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Story of Neng Kuei the basket-maker Pt. 1

Neng Kuei the basket-maker in Ning Po.

By PowerPointParadise 07/10

In the year 1858, Hudson Taylor’s mission in China was beginning to reach some of the Chinese people with the gospel. There was Neng-kuei the basket-maker, Wang the farmer and Tsui the teacher.

One evening, a Mr. Ni passed by the open door where the bell was being rung to announce the time for Bible services to begin. Mr. Ni had never heard the gospel, but he had searched all his life for the truth. He had studied Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and had found no rest.

He stepped in to hear the religious message. As he listened to the message taken from John 3:14-17 about how Christ became sin for all, he understood many things for the first time.

At the close of the service, he arose and announced that he had finally found the peace he had long sought for and that from henceforth he would be a believer in Jesus. He proved true to his word and became one of the most faithful workers in the mission.

One day, he asked Hudson Taylor, “How long have you had the Glad Tidings in your country?” The missionary reluctantly told him, “Some hundreds of years.” “What!” replied Mr. Ni, “My father sought the Truth and died without finding it. Oh, why did you not come sooner?”

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Ad. from Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor.
“As a poor helpless sinner,” Hudson Taylor wrote, Neng-kuei cast himself upon God’s forgiving mercy, and found peace in believing. His love for the Bible was great, and he spent every available moment over its pages. Perhaps it was this that made his Christian life so restful. Wherever he went he carried a blessing with him and many a woman on a back street first heard the message of redeeming love from his lips.

Neng-kuei, too, from the very first was a soul-winner. Not unlike Peter in his fervent, devoted spirit, he also was used to bring the message of salvation to seeking souls whose prayers were known to God alone. One such was daily traversing the streets of Ning-po at this time, in search of a religion of which he knew nothing save that it would bring him peace; and but for a great trial coming into Neng-kuei’s life, he might have been long without finding it.

It was the busy season for basket-makers, and Neng kuei’s master insisted that he must work on Sunday. It was no use reminding him of his agreement, or suggesting that he should call in additional help. No, this idea of resting one day in seven was all very well for foreigners. but, now there was work to be done, Neng-kuei must be broken of it.

“Come to-morrow, or not at all,” was his ultimatum. And the Christian basket-maker knew himself dismissed.

Nor was this the worst of it. For on Monday morning, when he set about seeking other employment, every door was closed. No one wanted workmen, busy season though it was, and Neng-kuei tramped the city in vain.

“The devil is having hard at me,” thought he at last; “but I must and will resist him. If he will not let me have other employment, I will give my time to plucking souls from his kingdom.”

And this he did by spending the rest of the day in distributing tracts, and talking in the streets amid tea-shops with all who were inclined to listen.

Far away from Ning-po, in the beautiful valley of the Feng-hwa river, lay the farming district from which Neng kuei himself had come. There he had learned his trade and married the young wife from whom he had been parted in little more than a year. Her death had been terrible— a death in the dark, like so many thousands, alas, in China every year! Poor Neng-kuei could speak no word of comfort as she was passing from him in anguish and fear. And still there was no voice to tell among all those hills and valleys of Jesus and His redeeming love.

Angel Magazine TFI
socrates44online today!

Missing Years of Jesus

I am aware that, in the Bible, Jesus is mentioned, at the age of twelve, discoursing with the learned men in the temple who were amazed at the wisdom of this young child.(Luke 2:41,46,47)

The next time he appears is to be baptised by John the Baptist at the age of thirty, shortly after which he began his ministry which was for three years.(Luke 3:21,23)

The Bible does mention that after he left the temple, at the age of twelve, he went with his parents to Nazareth and was subject to them. (Luke 2:51).
However, considering the impact of his ministry on the lives of others, and the effect it has on history, this is very inadequate information on what transpired with regard to Jesus, between the ages of twelve to thirty.
What really took place during this period?

