Re-writing my screenplay?

The other day, I had what most writers/amateur writers has: A writer's block. After I wrote the initial beginning, I hit a wall. I remember thinking "How am I gonna proceed from this? I have no idea. Terror attacks in NYC has also been described a lot, so my story isn't exactly original"

So I am thinking about scrapping my current screenplay, and begin to work on an entirely different genre. In order to combat any future writer's block, I plan to flesh out everything: Characters, the setting, the plot and a log line. That way I will have a pretty rough idea of what to write, and what direction it should go.

Some might say that this is in response to reactions I got when I wrote a blog about what kind of story I was writing, but it isn't. If it was, I would have made this decision sooner.

Now I just need to figure out, what to write about..
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Personally, I'm a tad skeptical toward your committment to such an endeavor, but Google can help with the format details. They are important.

Bear in mind that half the waiters in Hollywood are writing screen plays.
I was wondering why you would pick a city you have never been to. When I was an accountant I would write off the trips of the Authors writing stores, they would go to the locations to research before they wrote.
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Vallensbæk, Zealand, Denmark

Well not the LITERAL end of the World.

So.. Who am I? Well, my name is Danny, and I live in Denmark. I am a down to earth, carefree guy, who loves the small things in life. I am a fan of well crafted stories, and old movies. The Godfather is the [read more]