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chancer_returnsonline today!

What. In. The. World

This is INSANE!!!!!!! This interview (translated in the video) is from a MONTH ago. I don't want to say anything else except WATCH IT!

conversing wave
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I used to pass a homeless man on my walk to work, many years ago. He would be sitting in the same shop doorway every morning, huddled underneath his dirty blanket. I would always drop a pound coin into the little plastic cup that was always standing on the pavement, next to his feet. One morning, a work colleague saw me putting money in the cup, and later commented that I was probably only doing it in order to feel good about myself, rather than out of any genuine concern for the homeless man. I gave a lot of thought to what he had said, and in the end I had to admit to myself that he was right. I was, indeed, using that poor down and out to boost my own self esteem. Of course, as soon as I realised this I stopped giving him money, even though this did cause me a minor inconvenience in having to walk a different, slightly longer way to work.

Since then, I have, on principle, never donated a penny to any charity. I do sometimes feel guilty about this, as there are many worthy causes out there, all in need of funds to execute their good works, but If guilt is the price I must pay for doing the right thing, I am prepared to make that sacrifice.

Before I am held up as some kind of paragon of virtue, I must admit that I have made a small concession to charitable giving. There is a scheme on Facebook whereby one can donate one’s birthday to a charitable cause. I am not really sure how that generates income for the charities, but if they can make a few quid out of something I didn’t really use anyway, good luck to them. I also donated an old wedding anniversary that I don’t need any more.
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Commemoration day in Hungary: 6 of October

We commemorate of the 13 martyr Hungarian generals of the revolution of 1848-49

(This blog ofd mine below specially offered to Hungarians in all ver the world,
Sorry, I did not have any time yet to translate it into English)

Ma (Október 6-án) van az ARADI 13-AK EMLÉKNAPJA, amikor az 1848-49-es szabadságharc leverése után Haynau vezényletével, kötél, és golyó általi halálra ítélték Aradon a 13 tábornokot, és végre is hajtották.
Most kérlek benneteket, gondoljunk rájuk lélekben, szívünkben, tisztelegve a 13 kivégzett hos vértanú elott.
Név szerint:
Aulich Lajos, Damjanich János, Knézich Károly, Lahner György, Leiningen-Westerburg Károly gróf , Nagy-Sándor József, Pöltenberg Erno, Török Ignác, Vécsey Károly gróf, Dessewffy Arisztid, Kiss Erno, Lázár Vilmos, Schweidel József + még három honvédtiszt.
Az, hogy tábornokokat végezzenek ki, és különösen ennyit, nem szokott elofordulni a történelemben! Úgyhogy ez egy példátlan eset volt!...

Nos, itt a tények pontosítása közben, ráakadtam egy idevágó, de különlegesen értékes archív hangfelvételre,- Kossuth Lajos élo beszédére, melyet 1890-ben mondott el szónoklatában az aradiakra megemlékezve,--itt elmondanám, hogyan találjátok meg azt az archív felvételt, ahol ezt saját fületekkel meghallgathatjátok: Aradi vértanúk Wikipédia,- Itt legörgetve az egeret, egészen az EMLÉKEZETÜK alcímhez érve, nem sokkal alatta látjátok meg a hangfelvétel vékonyka kis paneljét. Alatta be van idézve a beszéd szövege is.

Ferencz József császár aztán Magyarországra látogatott, s elotte az Udvarnál felkérték Arany Jánost, hogy készüljön egy üdvözlo beszéddel a császár fogadására. Az anekdota szerint Arany így válaszolt: Készülök!... Ezután írta meg azt az emlékezetes költeményét, melyben szimbólumként használta az angol történelembol hozott példát Edward király esetérol. A címe: A walesi bárdok.
A youtube-on megtaláltam SINKOVITS Imre és KONCZ Gábor eloadásában is. Egyik jobb, mint a másik!
Tehát: ARANY JÁNOS: A walesi bárdok
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chancer_returnsonline today!

