Whatever happened...

Whatever happened to buyer beware? Whatever happened to taking responsibility for one's own stupidity? Does anyone ever think they made their own messes anymore?

I see middle aged people on this site every day who think someone else is to blame for their stupidity, butt hurt, and/or their offended sensibilities. Just exactly why do people think they are entitled to someone else acting the way they most prefer? Foolish expectations, especially at our ages. We have a lifetime of proof that says that we have no control over other people, situations, behaviors.

You know what blame does? It puts the blamer in a position of powerlessness. It puts the blamer in the role of victim.

Color me crazy but I'm not giving my power away to anyone. I'll take response-ability for my actions and reactions, thank you very much.

That said, there are some insane people in this world. Cover your a** and trust yourself more than you trust anyone else.

Bunch of weak weak minded people in this world. Baaaahhhhhh.....go the sheep

That is all
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Comments (38)

i want to kick some sense into some people.
I wonder if there are any jobs left driving the karma bus
Weak minded people blame others for their own misery.
Freedim, all you do is rant about how awful women are. You are delusional if you think you are not bitter and abusive toward the female gender
No I'm not....You hate men and you are a SWJ, but I tolerate you and have no ill willwink

Rant way if you wantblah

I can take it and give it out toowink
now i'm becoming jealous
Neither of you two could hold a guys attention for longlaugh I'm bored alreadysleep
that didn't last long. i guess i'll keep writing to the guy in Brussels
You need more stamina to keep up with mewink age should be just a numberlaugh
i can ride a bike 8 miles after a pack of smokes. that's pretty impressive if i say so myself
Freedim, we know the kind of woman who holds your attention.

She makes you a sammich and says yes to everything you want. And she charges $100 for an hour of "service"...up front.

Glad I bore you. Lol
Driving the Karma Bus - that is funny, really funny. Chalk some bad karma up for me - I am going have steal that one. LOL
OG, I love that one too. I wish I'd made it up but alas, I only repeat it. :)
I like a come backgrin YOu might be mystic meg, but you can't read my mindwink Yours is brainwashed and broken, but nevermindidea My sympathies are with you and here is some popcornpopcorn popcorn enjoy the popcornwink

Out of curiosity, are you really Welsh? How and from whom did you hear about me. I don't recall ever having spoken to you before now... dunno
Thanks, Freedim, but as you can see from the content of this blog, I don't need your sympathy.

Sympathy is for people playing the superiority/inferiority game.

Empathy and compassion, I love. heart wings

Now go back to playing your part. The part of the victim. "All them SJW's done me wrong". Boohoohoocrying
Simon, he used to be from Houston...as in "Houston, we have a problem"
10k I know a lot of bloggerswink
Gypo, Your insecurities, your fear and your hate of masculine men, stands out in your posts and exposes you muchrolling on the floor laughing

I do talk about your blue haired friends yes and I will keep talking about your blue haired SJW fem9nist friends, because they are very sick people
I really think you and a User would make a lovely couple, Freedim
... and problems we have plenty, Houston, I'd say. laugh

He's not Welsh though. Not British either judging from his vocabulary I think.
10k your like a vermin that don't go away and festers like a worthless corpseroll eyes
I'm not afraid of masculinity.

Abhor patriarchal bs.

Time for the divine feminine to rise and take her place

Mother Nature is kicking some serious a**. As above, so below. As within, so without.

Better pay attention, a Freedim.
Now your become a pure misandrist gypo and proving my point about your hatred of menwink

The troll likes winding people up...ignore the ignorant...lol...laugh

The manginas are whinging because they are not alpha males...just wannabees...wine
You baited me onto this blog by associating me with that other guys and making up lies, but if not for that I would not be on here commenting at all, because I know your hate and fear for my masculine presence and that's something I can't helpgrin
LouLou, you are so so right.

My bad...frustrated
Loo, You have a choice of manginas in canada and I'm not for changing, so stop trying to change merolling on the floor laughing
I tend to disagree, as it's really a case of what the individual is willing to accept, and how important or valid their causes for concern are .... N.
Interesting profile name, Beaver

So you think you are justified in blaming another for your feelings or circumstances?
Of course you'd need a Jumbotron to claim she grabbed my junk!
can't play both sides of fence either..
gypsy its all human nature, if we do not have diversity then we would never know good from bad, nor happiness from sadness.

the blogs would have hardly any blogs to comment on or play and have fun with laugh laugh
Ouch gt I will need to reread my blog in case I seemed to blame others for my stupidity. I did think I took total responsibility uh oh
You know what blame does? It puts the blamer in a position of powerlessness. It puts the blamer in the role of victim.

Yeh,I do know.Don't need you to tell me.Don't need you to taunt,mock or BLAME me for your need for
Empowerment.That is the Crux of a Movement,all talk and no doing.Stuck, and won't admit it.Victim,not.
Let's not HASH it out,again and again and again and..again and again.smoking nope.
Whatever happened to...you,get over it.violin or professor
Biff, don't ever think I've seen you blame anyone for anything. :). You are the maven of self-responsibility.

Ash, as per usual, I have no idea what you are trying to convey

OG, it is such a strange strange world. Getting stranger by the day. But, it is as it is. It is nice to be able to voice an opinion, though.

Dedo, that's right. We all do what we want to do. That is my point. Can't make anyone conform to our wishes and expectations. It's insane to think we can.wave
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by Gypsytramp
created Sep 2017
Last Viewed: Apr 26
Last Commented: Sep 2017
Gypsytramp has 33 other Blogs

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