Several books have been written by others which seek to fill this gap.
The general concensus seems to be that during that period, Jesus was in the “East”, including India and Tibet.
At the birth of Jesus, the gospels state that “wise men” from the East came to visit him.
If Jesus was in the East during that period, could it be that his teachings, to some extent, were influenced by that “Eastern Wisdom”? Several persons have expressed such a view.

For more information on the subject, do a google search on “lost years of Jesus” which gives several links including the following:

Several “scriptures” have been written, which refer to Jesus, that are not included in the Bible, e.g. “The Gnostic Gospels”.
Did some of these make reference to Jesus spending time in the East during the period from ages twelve to thirty? Were these deliberately omitted?
Who decided which “scriptures” were to be included and which were not?
What was the rationale for such a decision?

Deserted Phone Booths

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by Curtis Peter van Gorder January 2012

A city where I used to live is dotted with deserted public telephone booths. Obsolete and derelict, they stand silent and empty, eerie reminders of their former usefulness, now simply taking up sidewalk space, useless to all but a few spiders that are ever quick to spin their webs in out-of-the-way corners. Ten or twenty years ago, these booths were a vital means of communication. Long replaced by cell phones that are more convenient and capable, these relics are no longer worth the trouble, either to keep up or to tear down.

Those old phone booths strike a sad chord in me. They remind me of people who are stuck in the past because they couldn’t or wouldn’t adapt to the new. Any of us can become like that. If we focus on the past instead of the present and future, we will get out of touch with the world around us and be left behind. The world is ever changing, and we need to be ready to change with it, to learn new skills and continually strive to make progress. That is true of both our physical and our spiritual lives.

The past year was full of learning experiences for me. I moved from the Middle East to India and started a new job. That was certainly challenging. Change is often downright difficult, but I’ve found that it usually works out for my good. I’ve needed to adapt to my new location and situation, and I’ve acquired some new skills in the process.

Human nature seems to want things to remain static, but the ways we did things yesterday are often no longer the best approach to the needs of today. Regardless of whether or not we change with the times, what was cutting edge yesterday often doesn’t cut it today. Take a look at the rapidly changing world of computerized gadgetry to see what I mean. I recently looked through back issues of a popular electronics magazine and couldn’t help but chuckle at the products that were being hailed as “innovative” in their day, but are outdated now.

As the saying goes, “Time and tide wait for no man.” We had better move with the times.
* * *
Your potential lies ahead of you—whether you’re 8, 18, 48, or 80. You still have room to improve yourself. You can become better tomorrow than you are today.—John C. Maxwell

Activated TFI

Dear my friend

Semsu Thank you for enlightened them your point of view even some are not accept it.
you been here and there at least experience taught you, so you knew what actually happen. thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

for you who have narrow minded about Islam. you better travel to Muslim countries and learn about them
if you got beaten by them because of you are non muslim.. then you have right to tell everyone about how bad Muslim is.
My ex fiancee who served in American Air force was deployed to Iraq for battle, the civilians didn't kill him or hate him because he's an American.
they were making friends, so the reality is totally different than as what mass media say.

Terrorism technique used by government to manipulate public opinion in order to further an agenda.

The entire world ruling class, ruling elite comes to see terrorism as
the preferred means, Indeed the only means to provide social cohesion to provide
an enemy image for society to keep it together.
according to Neocon theory from Carl Scmitt, you have to have an enemy image in order
to have society.
a very dangerous thing because now it means that the entire social order, the political parties,
intellectual life, politics in general all based on a monstrous myth ( Webster Tarpley)

there's no Satan verses in Quran, there's no preaching violence if you want to understand ask the the smart Muslim not the ignorant one.
and I believed in each religions, christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddha, Hindu preaching good things. only the minority people who corrupt it.
if you only read from media which spread hatred then you are totally ignorant.

