Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no... ( Archived) (282)

May 9, 2007 7:43 PM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
Ruugged55Ruugged55craig, Colorado USA18 Posts
Hooray Hillbillyhoney
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May 9, 2007 7:51 PM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
Ruugged55Ruugged55craig, Colorado USA18 Posts
We all have opinions and we all percieve facts differently
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May 9, 2007 7:58 PM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
OslojenteOslojenteOlso, Oslo Norway142 Threads 1 Polls 4,992 Posts
The war you had between eachother is sooo long back in time compared to other wars, so you really need to get over it...

We all remember 9.11 (or 11.9 as I would put it) and it was a terrible thing!!! I agree with you totally!

But that does not give you (as a country) to invade another country and kill its people, and ruin everything there...

As for being in a disaster area, and needing help... of course the rest of your country should rush to your aid... Remember Katrina... Europe rushed to your aid... and as pointed out before on this thread, Bush even turned up, even though he didn't "have to"...
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May 9, 2007 8:00 PM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
OslojenteOslojenteOlso, Oslo Norway142 Threads 1 Polls 4,992 Posts
I hate typos... countries!!!!
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May 10, 2007 1:33 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
Ok now you are comparing what happened here to Katrina.How do you toss this in.We had a devastastating flood here it took lives and alot lost all they had.Similar I grant you but in no comparision with it.As for Bush he was here attending memorial at Virginia Tech.And the rest of the country does what it always does in time of need.We can be there in times when needed.We dont look at someones plight,as something new to talk about.I nstead of kicking someone when they are down,why not help them up.And feel happy to do it.Our country not only does this for its citizens.But we do it for other countries.I have yet to hear you say that the US is there when a disaster occurs.To give what we can to help make it better.But to some you think our soldiers are out there killing for the thrill of it.Do you think its a thrill for a young soldier not married long.He never gets to see his new born.Because while out doing his duty,he is killed .And shot by one those insurgents you want us to feel sorry for.Take a look at what is going on around you.See it as you should not how they want you to.You should have learned long ago about yellow journalism.All its purpose is to report,what they percieve to be right.Not what really is.But like I said everyone has their view.You listen to mine and I listen to yours.thumbs up
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May 10, 2007 1:58 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
highfidelityhighfidelityEurope, Lower Saxony Germany37 Threads 2,287 Posts
applause Congratulations - it is possible to talk without insulting each other applause

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May 10, 2007 2:01 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
kevdufkevdufColumbia, Missouri USA7 Threads 1,386 Posts
Whoooo Hooooooo!!!!!applause cheers handshake
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May 10, 2007 2:09 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
homer1homer1Luxembourg, Luxembourg15 Threads 572 Posts
That would be heaven - terminally boring. 'Perfect' cant exist without 'imperfect'. The two together makes 'perfect'. Utopia is one's preferred balance between perfect and imperfect. Never forget that an angel is nobody in particular in heaven!

wine handshake
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May 10, 2007 12:59 PM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
UlimaroaUlimaroaCologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany121 Threads 38 Polls 5,629 Posts
balloons balloons balloons balloons balloons balloons

balloons balloonshappy birthday High-Fidelity happy birthday balloons

balloons balloons balloons balloons balloons balloons
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May 11, 2007 4:19 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
highfidelityhighfidelityEurope, Lower Saxony Germany37 Threads 2,287 Posts
Never satisfied, the Bush administration now wants expanded warrantless spying authority within and outside the country requesting Congress amend the FISA law legalizing what it's already doing anyway, law or no law. On May 2, director of national intelligence, Mike McConnell, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee claiming the president may legally authorize warrantless surveillance (under the Constitution's Article II making him commander-in-chief) but wants FISA amended so it can do it without challenge it'll ignore anyway. It also wants to fix and modernize what McConnell calls "communication gaps" in intelligence gathering including "monitoring" the internet, cell phones and other new technology as well as "transit traffic" international phone calls and emails.

