Libya - Latest Updates ( Archived) (926)

Feb 25, 2011 12:10 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
SCatlynSCatlynBrecon, South Glamorgan, Wales UK5 Threads 2,166 Posts
Read p.11-23, and didn't see this already posted

18 hrs. ago-
Obama Condemns Gaddafi's Actions; Death Toll in Libya Estimated at 1000

Yesterday evening, President Obama condemned Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's actions as 'outrageous and unacceptable' and said that the country faces international sanctions for violence against the protesters. Italy's foreign minister, Franco Frattini, estimated the death toll in Libya to be around 1,000.

Said the President about Gaddafi, in 'unequivocal' language:

"The suffering and bloodshed is outrageous and it is unacceptable. So are threats and orders to shoot peaceful protesters and further punish the people of Libya. These actions violate international norms and every standard of common decency. This violence must stop.

The United States also strongly supports the universal rights of the Libyan people. That includes the rights of peaceful assembly, free speech, and the ability of the Libyan people to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. They are not negotiable. They must be respected in every country. And they cannot be denied through violence or suppression......

"Like all governments, the Libyan government has a responsibility to refrain from violence, to allow humanitarian assistance to reach those in need, and to respect the rights of its people. It must be held accountable for its failure to meet those responsibilities, and face the cost of continued violations of human rights."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been dispatched to Europe to attend a meeting of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, to discuss what actions might be taken to stop the violence in Libya.
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Feb 25, 2011 12:15 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
zeus911zeus911Malta, Xlokk Malta8 Threads 2 Polls 1,000 Posts
HMS Cumberland, the British frigate, is reported to have left Benghazi and is heading for Malta. On board are around 79 britons and 2 Maltese evacuated from there. However over a hundred other britons are still stranded at Tripoli airport and even more are still at remote inland locations.
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Feb 25, 2011 12:17 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
SCatlynSCatlynBrecon, South Glamorgan, Wales UK5 Threads 2,166 Posts
zeus911: again you're probably right but once foreign troops step into a country however justified and however expected by the peoples oppressed there, history has showed us that it is never quite so easy to withdraw as this leaves a gaping hole of an imbalance of power which could leave a country worse off than before. I feel it would be best for all sides if the Libyan people were to take control and settle this on their own as is happening in Egypt.
You're right... and the foreign troops get the blame.

Great post
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Feb 25, 2011 12:39 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
SCatlynSCatlynBrecon, South Glamorgan, Wales UK5 Threads 2,166 Posts
chris27292729: America and allied forces,they claimed, freed the Iragis from Saddam and the Afghanis from the Taliban,why don't do the same and intervened,military, and free the Libyans from Gaddafi????
Maybe we're tired of all the criticism that keeps coming our way, despite all the sacrifice - including least of all, the financial cost ...and most of all, the bloodshed of American soldiers.
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Feb 25, 2011 1:52 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
Buffy327Buffy327Somewhere, Georgia USA5 Threads 1,527 Posts
emmaline: hey honey, things are looking for protestors have taken much of the east, and are now celebrating.

along way to go yet, but still good news

thumbs up thumbs up handshake
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Feb 25, 2011 1:53 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
zeus911zeus911Malta, Xlokk Malta8 Threads 2 Polls 1,000 Posts
According to Xinhua news agency, over 2,000 Chinese workers in Libya are expected to be brought to Malta today on a Maltese ship chartered by the Chinese authorities. Previously the ship which left Benghazi yesterday was to head to Crete but for perhaps logistic reasons seems to have been redirected to Valletta Harbour, Malta.

I tis understood that they will remain on board the ship until aircraft come to pick them up, according to the .

Eleven Maltese are understood to be on board the same ship.

In view of the expected influx of escaping evacuees, local authorities are in discussions with local hotels and are even considering pitching tents as a temporary accommodation to handle the expected emergency.
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Feb 25, 2011 1:57 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
MerriweatherMerriweatherAdelaide, South Australia Australia51 Threads 11,403 Posts
zeus911: According to Xinhua news agency, over 2,000 Chinese workers in Libya are expected to be brought to Malta today on a Maltese ship chartered by the Chinese authorities. Previously the ship which left Benghazi yesterday was to head to Crete but for perhaps logistic reasons seems to have been redirected to Valletta Harbour, Malta.

I tis understood that they will remain on board the ship until aircraft come to pick them up, according to the .

Eleven Maltese are understood to be on board the same ship.

In view of the expected influx of escaping evacuees, local authorities are in discussions with local hotels and are even considering pitching tents as a temporary accommodation to handle the expected emergency.

