Communion Time

My son makes his communion in a few days. This Country has changed so much Since I made mine that I sometimes think, either I’m getting old or “I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
Gone are the days when Dads would spend savings renting a car and piling the family in for a session of mass were kids stood silent and parents believed the priest to be a powerful messenger from God, and afterwards the arduous journey around to a long list of Christmas card Relatives would begin.
A day of Fond hellos and sad Goodbyes, Biscuits, cake and Lemonade. and at the end Children counting the rewards of their efforts of being Good patient children.
We now have a disempowered church seen as a shadowy organisation of corruption and abuse, Priests now ask for respect rather than demand it. and rightly so in my opinion.
Family’s now book Pubs and Venues For meals, the cars are left at home and tired old relatives come shuffling out of homes to half heartedly take a place at the table with with others they would rather not see, Hellos are barely mustered and every one thinks about what they ought to be doing elsewhere. dinners and desserts* are quickly eaten and Separate roads are taken until the next grandiose event in the constant game of one-upmanship.
Now when children get home they most likely google what upgrade they are going to buy for their virtual existence to help them escape the tortures an all too real reality. before being Dragged of to make a Confirmation.
But for the most part these changes are Political in nature but alas not in practise. We still have The Rich saying that the poorer majority are suckling too hard from the social teet and the majority of the poorer Class saying the rich are corrupt and squander to much Public resources. Im sure this will be the way and its an Argument that we will face for many years to come, And honestly an argument I am hesitant to try answer as its bound to lead to fisty-cuffs.

1. The act or an instance of sharing, as of thoughts or feelings.
2. Religious or spiritual fellowship.
3. A body of Christians with a common religious faith who practice the same rites; a denomination.
4. Communion Ecclesiastical
a. The sacrament of the Eucharist received by a congregation.
b. The consecrated elements of the Eucharist.
c. The part of the Mass or a liturgy in which the Eucharist is received.

1.a. The act of confirming.
b. Something that confirms; verification.

2.a. A Christian rite admitting a baptized person to full membership in a church.
b. A ceremony in Judaism that marks the completion of a young person's religious training.

The European Union is now almost Twenty One years old. With the signing of The Maastricht Treaty establishing it into its currant entity.
This would mean in my eyes as a Community we should have, the large majority of us anyway made our Confirmation to it, let alone accepting its Communion,
But for the life of me I can remember doing either, I Voted Euro skeptic all the way from my Eighteenth Birthday till now. As have most people I know for some strange reason, This is not to say Im for shutting Ireland off from the rest of the world. Far from it. What I am against is the fact that what seems set up is just more subterfuge another smoke and mirror gag to confuse us. Maybe Im slow when it comes to politics but here are three simple questions about the EU I have no idea about. Perhaps my Ignorance is leading me to this feeling of oppression I’m getting lately !

1. Who is the Head of the EU ? and Why

2. How are your Country’s issues Prioritised in the decision making process.
Do you have a Voice ?

3. Are we on the way of becoming a United States of Europe and if so how does that idea sit with your Patriotic Constitutional views, Do we have any left after The Treaty of Lisbon ?
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Comments (49)

You ever think about getting out of dodge. uh oh
Non, I have been to many counties I 'like' but I really love this dump. Sounds weird but I know I'll die here one day, be it of old age or whatever.. .handshake cheersscold
Home is where the heart is Luke, no man can argue with that thumbs up
My respect Non-smoking. I completely agree with you. We lost those values of the past. But time such in an atomic age is visible. Let's hope that our children remain noble as we brought up them. World and good to you sir.hug handshake
Yes Live by example, I hope I do! I know sometimes I get it wrong but we are only human as well wave bouquet
Agree, the great honor will be born the person, and to remain him even more.hug teddybear
Non, I have to say I can't agree with what you say about 1st Communions nowadays. Yes, it is different than yesteryear but I would believe it depends on the family. When my children received theirs, we had a small family gathering in our home afterwards each time and we all enjoyed the day. The children had cake and lemonade and there was wine for the grown ups. Surely, how we celebrate anything is up to ourselves and if we're not happy with how it's done we change it. It's our choice.

As for politics and social changes, there have always been those who will take advantage of the weak and vulnerable, only we hear about it more often nowadays. In the past, it was swept under the table, not to be spoken of. If it wasn't the EU it would be something else. I don't believe that becoming European means that we necessarily lose who we are. Again it is a choice we can make. However, in the case of economics, we do seem to be letting our choices slip away from us.
Thanks for dropping by and your objective post has given me food for thought, Glad to hear your functions were a success, and I hope you didn't over do the wine wink handshake
My youngest son made his first communion this Mother's Day. I have to say it was my favorite of all my children. If you could see his face. His eagerness and genuine heartfelt commitment you would have experienced joy. My son felt like he waited forever. As the youngest he saw all of his siblings take communion and he was not allowed. This young man attended every class with eagerness. He requested a dark suit for the occasion which I could not afford but purchased anyway. When he went up to receive his first communion he bowed low and meticulously followed the appropriate steps. I cried of course as I do at all special events and he beamed the biggest smile from ear to ear. It did not matter what we did after. It was the event itself that was so special and will be remembered.

I try to make faith in our home special, a treat, not a burden. I think it is all in the attitude. Congratulations to your son.

Heck, even my oldest teenager cried and that in itself speaks volumes.;)
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Waterford, Ireland

I want very little from life at this stage, cant be arsed really ! [read more]

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created May 2013
Last Viewed: May 2
Last Commented: May 2013
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