if you are in religions try to dig your religion spirituality then you will understand.
and also think logically, mostly conflict always happened for Asset. The elite will clap their hands for war because they got benefit from it.
they don't care people die suffered. all they care is Money, power of controlling the world. so wake up!
when people telling all Jews/Christian/Muslims/Atheist are bad... how come? I don't believe it because I don't have Jew/Christian/Muslim/Atheist friends who are bad.
they all good to me. how come I say they are bad?
so do not justify things are bad when you are not actually experience with it.
there are only two kind of people in this world, bad people and good people. end of period.
all good christian, all good muslim, all good jews, all good Atheist, all good Spiritual.. lets become one.. pro at peace.

I hope everyone have a nice day.


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Compilation February 2015

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.—Proverbs 11:25 NIV
Remember, there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple.—Scott Adams (b. 1957)
You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it’s a little thing, do something for others—something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.—Albert Schweitzer (1875–1965)
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do.—Edward Everett Hale (1822–1909)
If only we could realize while we are yet mortals that day by day we are building for eternity, how different our lives in many ways would be! Every gentle word, every generous thought, every unselfish deed will become a pillar of eternal beauty in the life to come. We cannot be selfish and unloving in one life and generous and loving in the next. The two lives are too closely blended—one but a continuation of the other.—Rebecca Springer (1832–1904)1
It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)
Human beings who leave behind them no great achievements, but only a sequence of small kindnesses, have not had wasted lives.—Charlotte Gray
In any given day, you have so many opportunities to practice patience, acts of kindness, and forgiveness. You have time to think loving thoughts, smile, embrace others, and practice gratitude. You can practice being a better listener. You can try to be compassionate, especially with difficult or abrasive people. You can practice your spirituality in virtually everything you do.—Richard Carlson (1961–2006)2
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.—Henry Drummond (1851–1897)
Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.—Mother Teresa (1910–1997)
No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.—Amelia Earhart (1897–1937 )
If you stop to think about it, you’d probably be surprised at how many thoughtful little things you could find to do for others that would cost almost nothing and take almost no time. Want to transform your relationships with family, friends, and workmates? Become a master of the five-minute favor.—Shannon Shaylor3
St. Francis of Assisi stated, “All getting separates you from others; all giving unites you with others.” The heart of selflessness is generosity. It not only helps to unite the team, but it also helps to advance the team.—John C. Maxwell (b. 1947)
If we make our goal to live a life of compassion and unconditional love, then the world will indeed become a garden where all kinds of flowers can bloom and grow.—Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926–2004)
Good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.—Charles Spurgeon (1834–1892)
You have been treated generously, so live generously.—Matthew 10:8 MSG

1. Intra Muros, 1922
2. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff at Work (New York: Hyperion, 1998)
3. Love’s Many Faces (Aurora Production, 2010)

Activated TFI [Video posted]

Containers and Content

This is an excerpt from a book I was reading. I just edited it a bit so that I won't attack any religion and added few of my own thoughts.

A local journalist asked me “What would you do, if someone took one of your Holy Books and flushed it down the toilet?”

Without hesitation I answered “Sir, if someone took a Holy Book and flushed it down the toilet, the first thing I would do is call a plumber!” doh

Then went further to explain that someone may blow up many statues, burn down temples, churches and mosques or kill believers or non believers, they may destroy all of this but I will never allow them to destroy my faith, my belief and who I am as a person.

You may flush a Holy Book down a toilet, but you will never flush forgiveness, peace love and compassion down a toilet.

The book is not the religion, nor the statue, the building or the priest. These are only “containers.”

What does the book teach us? What does the statue represent? What qualities are the priests supposed to embody? This is the “content”.

When we recognize the difference between the container and the contents, then we will preserve the contents even when the container is being destroyed.

We can print more books, build more temples and statues and even train more religious figures, but when we lose our love and respect for others and ourselves and replace it with violence, hatred, and intolerance then the whole religion has gone down the toilet.