Amendments requested would further erode laws protecting against illegal searches and seizures and our First Amendment rights connected to them. They would also allow surveillance of any non-citizens in the country "reasonably expected to possess, control, transmit, or receive foreign intelligence information while such a person is in the United States," even if they're not a target of an investigation. In addition the administration wants legal cover to spy on anyone it claims engages in activities related to buying or developing WMDs, even with no evidence to prove it. Bottom line: the Bush administration wants Congress to give it near limitless authority to spy on anyone in any way in the name of national security, and sadly, rhetoric aside, this complicit Congress will likely give in, further eroding what little freedom we still have.
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May 11, 2007 4:19 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
highfidelityhighfidelityEurope, Lower Saxony Germany37 Threads 2,287 Posts
One program is called the Threat and Local Observation Notice (TALON) to conduct domestic intelligence by amassing a huge data base, again spuriously related to "terrorism." It focuses on war protesters targeted by police state monitoring of their constitutional right to freely oppose the nation's illegal wars of aggression, meaning in Pentagon-think they're threats to national security in the age of George Bush. Now the Pentagon has second thoughts after drawing flack for its illegal intrusions against peace activists. Under secretary of defense, James Clapper, announced through his spokesperson in late April TALON's results have been disappointing and doesn't "merit (being) continued (as) the program (is) currently the light of its image in Congress and the media."

What he's likely saying is TALON's activities will be rebranded and continued, the same way all improperly intrusive domestic spying activities drawing flack are carried out in impressive Orwellian style. What he's not saying is all Pentagon domestic spying/surveillance programs violate the Posse Comitatus Act's prohibitions against them. However, last year's Public Law 109-364 (HR 5122 - Defense Authorization Act) revised the 1807 Insurrection Act and 1878 Posse Comitatus allowing the president illegal authority to give the military free reign on claims of a public emergency or that old standby "national security" in the "war on terror." That includes monitoring freely expressed speech and cracking down on it if so ordered.
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May 11, 2007 4:29 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
highfidelityhighfidelityEurope, Lower Saxony Germany37 Threads 2,287 Posts
Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution defines the strict limits of what George Bush makes light of.

It states: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court." Crimes of treason include:

-- armed insurrection or rebellion;

-- mutiny or unlawfully taking over command of the US government or military;

-- sabotage including damaging or tampering with national defense material;

-- sedition intended to incite rebellion;

-- subversion defined as free speech gone too far by blatantly transmitting false information;

-- Syndicalism that's an act of organizing a political party or group advocating the violent overthrow of the government;

-- Terrorism defined as the systematic use of violence or threats of violence to intimidate or coerce the government or whole societies by targeting innocent noncombatants.

Speaking for the president, an unnamed White House spokesman said in January, 2003 George Bush "considers this nation to be at war, and, as such, considers any opposition to his policies to be no less than an act of treason" although he had no legal basis to say it, and publicly expressed opposition to government policies is not an act of treason as the Constitution defines it above.
Nonetheless, according to Bush-think: "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists," and by implication are guilty of treason. According to Bush, if a US citizen or foreign state "continues to harbor or support terrorism (it) will be regarded by the United States as a hostile power," meaning, justified or not, line up behind George Bush, or else.
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May 11, 2007 4:36 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
highfidelityhighfidelityEurope, Lower Saxony Germany37 Threads 2,287 Posts
The Last Frontier of Press Freedom and Crucial Battle to Save It If the telecom and cable giants prevail, lawmakers will remove the few remaining regulatory barriers remaining giving them full control over what they already have most of plus one remaining free and open public media space - the online world of internet communication still able to produce material like this article free from the censoring power of media giants or government to prevent.

Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, says in his book, Digital Destiny, the telecom and cable companies are lobbying ferociously for "new national connect everyone to what they call a 'superbroadband' Internet highway. (If they get their way), the companies vow that the nation will benefit from advances in healthcare, improvements in the quality of life for senior citizens, and major boosts for jobs and the economy."
But to achieve this, government must get out of the way and give the media giants free reign as "Competition....will address any problem once handled by law or regulation and also bring us the promised digital cornucopia."
It's hard believing any sane person would buy this argument, but who said lawmakers invoke reason or the public interest when huge campaign contributions are the mother's milk of politics, and no need guessing where they come from.

Today, the internet is last frontier of press freedom Net Neutrality supporters, are fighting back to save.
We're up against giant corporate predators aiming to take from us what's ours, and going against them is no easy task. There's even an astonishing and threatening report by Steve Watson ( that federal government funded researchers "want to shut down the internet and start over, citing the fact that at the moment there are loopholes in the systems whereby users cannot be tracked and traced all the time." They call their proposed substitute Internet 2 claiming it would be faster and more streamlined for those willing to pay more for it.

Supporters of this idea won't say telecom and cable giants will control it, and they and government regulation would allow only "appropriate content" in the fast lane with whatever else is allowed "relegated to the slow lane internet." What's even more at stake is a free and open public internet space, as we know it, that will almost certainly disappear if this new scheme is developed with powerful gatekeepers in charge deciding what's published, what's not, and how much users will be charged.

