Taking people out of boxes

Many of you will have seen this video already - for those who don't click in, or it doesn't show in your country, it is groups of people. Businessmen and women, people on the dole, immigrants. Religious. Sporty types, bikers - one guy has the biggest and most tattooed biceps EVER. All of them are people you judge instantly on their appearance, standing together with those who look like them.

Then the Danish controller of the experiment asks who was the class clown at school? and suddenly there are people coming out of their boxes into the square.

Who is a step-parent?

Who had sex in the last week? (Lots of giggling with that one)

And the boxes are breaking up, reshaping, reforming, in one the redneck with the giant biceps is next to a tiny woman in a hijab, it is - mind-boggling. I like my mind boggled.

It is worth watching.

Next time you are truly angry and irritated by someone on CS, remember we don't only stand in our political, religious, nationality, even gender, boxes. We have being single in common (most of us. laugh )

Hands up if you're scared of clowns?
Hands up if you like to hike?
Hands up if you prefer people to animals?
Hands up if you ever had a threatening person at the door?

This is why I like the blogs, especially the unexpected offbeat ones - you suddenly find yourself agreeing with someone you never thought you had anything in common with. wow

And of course this is why I don't personally like the angry point-finger blogs, because that's not where I want to find common ground grin

Shutting up now. But that video is worth 3 minutes of your time. If it isn't coming up for your country, check youtube for "what happens when we stop putting people in boxes"

Comment, don't comment. But a great comment would be one that opened up a new box! I'll personally be in and out as I have teaching today, but this isn't an OP-driven blog anyway. It could poke a hole in your way of looking at others.
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Comments (44)

I rest my case laugh

Don't get me wrong, I've made friends with people I never, ever imagined we'd have things in common but if we're talking about partners, that's a whole different ball game.

Jaysis, I'm getting old! laugh
No you're not, you're still a baby.

And yes, sharing that bottle is on my to-do list one of these days yay And now along with the earworm I have a countdown going in my head to it being bitten off. 10 - 9 - 8 sigh

I really do hope not, but I feel like Charlie Brown running up to the ball Lucy is holding for me to kick.
Tru - but you're here anyway. Aw, that's the mark of a Tru Friend. head banger
Brilliant, I look forward to it....any decent Prosecco in Spain, dahlink?
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by Elegsabiff
created Jun 2017
Last Viewed: May 9
Last Commented: Jun 2017
Elegsabiff has 358 other Blogs

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