Let's play a game, just for fun.

Let's see who can think of the most ridiculous effect brought about by a Covid vaccine. I know the best ones have already been thought of in other blogs, so this is a sort of best-of-the-rest exercise. My tip is to approach this game as if you were a complete idiot, and thereby try to think like one. There are no prizes, this is just for a bit of fun. cheering
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Comments (54)

The need to make blogs about it.
Really infects the brain
You start rambling on about tunnels
You make rice pudding
After having the vaccine my car failed it's annual test (ITV), I'm not sure if it was the vaccine that caused it or the fact the car has wifi, suppose it could either as both are a severe risk, or so I read here sigh
That's not really something that is likely to affect you, is it, Traolach?
Nope! I still have my unvaccinated brain
Kinda be fun making rice pudding though
That's a respectable effort, zed. thumbs up
Remind me, Traolach, whatever gave me the idea that you might be an LC sock puppet. confused
What scares me though. Tunnels, I know nothing about tunnels. Where would I start
Would I start with short tunnels. Or be brave and go for long ones
What if that tunnel had a bend?
I don't like rice pudding
I went through a tunnel before. It wasn't dark. It had lights
I wasnt eating a rice pudding at the time
I have developed a prominent list to port when passing cell phone masts.
That actually sounds feasible, fluffy, not ridiculous at all.

Or could it be that my judgement has been corrupted by all the nonsense I have seen written here.? hmmm

My arm is so heavy now with all the chemicals my knuckles drag along the ground.
I dreamt that some bloke called Traolach was posting ridiculous one liners all over C.S Woke up thinking I'd had a nightmare then realised it was real.

Roger and out .

Oh hang on wasn't that his previous name before he got bouncedconfused
That might explain the recent Bionic strength of my left arm, which I am quite pleased with. I was thinking of getting the next couple of boosters in my right arm to balance things up. thumbs up thumbs up
Deck the trolls with boughs of hollychoir

Personally I'd just like to deck themboxing
The data is not all in yet.
However, there seems to be a strong correlation with the vaccinated
as having at least average intelligence.
Conversely, there appears to be correlations of much lower IQ as well as excessive drooling with the anti-vaxxers.
Honestly, these results are not that stunning. laugh
I think I may be experiencing something terminal, my identity is behaving strangely.
That's not a side effect of the vaccine, btw, something just happened to me that felt more like a side effect of the site administration. uh oh
@ Rog opps Traolach

Go play somewhere else then if your're bored ,or maybe just being boring.

Oh, Troll-o-mio.

rolling on the floor laughing
That's cos you are usually banned by now
"That's not a side effect of the vaccine, btw, something just happened to me that felt more like a side effect of the site administration. uh oh"

Are you packed?
Here it is. Harbal blood is boiling. The hatred for Lee is coming out
I think that he must be missing Mblendhuk.

rolling on the floor laughing
I'm sure your mother would be very proud of you right now.

@ fluffy

Clang, clang, clang went the trolley
Ding, ding, ding went the bell
Zing, zing, zing went my heart strings
From the moment I saw him I fell {over laughing}
^^^ Dear God, dont say that. Dont want that to be true
Dont focus on me then
Troll la dee, Troll la dah, la la life goes on.

rolling on the floor laughing
La Dee dah dah
Laa dah de dee
All good friends and jolly good company
Hi harbottle

Fun is one thing but when a loud foul mouthed frog posts comments about others whomever they may be ,time for me to sign off.

Catch you late and fluffy we'll have to start a C.S choir hug
Come, let's troll
troll across the floor
Come, let's troll
troll across the floor
Now turn around, baby
Let's troll once more
Feel so good
Take me by my hand
I feel so good
Take me by my hand
And let's go trolling
In wonderland
trollin', oh yeah
trollin', rollin', trollin'
Well, rock my soul
How I love to troll
There's my love
trollin' in the door
There's my love
trollin' in the door
Baby, let's go trollin'
By the candy store

rolling on the floor laughing
Bye, TM. I'm out to. Sorry Harbottle. Later.
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