Also at stake is bipartisan support for "all out mandatory ISP snooping on all US citizens" plus the Pentagon's recently announced "effort to infiltrate the Internet and propagandize for the war on terror," its foreign wars, and all others to come. Further, there are government efforts to force bloggers and activists "to register and regularly report their activities to Congress."

Non-compliance could result in a prison term up to one year.

If only we would realize - when this happens its the most powerful Dictatorship ruling the world -
very mad frustrated blues
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May 11, 2007 4:52 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
fireliterfireliterAllen Park, Michigan USA502 Threads 14 Polls 5,902 Posts
all true... they are setting up the foundation for this.
I can rant and scream from the rooftops "look, see what is about to unfold and be.

then a freindly voice from the ground yells up and says "come down old man this will not occur in your lifetime....."

then a nieghbor across the way screams from her window "This is not what is meant by freedom of speech, you old coot" get down off your roof its 4 in the morning, and please get some clothes on!!"

yeah I remember when defending the freedoms of others meant something beside jut a profit.

and yeas both where right even if its the middle of may its chilly outsdie at 4 am.
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May 11, 2007 4:57 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
kidatheartkidatheartFruitvale, British Columbia Canada30 Threads 16,544 Posts
It's been in the makings for years. All that's left is to clean up the details and implement their supreme control. It doesn't matter who's at the helm. Bush, Blair, Harper, Howard, they're not in control anyway. They're just the face men for the one's making the decisions behind closed doors.

Highfidelity, keep posting, there are some that do read
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May 11, 2007 5:08 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
highfidelityhighfidelityEurope, Lower Saxony Germany37 Threads 2,287 Posts
rolling on the floor laughing come quickly down before they sent you the white coats .. dohhug kiss peace
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May 11, 2007 5:14 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
fireliterfireliterAllen Park, Michigan USA502 Threads 14 Polls 5,902 Posts
rolling on the floor laughing they scary thing is I'll be up there tommorrow or on the porch yelling across the street

"have you heard what they doing to us now?"

but tomorrow I'll take a bigger cup of coffee and wear robe, even that "white coat" if they get here before i start.

rolling on the floor laughing
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May 11, 2007 8:38 AM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
solitaresolitareBariloche, Rio Negro Argentina40 Threads 4,041 Posts
One day soon there just might be some pounding on your door and thousands of others and as you look out the window holes that the teargas canisters made, you may glimpse those guys in the white coats, behind the swat teams ready to charge you when you open the door, or try to nab you as you exit a window and jump...not fun, been there, done that several times; actually, it started to get rather boring...
Some of the posts have made me wonder about what has become of one of the most outspoken social critics of the entire "Burning Bush" evangelical need for war against the world, Micheal Moore and his old People's Democratic Republic of Television that he had on TV as "The Awful Truth"...I wonder if the alleged threats from the monkey house...white house, about putting him through tax audits and making it hard for him to work anymore, have been carried out. Moore's latest project about the total fraud of the US "health system" is, as far as I know, finished...where is it...where is Michael Moore, to further expose Bush and his cabal...with wit, humour and deadly sarcasm...I miss him...
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May 11, 2007 12:34 PM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
highfidelityhighfidelityEurope, Lower Saxony Germany37 Threads 2,287 Posts
He is at the Cannes Film “SiCKO,” it has been selected to be part of the main program of this year's Cannes Film Festival.

-- Meghan O'Hara, Producer, SiCKO

says :

'SiCKO,' Michael Moore's new movie, will rip the band-aid off America's health care industry. Premiering at the Cannes Film Festival in just one week and opening across the U.S. on June 29th, 'SiCKO' will expose the corporations that place profit before care and the politicians who care only about money. Our health care system is broken and, all too often, deadly. The efforts of the Bush Administration to conduct a politically motivated investigation of Michael Moore and 'SiCKO' will not stop us from making sure the American people see this film.

On September 11, 2001 this country was attacked. Thousands of Americans responded with heroism and courage, toiling for days, weeks and months in the ruins at Ground Zero. These 9/11 first responders risked their lives searching for survivors, recovering bodies, and clearing away toxic rubble. Now, many of these heroes face serious health issues -- and far too many of them are not receiving the care they need and deserve. President Bush and the Bush Administration should be spending their time trying to help these heroes get health care instead of abusing the legal process to advance a political agenda.

Yes he is needed to voice out again !
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May 11, 2007 8:54 PM CST Imagine what would be ...if we all stand up and say no...
agmanagmanEagle, Idaho USA3,145 Posts
Alright Michael Moore rocking the boat again. That is great.
Love this stuff, very intertaining. Of course I havnt seen
his other movies yet because I rather keep the money.
But I look forward to the promos. rolling on the floor laughing
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