Hi Zeuswave

What is the mood in Malta... I mean, how are the locals reacting to this exodus of people coming to invade your country ??
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Feb 25, 2011 2:06 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
zeus911zeus911Malta, Xlokk Malta8 Threads 2 Polls 1,000 Posts
In the mean time there is still no news about the two Maltese catamarans at Al-Shahab port in Tripoli. However weather conditions have improved drastically and I would assume that the vessels ought to be in a position to start their trip to Valletta, Malta. It is understood that aboard the two vessels are around 600 persons the majority of which are American citizens.

Even if the vessels may leave (or have left) sometime this morning, the trip back will take a considerable number of hours as while the vessels are high-speed Catamarans, the sea conditions are still somewhat rough.
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Feb 25, 2011 2:11 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
Please forgive me to post this in French. I am unable to translate it properly. I hope some of you understand French!
Le Soir - vendredi 25 février 2011, 08:36
Au dixième jour de l’insurrection contre le régime de Mouammar Kadhafi, de nombreux pays ont accéléré jeudi l’évacuation par air, mer et terre de leurs ressortissants, permettant à des milliers d’entre eux de quitter la Libye dans un véritable exode.
Des Belges évacués de Libye
Quarante-deux étrangers, dont neuf Néerlandais et des Belges, ont été évacués jeudi de Tripoli à bord d’un avion militaire envoyé la veille par les Pays-Bas en Libye.

Des milliers de Chinois employés en Libye dans la construction ferroviaire, le pétrole ou les télécommunications ont accosté dans le port d’Héraklion, dans l’île grecque de Crète, au cours d’une gigantesque opération maritime lancée par la Chine à l’aide de ferries grecs. Un premier bateau provenant de Benghazi est arrivé en fin de matinée à Heraklion, chef-lieu de l’île, suivi d’un deuxième, débarquant au total 4.400 personnes, essentiellement de nationalité chinoise.
La Chine, qui envisage d’évacuer 15.000 de ses ressortissants sur les 33.000 Chinois travaillant en Libye, a affrété deux autres ferries. A bord des bateaux arrivés jeudi figuraient également des Thaïlandais, des Sri-Lankais, des Italiens, des Roumains et des Grecs. Un premier groupe de 43 Chinois évacués par avion est arrivé jeudi à Pékin. Il devait être suivi de deux autres vols d’Air China.

D’autres pays d’Asie mettaient en place des opérations d’évacuation pour tenter de rapatrier 60.000 Bangladais, 30.000 Philippins, 23.000 Thaïlandais, et 18.000 Indiens. « Au vu de la grave détérioration sans précédent de la situation en Libye, le gouvernement indien a décidé de commencer immédiatement les opérations d’évacuation pour nos citoyens », a annoncé New Delhi. Un ferry, actuellement en Egypte, devrait bientôt faire route vers Benghazi, puis rejoindre Alexandrie d’où les ressortissants indiens seront rapatriés par avion.
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Feb 25, 2011 2:13 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
Les 1.400 Sud-Coréens encore présents en Libye attendaient vendredi deux avions : un Boeing 747 de Korean Air avec une capacité de 330 passagers et un autre Boeing 777 de EgyptAir, pouvant embarquer 260 passagers. Un navire de guerre sud-coréen patrouillant au large de la Somalie pour lutter contre les pirates, a en outre été dérouté vers la Libye et doit arriver la semaine prochaine, a annoncé le ministère de la Défense.

L’UE veut évacuer ses 6.000 ressortissants
L’Union européenne cherchait jeudi un appui naval militaire pour évacuer ses quelque 6.000 ressortissants encore en Libye, les Etats membres ayant décidé d’activer un mécanisme d’urgence pour mettre en commun leurs ressources.

La Grèce, qui a déjà dépêché une frégate au large de la Libye, s’est dite prête à examiner un appui naval. La Chine a offert d’évacuer 500 Européens à l’aide de ses navires croisant dans la zone.

La Grande-Bretagne a envoyé un avion C-130 Hercules de la Royal Air Force à Tripoli, qui est arrivé à Malte jeudi avec à son bord 51 Britanniques. Au total, deux avions charters et le Hercules ont procédé à l’évacuation de 250 Britanniques jeudi. Une frégate britannique a quitté en fin d’après-midi le port de Benghazi, également pour Malte, avec 200 Britanniques à bord.
L’Allemagne a dépêché deux frégates et un navire d’appui tactique pour évacuer ses ressortissants.

La compagnie aérienne Lufthansa, qui a suspendu ses vols réguliers vers Tripoli, a annoncé avoir transporté ces derniers jours « de 600 à 700 personnes » de Libye vers l’Allemagne.
Un avion militaire français avec 165 touristes, dont 152 Français, en provenance du sud-est de la Libye, s’était posé mercredi soir à Paris. Au total, la France a en deux jours évacué 556 personnes, dont 487 Français.

