop avoiding certain things
You are your own worst critic
Avoiding pain is like avoding love
Don't be afraid to take a chance
We live by choice not by chance

We may choose to avoid...
That something or someone
But why? What are we afraid of?
You can never avoid pain
No matter how hard you try

What is the silver lining in all this?
Without pain you can't experience....
Or appreciate love or lifes joys
Pain teaches us to see the light
Regardless how much it hurts

Yet some emotional pain lingers on
The silver lining is a lesson in disguise
These lessons are blessings in disguise
You learn so much if you pay attention
That's if you open your mind & heart
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Rya bored yet?


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Quotes! Quotes! Quotes!

I enjoy reading various books & other stuff that have quotes. Some make me think, some make me smile. Here are 3.....

Don't ever mistake
My SILENCE for ignorance,
My CALMNESS for acceptance,
My KINDNESS forweakness

I am thankful for all those difficult people in my life, they have shown me exactly who I don't want to be.

Sometimes we put up walls not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down.

There are 2 types of people...
That come into your life....
1...some are blessings
2...some are lessons.
They come into our lives for a reason.
They make us aware of what we forgot.

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Nitpic...we all do!

If you're with someone & are already wanting to change them...why are you with them in the first place? Look at yourself...Would you want someone pass you by because of your flaws or imperfections?
Would you want someone trying to change you? Its hard enough changing yourself....then why try to change someone else?

There are some things or ourselves we can't help especially if we're born with "it" or something happens. Yet there are certain things we could change...if we choose to do so. But change must come from within. Not when someone expects it.

If you stripped yourself to your nakedness & looked in the mirror....nitpicking everything wrong about would be an eye opener. Why? You're looking down at yourself & focusing on what you see. Often we're our own worst critic.

How many times have we downplayed ourselves? Saying we're not "__" enough? Even sometimes wanting to be someone else? Why do this to yourself? Its not just about our physical appearance but our strengths, our other good qualities. We sometimes forget because someone keeps reminding us.

There's so more than what meets the eye. We have so much hidden potential within us that forget to notice. Why? We focus too much on the negatives. Stop it!

Do you realize that....
Someone will still love you despite your flaws & inperfections. Someone will love your inner & outer beauty. Yes someone will always find something wrong with you. Yes someone will pass you by because you're not good enough in their eyes for whatever the reason.

That's ok! So what! You're worth it!

We are all different in our own unique & special ways. Its what seperates from the rest. Someone will always love you no matter what. When that person comes into your life you won't care how you look or want to change you in any way. They accept you? Just the way you are. As you are the only you!

Sometimes its hard when someone points out our weaknesses....but you must be comfortable in your own skin. Even if it means walking around naked...alone or with that special someone. If you can't with/by yourself...then who will?

Be yourself. Embrace all of you.
Self-confidence is your sexiest accessory.
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Good Vs. Interesting

How would you like your life to be?
Good things happening to you?
Interesting things happening to you?
What's considered...
A good life? An interesting life?
Is there a difference between the two?
Which one would you pick? And why?

There could be many definitions of...
What is considered good & interesting.
There is no right or wrong.
Everyone is uniquely different.
What I find good & interesting for myself...
Might not be so for others & vice versa.
But again maybe not.

GOOD...can't be interesting. average.
INTERESTING....can be good. different.
What catches the eye?
Its something about....
Someone or something....
That stands out among the rest.

But with life...what's considered average?
How do you wanna live your life?
Is having an interesting life considered bad?
Do bad things only happen....
In a good life? In an interesting life?
Life is always filled with...
Good moments & interesting moments.
Which one would you rather have?
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