Religion is what we make what it is. So let's not try to make our religion what is flushed down in a toilet.

Be the content. !!!!

Wishing everyone a peaceful week ahead!!!!
teddybear hug

For Where Your Treasures Are

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Written by Rosane Pereira February 2015

As a child, I loved to visit my grandmother Sabina’s small house in the mountains. My aunt Iota lived next door, so my sister and I would spend our days exploring with our cousins, going to the waterfall, swimming in the river that ran behind the property, or climbing the many mountains in the Mantigueira Ridge. It was heaven on earth for a city girl like me.

Their family didn’t have as much materially as ours did. Once, my cousin Anette said, “I may not be rich in things, but I am rich in my heart, and Grandma told me that is the most important!” That was a new thought for me. Was there another kind of riches other than material ones?

I also remember how impressed I was when my mother took me to see The Ten Commandments1 at a movie theater. Moses could have stayed in his comfort zone until the day he died, but he didn't — he left everything to free his people from oppression. It took me until adulthood to understand how much it must have cost him to follow God.

When I first read the Gospels, one of the stories that stood out to me was the one of the jeweler who discovered a pearl of great price and immediately sold all that he had in order to buy it.2 Jesus explained that this pearl was the kingdom of God, and when I read that, I felt a burning in my heart. I too wanted that pearl!

Jesus also taught: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”3 Being from a metropolitan beach city with a high crime rate, I understood that concept very well.

As I matured, I came to understand more clearly that true riches are not things of this earth; they are joy, peace, love, goodness, faith, and all the other real valuables that God wants to give each of us daily. Ours is the easy part, opening our souls to receive His gifts. If our treasures are in heaven, our hearts will be filled with happiness both now and in the life to come.

1. Cecil B. DeMille. Paramount Pictures, 1956.
2. See Matthew 13:45–46.
3. Matthew 6:19–21.

Rosane Pereira is Brazilian and has been a career missionary together with her late husband, Carlos Cordoba, since 1975. She has eight children and five grandchildren. Rosane is an English and Spanish teacher, translator, and writer. She has authored a book on faith titled: Proofs of His Presence, and is currently writing a second book titled: An Eternal Apprentice.

God's people are called out of every nation and religion on the face of the Earth to become one nation, one people under God.--Not just under Him, but in Him! All the millions of Saints throughout this Earth who know and believe in and love Jesus are part of the Kingdom of God.--Regardless of their race or color or creed or language or nation!

We, who have received Christ, are nothing but Christians in the realm of the Spirit! God doesn't see any fleshly characteristic! In spiritual things there's no longer any Jew nor Gentile, no male nor female, no Black nor White, no bond nor free! (Gal.3:28). "Man looketh upon the outward appearance, but God looketh upon the heart!" (1Sam.16:7). It's the color of the heart that counts!

Activated TFI

Religion Exploded

Religion Exploded
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He’s Watching

He’s Watching
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wow rolling on the floor laughing

All good things done by God alone....

Once…. a man was drowning. He was faithful devotee of God. He always believed that God will help him in times of trouble. When drowning, he found a branch of a tree on the bank nearly sticking out touching the water. He could have caught hold of it and saved himself from drowning. But he did not do so thinking that God would miraculously lift him out of water. Then he found a log floating nearby. He could have caught hold of it and kept himself afloat. But he did not do so. A little while later, a man with a boat came to him and asked him to get into the boat. But the drowning man refused the offer saying that God would help him. When the soul of the drowned man met God in heaven it complained to God that in spite of his being a firm believer in God, he did not help him. Them God smilingly asked the soul. “Who said I did not help you? I tried to help you thrice by offering you the branch, the log and the boat. But you foolishly refused it all. What else could I do than let you drown?” People usually believe that if they pray to God everything will be given to them. That is not entirely true. It is foolish to believe so because God will help only those who are willing to help themselves. wave
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