L’Italie a envoyé un C-130 Hercules à Tripoli, qui devrait quitter la Libye jeudi avec « plusieurs dizaines » de ressortissants italiens et étrangers. Depuis le début des troubles, 800 Italiens, sur les 1.500 vivant en Libye, ont été rapatriés. Un avion militaire envoyé la veille à Tripoli par les Pays-Bas a évacué jeudi 42 étrangers, dont neuf Néerlandais, selon le ministère néerlandais des Affaires étrangères.
La Turquie a annoncé avoir rapatrié plus de 7.000 personnes dont des ressortissants de pays tiers ayant requis son aide. 25.000 Turcs étaient présents en Libye. La Russie a rapatrié 339 de ses ressortissants de Tripoli, arrivés à Moscou à bord de trois avions.

Environ 20.000 personnes ont fui les violences en Libye vers la Tunisie par la route depuis le 20 février, essentiellement des Tunisiens, des Egyptiens, des Chinois et des Libyens, selon un responsable de la protection civile tunisienne.
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Feb 25, 2011 2:14 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
Plus de 30.000 ont fui la Libye
L’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) a estimé au total à plus de 30.000 le nombre de personnes ayant fui la Libye depuis lundi, essentiellement des Tunisiens et des Egyptiens. Près d’un million et demi d’Egyptiens et environ 50.000 Tunisiens travaillaient en Libye. Des vols ont également été organisés pour les rapatrier.

Un ferry affrété par les Etats-Unis pour évacuer leurs ressortissants de Libye – évalués à 650 actuellement – était à quai à Tripoli depuis plus de 24 heures, bloqué par le mauvais temps qui l’empêche d’appareiller pour Malte, selon le département d’Etat. Un peu moins de 300 personnes, dont 118 non-Américains sont à bord.

Près de 200 Canadiens ont été évacués jeudi soir de Libye, grâce à l’aide de pays alliés (Royaume-Uni, Espagne et États-Unis) et après une opération de sauvetage du gouvernement du Canada qui a tourné court, a annoncé le porte-parole du Premier ministre Stephen Harper. Les Canadiens devaient voyager à bord d’un appareil affrété par Ottawa mais ce dernier n’avait pas pu décoller jeudi de Rome en raison d’un refus de l’assureur de l’appareil invoquant des raisons de sécurité.

L’entreprise de travaux publics brésilienne Odebrecht a commencé à évacuer plus de 3.000 employés de diverses nationalités, dont près de 200 Brésiliens, a annoncé jeudi la direction à Brasilia. 446 employés et leurs familles dont 107 Brésiliens sont déjà arrivés à Malte par avion, a précisé l’entreprise. Le même appareil devait effectuer deux autres vols pour transporter 900 autres personnes et un bateau devait arriver à Tripoli pour évacuer 2.000 personnes, a-t-elle ajouté. (afp)
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Feb 25, 2011 2:16 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
DeusExMachinaDeusExMachinahaaltert, Oost Vlaanderen Belgium55 Threads 1 Polls 2,705 Posts
I wonder how we will react if 100 of 1000's even millions new economical asylum seekers from tunisia,egypt,lybia,etc will flood our borders?
Will we still feel the same?
Just a question,nothing more.
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Feb 25, 2011 2:25 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
zeus911zeus911Malta, Xlokk Malta8 Threads 2 Polls 1,000 Posts
Hi Merri!

Mood here is mixed feelings; on the one hand I would say most are rather happy to see our next door rather-unbalanced neighbor being toppled, but being so near this critical situation creates a certain uneasiness in everyone.

As for the coming evacuees, the Maltese people are reknowned for their hospitality and will actually look forward to host anyone coming here en-route to reach his homeland. I'm sure that some Maltese would even be willing to take some people in their own homes if need be as they have done in past situations, notably in both world wars. As a nation Malta has always risen up to any occasion and will surely not back out of this challenge.

That said, the situation for possible Libyans or north africans escaping en-masse to our borders does not go down well here as we have already gotten more than our fair share of such illegal immigration and European countries have not helped much there. But in this particular situation I firmly believe that our European brothers will come in to give us hand if the situation arises.
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Feb 25, 2011 2:32 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
DeusExMachinaDeusExMachinahaaltert, Oost Vlaanderen Belgium55 Threads 1 Polls 2,705 Posts
My friend,from what I hear brussels is not willing to take up those asylum seekers.They are only willing to give some financial support and even that is a maybe.I think brussels would like those asylum seekers in one spot.They don't get lost then and sending them back would be alot easier if things get 'normal' again.
zeus911: Hi Merri!

Mood here is mixed feelings; on the one hand I would say most are rather happy to see our next door rather-unbalanced neighbor being toppled, but being so near this critical situation creates a certain uneasiness in everyone.

