Men Drought or Flood

Men Drought or Flood

What turns them on,
Rocks their boat,
Turns their heads,
Rocks their world
What does it take?
To find your soul mate
What's the secret recipe
Secret ingredient
I think u have to respect yourself
Demand it
Or they surely won't!
Let your guard down for a second
And then the grade goes from
A for effort
D for Dud failure to Launch
Men can be finicky
They don't know what they want either
They surely want their money's worth
In well made clothing
Want it hot but not too soon
Respect dignity & the chase?
Just like a pasture w one stallion 2 mares
Black Morgan's
The one who has him chase her
he desires her more and puts up quite a run for hours days
But the one that puts it in his face
It's not thrilling exciting
He doesn't desire her
A lot can be viewed by watching this mating courtship of horses it won't Happen till
She is in season willing & ready
Not just if he is ready
He tests the waters for
His nose to seek the aroma of estrogen
Perfume companies know this

It's called the mating game
On Connecting Singles

It can be
It's Raining Men
Or A Dessert Storm
Drought of None Zero
Men r a rare breed
Can't live without em'
Nor with them
They r much different than women
Even if raised under the same roof
Same mother
It appears
They have a different taste agenda sometimes
And they surely
R not always
Willing to share their agenda
Gameplay playbook
They want to win their way
Strategically planned
Like a game of chess
Love manipulation scheming honest deceitful
Not always forthcoming
A brother in law
Once told me if he didn't get what he wanted
It was his own fault
That he either didn't
Cry enough
Beg enough
Lie enough
Whatever enough to play the game Strategy
For the particular one different from others
Trying to find her buttons to activate
All unique to their needs
My sister once fell far for a man Oliver
He was a divine dancer to dance w or view
They courted for quite some time
Then he moved in
His pick up line
Was he was terribly lonely
From his wife and daughter
Killed instantly in a
Head on collision
She had great sympathy for him
And enjoyed him immensely
Till one day
The Rest of the story!
A woman somehow got her number
And called saying I hear my husband is living w u
No I haven't been in an accident
My daughter and I r very much alive
I the sister never forgot how handsome he was dancing w his jeans and cowboy boots
Oliver & Olivia
Would b beautiful names
For a couple or twins!
Well she my sis decided to leave Florida
Left w no goodbye but the road to
Alaska or Bust
She thought revenge would be sweet
It wasn't it was bitter it stung
She missed him terribly
She wished she would have chosen
The channel of forgiveness instead
They were Intense together
Mentally physically
He was the utmost attentive man
Maybe the woman who called was a liar
Maybe it was not true
She regretted she could never find him again
His numbers and addresses didn't work when she tried
In her soul she always wonders
He was a dream
In his jeans
His curves rhythm
His attention to her divine
From his eyes to his cowboy hat to country dancing
To his sexy arms Bod chest thighs
Clear to the silver tips on his cowboy boots
Mmmm ... Beautiful body language poise stance
Like a male stallion horse his eyes smile hat chest hands arms legs thighs feet a sculpture work of art
It would have been great to have him and her model for me to get that on film for a picture of an intense couple
Like Morgan freeman all in black w his jeans and cowboy boots makes a statement
Men and women r surely not from the same planet
Men r from mars women r from Venus
An age old mystery
I just want One
Loving good attentive honest tall
One that has a reasonable amount of his time for me!
"A woman wants her cowboy
Like he wants his rodeo!"
Fm the Garth Brooks song

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: Nov 2019
About this poem:
and world earth times
More later maybe edit

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