Migrant caravans - who's behind them? And timing?

Just like what happened before the 2018 midterm elections, another large migrant caravan is making its way to the southern U.S. border, this time ahead of the 2020 election

If you think it's a coincidence, you're a fool. Some people would like to make a scene right before elections. Manipulate minds. To further the narrative they've been sowing ever since Trump took office(Orange man bad! Hates immigrants!!). Of course Trump just wants immigrants to come LEGALLY, but you'll have some opponents trying to deceptively craft narratives and emotionally manipulate people in order to achieve their ends.
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8 reasons why I don’t drive like a real man.

1. If I’m asked how long it took me to drive from A to B, I don’t deduct 20% off the journey time before I give my answer.

2. If another driver makes a mistake, causing me to brake in order to avoid colliding with them, I don’t tend to press my horn for ten seconds, start waving my arms about, or yell out every obscenity I know.

3. I don’t make excuses for the fact that I didn’t pass my driving test on the first attempt.

4. If I am late in identifying my exit from a roundabout, or find that I am in the wrong lane, I usually just go round it again, rather than veer across the path of those who are not in the wrong lane.

5. Despite driving for a living for most of my working life, I make no claim to be particularly good at it.

6. I don’t know what a Lamborghini looks like, and although I can tell a BMW by its grill, I wouldn’t have a clue what model it was.

7. I would never ever consider having a personalised number plate. I can live with not being a real man if it comes at the price of being a proper wanker.

8. On the three occasions I have been fined for speeding, I didn’t complain about it with pride.
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chatilliononline today!

Harvest Moon...

Thursday, October 1st, 2020 is the next full moon. It's closet to the autumnal equinox and celebrated globally. In North America, it's called the Harvest Moon.
Neil Young released a studio album in 1992, titled Harvest Moon.

Enjoy... !

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World view of Trump lowest of any US president, lower than other country leaders, even Putin.

From Pew Research Center

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WilleyGHorsesonline today!

For those of you who are 'into' Astrology...........

I'm not a 'die-hard follower' of the stuff and don't read my Horoscope religiously or anything, but I just found out that SEVEN PLANETS are in "retrograde"as of right now. This means that whatever that planet has an affect over (many say Mercury 'controls or affects' communication: letters, computers; emails, contracts, etc.
Again, I have not the knowledge or authority to go into each planet, but i Do find it interesting that both Aries and Mars are in retrograde and both are 'conflict/war -centered. So, both of these planets can affect our lives regarding anger, control, lashing out, arguments, etc.
The best thing to do regarding this situation (which will last until Nov. 13th) is to be aware of your feelings and thoughts, especially when they involve interactions with others, whether they be one-on-one or simply driving in traffic. Let yourself have extra time to do things, pre-plan activities so that things will go as smoothly as possible, and be sure to take calming deep breaths when things seem to go off-kilter. be kinder to yourself and notice things that are 'coming up' for yu to look at but no necessarily react to.
Right now this world is one 'wacked out' place and we need to do positive compensations so that the bumps will be as minimal as they can be.
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chatilliononline today!

Steven or Stephen...

Not to offend any one named Steven or Stephen. Pronouncing names differently than their spelling isn't a strong point of mine. If you spell your name Steven I'll call you 'stee-vin' and if you spell your name Stephen, I'll call you 'steff-in' but... maybe that should be 'step-hen' I don't really know.

There must be some European origin to the name Stephen that says it should be pronounced 'stee-vin' and stranger to that is using the nickname 'Steve' for someone who spells their name Stephen. Hey Step, how ya doin?

While I'm at it, Sade is usually pronounced 'sha-day' and not Sadie or 'saa-dee'
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Quote of the day

Something a lot of people recognized, and one of the many reasons most people did not
vote for Trump in 2016. Hopefully, more people will finally recognize, what the rest of us
already understand.
head banger
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