As for the coming evacuees, the Maltese people are reknowned for their hospitality and will actually look forward to host anyone coming here en-route to reach his homeland. I'm sure that some Maltese would even be willing to take some people in their own homes if need be as they have done in past situations, notably in both world wars. As a nation Malta has always risen up to any occasion and will surely not back out of this challenge.

That said, the situation for possible Libyans or north africans escaping en-masse to our borders does not go down well here as we have already gotten more than our fair share of such illegal immigration and European countries have not helped much there. But in this particular situation I firmly believe that our European brothers will come in to give us hand if the situation arises.
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Feb 25, 2011 2:53 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
chris27292729chris27292729IOS island, South Aegean Greece93 Threads 15,811 Posts
The sacrifices are right if don't have alterior motives,and if they do have, you have criticism.-In the Libyan case the motives for a military internvention must be clear.- I go in,i defeat the Libyan remaining forces under Gaddafi,i hand the fate of the country to the Libyan people to sort the fate of the country by themselves,and withdraw my forces straight after.
SCatlyn: Maybe we're tired of all the criticism that keeps coming our way, despite all the sacrifice - including least of all, the financial cost ...and most of all, the bloodshed of American soldiers.
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Feb 25, 2011 2:58 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
DeusExMachinaDeusExMachinahaaltert, Oost Vlaanderen Belgium55 Threads 1 Polls 2,705 Posts
You will leave libia after the victory.But to whom?And when?After a day,a week,a year,5 years?Look at Iraq,look at afghanistan.
It is not as easy as you think.
chris27292729: The sacrifices are right if don't have alterior motives,and if they do have, you have criticism.-In the Libyan case the motives for a military internvention must be clear.- I go in,i defeat the Libyan remaining forces under Gaddafi,i hand the fate of the country to the Libyan people to sort the fate of the country by themselves,and withdraw my forces straight after.
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Feb 25, 2011 3:06 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
chris27292729chris27292729IOS island, South Aegean Greece93 Threads 15,811 Posts
The military mission by the west,must be crystal clear."" we go in,we defeat Gaddafi's forces,we hand the rights to the Libyan people,how they want to be governed,before even forming a goverment,and we leave"",and is up to the Libyans what to do,with their new found freedom.
zeus911: again you're probably right but once foreign troops step into a country however justified and however expected by the peoples oppressed there, history has showed us that it is never quite so easy to withdraw as this leaves a gaping hole of an imbalance of power which could leave a country worse off than before. I feel it would be best for all sides if the Libyan people were to take control and settle this on their own as is happening in Egypt.
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Feb 25, 2011 3:09 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
time4fun4utime4fun4uAlicante, Valencia Spain18 Threads 1 Polls 10,066 Posts
chris27292729: The military mission by the west,must be crystal clear."" we go in,we defeat Gaddafi's forces,we hand the rights to the Libyan people,how they want to be governed,before even forming a goverment,and we leave"",and is up to the Libyans what to do,with their new found freedom.
I see your point,but i think at the moment,they should be left alone,and given the chance to out him themselves.
Winning ones freedom on your own efforts,is much prefered than other nations stepping in.cheers
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Feb 25, 2011 3:11 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
SCatlynSCatlynBrecon, South Glamorgan, Wales UK5 Threads 2,166 Posts
chris27292729: I was replying to ttom500 and i do believe the attack on Iraq and Afghanistan was wrong,though i will have no problem with US forces attacking Libya and free the people from this insane dictator.-
U.S. forces didn't go to Iraq & Afghanistan to free the people in those countries.

If we had, we'd be even more criticized. We went for reasons of National Security.

-Most Americans, however, were overjoyed to see the capture of Saddam from his hidey hole. The majority of Americans don't like seeing any people oppressed & tortured.
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Feb 25, 2011 3:12 AM CST Libya - Latest Updates
LillymLillymSliema, Majjistral Malta33 Threads 3,391 Posts
zeus911: You're right Deus, Brussels as most of Euope have for the last years been resisting Malta and Italy's request for "burden sharing" when it comes to relocating the high influx of illegal immigrants in the last years.
However this is an etraordinary situation and in the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Brussels yesterday, most EU states have pledged their concrete support to Malta, Italy and other southern EU states which might be effected by an ‘invasion’ of Libyan and other sub-Saharan Africans as a result of the current turmoil.

On the other hand, Sweden kept resisting burden sharing in this eventuality stating that Malta and Italy might be exaggerating.

Asked to confirm the reports, Maltese Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici said Malta was very satisfied with the promises made by states that they would help in such an eventuality.

“I think that we have made our position clear and I am satisfied with the response received,” he said, and added “We were assured that a solidarity emergency fund will be at our disposal in case what we fear eventually happens.”

Maltese workers arriving from Libya have been quoted as saying 'Don't know what the panic is all about'. What do you think? Is the situation being exagerated?
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