can anyone explain this...

....when im listening to music..with my eyes shut either with or without headphones...I can sing any song word for word in my head, even if I've never heard it before..even mouth it, but cannot sing vocally...

Hows that work..confused
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Comments (19)

I guess u can only repeat after hearing it or have music selective pre-cognition. Good luck.
Sounds like another ghost story to me. Do you really want to know?wow
yes i do...........
I have had this song in my head the whole of the weekend. Seal it with a kiss. What is the rest.
keep it sealed and give us a rest..rolling on the floor laughing
wow Ianscold scold

Maybe your head knows your singing voice is c---pgrin
Ur true colours are showing more and more every day. Carefull ur personality is being compromised
snook give him benift of doubt I think it was just joke gone wrong hug hug

no matter if you tell him,he is not going to believe youlaugh

Ian. I can see you have a special gift which is of chanelling if you know what I mean?
The information is coming from a higher source.
anyone tried it..?..see how it goes
Role. If he doesn't believe it's his problem.
In this case why should he write a blog about it and ask for advice? confused
And is your voice, in your head, amazing? Mine is. The raven's croak that actually emerges when I sing out loud is always a shock.

You're channeling, in a rather unusual way. Sounds nice. cool
I'm not a physic so I wouldn't know.grin

I can hear a song and it will for some reason get so stuck in my head I can't get it out.
It takes 5 seconds for your brain to regester what your ears have heard ..
So what you think is "real time" is already in your past you are simply repeating what you have already heard...
How's that for Mumbo jumbo BS !!
What Blue is saying makes perfect sense to me.
thumbs up

In other words there is no past present and future as everything happens simultaneously
Ian if you have this ability,
you should use it to learn new languages.
Someone told me chinese is easy, so start with chinese music.
I tried always to explain it to me like this: I think, when we listen to music, there happens a lot in our brain. The sound passes so many different stations in our brain without having reached our consciousness at all.
I always thought, when the sound is between two of these many stations my brain gives me the illusion all the "musical information" (to what I am listening with headphones) was there already before I heard it, and my brain only repeats what it knows already so well (although it is impossible).
I hope that does not sound so weird :-) I really know what you mean.
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